Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 286: The true meaning of the seven sins

"Then, the last sin -." Murong Qiuqiu paused, raised his right hand, put it on his chest, raised his head, and looked at the sky with a sullen look: "Yin and Yang harmony is indispensable for the normal operation of the heavens and the earth." One of the basic rules. Only when people have, can they actively promote the integration of yin and yang. If people do not... oh, human reproduction will stop, human pursuit of beauty will disappear, and I will let the heavens linger. Full appearance will also be regarded as ordinary...oh! That is really terrible. Hehe... Actually, I have always been so strong, I’m alone, I’m sleeping alone, I’m so eager to have one. My people are falling from the sky, so I will not hesitate to take possession of her and my soul...because I am a normal man."

The last words are gone, the last sentence... If you are a normal man, there is really no abnormal man at the end of the day. Ye Tianxie and Zuo Bianjun thought at the same time very insidious.

"So, dear brother, one side, is your heart, will long for the possession of a woman's body, on the one hand, your physical or mental has a serious distortion, so that you have no right to pursue, come on... choose Let us know you better." Murong Qiu Shui looked at the poor left-handed army.

These two options... Does he still have a choice?

However, the tm root can not find a third choice.

Although I know that Murong Qiushui is really misordinating the true meaning of these seven kinds of sins, it is impossible to refute and even make sense.

The left broke the army for a long time, did not answer, because he answered no one is...

"Bingo, dear brother, your silence made me know your answer, man, after all, it will still be shy. Oops, in fact, the heart is a normal thing, it is the most direct and most mature man. Simple performance, what is so shy? Then..." Murong Qiu Shui licked his fingers and counted it: "In this case, dear brother is arrogant, jealous, angry, lazy, greedy, bulimic,... ...one two three four five six seven... seven kinds!!"

Murong Qiu Shui screamed, his face was extremely exaggerated and scared: "Seven kinds... Three brothers, you have committed seven kinds of original sin, that is, you have violated all the original sins... You are the devil, the devil!!"

"The fourth, you are looking for a fight!!" He had just replied that the person who violated all seven original sins was a "devil," and he was put together by Murong Qiu Shui.

"Oh! This is the wrath of the seven sins... It’s terrible, it’s terrible." Murong Qiuqiu panicked behind Ye Tianxie.

Left Broken Army: (╯_╰)b

"Ha ha ha ha..." Ye Tianxie first smiled, then burst into laughter, he smiled so much, and the left-handed army also touched his head and smiled.

Murong Qiu Shui seems to be funny, but in fact, the "great wisdom" move makes his inner stagnation caused by the upcoming "baptism of the seven sins" disappeared, and his heart suddenly became bright. At this time, he has fully realized that this so-called seven sins is not a sin that must not be touched. In fact, this is the seven kinds of sins that human nature will carry, and these seven sins have been filled with Human life only shows different degrees in different people.

"Yes, the so-called seven sins are in the humanity of everyone. No matter how many kind people, as long as he is a normal person, he will more or less violate these seven evils in his life. They are like a People's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are the same. If any one of them is missing, the humanity he possesses will be incomplete." Murong Qiu Shui said with a sigh of relief, this asked: "Two brothers, are you right? These seven sins are interesting?"

"...I am prepared to commit all these seven sins within the next forty-nine days." Ye Tianxie did not hide, directly said it.

"Ah?" The left-wing army has not recovered from the entanglement brought by Murong Qiu Shui's weird conclusion, and has been stunned by Ye Tianxie's words.

"Oh... Second brother, just the wind is too big, I may not have heard it clearly." Murong Qiu Shui said very seriously, and my heart screamed indiscriminately: wouldn't it be true? I just distort the facts and **** the skin... vomit! If the second brother made this decision because of my words, the beautiful and terrible big sister will tear me up.

Ye Tianxie nodded, his eyes became solid, and his expression became serious: "The next words may be incredible, but I hope that you must believe, and you must think about how to deal with... the seven baptisms of sin How deep is the impact and how big the offense will be. I can't predict now. You must be prepared for it. At that time, my emotions and mentality may be extreme. I don't want to hurt you. ”

Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui listened to Ye Tianxie’s remarks with the same expression. The ear is listening, but the nerve has not responded for a long time.



Exiting from the world of destiny, time is already near dusk in the afternoon, sitting up from the bed, the body is still sour. The small arm wrapped around Xiaoxi gently slid open, and the blanket she kicked off was gently covered for her, which put light movements and footsteps and opened the door and went out.

