Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 537: Golden Way

The road of inflammation...the road of ice...the road of the wind...the road of thunder...the road of earth...the way of light...the dark way...

Everything that has been experienced in these ten days, the scene is presented in the brain, even if it is said that the ten days are spent in hell, it is not exaggerated.

With the help of the ball's powerful water magic, the way of the passage of inflammation is the easiest and fastest, only ten hours, the other six, no less than twenty-four hours, the most terrible Thunder, he used It took two full days and two nights, and it was only a few lines away from death in the thunderstorms that did not know when it would suddenly fall.

The road to inflammation is terrible burning and high temperature. Ten hours later, he came over.

The ice road is a low temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, and the hard-to-act ice surface. After he came out one day and one night, the blood of the whole body was frozen and almost solidified.

The road of the wind, the wind that was rolled up not only took countless knives, but also took his life all the time. The dust that was brought up was a serious obstacle to his sight and interfered with his actions. It is not the protection of the wall of Tianze, not to mention one day and one night, maybe one hour, he is difficult to support the past.

Lei Zhidao... This is the most terrible one. Everything inside is purple, over the sky, from time to time will drop lightning, and it is extremely powerful, with a powerful paralyzed lightning, for the safety of partners, he had to Take the cricket, the ball, and the badminton back, fight alone, and wander in the attack of the lightning and the konjac of the sky... forty-eight hours! When he passed, he lay on his back on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time...

Sand Road, where there is drifting sand, if there is no Kaka, most of the body will fall into the sand, action can not! Not only can't you act, but the slow, sometimes violent, quicksand will also force the action of the body, and the magic of the earth is under this quicksand...

The Way of Light, perhaps, in addition to the way of inflammation, this should be considered the easiest one, because the attack of the Light Department is the worst of the seven series, but... Ye Tianxie spends the most time in the Light Way! Three days and three nights! Because the konjac of the light system has the weakest attack, but it has the strongest vitality. What is more disgusting is that they can quickly restore their lives. Even if Ye Tianxie destroys a small light konjac, it will cost a lot. time.

The dark way: This should be the most terrible of the eight trials, because the space inside is pure darkness, and nothing can be seen. However, with the eyes of Ye Tianxie's evil dragon, this scene has lost its greatest threat. On the contrary, the flat ground allows Ye Tianxie to finally exert his full strength. The dark konjac attack is not high, but the attack will add a variety of terrible abnormal states, but there are squats, the abnormal state seems to be no longer so terrible... twenty hours later, he got nine A dark pearl, out of the dark way.



Ten days, it is really ten days.

Ye Tianxie leaned against the wall, and a tired smile appeared on his tired face.

He stayed over... and succeeded!

Any one of the trials inside, a team of twelve people will go in, and it will be extremely difficult to survive for half an hour. And he is alone... Seven doors, ten days and ten nights, all passed! The hardships, the thrills, and the people who have not experienced the experience of the family are impossible to taste. Even Ye Tianxie thinks of himself, the heart will violently twitch.

There is one last one - the golden way!

There is no doubt that the eighth of the seven elements must be the physics department.

"Master, are you tired again?" The fruit rides on the shoulders of Ye Tianxie, eating a bunch of grapes. Ye Tianxie’s body always carries a lot of fruit from his own yard, and it consumes very quickly. Chen Xin saw that he liked it so much. Every time he took it, he would bring him a lot. Of course, Chen Xin does not know that the reason why it is consumed so quickly is that most of it is for fruit.

Not easy, ten days, have not finished eating.

"...tired." Ye Tianxie took a look at the fruit, and sighed with anger. Sure enough, people are more dead than people, and when they are desperately trying to live and die for a lifetime, this little bit does not point to eat while yelling, completely eating a look at the performance of a wonderful performance, tired to go to sleep comfortably Then, come out and then get excited... Well, although she occasionally reminds me that there are monsters behind him, the negative impact on Ye Tianxie’s nerves is far greater than the positive impact.

"The master has a good rest, and he will not be tired after a break... Ah, the fruit peels the grapes for you to eat."

The fruit floated from the shoulder of Ye Tianxie, and the hand picked up a grape that had been peeled off and floated to the front of Ye Tianxie. He always put the grape on his mouth: "Master, mouth, fruit to feed you Grapes, this is not only great, but also sweet and sweet..."

Ye Tianxie opened his mouth, and the small body of the fruit pushed forward. He put a whole grape into the mouth of Ye Tianxie, and then looked at him with satisfaction...

"Is it delicious?" The fruit eyebrows were lightly bent, and a grape was picked up in the hand.

"Well, it's delicious." Ye Tianxie didn't even spit the nucleus, swallowed directly... Even if it was really bad, he could only say delicious.

