Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 470: Disappearing jewelry line

Ye Tianxie's brows wrinkled tightly. Xiao Xi and Chen Xue felt that they were suddenly cold in their hands. Immediately, he returned to normal, his eyes closed slightly, and he smiled and said: "Just, I really should have pinched all his bones!"

"It’s already... nothing, it’s been for many years, it’s really okay.” Chen Xin sighed down and said uneasy.

Xiao Xi, who kept the purple orb in the hand, heard this sentence, and the head lifted slightly. The right hand on the chest was put down and reached behind, facing the rear, three white fingers. Pinch up. Made a very strange gesture.

"Well, everything has passed, but... they owe you, I will let them return a hundred times... It’s yours, there will be no traces." Ye Tianxie looked at the front, the plain voice In the middle, there is a firmness of resistance and doubt.

Chen Xin gave him a sneak look... Even if she had just been touched by the last thing she wanted to mention, she didn’t want to cry like this moment... It was just in the world of destiny, but the fate of herself and her sister also As a result, earth-shaking changes have taken place. Without the encounter of the day, without them, their sisters’ lives are simply unimaginable.

Why is he so good to himself and Cher... because Dad is his savior, or is it...

But no matter what, she is already very convinced that she is completely inseparable from him now, even if she can only watch him and Sufifi silently every day, she is not willing to leave him... she can do nothing, do They are nannies, housekeepers, and maids, as long as they can not leave, everything is fine.


A faint scream of roar came from behind, and Sophie turned his head and looked at the rear, saying: "Heaven, do you hear anything?"

Ye Tianxie also looked back and nodded casually: "It may be something that exploded... we went to the street in front."

"This street is all about selling clothes. It's all year round... Chen Xin Xue, I like what clothes I like, even if I can, I don't want to save money for this overbearing man... Hey, Let's go see that store..."

Yu Keya Jewelry, Ye Tianxie left after Sanjie Street.

苒 好 交 交 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒 苒The loud noise was a huge impact. He seemed to be pushed by the back and hit the door.

The horrified voice spread on the street, the original bustling streets were filled with screams, and the crowds were running around without knowing how many people collided, fell, and trampled during the run...

Yan Lingfeng turned and looked at his back with a terrified eye... behind him, an empty piece...

苒克雅珠宝行... disappeared! Completely disappeared.

The luxurious storefront, as well as the hundreds of millions of jewels inside, and all the people inside, disappeared as if they had evaporated from the world, leaving only a bare ground.

There is an explosion of roaring, but this is definitely not an explosion... The ruins of the jewels disappeared so flatly, and the two stores that were close to each other were not affected at all. It seems that the two knives have been smashed from the above-mentioned positions, and the knacks of the jewels have been dug out completely.

If he is still inside, there is no doubt that he will disappear with the disappearance of the jewels. A deep fear spreads in the heart of Ling Feng... It is more like magic, no! I am dreaming...



The time it takes for a woman to buy a piece of clothing often exceeds the time it takes to have a child.

Ye Tianxie sat in the rest area, boring to play with his own mobile phone. Every girl changed clothes and would immediately stand in front of him and say hello. Even Chen Xin would be ashamed to answer him first. Ye Tianxie’s answer can of course only be “good-looking” or “too beautiful” and “Oh, I saw the fairy”. But then again, if you are beautiful, the most common dress will shine with it.

The phone rang, it was the left army. Ye Tianxie picked up and asked: "A few people have gone back? Hey, it’s hard to break the army, and it’s too much trouble to get so much money."

"The trouble is not trouble, but there is one thing... Second brother, just disappeared from the rugby jewellery line, did you know?" The left-wing army sounded weird.

"Disappear?" Ye Tianxie issued a questioning voice.

The left-handed army sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "You didn't know the second brother. It must have nothing to do with you... It's too strange, no, not so strange, it's better to say... It's too horrible. I think this is a cause for concern around the world."

"What happened?" Ye Tianxie frowned.

"There was an explosion at the side of the Kaya Jewelry. It was accurate that it should not be an explosion. I don't know what to call it. In short, after a blast, the entire 苒克雅 jewelry line disappeared, the storefront Everything inside, including people, disappeared, and there was no trace of disappearance. The two shops on both sides of the jewelery line of the jewels of the jewels of the jewels were not shocked, and nothing happened. There was only a bare ground left in the jewellery line, and the ground was almost like a mirror, including the walls of the two shops that were next to the jewels of the jewels... just like, with a knife It is completely complete for digging." Zuo Bianjun said with a deep shock.

