Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 596: God Happy VS Dust

At the end of the two games of the 001 race, the two games of the 999 are also over. In the first game of the 999th game, Wang Ruqi was in the air, and the instant kill ended. The strongman who entered the 32nd strong was still vulnerable in front of him. The strength he showed was completely different from what he showed in the public for the first time, and it was unbearable and powerful. Now, almost everyone has already believed that the top two competitions in this game are already non-evil and king. The two of them are like the two big bugs in this game world, and the powerful ones should not exist at all.

And the duel that must come, maybe, will be the king's battle of revenge.

In the second game, a sword that belongs to the invincible reincarnation won without a injury. The left-handed army is showing an amazing shield block, and a sword Lingyun... there is no hidden occupation, no gorgeous equipment, but his shield is harder than the shield. Frequently triggered, his counterattack was very fierce. The gorgeous sword arc and the majestic sword meant that the other players who were swordsmen were stupid. They also let them know where the gap between themselves and the master is.

In the world of destiny, high grades and luxurious equipment do not represent the strength of strength. There are too many things that can interfere with the judgment of strength. They are often more important than pure equipment and attributes.

The third game of the 001 game...

God is happy - vs - dust!

When they saw this game prompt, the players... especially those who had been defeated by God in the past, almost didn’t smile at the mouth. Let you be mean, let you shameless... This dust, the current ranking of the third, a terrible summoner with a "devil summons" career. The strength of his performance in the previous game has made the players stunned again and again. He is also recognized as a superpower with the ability to enter the semi-finals, and he has the power to summon...

It is the biggest nemesis of the assassin class!

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the game is finally about to begin. Murong Qiu Shui touched the head of God's happy face, and a gentle face comforted: "Little brother, go on. It doesn't matter if you lose, your Qiushui brother will give you the warmest comfort... Oh, I seem to have seen you. The picture of pear blossoms with rain... It’s so heartbreaking...”

"The game hasn't started yet. How can I lose to that guy." God snorted and slammed hard, but his stance of swallowing his mouth was already showing his inner tension.

"His 'Devil's Call to Make' is a veritable name that can summon a small demon. And the demon he summons even has the strength of a two-star boss of the same level. At present, the summoning career of the second turn can summon two summoned beasts at a time, and He can summon three demons at a time... One person faces three two-star bosses with the same level of dust. It is not a general difficulty, three opponents chase, your hiding space will shrink greatly, and the devil The monsters of the system are immune to normal poison attacks. Your poison attacks are completely ineffective against them. The only way to win is to attack the dust body directly, be careful, and be careful.” Zuo Broken Jun explained. Although he is very embarrassed, he actually feels more delicate than usual. He entered the information of all the players of the 32nd strong, he has carefully studied, and the memory is very accurate.

"The summoner has the ability to teleport over long distances after the second turn, and the master like Dust will maximize the effect of this ability. In addition to the interference of the summoned beast, it is not the case that you want to hit him. Easy...get away, do your best. Don't have too much pressure, if it doesn't work, we will avenge you! Losing to this guy is not a shame." Situ patted his shoulder and comforted.

God was so excited that he said with tears: "Poker face, you finally said a few words that you can listen to, I am so touched, you are also a good person..."


Situ was very heavy and slapped on the shoulders of God's happy face. He licked his teeth and licked his lips. The tears almost came out: "Go, boy. Just rush to you, after you lose, my brother will be fine... well. Comforting you... um."



"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: God Happy, Occupation: Wind Shadow Poison, Level: 51 - vs - Right: Do not destroy Reincarnation: Dust, Occupation: Demon Summon, Level: 54... There are still 30 seconds from the start of the game, please prepare the players."

"How likely is it to win?" In the audience, the left-wing army said with some concern. Although God has always been a drag bottle for the soul of the heavens, and the mean play since this road has made the soul of the heavens feel full of face and face, but he is a partner after all, no one wants to see his partner really failure.

"Frankly speaking... I don't have hope for this game. Dust is not a simple guy. I admit that he is a genius." Murong Qiu Shui said.

