Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 243: Broken devil

Carlos Nandis... Looking at him, that is, his current attributes, Ye Tianxie is enduring a kind of endless illusion in a dream. 1.2 billion lives, 8 million magic, 500,000 basic attack power... This mythical number is so real that it appears on itself.

On the hand, the hand is actually a sword...

Holy annihilation, in addition to the legendary "forbidden", the sacred sacred can be called the peak of the world of destiny, it surpasses the sacred spirit, transcends the heavens, transcends the mystery... holds the sword of the sacred, he I finally understand it thoroughly... Why do you say that the sword of the Holy Ghost does not exist in theory, it only exists in the legend... Even if it exists, it cannot fall into the hands of the players.

Because the device of the sacred is too powerful, powerful and outrageous, powerful unless you see it with your own eyes... No, even if you see it with your own eyes, it is hard to believe that there will be a powerful and such terrible existence.

Such a body, such a force, such a weapon... The Holy Sword God of War, does not despise the name of "God".

And his current state is from a skill... a skill called "magic change". Is it true that you can become the current state at any time after you have this skill?

Then this will be a skill against the sky, how a career against the sky! !

Ye Tianxie turned his body, his eyes fell on the body of the dark ghost king who had become small. At this time, he carries a strong feeling, a powerful force that can smash all obstacles and destroy all enemies, even the heavens and the earth can be subverted... Under this power, the original in front of him has no resistance to him. The power of the dark ghost king did not bring him the slightest threat... He even felt that he could control his life and death!

The dark ghost king is undoubtedly a completely opposite feeling.

Just a dozen seconds ago, his arbitrarily released momentum would easily suppress him, and he could decide his life and death with a single finger. But at this time, he felt that his body and his own soul were being suppressed by a force that made him shudder, and the source that made him fear...

His gaze fell on the huge sword in the hands of Ye Tianxie. For a moment, his green eyes shrank to the size of the eye, and a fearful sound that broke into the abyss shook from his mouth. : "Holy... Holy Sword!!!"

Among them, there is always a legendary sacred sword, which is the taboo sword that his Mozu fears. It is a sacred sword that comes from heaven and is dedicated to ruling sin. The sacred power of the possession is even more taboo than the most powerful demon of the Mozu. The shape of the taboo sword is engraved on the mark of the Mozu and is known to everyone in the Mozu.

The shape can be imitated, the color can be imitated... but the sacredness that makes his soul shudder is never possible to imitate. The Dark Ghost King never imagined that one day he could see this holy sword that exists only in the legend and has extremely terrible divine power.

The suppression of power, the trembling of the soul... He thought of escape! Since its inception, even if he was blocked by the power of destiny a hundred years ago, he has never been as fearful as he is now. Because the moment of destiny has the power to block him forever and slowly swallow it, but the Holy Sword... has a sacred power enough to sanction him enough to completely destroy him.

Whoever has the most fearful and most taboo thing, whoever is afraid of death, is no exception, even if they are more afraid of death than normal humans. Because people are dead, they can enter the next reincarnation, and when the devil dies, they will forever enter the endless abyss that cannot be survived... even purgatory.

The Dark Ghost King stepped back in the trembling of the fear brought by the Holy Sword, and Ye Tianxie raised the holy sword in his hand and took the first step... one step, shaking the mountain.

This simple step is like stepping on the heart of the Dark Ghost King. The proximity of the Holy Sword makes the sacred power of his horror more intense. Even if he is calm, how can he want to resist and resist, he can't suppress the fear that cannot be contained.

"Dark ghost king... Heaven is going to destroy you, you are destined to die today! But you can die under the holy sword, and you are not dead." Ye Tianxie slowly screamed, and the holy sword in his hand suddenly swayed. With the swipe of the great sword, the sacred light emerged from the blade, reflecting the darkness of the ghost king under the dark cloak.

boom! !

The dark ghost king was a dark teleport, and escaped the sacred blow of the holy sword. The holy sword fell to the ground and brought a huge roar. The devastating force cuts the ground into a deep gully.

The dark ghost king, who had teleported 30 meters backwards, still couldn't believe what he saw. He shouted in hysteria: "No!! Impossible!! This is impossible... Why do you wake up? The power of the holy mark... Why is there a holy sword! This must be an illusion, it must not be true!! It is an illusion!!"

Ye Tianxie moves forward two steps, two steps spanning a distance of five meters: "In this world, many things are not that you think that it will not exist. Why does this happen, even I don't know... But what I can be sure is... Today, you are going to die! There is never one person, dare to be so crazy in front of me!!"

