Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 492: Extinction!

Ye Tianxie’s stunned shot, like a spike, ruthlessly pierced the incompressible atmosphere. All the high-level members of the Red Leaf League in the hall watched the red leaves gale fall behind the evil sky and turned into a corpse.

A disdainful laugh came and Ye Tianxie moved and rushed directly to the last door of defense.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the sky is the biggest, and the second is the benefit!

This time, the Red Leaf League has directly entered the leaves and evil spirits. It is already prepared to shed blood in order to get rid of the immediate crisis. In their view, in the eyes of anyone, if Ye Tianxie really extinguished the Red Leaf League, he would only get the thrill of the moment and the shock brought to the world, and at the same time it would attract the red-faced hatred of the Red Leaf League... After all, in the game world, standing for a long time, the reputation is so great, once destroyed, it will be a heavy loss, but the strong background, foundation and accumulated popularity and quantity are huge loyalty, so that they will never be stunned, even today When they are destroyed, they will soon make a comeback. At the same time, they will become the first enemy of evil days, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

And the negotiations... Hongye League has not hesitated to agree to any conditions of evil days in order to protect itself. In this way, the benefits obtained by the evil heavens are maximized, and the deterrent power brought about by them has no effect. At the same time, there will be one more dead enemy and one more "game piece" that can be manipulated. In addition, they did not have any hatred and hate. The fuse of today’s incident is nothing but a provocation by a lord of the Red Leaf League for dignity. If it does not develop to the present, anyone will choose the latter.

However, after the words of the Red Leaf Gale, those evil days did not hesitate to kill the red leaves.

He killed the Red Leaf League, really just because of the red leaf cold provocation?

Of course not... He is simply disgusted with the red leaves, and simply hates his family! !

A savior who killed him, and almost let the family of Chen Xin and Chen Xue Wan can never be ruined!

The incentives that others see today are actually just a good excuse to help him. Otherwise, he really has to ponder over what reason to destroy the Red Leaf League.

He rushed to the fifth door, and the last two stars were thrown away, and the last defensive door guarding the guild plaque exploded several cracks. Then call out Beckham, Beckham's violent technique blessing, the "claw" and "sportsman" as the raindrops generally hit the door of defense, let the cracks on the door expand rapidly, spread...

The red leaf elite in the hall is just like a dream, and the last door has been cracked in the blink of an eye. If it is broken, it is equivalent to the end of the red leaf alliance. They all witnessed each other. In the moment of the relationship between the survival and death of the Red Leaf League, they still care about the shadows and horrors of the evil sky. They all rushed up and at the same time, the door of the hall was opened, and the door was opened. Countless players outside have rushed in.

The center hall of the Red Leaf League is so large that it is more than 50 meters in length. After hearing the wind in the back, Ye Tianxie did not return. A "Dragon Soul Cracked" moved backwards, and the three high-level members of the newly-opened Red Leaf League flew out directly, followed by another glimpse. Three people were also flying at the same time, no suspense, all spikes.

In this short period of time, the players of Hongye League also quickly rushed, and the archers who had reached the appropriate distance stopped at the same time, and opened the bow in the hand to Ye Tianxie, but the arrow had not yet been shot, and the feathers under Ye Tianxie’s body Bing Lin was already a low-pitched voice. The blizzard that swept through most of the halls quickly rolled up, and all those who stepped into the 30-meter Ye Tianxie were blown out. Some players were even blown out of the hall. With a burst of tragic sound.

Ye Tianxie also turned back at this moment, the strength of the whole body condensed on the hands in the shortest time, and then suddenly stabbed out...

Dragon soul bursts!

boom! !

The last defensive door, which was smashed by two stars and smashed under the smashing attack of Beckham, was suddenly broken under this violent blow and collapsed in a dull sound... Watching the last defensive door was destroyed, all the Red Leaf League players heard the sound of their heart breaking, and the fear in their hearts instantly amplified to the maximum.

"Up!! Let me stop him!! Come on!!" Most of the high-level members of the Red Leaf League belong to the direct or sidelines of the family. When the last door falls, they are desperately screaming in the loud horror. Then, if you are crazy, you will rush to Ye Tianxie regardless of life and death.

When the door fell, Ye Tianxie saw the guild plaque placed inside. He turned and showed a sly smile to the rear. Then a "Dragon Soul Shadow" sprinted in, just arrived. Next to the guild plaque, the moment of destiny was on top, then slowly turned around and looked at the crowd.

Beckham also corrects the body, and stands proudly at the foot of Ye Tianxie. Even the eyes of the players who look at the Red Leaf League are very similar to those of Ye Tian.

