Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 560: The huge crisis of the lost city

Updated: 2011-10-13

"The emperor, do you want to avoid the poor road?" said the chicken priest.

"No need." The lost emperor waved his hand: "This thing, the national teacher knows better than me, and if you explain it, it should be something."

The pheasant priest glanced and then was surprised: "Imperial, do you really want to..."

"Oh, don't be surprised. Maybe he can really surprise us." The Lost Emperor nodded.

"Emperor? What do you want me to do for you?" Ye Tianxie opened the door and asked, judging from the expression of the pheasant, the lost emperor must be prepared to let him do something quite awful. .

The lost emperor did not answer, and he fixed the look of Ye Tianxie for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Speaking, it really looks like..."

“Much like?”

"Yes, the feeling you gave me is very similar to that of the year. In that year, he passed the abyss trial in just three days, causing a huge sensation. I tried to summon him but rooted. He couldn't find his trace. Later, he appeared in the lost city, only to challenge the two strongest people in my lost city. After the victory, he went away and stayed away, even if I stood next to me. I didn't have much to look at. I am the emperor, but I don't have the eyes of a strong person like him." The lost emperor said in memory. As soon as he finished, the priests and priests said: "The emperor, the nameless person should also be from a different world. I don't know the etiquette of our world, so I will be disrespectful to the emperor..."

The lost emperor waved his hand: "It goes without saying, if he is sincere and fearful in front of me, or because of my eloquence and temptation to leave, I will look down on him. I will look down on everything, not in the dust, the so-called power and expensive. I don't care, I don't want to bend under anyone's control. This is the image of the 'strong man' in my heart. Such a strong person is destined to be impossible for anyone."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Just like you, in front of me, there is no fear or embarrassment at all. Although I can't see your eyes, your eyes are sharp and sharp. It is worthy of being able to pass the abyss and try to defeat the lost continent. The 'hero' of the red dragon of the mysterious beast."

Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "The emperor, I am not disrespectful to you."

"Oh, I understand. I like your attitude. If you are too respectful to me, I will be disappointed and will be calm in front of me. You have already shown me your extraordinary. In fact, many times, how much I am The desire for oneself is an ordinary person who lost the continent. He can go to livelihoods like ordinary people, hunt, and work hard every day to grow up... Hey." The lost emperor sighed. The pheasant priest came forward and whispered: "The emperor, since the eternal destiny disappeared, after the change of the tower of destiny, you have not had a good rest, pay attention to the body, all the people lost in the mainland need you. ”

"My body is fine. It's just a lot of things, I can't help but worry." The lost emperor opened his eyes and said to the evil sky: "The amount of protection you wear on your head belongs to the president of the city of my lost city. He is a strong man with the strength of heaven. He has a righteous heart and has won the hero badge. Until now, the lost city still has not forgotten his name. I am here to let you come, I want to I saw you, a different world brave who created a miracle. In addition, I hope that I will make a request to you when I am lost as a mainland emperor... It is a request, not an order, and I have no right to order you. You can Refused, this is your freedom."

Ye Tianxie did not immediately nod, but smiled and said: "You should be a worrying country and a people, not living for yourself, but a good emperor who lived forever in your life, your request, I think I will not refuse... ...just, I am only a player after all, my ability is very limited, even a general guard in your palace is not as good. In other words, the reason why I can pass the abyss trial depends on many chances."

"Hehehehe," the lost emperor smiled comfortably: "Listen to you to praise me a good emperor, I have a sense of honour. This is lost in the mainland, but also in the world of destiny, no matter what you are because of After the abyss trial, but after all, you are over, a person who can cast myths with low micro-power, must be the person who is being taken care of by fate. Perhaps, you are really the rumored in the city that destiny is coming to save the coming. The hero of the catastrophe."

Ye Tianxie’s mouth was pumped and said: “The emperor, you will not believe this rumor that is obviously imaginary?”

"Oh, there is time to blindly and some will live more comfortable. What's more, Tianchen City and I said that when you were in a dozen or more levels, you would let the **** phoenix that had troubled Tianchen City for several years, and then I did not know how to enter it. The inside of the tower of destiny... Once can be accidental, fortunate, so many incredible, it can never be accidental. In any case, evil days, first listen to me to finish the words, this thing is my years Since then, the most troublesome and one of the most fearful things."

