Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 217: God of War

Ye Tianxie's ability is stronger, and it is impossible for a person to pick up thousands of people. If there are more ants, they can still kill the elephants. Moreover, the ranks of these warriors are all higher than him. It is quite difficult for an ordinary player to resist three monsters of the same level at a time. A thousand people are simply insurmountable days.

If there is only one person in Ye Tianxie, then he will only have to escape. In the retreat, he will solve the problems one by one, and in the face of this amount of terror, this kind of play does not know when it will be consumed.

And there are flaws... he chooses, straight ahead!

The black-pressed circle of warrior undead teams narrowed the encirclement around the body of Ye Tianxie as before, and the invisible iron anger was like a lower and lower pressure mountain falling from the sky. The system task is a very difficult task, and the difficulty of hiding the branch is more than several times the difficulty of the system task, the siege of thousands of people, this situation is too crazy. Not to mention the possibility of victory, there are several people who can resist such pressure.

"Oh...hey, let go of the undead of these heroes together!"

As the encircled circle became smaller and smaller, the undead warriors and undeads began to appear more and more crowded. When they were close to the distance of five meters around Ye Tianxie, they were already surrounded by eight layers and eight layers. But the ranks of the soldiers' undead have not been scattered. And their uniform and uniform attack and the only attack that does not go backwards provide a lot of convenience for Ye Tianxie to eliminate them.

If they know that there is a danger to retreat, or to spread the attack, Ye Tianxie may have a headache to vomiting blood.

When they were close, they were ready to launch quietly. Suddenly, because the soldiers who were surrounded by the soldiers were too dense, the exposure on them was even a circular area covered with white brilliance. ......

This is the most appropriate time to launch the mysterious healing, covering as many soldiers as the undead. Under this, more than 80 warriors are dissipated, and there are no supporting armor and weapons such as heavy rain scattered on the ground, making a coincidence The sound of the sound of the ear.

The massive death of the companions did not bring their vigilance and retreat. Instead, they were stronger anger and attacking ideas. When the enemies in the rear were approaching again, the revenge of the mysterious wall was launched in the appearance of red light, the first second. Then, all the dozens of warriors who stepped into the body of Ye Tianxie’s body were all ruthlessly arranged, and the number of too scarred scarlet injuries became a rising fog of blood.




As long as the enemy does not have teleport or sprint skills, and the movement speed cannot be more than three meters in a second, then the wall of revenge will be the real wall of despair for them, and everyone who is protected will Equivalent to being fully defended with a full defense state with attack attributes. With the attack power attached to the wall of revenge, the first rejection will shoot down the lives of these warriors' undead more than half, and the two will be defeated.

The best choice for the soldiers’ undead at this time is to avoid, waiting for the disappearance of the wall of revenge, but now they will not, as if with a mortal consciousness, they step on the armor and weapons of the companions who are constantly scattered on the ground. The rushing to Ye Tianxie, who greeted them, was the red awning that knocked them apart.




"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of 600 warriors."





The range of effects of five meters, plus the undead advancement and gathering of the soldiers' undead, the wall of revenge will line up the souls of more than 40 soldiers every second... that means, every two seconds, there will be forty Many warrior undeads were able to escape from the wall of revenge.

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of a warrior."

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' level has risen to level 8."

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of 800 warriors."

Dealing with these warrior-only warriors, perhaps, there is no longer a super killer than the wall of revenge - the warrior's undead is dead outside the red barrier, scattered armor and weapons Not piled up into hills, but if they are integrated into the underground, they will disappear in batches. When the twenty-second vengeful wall effect ends, the sound of the ear tells Ye Tianxie an extremely terrible number...

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of 900 warriors."

The second wall of revenge creates the annihilation of more than 400 warriors! In addition, the group killing of the original mysterious healing... The squatting movement on the horseback did not move, and the desperate undead army was wiped out halfway in such a blink of an eye.

Even if Ye Tianxie had already estimated the effect of the skill of the undead on the highest level in advance, this figure still surprised him.

Too cruel... Looking at the undead warrior who was approaching again, Ye Tianxie thought silently.

