Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 599: On the wind of disaster

Hell Gatekeeper: The rumor is one of the evil gods that guard the gates of hell, with terrible aggression and dark power. The dark axe in your hand can easily split the earth. The player's dust is summoned by its power and form by summoning, and the state lasts for 120 seconds. You can only summon once a day.

Attributes: Life: 220000, Magic: 50000, Attack: 10000, Defense: 300, Hit: 350, Avoidance: 250, Dark Magic Resistance: 80%, Bright Magic Resistance: -100%, Other Resistance: 10%. Movement speed: 95, attack speed: 75.

Skills: 阎 阎 斩, shock and kill, dark wheel.

The dust did not disappear, but turned into a demon from hell!

The limit of summoning is no longer to summon an auxiliary beast, but to force the power of the summoned beast to be on your own body, and even the shape changes, so that the power can be freely manipulated and used. ......

At this time, the dust, his attributes, ten times, even dozens of times beyond the normal player's attributes. More than 200,000 vitality, who can be enemies with it, whoever can break his basic attack power, is the one that the evil heavens are swaying under the basic attacking power of this broken million. Hit, only the ending of being spiked.

The cold wind and heavy pressure oppressed the body and heartstrings of God. He stared at his eyes and looked at the invisible Hellkeeper, who was unable to help himself, and his pupils contracted slightly.

"This is this this... is this a transformation?"

"Mrs. wife... too exaggerated... it turned out to be a transformation! The summoner can actually transform."

"Let's use your exploration to see... his attributes are too scary! More than 200,000 blood, tens of thousands of attacks... I have to go!!"

"I am going, really fake... Second brother, what should I do? That dust... He actually has such a hand!" Zuo Bianjun asked with a look of shock and nervousness.

Ye Tianxie contrasted the attributes of two people and slowly shook his head: "Despite the dust, it is impossible to transfer the property of the **** gatekeeper, but there should be no discount for the three skills. Those skills are super-wide attacks. Technology, can easily cover the arena... Call... The speed is fast, and there is nowhere to hide. Once you encounter it, you will be spiked. There should be no chance of success."

"It doesn't matter." Situ, the right color said. "This incredible summoning technique should be the card of the dust. He must be ready to play in the back game, but Happy has forced him to use it early. He is already great enough, at least let me look at it, such an opponent, If you are defeated, you will not be said by others... Calling, even if you change to me, there is no chance of winning."

"... However, the game is not over, don't make a conclusion easily. Dust can have a killer, happy... Maybe there will be his last killer." Ye Tianxie's eyes are half-smooth, staring at the two men on the stage. .

This transformation of the dust, the amazing property does make people directly desperate, but ... before the end of the game, there will never be absolute victory and defeat. God is happy, and there will be nothing to reverse the final killings of the war.

However, even if God is happy, there are still some cards that have not been revealed... What kind of cards can be strong enough to deal with the dust at this time?

With the barrier of the barrier around the arena, the players in the audience can't feel the terrible air from the gods of hell, but God is clear and clear, his breathing has been completely suppressed. The chest is stuffy like a piece of iron plate, the footsteps seem to be subconscious, and it seems to be involuntarily backwards... Retreat, this is the reaction of any player facing the dust at this time.

"I can force me to use the last card, you really surprised me... But now you are just an ant in front of me who can step on the dead... What a humble cockerel is, even how to squat, how Struggling, there will be no second ending and maybe! Give me to die!"

The body of Hell's goalkeeper moved, his hands picked up, and the huge axe brought a cold yin, but the three-meter-long axe, under the yin, suddenly grew more than 20 meters long. Mang, sweeping the body of God's happy, the huge arc, including half of the arena.

God's eyes narrowed, his body jumped fiercely, and he pulled up ten meters and escaped this terrible blow. Such a wide range of sweeps, high jump is the only way he can avoid. A hitting empty **** gatekeeper sneered, the huge axe slammed back, with a more violent wind blowing into the air... God's happy body has begun to fall, can not be stressed in the air, the higher the jump The longer the time of stagnation will be, the blow, unless he will fly, otherwise the roots may not escape.


The wind cyclone that appeared before appeared again at the foot of God's happyness, and supported his falling body. His body suddenly stagnated in the air, and the axe that had been smashing his body with a whistling gust of wind from him. Sweeping under the feet... almost screaming past his feet.

In addition to a cold sweat, the left-handed army and so on are also a cold sweat... Seeing that God has escaped the robbery, they only let go of their hearts and sigh.

However, at this time, the gods are still in a state of stagnation, and the smashed axe looks back again and slams into his body. There is no doubt that his body will be dead as long as it is touched. God's eyes slammed into a fierce glimpse, and the body suddenly turned into a shadow... So I quickly stepped on the wind in the air, moving out of the range of the arena, reaching the distance of nearly 30 meters from the edge of the arena. .

Hell's goalkeeper stood on the edge of the arena and could no longer move forward because he didn't have the ability to fly. When he went forward, he fell off the arena... And his attack is a sweep of the range of up to nearly 30 meters, and the position of God's escape is now out of the range he can attack now.

