Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 274: Last hope

The last hope of Chapter 274 (on)

Yan Qingsheng, a familiar, but far-reaching name that can't be far away. The heart of Yu Chen’s heart was violently shocked. She looked at Ye Tianxie awkwardly and sent a slight whisper: “Evil God, this is not... is fate. Just... your eyes, and that year’s That little boy is completely different."

At that time, although he was only five and a half years old, he experienced excessive maturity, resentment and hate, resentment and vigilance. He was deepened every day, and he was a vigilant when he looked at everyone. Even the eyes of hatred, such eyes scared off the weak young girl that year.

Now, from the eyes of Ye Tianxie, Yu Chen’s heart only sees the softness that makes her want to be obsessed and intoxicated.

"Yeah, I was very different from my current personality. I am easy to change, and my **** is difficult to move. I have been unable to agree with this sentence very early. There is one person who has completely changed. I am." Ye Tianxie half-closed his eyes, and his mind reflected the shadow of the fairy that was hung by him every minute.

She smoothed out each of his wounds with her gentleness, took him to see the most beautiful things in the world, took him to help some people in need, and then led him to feel the pleasure of helping others... ... The resentment in his heart and the water chestnut in his character were wiped out by her little by little. Without her, now Ye Tianxie, will be a completely different Ye Tianxie, at least there will be a lot of negative emotions than now.

"My life was saved by your father. After so many years, I have never been able to repay his great grace. When I have the ability to repay, he is no longer there. You are his daughter, how can I let You are going to be bullied by others." Ye Tianxie said. At that time, the place where Yan Qingsheng took him back was a rural farmhouse that was not luxurious. However, regardless of his words and deeds, he wore a kind of elegant and noble that ordinary people could not imitate. Even though Ye Tianxie was only five and a half years old, he was sure that he must have a noble identity and an extraordinary family. From the occasional conversation, he also learned that Yan Qingsheng was deliberately staying in the country. Winter, perhaps, he is tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Now, Qing Qing is dead, her two daughters have fallen to this point, and there must be a huge change in their home.

Huaxia First Military Region General Hospital.

When the helicopter approached, the air defense facilities here issued a sharp alarm, but when the people here saw the sign on the helicopter, the alarm was immediately cancelled, and more than a dozen doctors prepared all kinds of emergency transportation facilities that might be used. Come out and stand in the parking lot to meet.

The helicopter stopped, just after stopping for a long time, Ye Tianxie had already opened the hatch, jumped out from the inside, frowned and frowned, holding Chen Xue in one hand, and hurriedly greeted Chen Xin in a hand. Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui followed.

"Left left..." The leading doctor just greeted him and was interrupted by the left-wing army: "I will immediately call the best doctors in all fields here... especially the cardiology department, go!"

"Yes, arrange it right away." The doctor glanced at the girl she was holding in Ye Tianxie's arms, and she stunned her heart... It was pale and looked like that, it was clearly the edge of vitality that was almost completely exhausted. Such a disease...he Immediately shouted: "Fast! Go ahead and prepare for life support equipment!"

Chen Xue was sent to the largest emergency room here, watching her whole person being pushed into the huge life-sustaining equipment. The body was inserted with various tubes, and the heart’s lips were bitten, and the hands were dead. Grasping the clothes, his face is a scary pale...

"Don't worry, Chen Xue will be fine, let's go out first." At this time, Ye Tianxie can only comfort her so much.

Sitting in the cold waiting room, Yu Chen’s face is still terrible pale because of the tension... The most fearful thing of her every day is that Chen Xue was taken away by the sick and left her forever. In that way, she really only left alone.

If she can exchange her life for the health of Chen Xue, she will not hesitate.

Even drinking a few glasses of water, Chen Xin's mind finally calmed down. Ye Tianxie hesitated a moment and said: "In addition to the serious heart disease, Chen Xue has other diseases?"

Yan Chen shook his head and seemed to be a little chilly. Her hands were unconsciously guarded on her chest and whispered: "After the birth of Cher, many places have shown abnormalities. She often catches a cold and often Suddenly passed out, and later, the doctor finally confirmed that she has a very serious congenital heart defect... Most of them can only live to ten years old. After ten years old, the heart will stop beating and all body functions will quickly fail."

She lowered her head and said in a gentle voice: "At that time, in order to cure Cher, my father and mother almost ran through the best hospitals in the country, and the results were exactly the same, they all said, Cher can't live to ten years old. Mom and Dad have tried a lot of methods, even thought about changing a heart for Cher, but... Cher's condition is too special and serious, and various methods can't be realized. I hope that I will be annihilated a little bit. Mom and Dad never gave up, but... At that time, almost no one could see hope."

