Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 551: Neuropathy!

"And since the nameless pass through the abyss trial that should not be passed, the difficulty of the abyss trial is further increased... No, it is to prevent people from passing, and the difficulty is raised to the limit that can be reached. To pass, must be once Through all the eight trials... It’s hard to go through any one, let alone eight... and even if someone can pass, the last trial beast is replaced by a **** of mystery!! "Tianchen City Master took a sigh of relief, and then said: "Overview of the loss of the mainland, the people who can defeat the mysterious beasts are as rare as the phoenix máo. Because the gods are already the peak of human strength, except for the original The Eudemons are the gods of the four Eudemons who have been given the power of God. No human being can truly reach the legendary sacred level by virtue of their own strength... So, a person who has not even transferred his second job, defeats Faerie The beast is a miracle, defeating the beast of the heavens is a myth, defeating the beast of the gods... No one has ever believed that there is such a possible existence of xing. And your starting point and ability class are far lower than the difference between our mi and the mainland. World humanity, more Stud impossible. However, I did not expect ...... totally did not expect ...... "

Tianchen City Master looked at Ye Tianxie, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Ye Tianxie’s heart is even more entangled. It’s no wonder that this abyss trial of the second transfer was so horrible to this extent that it was really like the resignation instructors’ words, it was a trial that deliberately did not pass people, and it was a person who lost the mainland to the mi, and After being passed twice, I reached the trial of the peak difficulty...

But in the end, he still passed! During the trial, he and his companions used all of their own... three professions - the power of the anti-bone dragon, the inflammation of the abyss, the illusion of the evil spirits, and the magical changes made by the Eudemons. The resurrection of 夭 ,, xi ǎ 贝 的 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

If he loses any profession and loses the help of any one partner, there is absolutely no possibility of passing this abyss trial.

"Hey, we never thought that there would be a person who passed the abyss trial that could not be passed without a second transfer. And it is still from a different world, at this time. Only those who have grown up for less than half a year... evil days, the sensation caused by this incident, the horror is far more than your imagination. The city of lost is now spreading your business everywhere, and the lost emperor has already known. You, just let people send me a message, let me send you in the past, he wants to see you."

"See me?" Ye Tianxie is full of doubts. The emperor, the supreme ruler of a territory. The concept of the emperor, this character, will exist in any previous virtual game. However, this emperor is not something that ordinary players can see. Like the ancient emperors, he lived in the Imperial Palace and was a legendary figure. It is Ye Tianxie, who has never seen the emperor of the game world. Of course, he has no interest.

Therefore, he was surprised to hear that the emperor who lost the mainland and wanted to see him.

"Yes. It is a great glory to be summoned by the great emperor. It was a long time ago, I will tell you about the lost city, including you have the brave badge, you solved the terrible blood." Phoenix, and you even entered the tower of destiny, got the daring of the undead dragon, these things make me more and more incredible, so I told the lost emperor, and this time, you used ten days and ten nights Time passed the abyss trial, this move completely shocked the mi of the great emperor, to know that even the 'Ziji Jianshen' and 'Icefire God of God' to defeat the Chiyuan is not so easy. According to my guess, mi lost The great emperor may have any tasks to give you."


The task of losing the emperor from the mainland?

There is no doubt that it must be a task that cannot be done.

"The master of the city, you are now sending me to the city of lost capital. I am very much looking forward to the center of the city lost to the mainland." Ye Tianxie said.

Tianchen City nodded and said: "Okay. Then I will send you the past. You can get the hero badge. In the future, you should also get the God of War badge. The abyss trial of Tianchen City has actually reached the peak of trial difficulty. The abyss trials and the four trials of three transfer jobs are actually harder than the trials you just passed. When you reach level 80 and level 100, the strength is far better than the present and should be smooth. Pass, um... eh?"

"What's wrong?" Seeing the face of Tianchen City, Lu’s uncomfortable expression. Ye Tianxie asked Huo.

"...I lost the big emperor and sent me the transmitter. Oh, I found it... evil day, you stand up first, I will send you right away." Tianchen City owner has a yellow disc in his hand. Things, the surface is shiny. With the bonbon of his fingers, a ray of light reflected on Ye Tianxie: "Well, stand firm, close your eyes, after five seconds, the time you open your eyes will be in the city of mi lost. ...well, okay... ah ah... oh oh!!"

