Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 221: Praying for glaze

This seemingly inconspicuous stone is a transmission stone that can instantly transfer people to the tower of the center of destiny lost in the mainland!

The Tower of Destiny in the past suppressed the horrible Eight Devils and the many ferocious World of Warcraft, which was the first forbidden land lost in the mainland. Since the change three years ago, it has become a forbidden place in the forbidden land. It is bound to increase by a factor of two, and no one is allowed to enter.

But this stone can ignore all obstacles, bypass all obstacles and directly transfer people to the inside of the Tower of Destiny. According to the head of the novice village no. 60001, the recognized first human being who lost the continent has no qualifications to enter it. But in the end, it is also a failure.

Today, he has the ability to go inside the tower of destiny.

As the undead of the God of War himself said, this is a taboo that cannot fall into the hands of other people. It should have been sleeping in this land with the death of God of War, and it is no longer alive. And the occurrence of an impossible event brought up a series of chain reactions that should not have happened. Thus, the transmission stone of this tower of destiny came out in the hands of Ye Tianxie.

"The stone of the tower of destiny... The tower of destiny is the most terrible monster, why should you give me this stone?" Ye Tianxie clenched the stone of the tower of destiny and asked.

The undead of God of War gave him the answer with the sound of anticipation: "The power of destiny is extremely powerful, and its power exists. The blockade of the tower of destiny should never be opened by the Eight Devils. This must have hidden feelings. I hope that on the day when you are strong enough, you can personally board the Tower of Destiny and explore what is happening inside the Tower of Destiny. The Tower of Destiny is the core tower of the lost continent, which carries countless people. Faith is the tower of the demon that cannot be suppressed by the magic. It must not be destroyed, and it must not fall down, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. I hope that you can find out the reasons for the blockade of the Tower of Destiny being broken, and to eliminate the scourge. The root of it."

Ye Tianxie was silent for a while... The reason for the blockade of the Tower of Destiny was broken. In fact, the simple can not be simpler, that is, the tower of the strongest blockade power disappeared from the top of the tower... disappeared into his hands. However, the God of War apparently did not see the look of fate, or that no one had seen the fate of the moment, because what he took in his hand was the moment of fate... but it was the core of six fates. .

Relatively speaking, he also wants to know what happened in the tower of fate, why the moment of fate will appear next to him.

"The sinister and terrible inside the tower of destiny, you should be clearer than many people. Why do you think that I can get the answer that has not been found in the tower of fate?" Ye Tianxie looked up and asked.

"Because, even the professional strength of my 'guardian soul' can be rejected, your potential ability has far exceeded any genius I have heard, and when you are strong enough in the future, you are standing, already It’s the pinnacle that others can’t do in their lifetime. So you can.”

"Good." Ye Tianxie no longer asks. After all, the transmission stone of this tower of destiny is a super-strong prop that should not appear in the hands of the player. In addition to the secret excitement, he has any reason for refusal: "Since So, I will do my best to not let you down."

"...Thank you for your fulfillment." The undead of God of War made a happy voice. "Before my last consciousness has not yet dispersed, please ask me to help me the last one..."

The white light that once appeared began to appear, and quickly condensed into a silver shield, the **** of warfare extended the translucent illusory hand, holding the silver shield in his hand. Suddenly, the silver shield was integrated into his hands, such as fog, and the water mist slowly dissipated... Then a silver paper roll was formed between his hands.

When his hand was pushed, the silver paper roll slowly drifted forward and floated to the front of Ye Tianxu, and was held in the hands by Ye Tianxie.

"This is a scroll that seals my strength... Since you can't carry my strength, I hope that you can give it to the person that suits you best. I believe your vision, the person you choose, will not be humiliated. His guardian power." The **** of the gods of war said. His voice is obviously getting lower and lower. The power is isolated, and his undead also loses the support of existence, and can completely dissipate at any time.

Occupational Reel - Guardian Spirit: Sealed the professional reel of the "Guardian Soul" power, after use, you can get the professional "guardian soul" with strong defense and guardian power.

Hide the career reel. Although the profession of "Guardian Spirit" did not fall on him, he eventually fell into his hands and put the scrolls that made all the players completely crazy back to the backpack. Ye Tianxie has decided its ownership.

The fertilizer does not flow outside the field, and he will not humiliate the reputation of the **** of war. This scroll is naturally handed over to the left-wing army who chose to guard the profession.