Ye Tianxie has been speechless for a long time, and the brows are getting tighter and tighter: "There is still such a thing."

"If this is caused by what super-high-end weapons, it would be terrible... My dad just convened an emergency meeting because of this... Someone suggested that it is possible that someone has developed a very strong laser weapon. The laser cut the 苒克雅 jewelry line, and then used the laser to disperse it into ions... However, all the witnesses present at the time said that the 苒克雅 jewelry line suddenly disappeared at once, and there was no process at all. However, at present it seems that the laser weapon still in the concept is the only explanation. But no matter what, the sensation caused by this incident will far exceed any terrorist attack in history, if it exists A kind of weapon, the whole world will fall into uneasiness. And this incident appears in my China, I am afraid, many countries will jointly pressure China. Second brother, this matter, what do you think?"

Ye Tianxie's brow tightened, and then slowly stretched out, sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "Break the army, have you ever thought about whether this will be done by manpower."

"Human?" left the army, and then quickly shook his head: "Impossible! How is this possible... This is not the ability that people can have, that is, those who have the power, they say that the oldest is the strongest old Hey, let him practice for a thousand years, it’s impossible to do such an incredible thing? Don’t say people, it’s impossible for Superman to come. Oh... It’s possible to do it with bumpy light, but... ...Is there really a bump in the world?"

Ye Tianyin paused and said slowly: "A lot of things, not what you think is impossible, will not happen."

The left-wing army’s breathing stagnated, and he discovered that Ye Tianxie did not seem to be joking.

"If it's really manpower, it's really... terrible, terrible... No, it shouldn't be people, but God." Zuo Duanjun took a breath of air and said, from Ye Tianxie In his tone, he vaguely felt what he seemed to know.

"Reassured... By the way, bring your words to your father, it is my original words, similar things, will not appear again in the future, so that he does not have to worry, if any country comes to pressure, oh, just, the world The most effective deterrent is always the deterrent force. You can let your father and them say... There is a terrorist organization inside China. They have laser weapons from aliens, which can make a country’s capital unconsciously disappear……"

"... Second brother, are you... know what?" asked the left-handed army.

"Almost. Then that's it, hang up first."

Ye Tianxie pressed the phone up and put it aside.

Su Feifei, Chen Xinchen Xue, three girls are all trying to wear clothes in a cheerful manner, only Xiaoxi still stays with him. Ye Tianxie stretched out to pick up Xiaoxi’s body and let her sit on her knees, ringing her little waist with one hand, and gently said in her ear: “Xiaoxi, you did it, right? ?"

He wouldn't forget that on the rainy night, she moved her fingers and the broken glass returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye. This ability has completely exceeded the scope of the ability, can only be called - divine power.

Xiaoxi nodded, and the purple beads on his chest were tightly held in his hands, and he was afraid of shrinking in his arms like a child who was doing something wrong.

Sure enough, ......

When the roar came, they were at least a kilometer away from there, and it was such a terrible ability to let such a big place disappear through such a long distance.

He stroked Xiaoxi’s hair and said, “In the future, unless you meet someone very fast, don’t do it again, okay?”

Ye Tianxie’s words made Xiao Xi reveal a more scared and scared expression. Two small hands clasped the clothes on his chest, nodded hard, nodded...

Xiao Xi’s demeanor made him feel uncomfortable and hugged her. He said softly: “Xiao Xi, I said, you are the most precious and beautiful and pure gem around your brother. I am not a small criminal. What's wrong... Xiaoxi always cares about me so much, no matter what I do, it's good for me, how can I do it wrong... In fact, no matter what Xiaoxi does, I won't blame you..."

Xiao Xi’s little hand slowly relaxed and leaned his body closer to him.

"Just, Xiaoxi is the kindest child. The person I hate is not necessarily a wicked person. I can be a bad person, but I don't want my Xiaoxi to become a wicked person who has been sinned. Many innocent people, they also have their own homes and relatives... Xiao Xi, even if you want to do it later, only for the bad guys, not for those who have no relationship, okay?"

Xiaoxi nodded very hard, and the nervous look finally stretched slowly. g! ~!

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