Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 248: Evil heart

This is a virtual game world called Destiny. Its main developer is an alien named Alpha, and the deputy developer is a Murray native named ProLogis.

On the day when the World of Destiny was opened, Alpha returned to his hometown... Alpha has been on Earth for more than a decade, but no one has ever known which galaxies he came from. His appearance and his disappearance are a mystery. Pross committed suicide on the same day, and it was a mystery that could not find an answer...

The weird scene did not suppress people's extreme enthusiasm for the "Fate" world. In less than a week, the horrible number of online people is proving to people that the world of destiny will evolve into a second world of humanity at an extremely fast pace, and will be the second largest in the real world. world. Because their currencies can be universal, and many things that the real world can't do can be done and completed in this virtual world. Most of the virtual world is much better than the real world...

And the same is true. At the same time, more and more people are in the world of "Destiny" and the time begins to exceed the time in the real world.

This is a trend that has been blocked. And if the world of destiny suddenly disappears, then the consequences will be out of control... and it will be a global riot. Because it is like cutting half of their lives.

From the first day of entering the world of destiny, Ye Tianxie discovered its unusual and incredible surprise...

The world of destiny is not a pure virtual game world... To be more detailed, it has an incredible intersection with the real world.

The first intersection he saw was his fate.

The second intersection is the fruit.

The third, and the one that most trembled his mind, is Xiao Xi.

And now...

He heard the name of "glass fairy" from an npc, an npc that gave him a great vibration.

When the three familiar and incomprehensible words were passed to his ears, he was astonishing to hear three deafening thunder.

He turned back at an extremely slow speed, and the eyes that had become focal length in the tremor looked at the calm and blue eyes of the blue-haired man. He said in a word: "Why do you know her name!"

"Beat me, you will know everything you want to know, the weak, not qualified for the answer." The blue-haired man gave him an cold answer.

Ye Tianxie’s face showed a terrible suffocation. He stepped forward and said, “Why can’t you tell me now!! You won’t be the one who wants me, why can’t you let me now? Know...what is what you want...Do you know how big it is to me!! If you really want to help me... then tell me all."

In the face of his eyes filled with negative emotions, the blue-haired man’s eyes were slightly turbulent... At this moment, he seemed to see himself at that time.

"Some things, not that I told you, you will believe."

"You said, I will believe it!" Ye Tianxie said heavily.

"you will not……"

"What do you think I will not!"

"Since I heard the truth, I would rather not want to believe it! I don't understand that feeling!!" The blue-haired man closed his eyes slightly and said plainly: "And... even if you really believe, It’s too early to know that it will only be harmful to you. Not only will it not help you, but it will upset your heart and make it harder for you to enter.”

"I don't need a reason." Ye Tianxie slowly shook his head and stared at him in a straight line: "I just want to know... all! Why do you know fairy? Who are you? Why are you here?... Where is she now and what is she doing?"

From the voice of Ye Tianxie, the blue-haired man is enough to hear that he is already suppressing his emotions... His emotions are already on the verge of losing control. This kind of emotional out of control shows that... The word "Xian Er" is very important to him.

The blue-haired man was silent, then raised his eyes and sighed and said: "Since you insist, I can tell you..."

Ye Tianxie did not speak, and a pair of eyes looked at him straight and stabbed.

"But, I must remind you that the only consequence of knowing the truth today... is that it will never be seen with the glass fairy, even if she is dead, do you still have to insist?" The blue-haired man is not salty. In the tone, he said something that made Ye Tianxie’s eyes shrink.

Never meet with the glass fairy, even her demise...

Ye Tianxie moved his mouth and suddenly smiled: "Forget it, you don't want to know."

