Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 476: Hidden door

Even the skills "violent warfare" that was originally obtained from the skill reel were suddenly advanced.

In just a few minutes, the dragon splits into the ranks, the violent warfare advanced, and opened two very strong skills dragon soul cracking and dragon soul roar, is this really just accidental?

This is the result of the further awakening of the power of the Dragon Soul after the seven sins of sin?

The violent warfare of the body is automatically transformed into a ruthless warfare. The body is like being burned by a hot flame. His attack power is directly raised to more than 2,500, and the moving speed is close to the horror height of 300! Although this skill scroll is a 20-level boss from Novice Village, the Amethyst Tiger at that time is undoubtedly the strongest beast of the novice village, and the skill scroll that it bursts is also the strongest in the novice village. This tool... This skill is a deadly skill for ordinary players, but in the hands of Ye Tianxie, his overall strength can be nearly doubled.

For Ye Tianxie, the speed of movement is often more important than attack and defense. Because of its powerful moving speed, he can use his talents to the extreme of terror. At the beginning, in the abyss trial of Novice Village, he and Amethyst had a few deaths in his life, but if he had the current speed of movement, he was completely sure that he was unharmed! Re-conscious consciousness, if there is no sensitive body, the effect will be greatly reduced.


The seven-color dusk releases a moment of flame, and Ye Tianxie's body surface has a weak red awning. The fire attribute is the weakness of the brutal fangs. Ye Tianxie glanced at his current attributes, his mouth twitched slightly, and then voluntarily rushed to the place where the cruel fangs were the most.

Nowadays, he can resist the brutal and savage beasts and not kill, but as long as he can't kill him, he won't have much scruples, plus the speed of nearly 300 at this time, he is confident. As long as you concentrate all your thoughts, this number of cruel and savage beasts don't want to touch his body, let alone enclose him.

A dragon soul split and swept out, and the six cruel beasts that rushed to him were all swept out...


50% attack damage bonus, 30% damage bonus of the soul, at this time Ye Tianxie, can break with the dragon soul, one shot and kill one.

A group of 30-level elites, not to mention how powerful this is. In the face of so many cruel beasts, if they use this speed to level up, Ye Tianxie does not want to stay. The rankings on the top of the list are hard to add.

Ye Tianxie's body, like a ghost, usually travels through the cruel and savage beasts. Wherever the body goes, the cruel and sinister pieces fall. The brutal scorpion beasts are not only densely distributed, but also refreshed quite quickly. The front corpse has just disappeared, and immediately a large group of cruel fangs are brushed out.

With the movement speed of 300 and the dragon spirit of the range attack, these originals will make him have to be careful to deal with the large-scale cruel beasts. There is no threat, he will move freely in the herd, just see The shadow of the cruel and savage beast, the root does not need to aim, and a dragon soul splits across the past. The brutal scorpion beast refreshed though fast, but it was fast, and could not withstand such a brutal group killing... Originally, a large group of cruel and savage beasts chased the leaves of the evil spirits, and ten minutes later, Ye Tianxie held the fate. At the moment, I rushed to the cruel and savage beasts in the distance... After half an hour, Ye Tianxie rushed to the sporadic cruel beasts one by one... After an hour, Ye Tianxie was red-eyed and constantly Looking around, left and right, as soon as I saw the new brutal fangs brushing out, I couldn’t wait to rush up...

A big tower of destiny is twenty-one, and all the brushes are small bosses, but he is regarded as a leveling place by him, and he still covers the whole audience.

In an hour, more than 3,000 cruel fangs died in his destiny. His 30-level experience value has increased by more than 30%! This is a normal player at the same level, and it is hard to reach the number of 16 hours of hard work!

The space of the original beast film is quiet at the moment, and there is one Ye Tianxie. The cruel and savage beast is once again cleaned up. He relies on the wall. The speed of these cruel and savage beasts makes him gnash his teeth. - Although, their refresh rate is actually fast enough.

More than three thousand in an hour... If this continues, three hours later, it should be enough to reach the 22nd floor of the Tower of Destiny, and will be upgraded by the way... Looking at the foggy space here, Ye Tianxie starts to have some Reluctant to get up... It’s hard to find a good leveling place with a lantern.

However, such a leveling place is also unaffordable for the average player.

It was a small piece. A total of more than a dozen cruel beasts were brushed out at the same time. Ye Tianxie rushed up at the speed of the wind. After brushing a few times, the dozens were just born, and even the surrounding world did not have time to see it. The ruthless beasts of the Qing Dynasty all fell to the ground, and Ye Tianxie was very uncomfortable moving his mouth and looking at his surroundings, squatting, his eyes suddenly when his eyes swept to the wall he had relied on before. Bounced a bit.

