Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 586: The most despicable play

Huh, finally tossed, just returned. Hey, when you enter the officialdom, you can’t help yourself. The quality of this chapter car, the quality may not be rude]

At about 10 o'clock in the next chapter, everyone can rest assured that even if it is late, there will be no less, and no more leave. Please ignore the previous leave, I will go to the demon. 】

At the end of the game, after Murong Qiu Shui left, the scene was still silent, the body of the black steel pill disappeared in a white light, but the scarlet blood on the arena was shocking, shocking the people present and watching the people outside the stadium. The eyes and heart have disappeared after a long time. The air on the scene has obviously become a lot colder, and even cold is a bit bitter. Not to mention other people, even Situ and the gods are shrinking their necks obviously, and their lips are obviously white.

"...My God, I was alone with such a madman every day." Stuart murmured. I used to listen to Murong Qiu Shui and sing blood flowers every day. It is the most beautiful scenery in the world. Death is the most beautiful paradise. He thought that he was just talking about it. He didn’t expect... with a gun to bring out a **** flower, his face was exposed. It is not calm or intolerable, but an excitement without half-falsehood... Yes, he is enjoying it.

"Do you think the rumors about him are fake? The fourth is that he is a madman. It just doesn't show a mad side in front of you. Like me, I like to eat, and he, from a very young age. I like blood, and I don’t know how his mother cultivated his character.” Zuo Dujun said that he and Murong Qiushui grew up together, and of course he can’t understand him. Today’s scene is real. It is normal again.

"Look... It seems that it is better to talk to him less in the future. I still want to live a few more years." God touched his neck and made a gesture of fear.

"Oh, it’s not good to talk about others behind the scenes." Murong Qiu Shui's voice came quietly. He has returned to his seat and is free to play with his blood. His appearance made some of the more close players around him show their frightened expression, and immediately stopped talking about him. Otherwise, this psychologically distorted guy might shoot a gun.

It was also this time that the news of the hot weapon in the world of destiny spread at a very fast speed. The name "Qiu Shui Yi Ren" has also been officially known by more and more people from this moment. A frenzy of finding and pursuing hot weapons has also started frantically from this day. But they are all wrong. The "gun" of this world is not a hot weapon in the real world, but an energy weapon, an energy weapon that is motivated by the power of the nuclear power of a powerful beast. . The emergence of such weapons not only requires a very high casting capacity, but also must kill the high-level beast to obtain the nuclear nucleus. The lowest level required for such nuclear nucleus must be heavenly. The material of the gun body also has extremely strict requirements. Otherwise, the root can not afford the recoil impact caused by the bullet being fired again and again.

Therefore, the roots of such energy weapons are few and far between. And the only thing that can make such a weapon at present is the mysterious race that has cultivated Star Treasure. Since being held by the Mozu in those years, they have disappeared after the Devils have been destroyed. Because the technology they possess is being watched by too many people, after they have been hidden for nearly 10,000 years, the name has finally begun to slowly disappear from people's memories, but this race still exists today. This "small blood" is what they did for the Mozu after they were held by the Mozu. In those days, they were hidden, hiding the strongest gun "the world of bliss" they could make, and after 10,000 years, they gave this unique production drawing to Star Treasure.

All in all, Ye Tianxie can meet Star Treasure, which is simply a big bargain. At that time, even the powerful Mozu had no choice but to hijack that race. And Ye Tianxie just used the temptation of a little money, which is equivalent to signing a deed of mercy with Star Baoer, and also giving Star Treasure to music...

"Autumn, you can't think of it anyway. I didn't expect the gun to actually blow bleeding." Ye Tianxie said very deliciously.

"This gun is just for me. If you can't bloom bleeding flowers, it would be a shame. Second brother, don't experience it yourself, you can't understand how intoxicating the blood is." Looking at the bloom of the beautiful flower, you will feel the nerves of the whole body will tremble with excitement, every blood will burn in the heat... The only regret is that it can not blast a person’s body, let one The human body becomes the fleshy and dead flesh of the human body under its own hands. This is the most beautiful picture and the highest enjoyment in the world." Murong Qiu Shui looked up at the sky and said to her face, the eyes are burning. Rays.

The people around him all moved subconsciously and kept a safe distance from him. If this is a real madman or neuropathy, it will be... but it is a normal person, or a lord of the sanctuary, his soft voice makes people feel like a thorn Cold wind into the bone marrow.

