Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 364: Explosion, anger

"It is indeed evil, he is now at the gate, and ... and let you see you right away, otherwise..."... The black man swallowed, and he never dared to say it.

"What?" The Son of Heaven changed his face and frowned.

"He said that if the Lord does not go to see him, then... just step on the wing of the sky?"

"Treading the wings of the sky? A big tone! He is evil, is it really good when I cover the sky is a bully? How many people did he bring?" The son of the sky is cold.

"One...one person."

"One person?" The look of the Son of Heaven changed again, and after a change of look, a sneer: "A person... I dare to go to the site of my wing of the sky. It seems that this person is already arrogant and really not. Know how to write the word 'death'! Yeah... Since it’s here, calculate the old account with the old account!” The son of the sky slammed the table and hurried out. The black man quickly followed behind.

The girl sat there for a long time, quiet, her eyes lifted, the original calm as the mirror of the eye swaying, the lips waved, and a slight whisper: "Evil day, it is time to see Look at this person."

Outside the headquarters of the wing of the sky...

Non-guild members, unless agreed, may not enter a guild's residence without authorization, regardless of the general part of the department. This is not a concept that can't be easily entered into someone else's home, but it is qualitatively different...because the guild can be established, It is also natural to perish, otherwise, the dispute will be meaningless. Although the guild resident can't enter without permission...but it can be hard.

The hard way is to destroy the door here... In short, it is to break into the door.

Destroy the gate and you will enter the courtyard.

Destroy the door of the hall, you can break into the hall, then the door of the room, you can enter the room, even the inner room. What this "destruction" needs is not the "destroy" attribute that the base does not appear in the player's hand, but the door of the guild, gang, and alliance station, all of which have their own life value. The higher the level of the guild, the stronger the defense of the door.

However, if you have a piece of equipment with a destructive attribute, it will be a breeze to destroy. Because the most direct effect of the "destroy" attribute is destruction, completely ignoring the health of these defensive barriers.

The establishment of the wing of the sky is not too long, but it has reached the second level guild at an extremely amazing speed. The defense of the gate has reached 150 and the life is as high as 2 million. For every level of guild level, defense increases by 50%, and the health of defensive barriers increases by 100%. Therefore, although the level of the guild is extremely difficult to improve, for each level of improvement, there will be tremendous growth in defense alone.

To destroy a guild, it can be said that it is very simple, it can be said that it is difficult to add... Simple, because to destroy a guild is not to kill all its members - this is not realistic, but only Need to destroy the core symbol of this announcement - the guild plaque. When each guild is established, the plaque is automatically generated by the name of the guild. The plaque can't be carried on the body, or even free to move, but will automatically appear in the core position of the guild headquarters. If the plaque is destroyed, the guild will be disbanded at the same time. Therefore, the location where the guild plaque is stored must be the top priority of a guild. When a guild's door begins to be attacked, all members of the guild will immediately get a warning from the system. At this time of attack, all gang members will get a privilege, that is, in a free state or a free environment. Underneath, return to the guild station that was attacked in an instant, instead of needing to go back to the city, and then run over with sweat.

Therefore, members of the guild can return to the guardian in an instant. The guild can immediately form the strongest defense in the event of an attack. Unless there is overwhelming power, let alone destroy the guild plaque. It is difficult to break into the door. difficult. After all, the development of the establishment of the guild requires a lot of money, manpower and material resources, and cannot be too agreed to be destroyed.

Ye Tianxie was determined to stand in front of the gate of the wing of heaven. The battle in the city is banned, but there are two exceptions, one is the arena and the other is the battle of the guild. But at this time, Ye Tianxie only needs to attack the front door. Anyone who is on the wing of the sky can return to it immediately. It is no exaggeration to say that they can build a hundred thousand in a very short time. The defensive team of the player, when Ye Tianxie is the true God, can not break the door of the wing of the sky under such defense.

Therefore, although the Son of Heaven is extremely horrified at why Ye Tianxie did not go to the suffocation of the sect of the gods, but came here, but there is no fear that the evil world can break into one person... On the contrary, since it is coming, there will be grievances. Resentment has revenge! !

Out of the hall, walked to the courtyard, the Son of Heaven saw Ye Tianxie standing less than five meters away from the gate. His look is calm, the atmosphere is restrained, there is no movement, as if he is waiting for him deliberately, and his surroundings have surrounded a thick layer of heavenly wings... Ye Tianxie did not shoot, they did not get The above order, together with the powerful deterrent that Ye Tianxie has always had, they are not daring to do it.