The players with the madness of the Red Leaf League all stopped in front of the door, looked at the evil sky with a horrified look, no one dared to go forward without a moment... In front of the eyes, the horrible dark weapon of evil days The slanting refers to the guild plaque... No one doubts that even the defensive door is easily destroyed. It is easy to destroy a gang. For a time, the evil day alone, a weapon, but each of them seems to feel a sharp knife against their neck, so that they no longer dare to act rashly in fear. Because the hands of evil days at this time are in the hands of them, it is the life and death of their red leaf alliance, if the red leaf alliance is destroyed ... the consequences, they can not imagine.

Seeing evil days did not make a move to ruin the guild plaque. They were also sighed with stunnedness, because... with the strength he showed, he would destroy the guild card, it would not be a move. The thing of the finger. And what he is doing now is a gesture of restraint, which means that he is not really going to ruin the guild plaque, but... to use it to smash the Red League!

The red leaf gale has already died in the hands of Ye Tianxie. The highest position in the field is also the red leaf thunder that belongs to the family. Under the gaze of the Hongye League, he calmly beats and walks to the five meters away from Ye Tianxie, and then says in the most careful tone: "Evil day... ... things have developed to the present point, we thoroughly recognise... As long as you can put down that guild plaque, and promise that you will never again shoot for the Red Leaf League in the future, we can discuss what conditions."

Although his words are calm, but the meaning of the words is a strong despicable. Red leaves are thundering in the heart... a good evil day! ! When my older brother was preparing for negotiations, you didn’t say anything about it. I thought that you were bent on ruining the Hongye League for a big thing. It turned out that you want to hold the biggest handle and then negotiate. Strive for maximizing profits! !

It is true that Ye Tianxie, if he was standing alone in the hall before and negotiating with them now, he is not in the same position as the chip he holds. The evil day stops attacking at this time, and anyone will think that he wants to use this to smash the red leaf alliance...

Ye Tianxie spoke up, but he said: "Let the red leaves and gale come over to me!!"

After receiving this sentence, Hongye League did not dare to have any doubts. The first time I contacted the Red Leaf Gale, and told him the current situation in a concise manner.

After a dozen seconds, the red leaf gale appeared in front of Ye Tianxie. The battle between the guilds, the lord of the guild's guild can be immediately resurrected at the resurrection point without waiting, this is the privilege of the lord of the guild, and another privilege of the guild's lord can be free. Return to headquarters at any time. Therefore, the red leaf gale can quickly rush back, came to the hall, appeared in front of Ye Tianxie.

At this time, the red leaf gale was trying to keep calm, but his face was still quite ugly. Standing in front of Ye Tianxie, the anger and anger of his heart surged, making him unable to speak for a while.

"Do you know why I specifically called you?" The fate of Ye Tianxie’s hand was drawn across the guild plaque. The red leaf squad was frightened. Compared to the defensive gate, this guild plaque was simply fragile. tofu.

The brows of the red leaf gale wrinkled, and then a long sigh of suffocation, said plainly: "Evil day, tell your condition..."

He already knows that today the Red Leaf League may not be destroyed in the hands of evil days, but huge losses are inevitable... He only hopes that evil days are a smart person and can know what the bottom line he bears.

"Conditions?" Ye Tianxie's eyes stunned, and suddenly he smiled coldly. He looked at the eyes of the red leaves and was full of ridicule: "As far as your district is concerned, you are also qualified to talk to me about conditions!"

The words of Ye Tianxie made the Hongye League face up and down, and the face of the red leaf gale was directly blackened.

The fate of Ye Tianxie was taken back from the guild plaque. His action made the Hongye League sigh with a sigh of relief. Ye Tianxie’s hand was caught on the plaque, while gently rubbing it. Not too slow to say: "Yu Lingfeng, I am calling you to come over, just want to let you... Hey, look at the Red Leaf League you have been fighting for so many years... How was it destroyed! !!"

Ye Tianxie’s voice fell, and the guild plaque was directly thrown to the rear. At the same time, Beckham’s body rose and violently radiant, and the body jumped. The sharp claws trembled to the Red Leaf League’s guild with riots. The plaque, "claw" straight from top to bottom...

In the moment when the Hongye League was filled with extreme horror, the guild plaque of Hongye League was broken into three pieces in midair, and it fell weakly on the ground.

At that moment, suddenly, as the cold hit, they seemed to break into the ice cave at once, and the bones were cold.

Well, I will resume normal updates at noon tomorrow... Thank you again for your holiday, you are all good people ----- Finally, weak... Nima holiday is all used for overtime~~~~(> _<)~~~~

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