The holy sword was lifted again, kneeling down, looking at the fallen giant blade, and the dark ghost king root did not even have the idea of ​​resisting. If this is an ordinary force of equal strength, he will choose to resist, but in the face of this divine power that can completely restrain his, his reaction is to escape, escape...

The strength of the dark state of the ghost king is close to the sacred level, not far from the true peak of the sacred power, but was blocked in the tower of the destiny for a hundred years, his power is swallowed up under the powerful force of destiny all the time, deprived At this time, there is only less than half the strength of the original... probably between Shen Xuan and Sheng San.

And the sword of the goddess Caro Nandis, with the help of the Holy Sword Elsidi, his strength is well deserved, standing on the sacred level of the lost power of the mainland, the comprehensive strength will surpass the state of the dark ghost king Moreover, the power of the Holy Sword is the natural enemy of such dark forces.

The dark state of the ghost king is not the opponent of Carlos Nandis, not to mention the dark ghost king who is half the strength at the peak. The difference between the half grades is a world apart. If it weren't for the oppression caused by the huge power gap and the terrible suppression of the divine power, how could the dark ghost king with the arrogance of the devil and the dignity of the devil choose to escape so easily.

boom! !

The second attack of the Holy Sword fell again. The huge sword fell on the dark wall. There was a roar, gravel and space, and the space shook violently. The surrounding walls were also under this huge shock. Collapsed, the land over the sky fell. The dark ghost king who moved back several tens of meters again did not dare to hesitate. He turned and rushed backwards at his fastest speed.

Ye Tianxie did not pursue, but looked at the back of the dark ghost king, slowly raised the holy sword in his hand, and a sacred light radiated from the holy sword and went straight to the dark ghost king: "Devil Kill the world!!"

The dark ghost king escapes fast, and it is impossible to get the speed of the light. The light from the holy sword instantly enveloped the body of the Dark Ghost King, causing his forward-looking body to suddenly stop, keeping the running motion motionless, as if it had been frozen.

While covering the Dark Ghost King, the holy light ceased to spread. This white light beam was connected to the Dark Ghost King at one end and the Holy Sword in the hands of Ye Tianxie at the other end. In an instant, Ye Tianxie's body suddenly rushed straight along the line of light. The speed was so incredible. For example, the teleportary rushed to the body of the dark ghost king, and the still-sacred sword was huge. The impact is on the dark ghost king...

boom! !


Broken Devils, this is the only sword of the sword, Elsidi's skill set blockade and attack as one, with the light blocked, and then give a violent blow. The blockade of this skill will reach 100% in the dark, making it a surrogate.

Seven-figure injury, a shocking day number, when the body of the Dark Ghost King was shot and flew out like a smashed leaf, Ye Tianxie still couldn’t believe that the damage figure was actually From your own hands.

What he experienced was undoubtedly a scorpion ant that knocked down a mountain like shock and unreality.

boom! boom! boom! boom……

The dark ghost king's body pierced through the walls again and again. When it landed, the huge impact was still not completely offset, but the body was deeply penetrated into the ground. Ye Tianxie’s footsteps followed, looking at the place where the Dark Ghost King’s body disappeared. He held the holy sword and slammed it into the bottom: “Splash!!”

boom! !

The sword smashed into the ground, the earth suddenly burst, and the dull explosion came from the ground. As the ground exploded, the dark ghost king was deeply buried in the ground and was high in the sand. The high is raised. Ye Tianxie looked up and looked at the dark figure that released the screams in the air and slowly fell. Just as his body was about to land, the Holy Sword once again ruthlessly waved...

"Break the gods!"

boom! ! ! !

Carlos Nandis is the **** of battle. His favorite is the challenge, and the one who plays his opponent is only the one who is comparable to God. He does not have many skills, but each one is worthy of the name of "God".

A trick to make the true gods enough to change their face, the heavy bang in the dark ghost king, the body of his body smashed down, with another burst of the ground on the sore, dark ghost king Once again, he was smashed into the ground, but this time, his body did not know how deep it was, maybe 100 meters, maybe kilometers...

"Reverse God!!"

The anti-god can be used alone or in a powerful way to break through the gods, and if it is used immediately, it will be extremely amazing... it will be the last second to be hit by the gods. The enemy suffered an attack of the same intensity, but the direction was completely reversed... no matter what state the enemy is, or whether it was hit, or where it fled, even if it was a thousand miles away, it seemed like a declining **** from the sky. It will also hit accurately.

This is a kind of trapping technique that can return the flying enemies to their side and continue to squat. This kind of root can not be explained by common sense, and perhaps only the real **** can launch.

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