Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 400: The last robbery!

Ye Tianxie is very depressed.

The tree vine of the tree of pledge has an irresistible force to bind, and even the power of the sacred king does not want to escape. However, the strength of the mysterious businessman is not covered after all. After being tied up, he took up the star-stitching gloves. In order not to delay the time, he did not think too much about the mysterious businessman.

now think of it……

Anxious p! !

If you can...

The ancients said: Think twice and then go, it really is not nonsense.

And... He even began to regret how he didn’t want to let Star Treasure not go online in the past few days. Otherwise, the little elf is eccentric, clever, and there are a bunch of props of various functions. For a person who can't move, maybe there is really a way to smash down everything on his body... Maybe, there will be stealing props like star-stitching gloves on her body - even the Wanli tracker Everything is made out of metamorphosis, and a stolen prop is not easy!

Ye Tianxie, who went to the windy town, closed the life-recovery ability of the life ring, and then quickly ran outside the town, and soon came to the territory of the 25-level mob giant claw lizard.

When I saw someone approaching, the two giant claw lizards in the vicinity attacked together, and Ye Tian was not moving, letting their attacks fall on their own bodies.

-17, -18, -15, -16...

The number of injuries is not slow and slow on the head of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie is not anxious to look at the number of injuries on the head one after another, silently calculating... After a few seconds, his eyes A cold, call out the fate of the moment, a blow to kill the two giant claw lizards in front of them.

Without regaining his fate, he took out an empty magical bead and returned to where he was.

The mysterious businessman is still tied there firmly, and the position has not moved. He did not react to his reappearance. But from the flow of breath, Ye Tianxie is enough to feel that he is trying to break free.

"There is a last chance to steal, what can I get from you?" Ye Tianxie stretched his right hand and prepared for the last steal. It stands to reason that he concealed this innocent mysterious businessman, although it was driven by greed, but it should show a little apology. But...because the disdain in the voice of the mysterious businessman, the Ye Tianxie who is proud of the bones has not apologized, but he can’t wait to bundle him for ten days and ten nights... let you get it! Let you fear yourself! Let you wear deep! Let you calm down! Let you...

The mysterious businessman did not answer.

Ye Tianxie took a soft breath and glanced at the mysterious businessman and said: "You can rest assured that since you don't dare to see people, you are not interested in seeing the country. I am not interested in seeing it. What do you look like, I am only interested in what you are... The last time, you think, what can I get?"

Mysterious businessman: "..."

Ye Tianxie stepped back two steps, slowly raising the moment of destiny in his hand, sighing with relief, whispering: "The soul of the evil dragon!!"

"Oh... your evil spirits must be used no more than an hour at a time, and they are temporarily unavailable."

Ye Tianxie has a sigh of relief and his head is blue.

In the pursuit of the Red Taiyang, the fire of the small fireball made him have to open the wall of the evil dragon. From that time, it seems that it has been ten minutes, not to mention an hour.

"Well, you wait a little longer."

Ye Tianxie had to drop another sentence and returned to the town of Fengfeng again.

"Break the army, autumn water, coming to the west of the windy town, right away!!" Ye Tianxie picked up the talker and said in a hurry.

After receiving the call, Zuo Bianjun and Qiu Shui thought that something big was going on, and almost rushed over at the speed of the rocket. When I saw Ye Tianxie, I didn’t speak yet. Ye Tianxie had already frowned and said: “I will attack me immediately!”

When he spoke, he removed all the equipment with defensive attributes.

"Amount... Second brother, what is the situation?" Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui were dumbfounded at the same time, so they shouted in an anxious tone, and then gave such a sentence coldly...

"I will explain it to you later... Hurry! Time is limited!" Ye Tianxie once again urged.

"Dear brother, I think I understand, okay... although I don't want it." Murong Qiuhui raised his golden bow, stepping back a few steps, a two-shot attack to Ye Tianxie. The same thing, at the Shadow Forest in the east of Tianchen City, he had already done it.

The left-handed army blinked at the side. He took out his own weapon, but hesitated for a long time. He still couldn’t get out of it. He had to open his eyes and look at Murong Qiu Shui to close his eyes. The arrow shot continuously at a uniform speed. To the chest of Ye Tianxie.

Unloading all the defensive equipment, Murong Qiu Shui's two consecutive shots can cause him more than 400 damage. Ye Tianxie has been frowning at his own life, gazing at its little drop, falling to half, then falling to a quarter... and then down to one tenth.

"Okay, stop!"

Just when the health was almost emptied, Ye Tianxie shouted out the voice and quickly re-equiped all the equipment that had just been unloaded, and then frowned: "Autumn, come again!"

