Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 594: China's first shield

Updated: 2011-10-24

There is a big timer in the sky above the stadium. The timer starts from the moment of the opening and stops at the moment when the winner decides. At this time, the time of the timer is fixed at 08. Digitally.

08 seconds! !

From the beginning to the end of the game, it took only 08 seconds!

The audience was stunned, watching the numbers on the timer sluggishly, playing back the shadow-like movements in the brain, the terrible attack damage, and the screams of the thunder.

Really only 08 seconds!

"...I'm going to go! It's too fast." Situ's open mouth, not closed for a long time. Even if he knows the strength of Ye Tianxie, he reacts like this, and he can imagine what other players will be.

"In less than a second, still in the 32 strong game... This level, perhaps only the second brother can have the ability to make it." Zuo Dujun said.

"Hey, that poor little Lei Ming knows that the opponent is the dear second brother but still on stage, I should admire him for bravery, or laugh at him stupid." Murong Qiu Shui's face rippled. In fact, when the Thunder saw his first opponent is evil, he knew that his first game would be defeated. He is not without self-knowledge, and the power shown by evil days is indeed terrifying to let him not see a glimmer of hope. However, his identity is there, he is the chief lord of the entire War Soul Hall. The entire War Spirit Hall is only one of the 32 strongest people. He can be said to represent the whole battle hall, if not The battle to escape, lost, is bound to be the face of the entire war soul hall.

So he must be on the scalp.

But he couldn't think of it, it would be such a result.

He was killed by the evil day with only 0.8 seconds, and he also laid down the downfall.

He did not escape without fighting, but he lost his face in another way.

If the opponent is someone else, Ye Tianxie will not be so inhuman. However, Ye Tianxie was born to be a vengeful person. The Thunder had a few provocations against him. Ye Tianxie thought about it when he saw him. So... he took him off the ring for a moment to let him face his face. .

The body of the Thunder disappeared into a white light under the competitive platform, and Ye Tianxie also showed a mocking smile and disappeared on the arena. In the audience, countless players still have shocks and incredible colors on their faces that have not had time to dissipate. The "0.8" on the timer is really an incredible number.

This is the strength of China's evil days!

"0.8 seconds, OK, if this kind of goods waste me more than a second, I will feel a shame." Back to the seat. Ye Tianxie embraced his chest with both hands and said with a smug look.

"Hey, second brother, I didn't expect you to be so narcissistic." Zuo Broken Army got together and laughed.

Sophie Fei smiled lightly, then looked up and said: "Left Brother, your game seems to be the second game, no problem?"

"Can there be any problem? That Ling Yu was just my defeat." Zuo Bianjun smiled, the expression of easy and freehand ... a gesture that did not put the opponent in the heart.

"Hey! The second brother has the arrogant capital. You are a waste of the country's food. The fat man is also mad. It doesn't seem very good... When you are hit by the Ling Yu, you don't want to cry back. Your autumn brother is jealous."

The left-handed army was numb and snorted: "Forget it... I will go ahead and prepare."

When the left-handed army left, Murong Qiuqi squinted and laughed.

"That Ling Yu sounds very powerful. Is there really no problem for the big brother?" Sufifi asked with some concern.

"Reassured, my future Fifi scorpion." Murong Qiu Shui half-closed eyes, no moving said: "Although stimulating that fat is one of the three fun of my life, but frankly, he wants to win that Ling Yu, It’s easy to be awkward, hehe... The strength of the third brother should be clear only to me. Second brother, maybe after a while, he will surprise you."

Ye Tianxie: "..."



Ye Tianxie's 0.8 second victory made all the players who watched the game unprepared, and no one expected the game to end so fast. And this extremely short game also caused a lot of sensational effects, the 0.8 second process was slowed down by ten times by many people to think about how evil days used so short time to kill the Thunder... and look at that The players were slowed down ten times, and the players were all horrified.

While waiting, the 999 game is also over. The second game in Zone 001 is about to begin.

On the stage, two people with the same shields were already standing on them, waiting for the start of the game. No need for system introduction, their two names have long been known to players.

One is that he showed his amazing strength in this magical contest, and he has a "guardian soul" to hide the profession.

The other is the "China's first shield", not only has a strong life and defense capabilities, but also has a strong attacking strongest shield guardian. The strength he has shown in this game has made countless players, especially those who are also Shields professions, stunned.