Seeing the Son of Heaven coming out, Ye Tianxie's eyes fixed on his face, and the sharp eyes were slightly swelled between the cold cold light.

The Son of Heaven stood in front of the gate and looked at Ye Tianxie. He smiled and smiled coldly: "Evil day, I have to admire your courage. You dare to come alone to my site. I am It’s said that you don’t know how high the earth is, or that you’re arrogant and incompetent... You owe me a few accounts, I’ven’t figured it out with you, you’re sending it to yourself, it’s great!”

He is still not sure what the reason for Ye Tianxie's arrival is... Is it really that he has seen the game? Guess the people who want to conceal the Sudyan rain are the wings of the sky instead of the gods? Impossible... that the roots are not flawed, he should never see anything.

For the son of the sky, Ye Tianxie still has no expression, he slowly said: "Call out the so-called Tian Mo Xie of your wing of the sky... Immediately! If you obey, I can let you cover the sky. There are a few days in the wing... Don’t test my patience?”

The son of the sky glimpsed, then suddenly heard a ridiculous joke, and laughed up: "Ha ha ha ha, evil day, you really arrogant ridiculous ... in the land of my wing, It’s still not your evil day to ask for it! Tian Moxie is a recognized Chinese myth in the world. His prestige has never fallen down for years. It’s not something that you can compare with this little evil day! Hey, I want to I am the person who covers the wings of the sky? Then break into my wing of the sky, take the person you are looking for, hahahaha..." After the laughter, the face of the child is slamming and screaming: " Give it to me! Today... you must let him die!!"

He is standing in the guild. Ye Tianxie wants to hurt him. He must first pass through the gate of the guild with two million lives, so his safety does not require any scruples. Under his command, the people around Ye Tianxie quickly set the battle, and the melee players swarmed.

Who is the real Tian Mo Xie, and the Tian Mo Xie of the Heavenly Wings is what is going on, no one knows more clearly than the Son of Heaven...because, the fake Tian Moxie is the Son of Heaven used to raise the prestige and preemptively Tianmo evil is set up! Because Tian Moxie's reputation is too loud, since he appeared in the game world, China's virtual game world is full of legends about him, and then these legends began to evolve into a "myth", and then spread to the world. His legend has lasted for three years, and he is only prosperous. He has countless admirers, and his reputation is unparalleled. He rarely shows up in public, rarely contacts outsiders, even no union, no one. I have seen him and his team, and he has always been a single person... However, his fan group is recognized as the biggest fan group in China, and it is dozens of times more than the fan group of domestic first-line stars.

Therefore, when the sign of "Tianmo Evil" joins the wing of the heavens, the influence brought by it is enormous, and the countless admirers of Tianmo Evil will not hesitate to move closer to the wing of the sky. In a sense, this strategy of the Son of Heaven is quite wise, so that the development of the wing of the sky is extremely amazing, and it is twice as full as the domain alliance. Although Tian Moxie still did not show up, no one has ever doubted his truth. Because the real Tianmo evil is rarely seen in front of people, no sound is already, a screaming, and, who is the name of Tian Moxie who dares to fake? Otherwise, he will be chased by his fan group, and the real world will be brought out by human flesh. The consequences will be incomparably miserable. At the same time, in order to perfectly shape the image of Tian Moxie, the Son of Heaven used his method of getting it from his sister to bring his level to a very high level...even, the day just listed in the ranking list, high The ranking is ranked first. As a result, no one doubts that Tianmo is a true Tianmo evil.

As for the real revenge of the Tianmo evil that would inevitably be brought about by this, he did not directly pay attention to it. Because Tian Moxie is always alone, he has hundreds of thousands of people covering the sky, and will he fear such a person? Even before, he thought that even if Tian Moxie did not come to him, he would take the initiative to look for it, and then destroy him to prevent the fake Tian Moxie from exposing... Because the identity of the false Tian Mo evil was exposed, the consequences It will be extremely serious. The addition of the wing of the sky to the heavenly wing will cause a huge riot in the interior of the wing of the sky, and the admirers of the Tianmo evil... even the majority of the Chinese players will Satire and disdainful anger turned to the wing of the sky. g! ~!

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