"Oh... your dragon spirit power is further awakened, and the exclusive skill ‘the evil dragon’s effect is improved...”

The Eye of the Evil Dragon: The singular dragon head created by the combination of the power of light and the power of darkness can see through the environment of absolute darkness and absolute light. It has a visible distance beyond the normal number of times, and can see through the strength not higher than itself. Level monsters, players, npc information and even shortcomings, and can see through the hidden scenes in the map.

Another reminder of the improvement of the skill effect sounded in the ear, this time, it is the purpose of the evil dragon.

The original effect of the evil dragon is all there, and the ability to detect information is strengthened to the extent that it can see that the strength is not higher than its own level 30, and it also adds a strange ability to see through hidden scenes!

Hide the scene! ?

The dragon's splitting and the violent warfare are advanced because they have once performed it. The dragon's soul is broken because it is a sweep of the full force. The opening of the dragon soul roar is from one's own big voice. They are not independent. Appeared, but there is already enough power to open or advance, and then advanced or opened under a slight stimulus... Then, the ability of the evil dragon to improve is derived from...

His gaze turned back to where he had swept before, and his eyes fixed.

When his sight was swept over the wall a few meters away from where he had relied before, he clearly saw that the walls there had shook a little.

Ye Tianxie immediately squinted and concentrated on looking at it... When the eyes fixed, the feeling of the wall swayed, but suddenly it became dim, illusory, faint, and faint...

this is……

A hidden secret door! !

Ye Tianxie quickly stepped forward and stood before the hidden door, his left hand extended, and tried to push forward.

The hand pressed on an icy wall, and there was no difference between touching the normal wall, but under his gaze, the door was still flickering... that is clearly a hidden door!

"Oh! Master, this seems to be a magical barrier... oh? Master, why is there a magic barrier on the wall? It seems like there is no other place." The fruit turned around and looked around, except for this wall. There are no other walls... She certainly can't see the hidden door like Ye Tianxie.

"There is a door behind this." Ye Tianxie took back his hand and said.

“Hey? Where? Where?” The fruit rubbed her eyes hard, but she still didn’t see the door.

Magic barrier...

Ye Tianxie took a step back and the fate of the moment went flat.


A metal collision came, and the fate of the moment hit the cold wall - it should be said that the hard enchantment, Ye Tianxie hands tremble, but the transparent enchantment in front of the eyes is unharmed .

Ye Tian Xie brows up, and the moment of destiny rises again, whispering: "The devil of fate!!"

when! !

The moment of destiny squats again, the moment of darkness and the moment of the transparent enchantment touch, a soft light is released at the moment of fate, under the orange mantle, the moment of fate is not bounced off, and Keep the squatting trend, slowly down... Cut the transparent enchantment from top to bottom and cut it straight.


The sound of the broken glass came, and the transparent enchantment, like the punctured blisters, vanished, and the hidden door suddenly became clear in his sight.

Ye Tianxian once again extended his hand... his arm went straight through the wall.

When the illusion is cracked, the illusion of the confusing sight will naturally disappear. The "wall" disappears without disappearing, and a circle of white light suddenly surrounds and becomes a The shape of the portal.

"Wow!! Appeared! Appeared... There is a threshold!" The fruit exclaimed. The interior of the door was black and lacquered and nothing could be seen. And this form of door is not a simple door, but a portal that will transport people to another space...

Ye Tianxie’s eyes fell on the portal and his eyes beat again.

The hidden portal of the 21st floor of the Tower of Destiny: When the Tower of Destiny is completed, the single-directional portal left by the goddess of the goddess of glory, if someone is strong enough to discover the existence of this door and break the enchantment of the guardian, you can pass This door directly reaches the first hundred floors of the Tower of Destiny, eliminating the need for a long time to climb.

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!"

Directly reach the first hundred layers of the Tower of Destiny! ?

Ye Tianxie stood there and did not move for a long time.

On the tenth floor of the Tower of Destiny, all the bosses are the boss-level bosses.

The twentieth layer of the Tower of Destiny is directly a boss of the sub-Faith level...

Obviously, every ten layers, the blocked ones will be parallel, but the big boss is very strong!

The twenty-story layer is already the level of the Yaxian spirit, and the monster of the first hundred layers will be strong to what extent... I can imagine it with my toes!

Looking at the door that could be transmitted to the hundredth floor in a moment, Ye Tianxie’s change only lasted for a few seconds, and he went straight ahead...

Progress, or not?

If you choose not to enter, then he is not Ye Tianxie.

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