Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 386: Unequal agreement

However, no matter how instinctive the heart is, Ye Tianxie still maintains a plain look... and this flat half is pretending, half because he has seen, got, and used this scroll, and His unexaggerated reaction also surprised Tianchen City. Such a scroll containing the power of God, he can be so calm, he is heartless, or the heart is really so tough.

"The Lord of the City." Ye Tianxie's gaze removed from the scroll of God's gift, and said: "This scroll does have extraordinary strength, but compared with the annihilation of the Emperor's bow... it is simply not Fabi, let me tell you the truth, I have a lot of such scrolls..."

"You fart!" Ye Tianxie hasn't finished yet, Tianchen City has already burst out: "You are a fool when I am! I am so foolish in the city of Tianchen City!! I tell you, When the first Tianchen City lord handed this reel to me, I also said that this is the only one in Tianchen, which is the deity that the creation **** left for the lost continent! You will? You are really an idiot. You are fooling me, but you are the one to God!"

Ye Tianxie quickly stepped back two steps, avoiding a large spit of stars, and then quickly waved his hand and said: "Chengdu adults, don't be excited, okay... since you said that there is only one such reel, then I will deliberately prove There is another one, what about you?"

"I will..." Tianchen City owner just wanted a bunch of swear words to scream, but immediately alerted, promptly stopped, did not say the latter half. Before he was too confident, he firmly believed that Ye Tianxie could not get the gentian of the undead dragon, so he was now entangled to death, was forced by all kinds of things, and even the old bottom was taken out... In case this kid came again, I really have to come up with one, so I don’t even have to be blackmailed by him. ”

Suddenly, his face was upright and said: "Well? The old city owner is not necessarily right, you really have such a scroll."

Ye Tianxie licked his mouth and called out his own property panel: "Look at my career."

The eyes of Tianchen City’s main eye, the boss who suddenly smashed... The evil bone dragon, the magical beast god...

Two occupations!

It turned out to be two occupations.

He once again felt the shock in the body of Ye Tianxie. But, immediately, the greater shock made him not return to God for a long time.

Anti-bone dragon... What kind of occupation is this? I have never heard of it.

Eudemons God makes... Eudemons! ?

Tianchen City owner was stunned. He stared at the words "Eudemons and Gods" on the panel. Both eyes almost fell out! Even if he saw the ring of the Qinglong, he did not reveal such an exaggerated expression of surprise.

"You...you got the recognition of the Eudemons!" Tianchen City looked up and said with amazement: "When you went to the city of Tianri, did you go in the ruins of the Eudemons? Have you seen it there? The St. Marks... At the beginning, the Dark Ghost King was hidden in the illusionary orc ruins... What happened to you that time?"

The Eudemons, even today, have been annihilated for thousands of years, mentioning the name of this race, lost in the mainland, there will still be the vast majority of people know. Because this is a small race of number and size, it is a race that is strong enough to fight against the true God, and is a heroic race.

In the legend of lost continents, one of them circulates the last power left by the illusionary orcs, and the powerful and unparalleled sacred beast with unlimited potential. But these are just rumors... Today, he actually saw the word "Eudemons" in Ye Tianxie.

God makes... the messenger of God!


At this moment, Tianchen City clearly heard the sound of his heart beating wildly. This person in front of him... He has the badge of the brave, and completed the tasks that could not be completed one after another with the power of more than ten levels. With the current strength, he went to the tower of destiny and got the ring of Qinglong. Now, It also clearly carries the power of the Eudemons.

He couldn't help but be shocked and shocked. He has always highly appreciated Ye Tianxie... but he did not expect that he is still too underestimated for him. From this time on, Ye Tianxie is no longer a mere player in his eyes... After all, the mysterious and amazing colors on his body are too heavy. He has already determined his extraordinary, even, silently guessing... The ring of the Dragon Dragon appears on him, and the power of the illusionary orc family appears on him... What does it mean? .

And his first career, that is even ranked in the occupation before the "Eudemons", the anti-bone dragon... dragon! ? This is not like the name of a profession, it is like a unique name, title!

Ye Tianxie put away the panel, and looked at the over-exaggerated expression of Tianchen Chengzhu. He said: "This question... um, it is also mys. After all, you should know about the phantoms. The less people know the better."

