Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 215: 夭夭发威

Wan bone ruins.

The ruins of the bones are still there, the sky is still dark, and the taste is still pungent and suffocating. Ye Tianxie went to the south for two days, day and night, and returned to Tianchen City on the third day, and once again came to the ruins of Wangu.

The first time I came here, I just got some eyebrows and was forced to send out because of the long time. This time, the difference with the last time is that Ye Tianxie is no longer alone. There are two companions - 夭夭 and Beckham.

In the past, the attributes of cockroaches were too fragile. Being hit by monsters casually would be a fate to hang, but after the ability of the ice caves suddenly increased, not only the property and healing ability soared, but also a few strong protections. Class skills, there are walls of vengeance and the wall of the sky barrier, even if you want to hurt it, you have to look at it or not, Ye Tiangengen does not have to worry about the safety of the cockroach.

Beckham, in the past two days, relied on some random monsters to rise to the fifth level, life reached 1500, attack power increased to 450, the increase is strong, so that Ye Tianxie is small.

Whether it is a demon or a Beckham, they do not show any discomfort to the taste of the human life here. Instead, they are looking forward to the surrounding scenery with excitement, leaving Ye Tianxie silent. He evoked a sweaty BMW and rushed to the ruins of the bones ahead.

Immediately, he suffered a completely different situation from entering the first time.

The first time he entered the ruins of the bones, he spent the entire two hours in an infinitely repeating scene, only in the last minute he encountered the undead of a group of suddenly appearing warriors. He also realized that at that time... As long as he can find a soldier's undead and defeat him, he can bring more wake and anger of the warrior's undead - this is the only thing he can think of. This kind of situation will not exist for no reason, and it should have an inevitable connection with the skeleton of the **** of war.

However, completely beyond his expectations, he has not yet begun to try to provoke a soldier's undead, just stepped into the ruins of the bones, and there was a sudden commotion in the surrounding ground. The worn armor weapons flew out from the ground of the cheekbones, and then each Combine them together and combine them into a sturdy, transparent warrior with a focus on the shape of the blade.

Why did it appear at the beginning? Ye Tianxie stopped his body and felt a puzzle in his heart. While he was puzzled, the undead of the eleven warriors lifted their swords in different directions and attacked his body.


Ye Tianxie has not yet acted, Beckham has jumped down from the horse on the back of the horse, the body has not yet landed, and a hitting punch has been volleyed in the front of the warrior undead, four damage figures Overlapping into a damage that is almost enough to kill it twice, the armor and weapons that have just gathered together suddenly scatter and scatter on the wet ground that is full of bones.

Beckham’s body kept going, just as it landed, and rushed to another soldier’s undead. A “kick” kicked it away and then moved to the next target in a lightning-fast manner. It is a taekwondo that will kill the soldiers. The undead warriors who appeared were only ten meters away from Ye Tianxie, and in the short time they were close to Shi Tianxie from ten meters away, the eleven warriors were killed twice and kicked one. . The remaining eight have finally approached the leaves around Ye Tianxie.

Quietly squatting on the horse's head, silently glanced at the breeze that was in front of the owner, and then slowly got up from the horseback - since he is already a pet, he wants to get the owner. The pet will quietly become their energy. In the past, when the owner only had it, there was nothing, but now there is another violent attribute. The grotesque cat with a strong competing power, and Ye Tianxie’s cruel soul contract are inevitable. Consciousness, so...

With a little contemptuous eyes, I swept the nearby warrior's undead, and I didn't jump from the moment, nor did I use the only skill with revenge, but it was very casual. A "black spirit cure".

The white light shone in the body of Ye Tianxie and Beckham. At the same time, two green recovery numbers float on the head.


At this time, Ye Tianxie just stopped preparing for the fate of the moment and stopped in the air, his face showing obvious mistakes.


The white light not only appeared on Ye Tianxie and Beckham, but also in the body of all the soldiers who were close to Ye Tianxie. In this flash of white light, all the soldiers died. The movements were stagnant, and then all scattered into unconscious armor and weapons, unable to accumulate on the ground...

The undead of the eight warriors were all spiked in an instant - killing them, it turned out to be awkward.

