Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 255: On the city of heaven

Huh, it’s too tired to fall asleep without knowing it. These are the first, and will be added back during the day. 】

The more weird things, the more eccentric it will be. Not to mention this strange gourd, Ye Tianxie happened to see the name of "Red Tai Yang" again and again. Gray Taiyang does exist and has already died in his hands. Then, this red taiwan should also be true. Where is it now and what role does it play in this world?

I got the red pan sheep's pan and got the red gourd lost gourd - and it was a very powerful gourd. Do you have a relationship with this red tai sheep?

Ye Tianxie is not stupid enough to throw this gourd, but to take back the backpack.

The upper limit of his backpack is 200. This is not a long time, he has begun to feel that the space of the backpack is not enough.

Out of the illusionary orc ruins that have become ruins, Ye Tianxie looked back at it... The destruction here was so overwhelming that he could be said to have been completely destroyed by him. To be honest, the destruction of the last trace of this phantom orc, he has some guilty feelings.

At the same time, he thought that the big movement here, Tianri City should have already been aware of it.

There is still no barrier to get out of the enchantment, as if the transparent enchantment that can not be destroyed by the blue dragonfly does not exist at all. After watching the time, Ye Tianxie evoked a sweaty BMW and went straight to the south. It took less than a very long time to arrive at Tianri City.

Although Tiancheng City is not as gorgeous as Tianchen City, it is also enough to be decorated with "beautiful atmosphere." And a remarkable feature: here, obviously more hot than Tianchen City.

There was not much going on in the city, and Ye Tianxie’s sweat went down a row. He hurriedly found the item store, bought a dozen of the city's returning scrolls, and immediately went offline.

Open your eyes, Xiao Xi is close to his body and sleep. Outside the door, the familiar smell of rice faintly came. Ye Tianxie sat up from the bed and took Xiao Xi carefully to his lap and shook her body and said: "Xiao Xi, it's time to eat."

Hearing the voice of Ye Tianxie, Xiao Xi’s eyelashes moved gently, gently squeaking with a faint voice, curling his body into a more comfortable posture in his arms. , leaning on his shoulder and sleeping again.

Since Xiaoxi suddenly appeared in the game world and disappeared, she stayed in this state every day, almost all of her time was sleeping except for three meals a day. This state makes Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei infinitely confused. The fruit seems to know something, but it has always been a gesture of "I don't know if I tell you."

Xiao Xi’s body is very light and soft, like holding a quiet and beautiful doll. Ye Tianxie picked her up, stood up and went to the living room.

Sophiefi was carrying a lollipop and was sitting there waiting for him. When he saw him, Sufifi took out the lollipop and pretended to be angry: "Heaven, you are late for twenty-seven minutes and fifty-three seconds!"

"Yeah... Lollipop! It's my lollipop... It's my sugar, she's eating my lollipop!"

Ye Tianxie just wanted to speak, and the fruit suddenly shouted. One finger pointed at the lollipop that Sophie held, and it was as if the most important thing was stolen. The fruit's longing for lollipops is incomprehensible by Ye Tianxie, and its protection of its own things is extraordinarily strong.

"Give you a few Philippine sisters to eat and not die, but she will give you this little greedy ghost every day." Ye Tianxie said with a low voice that only fruit can hear.

"Oh... no, no, it’s something fruit."

"It will be more to buy more for you."

The fruit is not in trouble.

Holding Xiaoxi sitting down at the table, Ye Tianxie looked strange and said: "Fifi, do you like to eat lollipops?"

Sophie Fei glanced at him lightly, his lips slightly tilted: "No, just when you clean up your room every day, you will find a lot of lollipop wrappers... Tianxie, and you have said many times, brush at night You can't eat sugar after the teeth, it will be very bad for the teeth. This lollipop is for me to eat for you. Hey, it tastes good, but you never told me again, why are you? So, do you like to eat lollipops?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

I want to say that it is not what I eat... do you believe it...

Because of the late arrival of Ye Tianxie, the food on the table was just cold. Ye Tianxie tempted the temperature of the bowl of porridge in front of him, then took a spoonful with a spoon and swayed the body of Xiao Xi: "Xiao Xi, it is time to eat."

"... um... brother..."

Xiaoxi faintly responded to Ye Tianxie. When the small spoon in his hand touched her lips, her lips were gently opened, and Ye Tianxie was fed to the porridge by the mouth, and then Quietly opened his lips and whispered: "Brother... hungry..."

"Hungry, eat a little more, there are a lot more." Ye Tianxie smiled and said, as usual, gently and carefully feed Xiaoxi.

Since Xiao Xi appeared at home, such a scene will be performed every day. But every time, Sufifi will have some little envy and jealousy, and I can’t wait for myself to be Xiaoxi. She unconsciously touches the lollipop in her mouth and feels the strange atmosphere between Ye Tianxie and Xiao Xi. A feeling of unclearness is suddenly appearing in the heart, letting her see it for a while. Stayed.

"Fifi, don't you eat?" Ye Tianxie looked up.

Sophie Fei regained her gaze and shook her head. "I always have to eat the lollipop... Tianxie, Xiaoxi’s state has always been too strange. Is she sick? We will take her to the hospital to see if it’s good. it is good?"

In this case, Sophie Fei is not the first time to say. Every day except for the time of eating, all other time is in the middle of sleep, even if I wake up occasionally, it is also a disease-riding posture. Anyone will think she is sick.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and smiled and said: "No, Xiaoxi is just more sleepy. It will be better after some time. Come, Xiaoxi, Zhangkou."

"..." is the same answer, Sufifi no longer insists on going on, but silently eating lollipops. Xiao Xi is a very strange girl, she has already known since she met Xiao Xi on her first day. The weird things that can't be described by common sense happen in Xiaoxi's body. For example, she still doesn't know why she can't touch Xiaoxi's body.

Sophie’s action to eat lollipops is very raw, and no fruit is so skilled and natural. Perhaps because of the look of Ye Tianxie and Xiao Xi, she just put the lollipop in her mouth, gently sucking|biting, and occasionally sticking out the powder tongue for a while.

When a girl eats a lollipop, it is easy to kill a male. Ye Tianxie has been watching Wu Feifei’s action of eating a lollipop in an uncontrolled manner while feeding Xiaoxi. No matter which normal man, at this time, I will think of a very evil picture.

"If that lollipop is mine..." He couldn't help but scream.

"Oh!" The lollipop in the mouth was bitten by Sufifi. She threw the plastic stick and licked it and asked with a questioning expression: "Heavenly evil, what did you just say?"


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