Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 467: 苒凌风

"Heavenly evil, you are too bad." Sufifi said with Ye Tianxie's clothes, smiled and said. The heart is called a happy, watching the pile of money getting higher and higher... It’s really better than the thorns that come directly from this store. The other party only collects cash and does not swipe the card. The attitude is quite respectful. It is your love and willingness to buy and sell. This gesture makes people want to get angry and can't find much reason, and Ye Tianxie is more than the fat manager. Yin doesn't know how many times. Since you want cash, then send money on mén, yes, all is money, there is nothing else, so that the other party can not reasonably say it.

"Wow! Brother, where did you find such money... a lot better." Chen Xue also shouted with excitement. Chen Xin also licked his mouth with a hand, surprised to see the pile of higher money... She certainly knows that it is not difficult to take 40 million cash, but in such a short period of time, she found a total of nearly 40 million Chinese coins. A máo banknote, the difficulty does not know how many times bigger, the root is impossible to do with money. At the same time, it is difficult to clear the number of these loose banknotes.

"No way, they don't want cash, then give them cash. But if you are poor, you can't afford a big face, you can only come with a mááo." Ye Tianxie puts down the impurities in his hands, not too slow Said.

"Hey, evil, you see... that fat man is about to cry, guess what he will do, will he turn his face directly?" Sufifi said with gloating.

"Flip the face?" Ye Tianxie's mouth brought a sneer that was not easy to detect: "I really expect him to turn his face, just, oh, it is estimated that he is now giving him another hundred courage, and he can't turn it up."

Ye Tianxie talked, the fat man had come over to him, and he began to nod his head. He has been crawling for so many years. He is no longer a bloody, young man who knows how to be tough. When should I have a grandson: "Ye... Mr. Ye..."

Ye Tianxie glanced at him and directly interrupted him and said: "You still don't let people go to the money, what are you doing? My time is precious, you can't afford it!"

"Yes... I know that because of the mistakes in the work of the store, it has caused you unhappiness, or else... If you don’t like this, it’s my pleasure to see Mr. Ye’s style today. I will be the master. The jewels that Mr. Ye just selected are the xiǎo shop to give Mr. Ye a meeting, jiāo...jiāo a friend, don’t want a penny.” When the fat manager spoke, the cold sweat was squatting down. So at this time, the first head of the country was sitting opposite, and he was not so scared... But the man who looked young and harmless in front of him, even the Li family was abolished, and now he put this The big one is obviously not wanting to give up, he can not be scared.

"Hey!" The magazine in his hand was thrown on the coffee table by Ye Tianxie. The shocking sound made the fat manager all over the body. Ye Tianxie looked at him with a sinful look, his face burning with obvious anger. : "Hun account stuff! Laozi wants to swipe the card, you let Laozi jiāo cash, Laozi is now working hard to let the special person to send the cash, but you tell Laozi not to pay money, you play Laozi as a monkey!!"

"No, no, no, no! I absolutely don't have this meaning..." The fat manager saw him anger, and his heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and quickly waved his hand.

Ye Tianxie sat back and stared straight at him and said: "I will immediately let people count for me. I can't have more points. I can't take a minute... Go! I will spend my time, I will abolish you. ”

The word "waste" came out, and the fat manager was so scared that even the body was soft. He no longer dared to say a word. He quits in a panic and retreats to the back. He picks up the phone and screams: "All... Give me all the way to the front hall, right away! I heard no!!"

Not long after, all the money has been moved here. Fortunately, the hall of this jewellery line is large enough, but it has also piled up more than three meters high, almost covering a large hall. Nearly a dozen people, including the eight security guards, received orders to count the money, but they saw the banknotes on the ground, but they were all helpless. With so much money, if you come by hand, I don’t know what year and month.

"I still want to do something, I don't want to pay any more." The fat manager was sulking and angry with a stomach, and they were all screaming at them.

"But the manager... so much money, we are countless in the last year." Those nv employees are crying. It’s impossible to say that the money is not counted, it’s piled here, and there are customers outside.

The fat manager can't wait for a mobile phone to smash in the past. He used the thief's eyes to look at Ye Tianxie. He whispered: "Idiot! You won't move your brain. Whoever makes you really count a few dollars? How many estimates do not even know him... I will pull them to the backyard and go!"