Confirming the moment of transmission, Tianchen City suddenly had an itchy nose and sneezed. He was busy with his feet and held the props in his hands, lest he would not fall off the ground. The Ye Tianxie in front of him has disappeared and was sent out. The owner of Tianchen City rouded his nose and shouted: "Well, it must be another pretty sister who missed me. Hey, the charming city owner is really bad."

He fixed the props in his hand and glanced at it casually, then suddenly his eyes slammed: "I rely on!



As the Tianchen City director instructed, after five seconds, Ye Tianxie opened his eyes.

At this point, he really is not in the city of the city, but ... this is the city of mi lost! ?

At first glance, the ground was bare, the land was cracked, the gravel was all over, and occasionally there were a few yellow worms that fell to the ground. Ye Tianxie turned his body and looked around, but he could not find a shadow of "city". Not to mention the city, even a city wall, even a building without even the shadow of a person can not see. The strange stone in the shape is not wanted.

Not only is there not around, like looking far away, the extremes of sight, it is also ridiculous, not seeing the creatures, a gust of wind blowing, with a strong loess taste. Here, how to look like a piece of abandoned land. The root cannot be a city.

Ye Tianxie took out the map of Mi lost to the mainland, and then positioned his position, depressed and found that his position is not the center of the continent, but the central and western regions where the mi lost the mainland. The benefits are in the middle of the lost city and the most western main city, Tian Xuancheng.

Ye Tianxie’s heart hates that... What is the meaning of the day of the city! ! Biting the teeth, Ye Tianxie did not leave immediately, but was used to xing to turn around here, and walked for nearly ten minutes, the surrounding is still ridiculous, not a little different place, inverted image It is the same in the same place. Finally, I looked at it here. Ye Tianxie took out the city roll and prepared to return to Tianchen City to ask the city owner to go...

"Giggle, this xiǎo brother, where are you going?"

The reel in the hand was about to be shattered. Suddenly it was greasy and awkward. The greasy bones were soft and soft. The nv sound of the heart trembled from behind, and Ye Tian’s hand shook, and the whole body instantly started. A layer of jipi... He determined that he was 10,000 percent sure, just before zero and one second, there was no semi-personal presence within a hundred meters... At least he did not find any living things, The sound suddenly sounded, and anyone who would be shocked sweated máo.

Ye Tianxie turned back at his fastest speed... behind him, stood an nv person. Looking at him with a smile.

A thick enough fragrance to smother the people, and when I saw the face of this nv person, Ye Tianxie suddenly felt uncomfortable in the stomach, and there was something vaguely coming out.

This nv person looks like he is about thirty years old, his body is taller, and he is shorter than Ye Tianxie. He is xiong big tun round, the curve is full of exaggeration, wearing a pretty violent lu, the upper body is a ribbon Around the xiong part of a circle, the shoulders, the waist are all out, the bottom is also narrow and can not be narrower xiǎo block cloth to cover the key part, the other places are naked. The hair is yellow, green and green, the makeup on the face is too thick, and the eyes are painted like ghosts. The corner of the eye is still a big cockroach. The mouth chun is red and just drunk.

She stood there with her waist, and the tun was tilted sideways... There was still a peacock tail with a green huāhuā.

"Who are you?" Ye Tianxie's eyes chou chou, forced to turn and rushed to run and asked... I went there! I won’t have a ghost in the daytime! How do you see how the ghost nv people come from?

"Giggle," the nv child covered his mouth, giving a nv king-like smile, the thick fat powder on his face slammed down: "xiǎo brother, don't be nervous, my sister is not a bad guy... ...Oh, my eyebrows and xiǎo brother, how come this place? This is very dangerous. Fortunately, you met your sister, a person in this place is so lonely, let my sister come with you, protect you. ... giggling!"

Ye Tianxie stepped back half a step, and three words appeared in his head: neuropathy.

"Oh ah ~~xiǎo brother, don't let this expression come out, isn't the sister not beautiful?" Nvmo mo with his face, like Ye Tianxie throws a wink.

Ye Tianxie all chou smashed a bit... beautiful you uncle!

"Giggle, the original xiǎo brother is shy... Oh hehehehe, it’s so cute. Rest assured, my sister will love you very much. Xiǎo brother, what is your name? The name of the sister is as beautiful as the face... ...sister is called huāyu phoenix, xiǎo brother can call me huā big sister, can also be called Feng sister oh..."

Ye Tianxie:! %......

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