"I didn't expect that the first game happened to be you...it said, I haven't seen it for four years." On the field, Ling Yu opened his mouth and stared at the left-handed army in front of him. He held a golden shield, the armor of the body was thick and khaki, and the one-handed sword in his hand was a kind of dazzling silver. Judging from his face, his age should be around forty.

"For me, the first opponent is who doesn't matter. I only know that I will win." Zuo Bianjun is confident and calm.

"Winning and victorious, not what you think will be... I can also tell you that this game, I will win! Even if you have a hidden profession... even if the shield in your hand is the beast of the fairy, I also Will not lose to you, right away, you will know what kind of guardian power, qualified to be the 'Huaxia First Shield'!"

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: Shield Broken Thousand Army, Level: 51, Occupation: Guardian Soul. Right Side: Invincible Reincarnation: Ling Yu, Occupation: Heavy Shield Guardian, Level: 52 .Game start!"

The tone of the sound fell, and the eyes of the two men were cold at the same time, and the shield and the sword in their hands were lifted... the action was surprisingly consistent. Then, the two men's feet move at the same time, rushing to the other side... Shield's destiny is guardian and block, they will not run like an assassin, but they will not run like a magician or archer. Attacking while restraining... Their only way of fighting is to approach the enemy and get close to each other. Mobile containment is meaningless to them and does not need to be.

The two men's shields slammed into the other side, and the two men's swords also landed on the other side's body. After a dull crash, the two men were shocked by the impact of the shield for a few steps, on the head, two injuries. The numbers float at the same time.



"Breaking two thousand damages? Is there anything wrong! Is that the shield guard can do the damage?" In the audience, a voice rang loudly.

"...a strong attacking power...this is still the case where the opponent is also a shield guard. If the damage is weakened by the defense, if it is played on an ordinary player, maybe it will break three thousand... I am going! He really Is it a shield? The attack power is even higher than me!"

"The defense is good." Ling Yu looked at the slowly weakening injury number on the left-handed head, and said with a smile.

"Your defense is not bad." The left-handed army glanced at the number of injuries on his head and said with a blank expression. I didn't show any surprise to Ling Yu's amazing attack ability, and I didn't panic.

"In terms of the damage you have caused me, your basic attack ability is barely able to break one thousand and five, but at least it must be weakened by my defense by more than 70%. At present, the entire Chinese region, the assassin and the warrior who can break my defense. A lot, but can break my defense shield, you are the first one, oh, the instrument of the fairy in your hand is good, if it is to me, it will be even better." Ling Yu smiled low. And these few words of hiss are in the dark and sneer to the left to break the army with a sword of the spirit of the gods, but this is the ability to attack ... placed on his body, it is a waste.

The left-handed army tilted him and half-lifted his own shield... The faint soulless iron shield with no glare: "Since you have chosen the shield, you must take the guardian as your duty and pursue the attack. That is not the shield. Doing things..."

"Oh, I have already seen your guardianship. With the weakening of your attack on me, your defense ability may be stronger than mine, and your vitality should be stronger than me... but there is no attack ability, I think Know how you use your guardian ability to win over me... pick up, cold soul!!"

On the hand of Ling Yu, the silver long sword was lifted high. As his body ran, with the cold cold light, the sly cockroach smashed the body of the army to the left...

The left-handed army did not dodge, nor did it directly attack the attack as it did just now, but instead raised it with the left hand and greeted it directly with the soul iron shield...

when! !

A loud metal collision sound, the silver sword smashed on the soul iron shield, and then hard to enter. Ling Yu’s face changed slightly, but the left-handed army was plain as usual...


Ling Yu’s sword was quickly recovered and turned in the same direction. The same attack was stabbed from the front of the left-handed army. The left-handed army did not move and still greeted the shield...


It is a block!


Another hit, still block!

Ling Yu brows a wrinkle, step back, high jump, to force the momentum of Huashan to the left to break the army's head...

when! ! !

The long sword is still on the top of the soul iron shield, and it does not cause any damage to the left-handed army. Once again, the left-handed army, which perfectly blocked the opponent’s attack, finally got the action. The basic skills of the shield guard, that can be launched after the blockade succeeded, the enemy’s far-reaching “shield backlash” was launched, and the left hand was stunned. An irresistible force forced Ling Yu's collision and knocked back nearly five meters. Ling Yu, who was standing in the body, looked at him with amazement and couldn’t speak for a while.

"Now do you understand... this is my guardian power!" said the left-handed army calmly.

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