Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 265: Under the influence of one person, the sky is reversed

The cobra's face is black like charcoal, and the power of thousands of people. He thought that a bunch of people would plug it up, and poke a few times at random. Ten Ye Tianxie also hangs. He let the entire archer group give up attacking the red leaves. The alliance turned to attack Ye Tianxie. It was already a great hand for him to destroy Ye Tianxie in the shortest time. He never thought that he could live to ten seconds later, but... but now, it seems It’s been ten minutes. Ye Tianxie is still smothered in the crowd of his wing, so as to enter the uninhabited.

He gnawed his teeth and said, "What are you doing!! We have 5,000 people here, and 5,000 people don't understand. Can we still be defeated by him alone? Then we cover the wing of the sky and mix the fart. ......"

"Head, there are no more than 5,000 people, and now there are still 4,000 remaining people..." The solitary sword said with no trace of death: "Evil day... evil day, he has already killed nearly six hundred people alone... ...head! No more, we really have to plant it in his hands today!!"

Six hundred people?

Less than a very kind... In less than six hundred seconds, he even rushed into an intensive team and killed more than 600 people! ?

This number allows the cobra to breathe cold air, cold hands and feet.

It is clear that this is not the fairy tale world! !

He finally began to feel the extremely strong uneasiness... He was able to kill 600 people with such a heavy encirclement, and then he could kill 600 people in less enemies... and then kill 600 people... …again……

"Head! The healing power of the fox is simply a metamorphosis. It can return more than a thousand life points at a time. It can also be used together with several healing techniques. The roots of our people are not enough to return it. And after so long, Its magic value has not been used up yet, the healing roots have not been broken... too, it is terrible. If it is not it, evil days and the strange cat will not be so easy, maybe we have already been..."

If the solitary sword has no trace, the cobra has already smashed up in the team channel: "All the remote professional people are going to attack the white fox behind the evil spirits!! Immediately, I have to be in five seconds. See it dead inside!!"

The awkward body is too small and extremely flexible. The player has to be short-sighted to attack it. He is behind Ye Tianxie. Under his deportation and protection, he has not been attacked. Even if it is attacked, it has a "self-healing technique" that can fully restore all of its health. It cures the partner's skills to two, but he has three skills to heal.

Cobra's order, this small snow fox that runs so fast, has a small target, and is cute and can't bear to attack is finally locked into a target by a large group of people. The magic of large arrows and small pieces attacked it.

Although the healing power of cockroaches is strong, life is relatively fragile. Don't say that even Ye Tianxie can kill a number of concentrated attacks, many of which are enough to kill his life. Ye Tianxie did not look back, but instead of smashing the attack on his attack, he plunged into the team of the archers, and rushed to rush, and the well-organized archers were in a mess.

Followed by Ye Tianxie and Beckham, the wall of the pale yellow sky barrier formed around its body, and countless attacks hit it, only dozens of arrows and arrows hit. The cobra and the solitary sword had no trace of excitement, and they had a solid expression, and then blinked subconsciously.

"Impossible... Impossible! Just a series of attacks combined to be the most conservative can also hurt tens of thousands, how is the fox still alive... Is it worth more than 10,000, or is it my eyes?"

"Continue to attack the fox! Don't let me know that so many people can't even deal with a little fox!!"

Attacks such as heavy rains fly to the center of the body, and the intensive and even attack is almost completely covered by the small body.

After a few seconds, when the attack finally eased, the little white shadow still squatted there unscathed, and then suddenly smashed out, and after seeing Ye Tianxu, he played a strong pastor player for him. Know how many times the cure.

This time, the solitary sword and the cobra's chin almost did not fall to the ground.

"Monsters... It’s a monster!!" Solitary sword without a trace, clenching his fist, biting his teeth: "The healing is restored to more than a thousand at a time, the magic can't be used... It's not dead! Such a pet belongs to us. Wings, what bosses are we can't die!!"

The pastor's group on the side of the wing of the sky is also quite powerful...but in the face of the evil days of the shots, these pastors have no use of the land, and it is really human beings and people.

And within a short period of time, the archers of the wing of the sky are already in a mess. The archer is most afraid of being close to the enemy. When the distance is opened, the archer can control the battle and be close. That is not far from death.