"Yeah! Then... one more. Master, open your mouth."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

At this time, Ye Tianxie's communicator rang, and he was able to talk to him in the closed land of the abyss trial, and only Star Treasure. Ye Tianxie picked up and sat in a correct posture and said, "Boa, what?"

"Boss! You haven't come out yet? It's the left brother, they are looking for you..."

Then, the voice of the left-handed army was heard in the talker:

"Second brother, we have all four grades, and we are going to team up and try to change jobs. Hehe... Boss, it’s been so long, why haven’t you come out. Is this trial really so difficult?”

Ye Tianxie’s mouth reveals a bitter smile... Everyone knows that the abyss trial is difficult, and the abyss trial from Novice Village is enough to see. But no one will think of the extent to which the abyss trial in Tianchen City is difficult.

"It's hard." Ye Tianxie can only answer him like this. As for the extent to which it is difficult, he has been unable to find out the language to interpret. What he experienced, but it is the first level... The second level will be terrible to what extent, he has not dared to think about it.

However, it has already reached this point, and has done all the power, conviction, and perseverance to the present. No matter what is waiting for him, he can't stop him from moving forward.

"The second brother, when can you come out, we want to not wait for the second brother to come out, and then take us through the abyss trial..."

Ye Tianxie once again smiled bitterly... Although he has passed seven trials, but if the left is broken together, he is extremely convinced that an ice road is enough to make them all outside of themselves. The army was not covered. And even if... he never wants to repeat the previous trials again, it is a pain that no one wants to experience the second torture - the double torture of the body and the spirit!

"Go to challenge the nightmare... Don't try the abyss, don't." He used a powerless voice to make a statement to the left.

The messenger was silent over there, "Never", in memory, he never seemed to listen to Ye Tianxie talking about him "four words." From his powerless voice, he heard a deep softness and exhaustion...

"I understand, we will immediately prepare for the four nights to try the nightmare trial. There is a shield of fairy spirit in hand, I believe now that even the single-dominant boss boss is no problem! Second brother, you have to come out earlier. We are even more I believe that no matter what kind of trials, it is hard for you." Zuo broke the army and said.

"Well, you are also cheering, so Fifi doesn't have to worry, I should be able to go out soon."

When the call hangs up, Ye Tianxie closes his eyes and leans against the wall. Every time he comes out of a trial door, he will spend a lot of time to stabilize his mind and restore his heart. Of course, the fruit knows that after he closes his eyes, he will not talk to him any more. He will finish the whole bunch of grapes and then yawn, float to the thigh of Ye Tianxie, and lie down on his body. He pulled the hem of his clothes on his body and quickly slept.

after an hour.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes opened, and the sharp edge of the sharp blade flashed past.

At the center of the door, the seven holes on the door are all bright, red, blue, green, purple, yellow, white, and black. Every time one of the seven elements passes, it will light up. Ye Tianxie's eyes fell on the round hole in the middle of Shimen, then went to the rightmost door, the last one... the golden way!

I checked my backpack... The last ten of the Holy Spirit's medicine was consumed, and there were 5 bottles of mineral water. There were only 20 drops left in the morning sun, and the dusk was exhausted. Ye Tianxie sighed silently, and even if he wanted to replenish, there was no place to replenish it. If it is not there, his potion has already been exhausted.

Looking up, no longer hesitate to step into the golden way.

After entering, Ye Tianxie stared at the front. Unexpectedly, it is not a piece of gold, but a style that is the same as the outside, but it is a lot of space. The flat ground, the old walls, unlike the other seven elements, have elements that interfere with the environment.

This kind of environment makes Ye Tianxie breathe a sigh of relief. For him, the terrible thing is not the monster, but the torture of the environment. But he did not care about it. Without the interference of elements, it shows that there are other terrible places in other aspects. What is it...

In his thoughts, there was an abnormal energy fluctuation in front, and the golden shadow in front of the room shook, and the twelve golden shadows of exactly the same size were discharged and there is now... unlike the previous element konjac, this time It is no longer an irregular body in which the elements are condensed. But... one whole body golden, one hand golden shield, one hand golden gun - golden warrior!

The Golden Devil: 50-level lord boss, life: 200000, was originally the gold twelve guards built by the pure gold in the cemetery of Tianchen City. After being injected into the golden soul, it became the golden magic of the abyss test gold, the gold cast The resulting body has a strong resistance to both physical and magical attacks.

Talent: The body of the Golden Soul: The body of Jin Casting can perfectly resist 100,000 arbitrary damage, and any type of attack below 100,000 is invalidated.

Skill: The gun of gold.

The trick: no.

Hidden skills: None.

Weakness: None.

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!"

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