"Snow she is really strong, she never cries, does not complain, and does not despair and decadence because of her body. Since she was born, I spend most of her time with her, she never needs me. Consolation, but will comfort me not to worry, she will soon get better soon... At a very young age, I feel that Cher is the angel given to my family, the life of glass is as fragile as the purity of glass. heart……"

Yu Chen’s heart hangs down and the voice becomes even slower: “The longest life of Xue, who is told by the doctor, is getting closer and closer. We still have no hope of saving Cher. But she is very strong, ten Years old, although her weak body can no longer walk normally, but she has not been defeated by the disease, still laughing and talking to me every day, laughing and comforting me not to worry, she will say, 'I did not see my sister found a happy Home, I am not willing to go '..."

"When did your parents leave?" Ye Tianxu asked, his brow wrinkled slightly.

"In Cher...the year of nine years old." In answering this question, Ye Tianxie clearly saw that her eyes were full of a deep hidden hatred...can make such a weak woman hate Meaning, how unforgivable sin would be.

"How did they die?" Ye Tianxie frowned. At that time, when he was looking for Yan Qingsheng, he got his death and knew his cause of death. Only then, he did not have the root of everything to trace the end. At this time, his death is never as simple as it seems.

"Car accident." After a long pause, Yu Chen’s heart lowered his head and gave him a low voice.

"Is it just an ordinary car accident?" Ye Tianxie asked.

Chen Xin’s face showed a painful look. She shook her head and said, “Big Brother, don’t ask if you are good... All passed, I have forgotten... I forgot all.”

Ye Tianxie looked at her for a while, silenced, and did not continue to ask. He knows that their two sisters must have discovered something, so they will leave home. Otherwise, with their original family, even if their parents die, how can they fall to this extent. Even if he is seriously ill, he will not return to his former home to pay a penny. They chose to leave, chose to forget...the two girls who are helpless, can only choose to forget.

At this time, Chen Xin has been reluctant to tell the truth she knows. Because she is too kind, she is afraid to tell Ye Tianxie, he will really go to them... She does not want to bring trouble to Ye Tianxie, and at the same time... although hate has been planted, but over there, it is connected with their blood. Loved ones.

But for Ye Tianxie, this is an answer he must know. Yan Qingsheng is a kind and refined person. He remembers it and he is a person he must repay. If his death has a hidden feeling, he can't ignore it. And he also believes... Since Liu Yuyue already knows that Chen Xinchen and Xue Shuang are the daughters of Yan Qingsheng, with her wrist, she should have already checked how the Qingqing couple died.

Since you can't report it directly, then take revenge for you... and, settle down your two daughters. Ye Tianxie said silently. He avenged his vengeance.

Time is slowly flowing in an anxious wait, every second is so long. In the inquiry to Yu Chenxin, his heart was shocked again and again. Four years ago, their parents died... Three years ago, they left home, and even if they did not leave, they were no longer their home. Chen Xue was ten years old and still strong and alive, but there was no one there who cared about her and cared about her life and death, even waiting for her to die a hundred years earlier.

Ten years old, she is not dead.

At eleven years old, she and her sister are still floating outside, she still does not die.

At the age of twelve, she was still alive even though she was so weak.

This year, she is already thirteen years old. She has no money to go to a good hospital. She has no money to eat a good medicine. She is still very strong and alive, because she can't let her sister be alone, and she can't help her.

The glassy body has a diamond-like purity and tenacity. At this moment, he deeply admired the girl who was only thirteen years old, but defeated the most terrible disease again and again with her weak body.

I don't know if it was too long, the door of the waiting room was pushed open, and a middle-aged female physician with a slight blessing came in and shouted with a "left little". The left-handed army often comes here. The doctors here know him and know his identity, and know his temper. So in front of him is as respectful as possible, careful.

"Doctor, how is my sister? What time is it?" Chen hurriedly greeted her, grabbed her sleeve and asked, her face was full of tension and fear... She was afraid to hear her not I hope to hear the answer.

"What happened to Chen Xue? No problem?" The left broke the army and said with a sullen face.

The look of the left-handed army made her feel awkward, but... she did not dare to deceive. She shook her head slightly and said in a very calm voice: "She has an extremely serious congenital heart defect, and now the heart function is almost completely exhausted. The body function has not been able to operate for a long time... It is an incredible miracle that she can live to the present."

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