Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 582: Pre-selection

"The evil spirits... I know that the evil spirits will come!" Su Feifei excitedly and excitedly looked at the position where Ye Tianxie left, whispering. Clubbing)

"It's really the second brother... This is actually true." The left-handed army was stunned, and for a moment they forgot the excitement, and all the brains were shocked. His return means that his grade has actually risen to level 50 or above.

Murong Qiu Shui closed the rankings. The expression on his face was a kind of distorted excitement. He said lazily: "Sure enough, I believe that the second brother will never be wrong, even if it is impossible." thing."

"I said that I was shocked at the time." Stuart said with a look of dementia, the sudden appearance of evil days really shocked him. He was even more shocked when he saw his current rank...

Situ ruthlessly and extremely rare initiative to say two words: "Great!"

"Wow, it’s a big brother, it’s a god-like player, it’s too big!” God asked with a hand in his hand.

"The evil spirits are now in the 700th game. We are going to pass. He must know that the next game is a small game." Sophie Fei excitedly picked up the tickets and switched the venue in a golden light. Zuo Bianjun and others also quickly followed.

The golden position of the 700th field, Ye Tianxie has already sat there. Of course, he is wearing the clothes that Chen Xin made for him at this time, and he will cover himself perfectly. At the beginning, Liu Jinyue received a total of seven gold tickets, all of which were connected together. When they arrived, Ye Tianxie turned his head and smiled and said: "You are here."

"Heavenly evil, great! I know you will come back. Hey." Sophie Fei sat on the right side of Ye Tianxie, and did not care about others around him, directly attached to him.

"Second brother! How did you do it? It really went to level 50. It’s only five days... No, it’s not even five days!” When the left-breaking army arrived, he said with a shocked look. I am anxious to know that I have promised, and several other people have also put their ears up. This amazing fact, anyone wants to know the truth.

"Dragonfly upgrade." Ye Tianxie answered the four words very honestly.

Left Broken Army: ⊙_⊙b

"Calling...Fat, the second brother can become our second brother. He can do a lot of things that we can't do. After so many years, don't you understand, don't put some seemingly realistic. Common sense is used in the second brother... Well, second brother, welcome back. Your dear four brothers can't wait to see you get the first place, standing on the highest podium. On that day, I The heart of the flower will only bloom for you. I believe that your heroic attitude will be engraved in my heart for a lifetime. It will make countless girls sleep all night, and will cause countless pairs of passionate men and women to break down..."

"Cough, in an instant, I remember that you have your game in the second game. Are you ready?" Ye Tianxian quickly interrupted Murong Qiu Shui. Once he started, he often forgot the "madness and madness" that could not stop. Situ said that.

"Call... Dear head, I can always devote myself to the most tragic battle. If I didn't enter the 32nd in this game, hey, I would even feel that I have no face to stay in the Soul Mercenary. ”

Stuart said that the pressure is really big. At the beginning, he wanted to join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. In the beginning, it was the same as most people in order to obtain the rich attribute addition, as well as adding some personal worship to the strong. Later, he further saw his power, his mind has been changing, and later he wanted to join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, relying on evil spirits, and the power of the people around him to target the blood dream paradise and the game. Eliminate the reincarnation, report the enemy, and end the escape career. However, the benefits of joining the Souls Mercenary Corps are far more than his imagination... Looking for the level of the level, others see the name of the Soul Mercenary, and take the initiative to give way in envy and hate. Those who came to the head of the team to take out a high-end device that was enough to cause a huge sensation, they could pick it casually, and now he has three pieces of fairy spirit on his body, but he knows what this kind of equipment means. At the same time, they can spend free of charge in all kinds of facilities in the Chamber of Commerce in July... Even today, there are 50 tickets for the limited number of gold tickets in the whole theater. Such a good welfare, it is difficult to find a searchlight!

In this way, every day, accepting all kinds of benefits in vain, if you can't do something real, you can't earn a reputation for the Soul Mercenary. Even if his face is thicker, he will be a little embarrassed. Star Treasure does not have to say anything about the contribution of the Soul of Heaven. Without Star Treasure, Ye Tianxie will not reach the height of today. The identity of Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui is there, they can't compare... Well, in retrospect, joining the Soul Soul for so long, eating a lot, it seems that I have never done anything special.