Ye Tianxie nodded, did not speak, and made a gesture of listening.

The lost emperor paused and brewed his emotions. He slowly said: "From the city of my lost city to the north, only fifteen kilometers northeast, there is a vast forest that has existed since ancient times and spread hundreds of miles. Named the Lost Forest, the existence of countless years, there are countless towering towering trees, and countless creatures. There, it was once the natural barrier to the northeast of the lost city, and it has always been The land that the lost city depends on. The people of the Lost City are hunting, collecting medicine, logging... The beasts there are mostly mild and have a strong ability to regenerate. The people of the lost city have always believed that That is the huge treasure that God has given to the lost city..."

"But, more than three years ago, the nightmare began to come, and the magical spill caused by the transformation of the Tower of Destiny turned the countless beast into Warcraft, and the beasts in the vast forest soon became more and more The more violent, the occasional out of the forest, the wounding, but these are not the most terrible. Since three years ago, there has suddenly been a terrible 'beast' in the forest, and more terrible... 'poison'."

"Poison?" Ye Tianxie brows.

"Yes, it's poison!" The lost emperor sighed and said: "There are countless masters of the lost city, the violent beasts, we can use the powerful force to subdue, so although it is harder than before, but that Can not really block the people of the lost city to go to the vast forest to get the resources they need. However, since three years ago, people who entered the depths of the forest have never returned, initially, thought it was destroyed by World of Warcraft, warning Next, when people enter, they will seek more people to unite... But the frequency of people entering the forest disappears more and more, and it has caused more and more panic, and we are beginning to feel that things are unusual. Later... the national teacher, the later things, you see it with your own eyes, tell him."

"Yes!" said the priest, and said: "Later, I sent myself to the inside of the lost forest by means of a transmission, but found that there was a terrible change. There were trees, water, and even Including the land, it has turned green! Around, there are beasts lying around, and people's bodies... those bodies are all terrible green..."

Ye Tianxie looked up: "Poison?"

"Not only poison, but also extremely terrible poison. The poor road is there for a few seconds, and you feel the feeling of suffocation. The poor road returns with the fastest speed. After returning to the city, the poor road is seriously ill. After three days, I took down more than 30 detoxification dans, and I managed to escape the catastrophe... The poor roads have practiced Dan dynasty, and I have studied it slightly, but I have never seen such arrogance in this life. The poison of the general poison can never invade the poor body, but the poor road just stood there no matter how many breathing time, it will almost die, it is no wonder that those who enter the forest even have no chance to struggle and shout "The chicken priests have a lingering heart."

"What happened to this poison? Three years, should it be enough to find out? And... the beast that just said, what?" asked Ye Tianxie.

The lost emperor and the pheasant priest shook their heads at the same time and sighed: "If you can find out the root of the poison, it is terrible. For more than three years, we still don't know what the poison came from."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"If the poison is only concentrated in the center of the forest, we can warn all the people to avoid it. But the terrible change is not the only thing. We gradually discovered that the scope of the poison has been spreading and eroding. The scope is bigger every day. Two years ago, the center of the entire forest turned into a terrible green. A year ago, the small half of the forest became a dead place to die. Today, two-thirds The lost forest has become the green of death, and the towering trees in the forest all become poisonous trees, and the swamps become poisonous swamps, even when the forest is not affected by the temporary spread. A dark green mist when thick."

"That is the treasure of the lost city - lost forest, but since two years ago, its name has become a 'poisonous forest' that people talk about in the mouth. Now, no one has ever dared Stepping into the poisonous fog forest, in the past, the wood, medicinal materials, animal meat, leather, and Warcraft spar that were needed can all be obtained in the lost forest, but now, the people of my lost city have to spend Several times of hard work to go somewhere else...maybe, this can be nothing, but the biggest panic in the lost city is the spread of the poisonous fog, the speed of the poisonous fog in the poisonous fog forest, at the latest two In three years, it will spread to the lost city... At that time, there is no need for the Mozu to be involved, only the poisonous fog is enough to make the lost city gradually become a city of death."

Ye Tianxie: "..."



Such a powerful poison...

Green poison...

Is it...

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