Ye Tianxie’s surprise lasted for a second and he immediately understood. The undead of the warrior is undoubtedly the undead monster supported by the body after death, fearing the skills of light and life. This fear does not only refer to the attack techniques of these two departments, but also their auxiliary skills... ... 夭夭 玄 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的

For these undead creatures, the healing power of the scorpion is fatal - many times more than the violent attack of Beckham. And this one, the entire limelight of Beckham has been robbed. A fast-paced wind, three times solved three times... one casually, all solved.

"Hey?" Beckham, who had no target, turned back, his head tilted, his face was puzzled, and he obviously didn't know what had happened.

"In this case... hey, this time you have to rely on you."

The sound of Ye Tianxie just fell, and the ground in the distance suddenly began to be more intense. In the sight of Ye Tianxie, between 10 meters and 30 meters around the body, countless armor weapons flew up to form a There are no body warriors undead...the number is more than thirty!

Even the dozens of various grades of 20-level luxury lineups, Ye Tianxie, have easily defeated them, and they will be afraid of these 20-level ordinary monsters, waiting for them to rush, Ye Tianxie has driven the horse Before, just approaching, the "Xuan Ling Healing", which had just been cleared by the cooling time, was launched, and the dozens of warriors around the dead were killed in an instant. Ye Tianxun turned his body and attacked another piece. The dragon splits and succeeded. Every hit must be in every second, and Beckham rushed up behind it. It has oo. The moving speed of n~et150, coupled with the small size of the body, is even more unpredictable. Under the attack of the undead warrior, the east flashes west, and the cold is a taekwondo. The evil spirits are all seen in a burst of gaze, not to mention the undead warriors who are unresponsive under the control of death consciousness. Beckham had five fighters in the dead, and he was not touched.

When the cool-down time of the mysterious healing was cleared again, the last ten of the warrior's undead were left, and the black-eyed healing of the scorpion was all killed again. The healing range of Xuan Ling Healing is a circular range of five meters around itself. All the soldiers who are close to it within five meters will be ruthlessly deprived of their lives. The efficiency is higher than that of Ye Tianxie and Beckham. Times.

There is no strong group attack skill, which has always been a resentment and a hard wound in Ye Tianxie's heart.

Oh la la...

Still not over, the inciting voice came again, and a large group of warrior undead formed in a farther position around his body. Under the eyes of Ye Tianxie’s gaze... the number actually increased to almost twice that of the previous one.

There was only one undead warrior facing the first time. The second time, it was a dozen, the third, more than 30... And this time, there are actually fifty or sixty!

The difficulty of the system task has never been suspected. A team of up to 12 people must face the active siege of so many monsters at once, which will inevitably cause headaches... But, is this number the last number?

The undead here has only a single profession - the warrior, the meticulous attack of the all-in-one. If it is a mixture of various occupations, it will undoubtedly be much more troublesome to deal with. Faced with so many enemies at once, if the strength is not enough, the most correct way to send is to fight back and forth, each time attracting one piece, one by one, and the fastest way to play is...

The undead of the warrior was formed almost at the same time. It was also based on launching an attack at the same time. Looking at the soldiers who were almost surrounded by a ring attack, Ye Tianxie did not act, but silently, waited. There, waiting for them to be close...

Twenty meters...

Ten meters...

Five meters...

one meter……

Xuan Ling Healing! !

The undead warriors who were close to each other squeezed into a circle of black pressure, almost congested and rushed to the front of Ye Tianxie. They were greeted by the desperate white light that suddenly shook.

A large number of injuries and numbers were scattered around Ye Tianxie's body, which was dazzling and unrecognizable. And this is the next time, let more than 30 warriors die in the blink of an eye.

"Oh... your pet 'Xuanling Snow Fox' has risen to level 13..."

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' ranks up to level 6..."

After the smashing of the power, Beckham finally rushed out, exerted its violent fist, and caught one second. After 5 seconds, the healing of the mysterious healing ended, the white light flashed, and the remaining soldiers were undying. Once again integrated into the ruins of the bones. At this time, a tone sounded in the ear of Ye Tianxie:

"Oh... you have successfully defeated 100 ‘warriors’ souls.’

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