The blue-haired man stared at him and nodded. He whispered, "You don't have to be sad when you are evil. The glass fairy loves you more than all. The reason why she left you is for you and your future... she As I said, the biggest mistake she has ever made in this life is that she couldn’t help but find you ten years ago and has been with you for seven years. If she doesn’t do that, she won’t introduce you into such a whirlpool. All things, just let her resist alone. But... I understand that her feelings for you are so deep that you can't imagine, she can't control the desire to find you, with you... ”

"I understand... even you can understand, and how can I not understand what she has been doing for seven years and nights. I always know that she must have a big hardship when she leaves me. She even drinks water to me. I have been distressed for a long time, how can I be saddened by me... How can I not understand." Remembrance, smile, jealousy, confusion... All kinds of emotions are intertwined in his face. At this moment, his look suddenly calms down, calm With a little smile.

He firmly believes that Xianer’s feelings for him will never change... never will. And she must be doing her best for their future. What about yourself? Xianer is working hard, and what qualifications do he have to go to pessimism, to complain, to be confused, to go to hysteria... What should he do the most, isn’t it just like Xianshi, trying to lead in the direction she deliberately directed?

She left her own destiny, and she used every effort to gather the core of fate.

He left his own fruit and Xiaoxi, and they are his most cherished relatives. He will take good care of them and prevent them from being wronged... although the fruit is sometimes too eccentric.

Thinking of this, for a time, the stagnation in my heart and the violent breath that just rose up suddenly disappeared. The blue-haired man inadvertently clicked on the softest string in his heart. In memory, her face, her tenderness, her smile, like the gentle warmth of the silk, caressing his heart... Every minute and every second with her is precious to him. No more precious memories.

Therefore, in order to be with her forever, he is willing to make every effort.

"You tell me why my ability to improve requires seven sins of baptism. I want to know the reason." Ye Tianxie gently sighed and asked. He has never heard of this way of raising power with sin. Even if he can, he will not be willing to try... but for the fairy, he will be willing, even if he is not evil.

The blue-haired man did not answer him immediately, but looked at him and said with a mysterious voice: "Do you know why the glass fairy wants to take the name of "natural evil" for you?"

"Why?" Ye Tianxie moved.

"In the future, your name will be called "Ye Tianxie", okay..."

At the age of ten, the first encounter with the snow covered land. Her voice still lingers in her ear. On the first day of their encounter, she rarely asked him to ask him a weird request... So, after that day, the original name was "Ye Tian" and he was renamed "Ye Tianxie".

Over the years, he occasionally asked why she would ask him to call this name. She always smiled and said, "Because I like this name..."

Is there a special reason for this?

"Because, she already knew that you must have a day of accepting seven sins of sin. This is a baptism that you must go through to grow up."

"What does this have to do with my name?" asked Ye Tianxie.

The blue-haired man said a little bit, and said plainly: "Your dragon soul is the soul of the evil dragon. You know, what is ‘ evil?”

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"The word 'evil' is not good, it is not evil. If you must find a position, then it is both good and evil, or between good and evil. In fact, evil is totally different from good and evil. Those who are kind, the evil ones must have nausea. Most of the souls have both good and nausea, but they must not be positioned by 'evil'. The quality of evil is connected with good and evil, yet The heart that has nothing to do with good or evil. This kind of heart can't be cultivated and generated like good and evil, but it is innate and difficult to cultivate."

Ye Tianxie’s brain was in chaos, and the socket said: “You tell me directly why I have to go through seven sins to make the dragon soul awaken further.”

The blue-haired man nodded and said: "The dragon soul with bright attributes needs to be guided with kindness, otherwise the dragon's power will always be silent. The dragon soul with dark attributes needs to be guided by a bitter heart. And your The dragon soul has both light and darkness, and what is needed is the guidance of the heart of the 'evil'. And... from small to large, whether you are a family member or a glass fairy, and getting along with them, your temperament has been guided. To the 'good' side, and your natural evil is just to make some of your habits different from ordinary people. The real evil is to ignore good and evil, just do what you think is right, for yourself, for the guardian Those who care about you can ignore everything and trample on everything, without any shackles and restraints of so-called 'good' or 'bad'... such evil, now you can't do it... because, the baptism of the living environment, So that you won't really touch the real sin. So, you need to baptize, after baptism, he will only live for himself and the people around him, and lose the unnecessary scruples. So, your dragon Power will be because of your evil Generation and rapid awakening ...... Now, you understand me? "

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