Ye Tianxie’s scalp was numb, and the topic was quickly transferred. He turned to God and said: “Happy, the next game should be your game? Are you ready?”

"No... no problem. My **** is so far away from the horse that I must let their buttocks flow in the urine, and seven cigarettes are smoked." God said with a slap in the chest.

Ass urine flow, seven cigarettes?

What is this nonsense?

The name of God's Happy is no stranger to people. After all, the seventh position of the China Power Ranking is not covered. And he also did not participate in this kind of competition, because everyone knows that his biggest thing is to escape, the attack should be weak and poor, at least people have never seen him shot. After the second assault of the Assassin, the branch thief system is faster than another branch killer, but the attack power is obviously worse. And he has always been a thief of choice.

These days, several people from the left-breaking army and the gods are working together to level up, and they have a thorough understanding of his ability. His attacking ability is quite pitiful. He is not even as good as the left-handed army. However, his speed is really amazing. What is even more amazing is his ability to see the needles. Sometimes a person is interspersed between dozens of monsters. The monster touched it...

However, when leveling together, he is playing soy sauce! The eating experience running around. As far as his attacking ability is concerned, there is no effect on the fact that there is a solid foundation. But with the same philosophy of harmony and friendship, they finally resisted kicking out this dragged leg. It is more than one time to sigh, with a hidden career is still only the ability to escape, it is really white.

But... he is so capable, how did he rise to level 50 in the first batch?

If they know that Ye Tianxie is in contact with him, he has destroyed a group of 62 monsters, including a Samsung boss, I don’t know what to do. These days, God's Happy has always followed their experience... but has never shown his poisonous power. I don't know if it is unintentional or intentional.

Field 948.

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: God Happy, Level: 51, Occupation: Wind Shadow Poison, Right Side: Dragon Set Owner Passerby C, Level: 50, Occupation: Heavy Shield Guardian... Game start!"

Heavenly soul?


Wind shadow poison killer?

These three names have undoubtedly caused a turmoil in the scene. The Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps has always been a legendary existence. No one knows how many people are there, but who are all... But everyone knows that it belongs to evil days, and must be recognized by evil days to join. Today's game, members of the Soul Mercenary Corps also appeared one by one, the first few games, have appeared in the five people including evil days ... five people, all exposed the incredible strength. The evil sky flies in an instant, the archer kills with one arrow, the assassin ghostly hits the lore, even the shield guard wins twice, and finally there is a terrible woman with a gun... um, woman.

Now, it is another soul of the soul, or a **** who is famous for running away and wretched. What is even more amazing is that...he has a career that people have never heard of.

Hide the profession!

"This guy... This guy actually joined the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary!!" On the court, I don't know how many people who want to lick the cramps of the gods. With his wickedness, there are countless people who chase him. Now that he has joined the soul of heaven, if they want to continue to deal with him, they must measure the revenge that can resist the evil.

Passerby C is a middle-aged man, his temper doesn't seem to be very good, and no matter what the other is, he is rushing over with a shield and a long sword. Until he rushed to the front, God was only "squeaky" and took out a green knives, swaying at the passers-by, and then ran off.

When God's moving speed is raised to the limit, it can reach more than 300! This is what the original Ye Tianxie saw.

This speed is what the heavy shield guards with a basic movement speed of only 80 can catch up with. God was just a step away, and the distance between the two was pulled open. After a while, he went straight to him.

"Wow, hahaha... Uncle, are you too slow? Come here, come chase me, you can't catch up with you and attack a fart."

God Xiaoyao stopped, and sneered at the passer-by, and sneered at the sneer, and a small man was eager to be self-satisfied. Passerby C turned and angered again and rushed up. Shield is a defensive occupation. It is an indispensable wall of the wall. The speed of movement is a big weakness. There will be no long-range attack on the attack. He just has to go to God's happy side. God has already swayed and ran again. Nothing.

"Come and come, continue! How to run like a tortoise..." God licked his teeth and slammed his finger at him...

The 50-meter-long athletic stage is enough to make him run very suede. He is like a monkey, left and right, with a passer-by, Bingdong, running around, running around the arena and making a circle of laps, the ability to escape his play, and the wandering of the passerby. Calling, the players on the audience watching the table are sweating... He is here to play, or to race.

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