Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 514: Among the people of another world

When the humming falls, the white sky suddenly becomes brighter. The height of a few meters is high. A white light column of one person descends from the sky like a raindrop. Each one has a strong sanction force and will pray for flowers. The 30-meter area around the body is completely covered instantly. At this time, Ye Tianxie, who is only a dozen meters away from her, is twice as fast as the speed of the "light of the Holy Spirit". It is instantly innumerable. The light column is submerged.


Among the players, no one has ever been able to force Ye Tianxie to use all his ideas and strengths. When he was really serious, his horror was even beyond the scope of "terror." Even now, Hua Meng Meng did not force him to make all the power, but his thoughts burned wildly at this moment.

His body is moving forward in the shuttle, the body is swift, like an irregular swaying ghost, the beam of sanctions that falls from the roots is so dense, but one second passes, two seconds pass, three seconds pass... but no One hit the body of Ye Tianxie. His eyes are fixed on the flowers and dreams, and he does not look up to pay attention to the top. Because he uses the eyes to sense, communicates to the nerves, and then transmits the nerves to the limbs to react. Perhaps it is too late. He relies on him. The feeling... that is several times the perception of ordinary people!

In the light array, from ten meters away to the flower prayer, in front of him, there are countless light beams that have been rubbed through his body, but there is really no physical injury to him in the middle of his body. To this extent, it is difficult. Big, it is no different from the shooting under the rain of the sky.

when! !

The fate of the moment slammed into the flower, and the fate of the cockroach licked the layer of ice crystal shield around her body, making a crisp collision, and the ice crystal shield also shook abruptly and was attacked. The influence of the "light of the Holy Spirit" spent on the dream was interrupted. Ye Tianxie's hands slammed out again, and he slammed into the ice hood with the "Dragon Soul Crack".


A sound of crisp sound, followed by a fine cracking sound, the "ice soul guard" suddenly appeared on the road cracks... The flowers in the shield did not avoid the dream, still closed double Standing quietly there, as if the root did not see the attack of Ye Tianxie, the mouth, issued a light and calm singing...

"The elf of the wind flying in the atmosphere! Give me transparent wings, free to fly in the sky!--The wind wing!"



Three blows, the ice crystal shield around the body of the dream is broken in a crisp sound. The singing of the flower dream is also completed at this moment. On the back of her back, a pair of wind greens suddenly appeared, and the wings of two meters long, the wings swayed, and the body that drove the flowers dreamed quickly flew away. In the sky, let Ye Tianxie’s "Dragon Soul Crack" be emptied.

As soon as he looked up, over his sky, the body of the flowering dreams was held by the breeze, and still floated up quickly until it floated to a height of more than 30 meters. Her eyes closed and she was calm and calm. With his hands crossed on his chest, the white coat of the whole body flutters with the breeze, such as Xianlin...

The wing of the wind: the wing of the wind is used to condense the wings of the wind, giving it the ability to float and fly. The floating effect can last up to 40 seconds, the floating height is up to 30 meters, and the consumption per second is continued. Magic 30, cooling time 180 seconds.

The skill of "The Wind of the Wind" appears under the eyes of the evil dragon of Ye Tianxie. He looks at the girl in the air and looks blank.

The duration of forty seconds... When the forty seconds ended, the minute they agreed to had passed.

In all the skills of Ye Tianxie, in addition to the roar of the dragon soul, the longest attack distance is the shadow of the dragon soul. However, the height of the 30-meter height of the dream of the flower, the attack of the dragon soul is also inaccessible. And he has no ability to fly. If he relies on Kaka's undead dragon, he can naturally ignore such a height, but... Hua dreams are floating with his own skills, without any external force, to Ye Tian Evil temperament, and will go to the strength of Kaka.

Ye Tianxie stood on the bottom without any expression fluctuations, staring at the girl in the sky, for a long time no movement, the ear, the girl’s calm and low water...

"Sleeping Earth Spirit, I command you in the name of the Holy Spirit Master... Awaken your strength, turn into a violent blade of earth, boil in destruction... Gun of the Earth!!"

The singer fell, and at the foot of Ye Tianxie, the shocking sharpness that came from suddenly, Ye Tianxie’s brow wrinkled and quickly retreated. In a moment, a long soil spike was from his former sole. The position of the stepping came out suddenly, and the height of the spurt was more than three meters. If the reaction of Ye Tianxie was slightly slower, it would be directly passed by the gun of the earth.

