Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 20: You can roll it!

"Hello aunt, this is the wolf's eyes you want." Under the neck tree, Ye Tianxie traded the eyes of the ten wolves to the strange old lady's hand, and then the tone of the task was completed. ...but the "mysterious" mission rewards made Ye Tianxie almost scream.

"Oh... you completed the task ‘the request of the sealed old man’ and got the reward for the mission: 10 points experience, 1 silver coin.”

Ten wolf eyes only gave 10 points of experience and a silver coin reward. 10 wolf eyes are selling two silver coins in the store... Ye Tianxie would like to ask, wife, do you dare to even more tips?

"Thank you young people, these wolf eyes will help me a lot. Young people, you can see that you are very enthusiastic and brave. Would you like to collect 100 wolf eyes for me?" The old man lifted up The dry bar is like a bark face, although the mouth is formatted for appreciation, but there is no appreciation of the color in the eyes, only the near-empty indifference.

"Oh... the sealed old man asks you to help her collect the eyes of a hundred wolves. Task attributes: normal, duration: no, mission reward: unknown."


The second request of the old lady makes Ye Tianxie relieve. Obviously, this is a continuous task, and the rewards of the first phase of the continuous task are often tricky to negligible, and the rewards will become more and more rewarding with the task. High, if this is a multi-segment continuous task, will the next one be the eyes of two hundred wolves? Going down? Three hundred?

Ye Tianxie was too lazy to talk nonsense, and returned directly to the wolf valley to continue to kill the fierce wolf. As soon as he stepped into the territory of the fierce wolf, the fierce wolf that smelled the breath of life was swarming up, and then became a dead wolf under the two sweeps of fate.

Two strikes are bound to be fatal, and are a group attack in the two-meter range. Even an average level 5 level six-level leveling team can't match the efficiency of Ye Tianxie at this time. Gradually, after ten minutes, the original group of attacking fierce wolves turned into a single one, and after another ten minutes, Ye Tianxie voluntarily rushed to the fierce wolf in the distance, and passed ten A few minutes... The surrounding is empty and can't see the existence of the fierce wolf, and it is hard to brush one out. If it is not standing still, it will be directly killed by Ye Tianxie. Not a small small valley was actually occupied by him alone.

"Oh... your level has risen to level 3, life.


, get 5 free attribute points. ”

Counting the eyes of more than 300 fierce wolves in the backpack, Ye Tianxie finally stepped out of the wolf valley again. It is unfortunate... It should be said that the people of Hongye League have unfortunately met him again.

Still the last five people. There are 100,000 novice villages in Huaxia District. It is not easy to assign five people to the same novice village. The leading red leaf iron wall has a whole face, and Ye Tianxie, who has no expression on the front, said: "Xietian, we have collected 100 gold coins. After the transaction, we will also attach a 3rd-level two-handed weapon. We Hongye League will recognize you as a friend."

d gold coins, this number is not awkward for them at this moment, in order to prevent night long dreams, they cost a great price to get the hundred gold coins in the shortest time, and then arrived here the first time. Fortunately, fortunately for them, they found Ye Tianxie at once.

"Hongye League? Is it very powerful?" Ye Tianxie grinned, and the sound and expression did not hide the meaning of contempt.

The red leaf iron wall expression was a yin, and it immediately eased again. It said faintly: "Our Red Leaf League is not comparable to the Godland Alliance and the Wings of the Sky, but it is not something that ordinary people can provoke. We have more than ten thousand who will never give up. Brothers, even if it is a **** domain and a wing of heaven, we will never be afraid. It will not take long for us to step on their soles!"

The name of the **** domain alliance and the wing of the sky, Ye Tianxie is not unheard of. He went up two steps and walked to the front of the red leaf and extended his right hand: "100 gold coins, take it."

The red leaf iron wall was unmoved, and said with a cold face: "With one hand and one hand, our Hongye League has never had the habit of paying the money first."

"I don't have the same." Ye Tianxie took back his hand and aimed at him with half of his eyes: "The credibility and style of your Hongye League has made me and you have no trade at the same time. Either give money or roll it."

The harsh ridicule and disdain made the five faces of Hongye Meng all sullen. In the past game career, the words "Hongye League" shouted out, who would dare to admire the three points, even fleeing from the wind, and who had been so despised... and, there is only one person, they are five people. .

The two-handed sword of the trainee warrior has been lifted up and blocked by the red leaves. They are now doing the first thing to get the strange weapon that the lord Hongye Lifeng wants. It’s not the time to use it... If you can, they’ve already Choosing to cut him directly out of all the equipment on his body, but before the fight, but in ten seconds, all four people will be solved by him alone. In order to complete the tasks assigned by the lords, they can only be patient.

"Well..." The red leaf iron wall took a long breath and said slowly: "There was indeed a loss in the first place. We can deliver your gold coins first. I believe that you will not make a match against our entire Red Leaf League. The unwise move, although you are very strong, there is a person who singles out the strength of our five people, but behind us is the brother of 100,000 Hongye League, whether to be a friend or an enemy, we believe that you will make the most sensible s Choice."

Compromise is a huge threat, threatened by the 100,000 player power of the Red Leaf League. This threat is enough to hold almost all players... but this time he obviously uses the wrong object. Some people are not afraid of threats on the contrary, but on the contrary they will be regarded as the most suitable excuse for killing.

On the front of the red leaf, a hundred gold coins were traded to Ye Tianxie. When the prompt of the successful transaction sounded in the ear, Ye Tianxie’s backpack suddenly had a hundred more golden coins. The smile on Ye Tianxie's face was obviously bright. He turned half-turned and said carelessly: "Okay, I will accept the money, you can roll it."

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