Tianchen City has many doubts in his heart, but he is by no means an uninformed person. He presses his heart and says: "Well, don't mention this... you have two professions, maybe you are right, this world is not There is only one such "God's Gift" scroll, which I used to sit on and watch the sky... Then, this scroll is my most precious collection, it is the real god, you are willing to use it as you The reward of the undead dragon gentian... This is already my bottom line. You are a smart person. You should know that I can’t let the Emperor’s bow really belong to another person anyway.”

Ye Tianxie laughed. He said two steps forward: "Although this scroll is not very attractive to me, since the urban master has said so, of course, I can't be a person who doesn't know how to be good... Ok, I can return the Emperor’s bow to you right away, and I won’t beat its master again, but... I’m struggling with hardships, risking my life, going through a desperate struggle between the nine dead and a lifetime from the Tower of Destiny. Take the daring of this undead dragon, and the reward you gave me can't be shabby. After all, this can be related to the life of your wife and daughter, but life is priceless..."

There are a lot of prefixes in the squat, and the Tianchen master directly listens to his mouth. Ye Tianxie said this: "That’s so good, you use this 'God's gift' scroll, and The reward for me in the golden battle soul suit..."

"No problem." Tianchen City Lord immediately agreed. Even the most precious collections have been taken out, and will not be reluctant to set up a set of gold equipment?

"In addition, we must add ... all the commercial chains established by the Chamber of Commerce in Tianchen City in July, permanently tax-free."


"Yes! You didn't get it wrong, it's permanent." Ye Tianji once again stressed it again.

"No!" Tianchen City owner quickly shook his head: "This time is absolutely impossible! The three years I originally proposed are already my bottom line! The taxation of my Tianchen City is a little nervous. Your prospects for the Chamber of Commerce in July are unlimited, and it is more than we expected. Rapid, if the tax is permanently exempted... Not only is there a big loss for my city, but it will also cause some confusion in the business order, and it is even more unfair to others..."

"This..." Ye Tianxie ordered a forehead: "The urban master, I am very serious about it. If you can permanently exempt the tax of the Chamber of Commerce in July, it will greatly promote the development of the Chamber of Commerce in July. Maybe you will lose a small amount of money every year, but in exchange, I will be grateful to the urban master. If the city owner wants me to help, I will be very happy. And, to be honest, the 'God's gift 'The reel is only a little bit attractive to me. The gold equipment is not at all. If this request cannot be reached, I might be more inclined to have this bow of the Emperor.... By the way, I The profession can use any weapon, and the skill will change with the weapon. When I am in the 80th grade, this bow can be..."

Tianchen City’s main character changed and finally gritted his teeth: “...good! I promised you all the conditions!! Immediately return the Emperor’s bow to me!”

"The master of the city is really bold and eager to admire." Ye Tianxie couldn't help but laugh at the scene, and then cleanly took out the bow of Emperor Tiandi and handed it to the hands of Tianchen City. He was not worried that he would regret it. attitude.

The Tianchen City Lord took back the Emperor's King's bow, and then waved his hand, the god's gift scroll, and the set of gold war soul suits all moved to the hands of Ye Tianxie. Looking at Ye Tianxie's proud face, he took back the baby, his old face was dark, and he was impatient with his hand: "Come on, go, go! Don't forget what you said."

"The master of the city, you continue to study your profound books, I will not bother." Ye Tianxie waved his hand, very simply left, the purpose is achieved, there is no meaning of nostalgia.

When he left, Tianchen City owner frowned and whispered: "This person..."

"It seems that it is necessary to talk to the lost emperor. The ring of the Qinglong appears, the power of the illusionary orc family appears, this is definitely not an ordinary person. In the future, it will certainly set off the storm that lost the mainland..."

Tianchen City owner thought for a while and quickly picked up the mana and magic pen...

Next is the dusk of seven colors, the property is very special, can someone guess? In fact... some students have discovered that the recent state is not very good. Because the plot is a bit stuck, the main line is very clear, but I don't know how to write it down. Inspiration~~~~

In addition, at 7:30 this evening, "Mars Gravity book fans public yy channel 48975 equatorial channel **** conference, the content please read the book review area top posts, I hope everyone will go to the show ... I got a go, I was forced to agree Sing a song, please bring a high-end lightning rod and pacemaker with self-abuse."

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