Ye Tianxie opened his mouth and shook his head; "Not necessarily... the things on the body are far more than those on the surface. The wind shadow poison killer, as the name suggests, is a career with speed and poison. His speed. We have already seen it, and his 'poison' is definitely not as simple as what we have seen so far. There are countless enemies, but never lost, can do this step, he really will be a superficial That simple person who can easily bully?"

A few people left to break the silence.

"Hey... the game starts!"

This is a game that has been finalized in the eyes of almost all players. One party is the third in rank, the ultimate master who can summon the devil, let people talk about the change of color, and the other, who can only rely on the insignificant poisoning and escape, relying on the rules of the game to restore the use of drugs to win. ... and the despicable style of play and means can only be seen as a joke in the face of true power and absolute overwhelming power.

The beginning of the game prompts you to fall, and the dust does not take the initiative... He obviously disdains the initiative, and the eyes with the natural haze are projected with obvious contempt and contempt, and the pair does not look at it at all. The **** is on the mind. He held a lacquered black scepter in his hands, wrapped in a gray magic coat, and added a face that looked pale and with a gloomy face. At first glance, it was like hell. The devil's messenger is average. He looked at God with a sneer of contempt, and the whole body did not move. The cold air from him made people feel uncomfortable all over the body.

The breath from the dust made God feel uncomfortable. He took a deep breath and the short green light flashed in his hand. Then his body shot like a lightning bolt... At the beginning, he put himself The speed of movement has been raised to the extreme, and the movement speed of more than three hundred people only sees a glimpse of the shadow, and there is a whistling sound of whistling...


This is a fierce and violent attack that can make people completely unable to respond. However, the dagger with green venom only stabbed a shadow, and the real dust has stood at the center of the arena. He turned his back to God, and his mouth slanted and slanted, revealing a trace of sneer. His hands were open, and the short stick between the palms released a circle of grayish white light. The light spread quickly and spread, and almost the whole The arena is covered.

"The game of cats catching mice, now it starts..." The dust smiled low, opened his arms, closed his eyes, and made a pleasant gesture of enjoyment.

"Well..." When the light shrouded the entire arena, Ye Tianxie frowned and shouted.

"What happened to the head? What is the white light?" Stuart asked quickly.

"'璇玑 Jiejie', can cover the area of ​​30 meters around itself. Once formed, within three minutes, you can move freely within this enchantment. As long as it is within the enchantment, you want to move to Where can I move to where..." Ye Tianxie said with a low eyebrow.

"What!?" Situ and Naruto at the same time exclaimed.

30 meters around itself... and the arena is a total of 50 meters wide. The 30-meter area that spreads around the center of the competitive platform almost spreads the entire arena, leaving only four corners. A small area.

The Summoner is the most vulnerable occupation in all occupations, and he has almost no aggression. He relies on summoned summoned beasts to attack. Therefore, the summoner will have some strong self-protection skills, such as the two-way teleportation after the second turn, and the singer and so on. Unparalleled protection skills. In the enchantment, he can move freely in an instant, and his opponent will not even capture his shadow.

The hitting **** quickly turned back, the dust closed his eyes, and the voice was low in his mouth: "The devil from hell, obey my call, come to the world, become the spear of evil in my hand, pierce the humble soul. ... Demon Summon!!"

The low voice was cold with a chill of winter, and as he sang, three solid black rings appeared in the triangle on the ground around his body. Among the rings, three deep inside. Unleashed the tentacles of the terrible black mans, and then... the three dark and ugly creatures slowly rose from the ring, bringing a smog like **** from hell...

Demon: 54-level two-star elite, life: 45800. The small demon summoned by the player's dust, rumored to be the devil's death, has the power of darkness of sin. Existence time: 200 seconds, disappears directly after death. The number of summons per call is determined by the summoner's ability, and the sum of the two summons must be no less than 60 seconds.

Talent: The body of the devil: 60% of the darkness of the attack, immune poisoning, curse, dark state.

Skills: Devil's Claw, Hellwind, Dark Soul Claw

Weakness: Bright. Brightness is 100% resistant.

The eyes of the evil dragons swept away, and the attributes of the demon summoned by the dust made Ye Tianxie feel moved... and, three times!

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