The healing power of Xuan Ling was launched, and nearly 50 soldiers were killed by the nearby undead. The silent cockroach finally raised his head and faced the sky... In a moment, a dazzling sacred white light shines on its body, and under the dark sky of the ruins of the bones, it looks far away. Such as shining a dazzling star.

A huge white translucent reticle around the ten-meter range is centered on the sturdy body. In the reticle, the body of the cockroach and the leaf sinister is covered with a sinuous white light... and such white The radiance also appeared in all the souls of the warriors who were inside the white reticle and later stepped into the reticle.

The wall of the mysterious spirit Tianze!

"Hey, protect yourself!"

The eye of the evil dragon accurately peeked into the state of the undead warrior at this time, and the corner of the mouth evoked a touch of innocence. He stroked his small head and lifted the fate of the moment, rushing to the soldiers' undead. When they approached, the moment of fate swept swagger...


With a small number of broken numbers, all the soldiers who were swept by the fate of the dead were killed by a moment.

The life of the warrior's undead is 950. The attack power of Ye Tianxie is at this time. His ordinary attack, unless there is a crit, can't kill the soldier's undead... and his flat blow is red. Damage, non-yellow crit damage, but far higher than his true attack power.

The wall of the mysterious wall visits Tianze! This unique guardian skill can increase your healing ability by 50, and can reduce the damage of all the protected partners by 50... and the effect of the mysterious wall Tianze acts on these undead creatures. There will be a cruel counter-effect...

All injuries are increased by 50!

This is equivalent to increasing the attack power of Ye Tianxie by 50, so that he can easily group these undead warriors.

One blow...one blow...In the dense enemy group, each attack of Ye Tianxie will destroy four or five or more warrior undead, when his attack power has the degree of these enemies in the group seconds, Even if Ye Tianxie is caught in the encirclement, there is no pressure on it.


Too many enemies, blocked all the gaps of dodge, coupled with the sensitivity of the mount, Ye Tianxie's talent in this situation can not fully open. And he has no sense of dodge at all, because under the guardian of the wall of Tianze and his original high defensive ability, the damage caused by these soldiers' undead is really pitiful.

In addition, the warrior's undead is a melee monster. Although it is densely packed and surrounded by Ye Tianxie, it is only seven or eight that can really attack him. Others can only wander in the back to answer the soy sauce. Waiting for Ye Tianxie to die before he can go forward - to die.

The damage caused by such an attack to Ye Tianxie within five seconds is not enough for a "black spirit cure" to reply.

In five seconds, the undead of more than 20 warriors was killed by Ye Tianxie, and the healing of the mysterious spirit was cooled. The white light of the undead warrior was flashed again, and the life of Ye Tianxie’s deficit was restored. Full, and the undead of the warrior was once again cleared out of a vacuum in a large red damage number... More than sixty warriors were killed by a moment.

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of 1,000 warriors."

"Oh... because you have killed the undead of 1,000 warriors, it has provoked the wrath of the God of War and the guardianship of the future!"

This tone makes Ye Tianxie's movements stagnant. At this time, he seemed to be aware of it, his eyes suddenly looked to the front.

Riding on the **** treasure immediately, enough height to make the intensive warrior undead team did not stop his sight, he clearly saw that about a hundred meters in front of him, a tall figure appeared there.

It was too far away to see his whole picture, but although he had only one person, the incomprehensible figure released by the arrogant figure seemed to be more shocking than the army of the thousand people.

He finally understood why the system is constantly prompting to kill the number of undead warriors... Because the triggering condition of the final link of this mission is to destroy the soul of a thousand soldiers!

"Oh... the undead of the **** of war has already appeared. At this time, the **** of the gods is in the recovery of the guardian consciousness, unable to act. Please be sure to knock him down in twenty seconds and take his bones. Otherwise, the **** of war Once the guardian consciousness wakes up, he will be invincible."

Without any hesitation, Ye Tianxie Dragon Shadow launched, suddenly rushing forward, the moment of destiny in the hands of the opening and closing, ups and downs, sweeping the remaining four hundred soldiers of the undead, and rushed to the **** of war.

This chapter should be more exciting... In addition, this chapter is not really a real power... The next chapter is when it shows the power of the sky. So... demon sister, ask for reward╮╯▽╰╭】

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