Ye Tianxie, like a scythe of death, cuts back and forth in the team of the archers. The well-trained archers all retreat in panic, fleeing, trying to stay away, and self-satisfying the long-awaited roar of the head of the bow and arrow group. .

At the moment of destiny, the players fell one by one, and the white light floated around him. At this moment, whether it is the wing of the sky, or the people of the Red Leaf League, they are staring at him... This is called the evil sky, still so calm and calm in the confrontation with a thousand.

All the people present were firmly remembering the name of the evil day. Compared with the memory of him in the past, it is still thousands of times deeper. Nothing is more memorable than witnessing it.

This field was originally the offensive and defensive battle of the Red Leaf League and the wing of the sky. Because of his own arrival, the protagonist has completely turned to him. His body is not tall, but everyone in the room feels that he is standing on a very high, high ceiling.

"This is what he forced me!" The cobra was angry and completely angered in shock. He picked up the talker and shouted in a cold, calm voice: "All for me! Let's ignore the Red Leaf League. All the people... I heard clearly, all the people, gave me to attack the evil days! The people of the shield guards gave me all the pressure, blocked me, blocked him, could not act, and the remote profession gave me the best. Boom... Even if it’s not blocked, you drowning drown me!!”

This order of the Cobra, the solitary sword has no big mouth, but no refutation, but the eyes relaxed a few points.

The war suddenly changed again, and the blockbuster players who had been killed by the Red Leaf League had returned like a tidal wave. Then the shield guard was in front, and all other occupations were behind them, and they were ring-shaped like a raging flood from eight directions. To Ye Tianxie... They blocked the shield with their shields and did not raise their weapons. Because what they have to do is not to destroy him, nor to destroy him, but to contain it!

The shield guard team was densely packed, and the black pressure was pressed from the surrounding. It seemed that he wanted to flatten the Ye Tianxie and his two pets in the center. This kind of containment tactic that consumes a significant amount of players is generally only used to deal with extremely powerful bosses, but today it is used in Ye Tianxie - because he is more terrible than the strongest boss they have ever encountered. . Although these Shield's attacks can't pose a threat to him, but once they are blocked in the center, the rear crowd will be pressed at the same time, his body will be firmly fixed, unable to escape, and the remote profession in the distance will be It can launch a concentrated attack like a storm.

At the same time, the eight shields slammed into the body of Ye Tianxie with "heavy shield collision". Ye Tianxie did not evade and could not escape. He was hit by eight shields at the same time...

-1, -1, -1, -1...

The attack power of the heavy shield collision is low, and its maximum effect is to repel the enemy, and a 20% probability with a 3 second stun effect. Eight heavy shield collisions made Ye Tianxie fall into a dizzy state, but the moment of stunned state was relieved by the "Xuan Ling Restoration".

A few cows may be able to hold a tiger's momentum. But no matter how many sheep, don't want to trap a tiger down the hill.

boom! !

A blow to the "Dragon Crack", the shield guard in front of Ye Tianxu was heavily smashed, and the inverted body smashed the rear teammates. His body followed, no longer with a group attack attribute. The ordinary attack is attacked, but all of them are "long cracks" with strong shock. His dragon cracks every time he flies a shield, he will overturn a person, and for the best congestion effect, the shield group is quite crowded, several people are overturned, and the shields in front are pushed forward. Being knocked down or stumbled, under the chain reaction, the original is still uniform, and the high-powered shield guard group has already collapsed into a military. Since it has not been touched, the body of Ye Tianxie has already been congested and squeezed to the ground. Ye Tianxie easily separated from the encirclement circle.

However, the attack by the Shields was not completely ineffective. They couldn’t help but Ye Tianxie, but Beckham was squeezed.

It was first stunned by a "heavy shield", and he just helped it recover. Its body was squeezed in the middle by several cold shields. When Ye Tianxie escaped easily from the ranks of the Shields, it still did not get rid of it... So, it was completely angry.

Because Beckham had never been in danger before, Ye Tianxie would not know how terrible the angry Beckham would be.

"喵~~~~~" A very low-pitched meow, a white ray of light suddenly exploded from its body, and the shield guards surrounding it around it were all far away. Although they did not cause harm to them, the huge impact caused a large vacuum to be cleared around it.

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' broke out in anger, and the two violent techniques - the riot of light broke open."

Ye Tianxie turned back and looked at Beckham in surprise.

Beckham is the most terrible Beckham. Next, everyone will know... what is violent.

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