"This is not important. Although the rain is part of the reason, since you are allowed to join, you have already regarded you as friends. There is no existence of the word owing between friends. What you say, the roots do not need to be in the heart. Really Those who take you as friends will also have nothing to do with what you said. Well, the game is about to begin, let’s enter first.”

Ye Tianxie’s words are very calm, without any emotional fluctuations, completely speaking the tone of the most common and most normal thing. Stuart suddenly felt that there was something warm in his heart that was slowly flowing. He didn't say anything more, stood up and said: "Don't worry about the head of the team, I won't let you down. Now I am proud of being a leader like you. And I believe that it won't take long, all the world will know. There is a man named Stuart in the soul of heaven!"

He waved his hand and took out the number plate and sent it to the arena. At the same time, his opponent appeared on the stage. The two eyes met, the other side looked provocative, and Situ was full of cynicism, his eyes just glanced at the opponent's face, a gesture that did not put him in his eyes. Psychologically, you can't easily enemies any enemy, but tactically, you must despise the enemy to death.

At this time, the first day of the qualifiers has been scheduled, and everyone will be randomly assigned to ten opponents. Due to the large number of people in the first round of qualifiers, it will last for three days. Ye Tianxie simply took a look at his time of today's event, even if his opponent's number is too lazy to look at it. While many players are paying attention to their own schedules, the news that evil days appear on the arena, and the chances of winning the opponent's victory are spreading rapidly with shocking colors. Countless guesses and speculations are beginning to flood the media. forum……

They couldn't believe it, and they couldn't imagine how he used this short five-day time to raise the rank to 50, and then came to the Magic Wu Conference. Who is he really? Is there really no blessing of the lucky gods!

This unacceptable fact has also added more mystery to the evil spirits.

"Heavenly evil, he is very powerful in an instant. Maybe it will make you scared." Sophie Fei said in the ear of Ye Tianxie. There are a few minutes of preparation time before the start of each game, the first game of Stuart, and one minute.

"He came very well. They have always had their real strength in front of me. I should be surprised to give me a bunch of games in this game." Ye Tianxie said to the two men on the stage. ... let me see, what kind of strength, so that you are so confident to enter the thirty-two strong!

"Oh, you guessed it. Not only the moment, but also the ice face that never talks, and the big brother, they will be better than you think. Autumn water... He was even more powerful than the moment. But now there is no occupation, is it really ok?" Sophie Fei glanced at Murong Qiu Shui. And he was looking at the stage with his mouth open, waiting for the start of the game.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and then spit a sigh of relief: "The autumn water that picks up the gun is quite scary. And if he is armed with anger, to tell the truth, even I will consider whether to run away immediately... you I should have heard his rumors before, and those rumors are actually only the most inconspicuous things in Qiu Shui. On the day I first met him, the autumn water was not yet adult. At that time, He used that small pistol to kill more than 30 abilities, but it was not a simple kill. Every time he killed a person, he would use the impact of the bullet to divide the person into at least six segments. As long as it is the person who was killed by him, there is very little corpse, and his temperament is somewhat distorted. It is estimated that his strange mother has cultivated it." I didn’t have the courage to see him once he saw him. The second aunt, Ye Tianxie's scalp was numb.

Murong Qiu Shui's mother is definitely not a normal person!

It is also such an absolutely abnormal person who has raised such an absolutely abnormal son.

... Under the comprehensive conclusion, Murong Hongyi, the famous and sorrowful sanctuary of everyone, will definitely become a complete tragedy man when he returns home.

Sophie Fei grabbed her lips and looked at Murong Qiu Shui subconsciously. She really can't connect Murong Qiushui, described by Ye Tianxie, with Murong Qiu Shui, which she knows.

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: Arrow Broken Sky, Occupation: Shooter. Level: 51. Right: The world's first gang belongs to the night, occupation: Assassin. Level: 51, the game begins !"

The words "Heavenly Enemy Mercenary Group" put all the gaze brushes on the body of Situ, and the opposite "Night Thousands of Cold" suddenly changed his face.

The Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps... It is a mercenary group belonging to the evil world. It is said that only by the approval of the evil world can it be joined, and it can be recognized by this legendary figure. In this mercenary group, there will be a simple role. .

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