Murong Qiuhui raised his bow and arrow and shot another two shots.


Murong Qiu Shui: (⊙o⊙)! !

Left Broken Army: (⊙o⊙)! !

Murong Qiu Shui's hand, but a gold bow, only in the attack power will be beyond the ordinary players. But Ye Tianxie’s equipment once, his attack, actually became so pitiful in Ye Tianxie. It can be imagined that Ye Tianxie’s defense ability has reached an astonishing height.

And Ye Tianxie's blood trough at this time has become almost blank, the value of life, only the last - 25 points!

"Well... you go back first, I am in a hurry." Ye Tianxie took out an empty magical bead and returned. Left Zuo Junjun and Murong Qiu are there to face each other.

Going back to the mysterious businessman again, Ye Tianxie is already gnashing his teeth. For this last theft, I lost a lot of time, and I died a lot of brain cells, and ran back and forth twice! Do not hess a layer of skin... I will not surname Ye! !

"Frenzy warfare!!"

A sultry ray exploded on Ye Tianxie's body, and the violent emotions and violent powers condensed in Ye Tianxie at the same time. Then, Ye Tianxie left his hand, and the moment of destiny appeared again in his hands. At the same time, a scarlet radiance shines from the moment of destiny, and instantly spreads to his whole body, so that his entire body is wrapped in a layer of intense and amazing blood.

The blood sacrifice of fate, or the life is less than 1% trigger, the ultimate effect of a full 400% attack bonus, and then superimposed on the violent warfare attack bonus, Ye Tianxie's basic attack power at this time, almost broken! !

The incredible momentum and chaos mixed with **** taste made the mysterious businessman look up in shock and look at Ye Tianxie's gaze, filled with deep sorrow.

This power, this momentum...

This person, why is there such a huge change in the blink of an eye! !

"You just said that our strength gap is as big as it is... then, now!!"

Ye Tianxie, who is suffering from the violent temper, is almost unable to control his own emotions and attack the mysterious businessman in front of him. Originally, although he is a party to victory, but above the momentum, he has been suppressed by the other side... because his strength is indeed too much difference with the mysterious businessman.

But now, his momentum is almost suppressed by mysterious businessmen. At this time, Ye Tianxie and his strength gap, invisible, have not been nearly doubled.


夭夭 appeared behind Ye Tianxie, it immediately grasped the meaning of Ye Tianxie, short body, the body flashed a flash... Open, will Ye Tianxie and mysterious businessmen enveloped ... and the mysterious businessman, was judged as an enemy.

At the same time as the formation of the wall of Tianze, the mysterious businessman’s body came with a heavy sense of being suppressed. He looked at the stun in another shock... and at this moment, Ye Tianxie suddenly picked Lost the star glove, the right hand that stretched out, the tooth of the dragon appeared again.

The right hand is lifted up, and the dragon's teeth are shining with black light!

"The Curse of the Dark Devil!!"

A low drink, Ye Tianxie directly hit the mysterious businessman with the teeth of the black dragon.

The Curse of the Dark Demon: Unleash the dark magic in the tooth of the Demon Dragon into the attack. The target hit is lucky to drop 10 in 30 minutes. If the lucky value exceeds 10 points, it will be forced to drop to 0, and 70%. The probability of falling into 3-5 seconds of dark (invisible) and chaotic (the body is not controlled by itself) state. Can be used three times a day

The effect of the Dark Lord's Curse is attached by the Dragon's Teeth, which can be attached to the attack or directly attacked by the Dragon's Tooth. Moreover, the curse effect of the Dark Lord's Curse is forced to attach, irresistible... The Dragon's tooth slammed on the mysterious businessman, without taking any damage figures, but the dark light was detached from the dragon's teeth. Into the mysterious businessman's body ... If you look closely, you will see, the mysterious businessman's body surface at this time, covered with a layer of invisible black light.

The additional abnormal state was immunized by the mysterious businessman, but that forced the additional curse, let his lucky value drop directly to zero... let his face change again.

The proliferation of attacks, the blessings of the wall of Tianze and the suppression of the enemy, the forced curse of the dragon's teeth... The consequences of the combination will be...

The left hand is holding the fate of the moment, and the right hand is replaced with the star-stitching gloves. Ye Tianxie condenses all his spirits and holds his breath. The palm of his hand catches the mysterious businessman at the fastest speed, touching the body of the mysterious businessman in his palm. At that moment, his eyes shook through the brilliance of the moment.

"Oh... you succeeded in stealing ‘the gods outside the sky’ and ‘the suzuki’s 翎’.”

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