Those people immediately noticed and moved up. Soon, several four-wheeled xiǎo cars were pushed in, and then the piles of money were put up and taken away. Ye Tianxie is holding a magazine and Chen Xue while watching and laughing, and the head is not lifted, as if the roots are too lazy to see what they are doing. The ten soldiers who came to transport the money trucks stood outside after moving the money. Without the instructions of Ye Tianxie, they did not move.

After a short period of time, the money in the land was finally pulled away. The fat manager was always watching the reaction of Ye Tianxie. Seeing that he never even lifted his head, his heart was even more uneasy. . He stroked Xiongkou and took some soft steps to Ye Tianxie.

At this time, Ye Tianxie looked up and gave him a look. He said plainly: "Is it good?"

"The number...the number is good, I can't delay Mr. Ye's time." The fat manager hardened his scalp and said what he wouldn't believe. He has no choice, because so much money, it is harder to think about it than to go to heaven.

"Oh, the efficiency is good." After listening to this answer, Ye Tianxie arbitrarily responded, and even a ji reaction such as surprise and anger did not, and then squinted and said, since the point is over... Let's go. ”

The fat manager was in a tight heart and said quickly: "Exactly... just right. It is just 3,913,140, ​​and Mr. Ye is really a jing-small person, not much, a lot."

"Oh, the money is all collected? Should it be just enough for the jewelry I sold?" Ye Tianxie continued to ask slowly.

"Yes, yes, they are all collected, just, just right." The fat manager answered honestly.

"Oh, is it... you, come in." Ye Tianxie turned his head and shouted.

The ten people who had shipped the money went together and brushed in. The cold breath made the temperature here drop a little. Ye Tianxie asked: "How much money have you shipped together this time... I want accurate numbers."

On the far right, the step forward, God sè calmly said: "Mr. Ye, a total of 3,931,140 yuan or three máo."

"Oh... you can go out." Ye Tianxie nodded. The ten men rolled out and brushed out.

When they just came out of mén, Ye Tianxie stood up fiercely. In the loud noise of "咣", he kicked the tea table in front of him and angered: "Well, you are a fat man, you want to hang out." Máo money... you don't want to live, are you??"

His roar, Fife and Chen Xin sisters were shocked, Sophie sneaked a bit of Ye Tianxie, xiǎo said: "Heavenly evil, scare them to scare them, no need to really angry of."

She squatted twice and Ye Tianxie did not respond at all. If this is just an ordinary jewelry store, there is no need for him to spend so much money. However, this store is not an ordinary shop. He is thinking about how to find their troubles, but he is "troublesome" but he is actively looking for it. He, then if he does not take the opportunity to let the other party remember for a lifetime, he is not Ye Tianxie.

The fat manager is really scared, and when Ye Tianxie is angry, there is a strong power that is born with him. In addition, he has been fighting for the rumors of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tian This evil, let the fat manager go down directly, almost slammed on the head: "I, I, I, I... I absolutely don't have this meaning, I just have the courage to dare, and I don't dare to dig Mr. Ye's money. ......"

"You really don't have the courage, but some people have it." Ye Tianxie sneered, and he stepped forward and slowly walked over to the fat man and reached out: "Give me your phone."

The fat manager stunned and quickly rushed out of the phone and placed it in Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie still sneered, picking up the phone, his fingers swiping on the screen, after a xiǎo meeting, finally found the caller record, and then smiled and pressed the call button.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a deep voice came from the opposite side: "I will say it again, you will solve it for yourself! I don't care what method you use! Don't come to me before sending them away!"

"Hey!" The smile on Ye Tianxie's face was brilliant: "It's not a big master, it's really amazing when you face the power of your men. Your family is really big... you don't need Speak, I know that you are near here, give you a minute, you better appear in front of me, otherwise I will be very angry, I will make something unreasonable after I get angry, even myself I don't know, can you understand it? Hey... Ling... Wind!"

"啪", the phone was detained by Ye Tianxie, but it was not returned to the fat manager. And the words "苒凌风" came out, the face of the fat manager sè "brush" became pale, the body shook a bit, almost softly fell to the ground. The heart of Chen Tianxie and Chen Xue, who is behind him, also changed his face.

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