At the same time, he silently thought that even the hidden profession would exclude himself. What would be the second career that could be transferred? Isn't my body suitable for a career like a "reverse bone dragon"?

"You go with peace of mind, I will give it to the most suitable person." Ye Tianxie said calmly.

"Thank you...and, the partner who will accompany me on this side...and give it to him, let him, instead of guarding this land I love."

A piece of gold-colored old shield floated from the ground and was sent to the hands of Ye Tianxie. This is the shield that was previously equipped by the undead of the God of War.

Royal reincarnation: Unknown grade, use requirements: Defensive occupation, strength value exceeds 100, seven hundred years ago, a dark meteorite fell from the sky, falling into the lost north of the mainland. Perhaps it is the meaning of God, this dark meteorite fell in the place where the strongest Shen Xuan founder was in the dark, and he was given by him, and extracted a special metal with strange power. "black gold". Its toughness is better than losing all the known substances on the mainland, thus determining its ownership. It took thirteen years for the iron to be toothless, and it was sacrificed by the blood of a thousand beasts, and it was integrated into the guardian force of hundreds of powerful shields that he did not hesitate to get, and eventually became the strongest shield. Reincarnation." After the reincarnation, the world was called the strongest shield with the power of the heavens, and the emperor of the lost city was given the most powerful guardian of each generation.

Eighty years ago, the imperial reincarnation was silenced in the ruins of the bones with the death of its owner, and its power gradually concealed and silenced with the power of the dark undead.

Attributes: Defense +50, Strength +1, Physical Strength +1, Block Rate +2%.

On the one hand, there is no shield with any strange features. The shield is covered with dark colors, but there is no trace of smoothness. In addition to being too lenient, this unremarkable shield is actually the strongest shield with the name of the sky. Just a pity...

"For decades of silence, it chose to sleep in order not to let its own power dissipate. Only the legendary water of life can restore its power. If you can, I hope that one day, you can find the water of life, Restoring my life as a partner... Then, goodbye."

After the last sentence, the gods of the **** of war finally have no way to maintain. It is too late to wait for Ye Tianxie’s answer. In his gaze, the water mist slowly dissipates... no trace.

The surrounding area was quiet, and only the wind with a rancid smell occasionally brought a slight whistling sound.

The shield in the hand is half a meter wide and nearly one meter high. It is horizontally in front of the body and can cover half of the body. However, its nature and the two pieces of the heavenly device in his hand - the tooth of the dragon, the tooth of the dragon is similar. All chose to sleep with strength in order to protect themselves in the silence for too long. To wake them up, all that is needed is the water of life.

The shield was taken back, and Ye Tianxie finally looked at the ruins of the bones... because once he left, there would be no possibility of coming back here. He picked up and whispered: "Hey, this time thanks to you."

Speaking of it, this is his second official call to fight out. Because of its weak character, Ye Tianxie will subconsciously prevent it from coming out during the battle. For the first time, it was in the Ice Wolf Cave, where the environment forced him to rely on the healing power of the cockroach, and at that time, the scorpion power of the first battle suddenly increased and resolved their crisis. Today, for the second time... it once again used its power to create an incredible miracle. It also brought Ye Tianxie a huge harvest.

He has clearly understood today that the former self has always neglected its power because of its ambiguous nature... It is the mysterious snow fox that even the most powerful dragon gods of the year were jealous. The low level of the property, but still can not hide its dazzling edge.

Opening the backpack, Ye Tianxie evoked something that he couldn't wait to see a true look. It is called one of the seven hidden ultimate props in the world of destiny - praying for glaze.

What appears in the hands is a nail-sized crystal ball, a colored crystal that releases dreamy glare.

Pray for the glass: one of the seven hidden ultimate props in the world of destiny, the origin is unknown, the cause of the generation is unknown.

There is always a beautiful legend on the lost continent. Legend has it that there is a fabulous praying lake on the lost land of the mainland. There is a green tree of pledges on the lakeside. They don't exist in a certain place, but they are like a duckweed in the wind. They don't know where they will appear next. As for the rumors, just find the Prayers Lake, pour the wishing tree with the water of the Pray Lake, then hold the prayer glass in front of the praying tree, close your eyes, and make the wish with the most sincere heart, pray that the tree will listen. To your inner desires, and to achieve for you in the near future.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

With this small glass orb, Ye Tianxie was completely shocked... To realize one's wishes, the world of destiny, there is such a ... completely incredible props! !

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