There was only one gun in the earth, and immediately following the first shot of the ground, a dangerous wave of volatility came again from the foot of Ye Tianxie. When the silky touch was just passed to his nerves, His body was able to react, and a backflip turned back nearly two meters. The two guns of the earth blew out from the position he had stood before... The toes landed, and he did not wait. At the foot is another point, struggling to roll over, a rock-built spike pierces his body and stabs...

The guns of the earth are one after the other. If you grow your eyes, you will follow Ye Tianxie. As soon as his feet fall, he will shoot out from his feet. Ye Tianxie’s body is like a shadow. In the gun of a rock carrying a terrible breath, it moves forward and backward. Each time the toes just land, they will leave immediately, and the body moves with an incredible speed and frequency that ordinary people can never achieve...

The speed of the gun firing of the earth is so fast that the interval between every two branches is absolutely no more than half a second. It is not easy for ordinary people to avoid the first one. It is necessary to avoid the second difficulty that is immediately followed. However, more than a dozen guns of the earth were shot and arranged in a sharp piece in the ground, but none of them touched the body of Ye Tianxie.

In the air, the girl with her hands crossed her chest opened her eyes, and her eyes sparkled with strange brilliance.

boom! !

The last shot of the earth was shot, and the continuous fifteen consecutive thorns finally stopped. The thorns of the rock disappeared at the same time. Ye Tianxie stood still, frowning into the air, over the sky, still the girl’s singer ......

"The wind gathers into a shape, and it is a sharp blade. At the moment when the cross shines, the **** of the wind will praise it for it! Whistling, the cross blade - the wind cross!"

Hey! ! ! ! !

The whistling wind, its sharp, its harsh, such as a long spike, stabbed into the ears of Ye Tianxie, this is definitely the most violent wind he has ever heard, even more terrible than the storm of the sea. Times. If it is an ordinary person, suddenly heard the wind whistling, the first reaction is to slap on the ear, and Ye Tianxie is rushing at the fastest speed, then violently jumped to "Dragon Soul Break" "Hey, sprinting to his former sky."

The horrible whistling wind whizzed past him. The range of this wind shock was not large, only a long and narrow glimpse, but the rapidity of the wind reflected the ultimate in this "wind and cross". The way of attacking the wind is the impact, tearing and sweeping ability brought by the fast speed. When the speed of the wind reaches a certain level, the wind blade will be formed.

The wind system magician occupation, the most basic skill is the "wind blade". However, such "wind blade" is only a small range of damage caused by the impact of the wind. Its impact, speed and tearing ability are not worthy of the word "wind blade". The real wind blade is the Lianyan Mountain. Cut into two segments.

The "Wind and Cross" of the flower-dreaming dream, no matter how powerful, speed or even range, does not know how many times more than the "wind blade" of the ordinary wind magician player. If it is not the reaction distance of 30 meters, even if it is Ye Tianxie, it is difficult to avoid it.

Slanting sprint, just perfect to avoid the impact of the "wind cross", the air, the color of the dreams are more vivid. "Wind Cross" is the fastest attacking technique in all her magical skills, and there is no warning at the time of launch. She thought that once the singing was finished, no one could be in this strong wind. The blade escaped, but it was still avoided by Ye Tianxie. His power is not only manifested in his attributes, his professional equipment and skills, his strong sense of consciousness, has clearly reached the level of incredible.

No wonder, no one can beat him, no wonder...

So, this way...

Her eyes, slowly closed again, floating in the air, Ye Tianxie did not attack, can not attack, although, the dragon soul roared out, will be able to shake her from the air, even if not dead, that lasts nearly ten seconds Forced vertigo will also make her a lamb to be slaughtered... He doesn't have to use the Dragon Soul to roar, because he wants to see it now, and she still hides a lot of things that can surprise him...

"Reversing the theorem of everything, violating the ancient routine..."

The girl continued to sing, but her singing voice, so that Ye Tianxie frowned.

"All things in the end of the ages, according to the original agreement, will turn into a silence, turn the colorful into a dull, biochemical death, turn Wan into one, will be turned into nothing, all tangible things, all belong to the beginning Everything is nothing..."

The girl’s singer was calm and slow, and Ye Tianxie clearly felt that the surrounding air was uneasy and moved up...

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