My two days of drowsiness and the body's soreness... I think of Xiao Xina's soft as if I can't afford a little strength and sleep for more than twenty hours a day. Ye Tianxie suddenly thinks that she will not be with herself now. The situation is similar, but it is also a big injury... and it is much more serious than oneself. According to the fruit, her state lasts for at least a month or even a year.

What happened to Xiao Xi’s body? He has been guessing from this incredible point of view.

‘“Big brother, you are awake!”

As soon as I walked to the living room, I heard Chen Xue’s crisp and ethereal voice. All three girls were there, and when he saw him, his face showed a happy expression.

"The big lazy, finally willing to get up. Chen Xin sister, I tell you, he is usually lazy, before I live here, his home is so chaotic that even the pig nest is not as good as it... even the pigs are not Willing to live in." Sophie said with a smile.

"Well... I didn't want to start, I was smoked several times, but I still came in." Ye Tianxie said calmly.

Yu Chen’s heart “snapped” and smiled. Sophie reacted for two seconds, only to see the whole word w~ap. Stand up and anger: "Death evil, actually dare to marry me, still want to eat!"

"It is obviously what you said, I am just obeying your words." Ye Tianxie showed a very innocent expression, sitting next to Chen Xue. Chen Xue was happy to lean his body on him.

"Hey! I don't know your patient, I am sick, see how I punish you... How is your arm, and it hurts?" The mouth said, packing up, talking about his arm, face It is full of worried expressions. She squatted to Ye Tianxie's leg and touched his arm. "You have been wrapped around for more than two days. You are afraid of waking you up these two days, so you haven't taken it for another change... don't move, I will take a look."

After that, she did not wait for Ye Tianxie to disagree. She had picked up the scissors, cut the one on the edge of the bandage, and then solved the clumsy circle.

"I am here to help."


Chen Xin went to the other side of Ye Tianxie and helped him to solve the bandage on his left arm.

Chen Xin’s movements were obviously more skillful than Sophie’s, so she was able to solve the bandages at the same time as Sufifi, even after she was in Sufifi, and the two girls all stopped at the moment when the bandages were removed. .

Ye Tianxie's arm... The roots can't see the scars, it's more eye-catching, only a trace of the road is a little white.

"Look, I said nothing." Ye Tianxie stretched his arm and then rested behind his head. His physical resilience is extremely amazing, and ordinary small wounds will heal in less than an hour. And this relatively large wound can be cured in a day. So this result, he is not at all surprised.

"Heavenly evil, you should not deliberately go to the hospital to wrap two bandages to scare us." Sufifi looked up and said suspiciously.

"No, it’s a big brother. He really hurts a lot. It’s a lot of flow... Chen Xue said a little in a hurry. Ye Tianxie’s thirteen wounds are all for her, she will remember her life, how is it possible? Will forget.

Ye Tianxie smiled a little and held Chen Xuejiao's small and exquisite body on his lap. He asked with affection: "Snow, is the body comfortable?"

"Yeah!" Chen Xue nodded very hard, and the star was smiling with a smile: "I feel so good now that I can eat myself in the bowl... The food that Feifei’s sister made is delicious. It is the best that Cher has ever eaten."

"Oh, of course." Although I was puzzled by the inexplicable disappearance of the wound on Ye Tianxie's arm, Su Feifei did not ask for more. I was very proud of the small nose of Chen Xue. In the past two days, the three girls got along very well. Although they were brought together by the same man, they did not rub the smell of gunpowder. This is determined by the character of Su Feifei and Chen Xin.

"Big brother, are you better?" Chen Xue touched the white mark on his arm with her little hand. Although she was miraculously healed, she looked at the trace left by her. She Still distressed, I want to cry... She always knows that this is a life that is not finished for a lifetime.

"Look, I seem to have something like it?" Ye Tianxie said very comfortably, one hand gently stroked on her soft, delicate waist. Because they have experienced life and death, there is no barrier between them. Because they flowed blood for each other, one for the other person's tears... and Chen Xue's body also flows his blood.

"Heavenly Brother, thank you very much... I don't know how to thank you for your good..." Since Ye Tianxie came out, Yu Chen’s heart has been in an excited state of not knowing what to say. From the beginning of meeting him, he has been helping her to collapse at any time... such kindness, she already does not know when she can repay, and now, he wiped out all the darkness in her and her sister’s life, so that The kindness is far better than the help of life. She really doesn't know what she should take to repay. What can I use to repay?

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