God's happy winds can last up to sixty seconds! He stagnated in the air outside the field, motionless, he was waiting... The summoned beast summoned by the summoner would have a certain time limit for summoning, varying in length, and such a powerful summoning technique would have a certain amount of time. It won't grow. He can't face the enemy, then wait... until his summoning effect is over!

"Yes, that's it." Ye Tianxie nodded. Since he couldn't touch it, he should avoid it with his own ability. Winning, not all depends on the attack power, all means, may become the key to victory and defeat. He lifted his wrist and said to the talker: "Happy, his call-up time can be maintained for 100 seconds! Pay attention to it, hold on, you will win!"

Players in the game can't receive incoming calls, and they can't contact the outside world... But this system rule is equal to the star player's small metamorphosis.

God was surprised first, then turned his head and nodded in the direction of Ye Tianxie.

Dust naturally sees that God is a abacus for playing, but at this time he has no way to know. He stood on the edge of the arena, a pair of cold and horrible eyes staring at God, and the vicious taunts came out of his mouth: "Oh... you really are a waste that can only escape. Match it as a waste, hahahaha..."

Stimulating with words has become the only way to get rid of dust.

Otherwise, if God can keep this state all the time, his shocking transformation becomes a joke.

But who is God's happy? What he has done over the years makes him estimate that he is more than a normal person in his life, and he is still screaming at the side while chasing him. What is the "tort turtle" and "turtle grandson" "There is no feeling at all." If he can't even stand this point, he won't know how many times he has been killed these years.

In the face of the ridicule of the dust, he grinned and sneered: "Oh, it turns out that when you become a cow, you feel that you are a cow. You see that you are like this now. If you don't do it, you can change it." Become a cow, let your parents raise your sadness, make your wife more sad, let your son feel better in the future... Do you let him be pointed to the nose every day... Wow! He is old Head cow, he is a cow son, you are not afraid that your 18th generation ancestors jumped out of the grave to knock out your cow head? Oh hehehe..."

The scene suddenly sprayed a piece. Dust is just a slogan. God is greeted directly from his parents, his wife, his son, and even the 18th generation ancestors. On the attack, God has been in full swing for many years, and it is really necessary to display it. It can turn a normal person into a neuropathy and turn a neuropathy into a normal person...

After all, the dust is also the person of the big family who is taboo. Although it has a chilly heart, the quality of the big family is still there. Although his heart is poisonous, it can be used to swear, but it is scarce compared to God. Equal to no, he fired his eyes and said evilly: "God is happy, you are a bastard, a turtle grandson, a dog thing, except what you can do when you run away with a tail dog, hey, there is a kind, come down and me. Play a game..."

"Oh! Well, since I want to play a game, come over, I am here, absolutely not moving. Come here, if you are not a bastard, a turtle, a dog, a dog, that Come here and I am here? Don't you dare? Oh, then you can't be your own bastard, turtle, grandson, dog stuff, dog tail dog? Uh?" God is away from the vicious dust The words kicked back in the same way, and the whole process did not even have time to think, in one go.

The dusty face is black like charcoal, and the anger in the heart is almost blasted: "You really are a dog thing that is not planted! Dogs | Mother's chop!"


The scene suddenly quieted down, but the anti-attack of the gods waiting for people did not think of it. One second, two seconds, three seconds, finally came the voice of God's happy, the voice, low and cold: "You... say... what!?"

The change in the voice made people look at him all subconsciously. Suddenly, he found that his original face was full of color, and it turned out to be a dark piece, his eyes became haze, and the muscles on his face were vague. Trembling convulsions...

"...What's going on in the future?" The left-handed army was amazed.

"Well? What's wrong with the happy... How could this be the reaction?" Situ, at the same time, said with amazement, is it because of the words that the dust had just smashed? But the sentence he had just smashed is still not as vicious as the previous sentence... What happened?

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"I said... you are a dog thing that you haven't planted, it's a dog|naughter!"

"You!!! You... dare... insult... my mother!!" God's hands are pinching, his teeth are biting, and everything he says is as hard as a seam from the teeth. Forced out, the constant twitching of the facial muscles, making his face look a scary embarrassment.

His reaction made the dust laugh: "Ha ha ha ha, why, let me say the center thing? Is your mother coming to be a dog, and another dog born to you? Hahahaha..."

A strong resentment suddenly came out like an explosion of madness. This kind of resentment is so cold and strong that almost all the players who are present can't help but fight a cold war with a shocked look. Looking at God's happyness... This big incredible resentment turned out to be from God.

"You... dare... insult... my mother... I am absolutely... absolutely... absolutely... absolutely... won't forgive you!!!!"

"I want you to die!!!!"

Huh... I didn’t think that this frame of God’s happiness has been playing for so long. This chapter is almost 4,000 words, or it is finished. Said that I really like some happy. 】

After a while, I will send out a full list of the current protagonist, sorted out for a long time, probably with nearly 20,000 words. In addition, the fifth article of a rumor will be sent tonight, pay attention to the children in the book review area.

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