Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 600: Under the catastrophe

A gust of wind suddenly blows up, very light wind, light and almost impossible to feel, but like an amazing magic, so that everyone present is clearly aware.

After the breeze, a group of green flames suddenly rose from the body of God, and instantly wrapped his entire body...

The face of the dust has changed...

Everyone’s face was shocked, and Zhang’s mouth looked at the **** who was burning in the green flame... Yes, it turned out to be a green flame! Green is incomparably pure. Almost all of the people present were seeing such an amazing green fire for the first time.

"What is that?" The left-handed army looked at God with his eyes wide open, and the various changes of God's happiness were repeated once and for all, but the previous several additions did not come as amazing. The green flame, there is also a kind of shocking resentment, he really feels the resentment from God.

"It seems that he is also a story-bearing person." Situ, I didn't know what to think of, and gave a soft breath.

"If my nerves don't deceive me, this flame is not a green poisonous inflammation. It gives me the feeling of wind power... Oh! The wind power has brought this game world, which **** tells me. I am already crazy." Murong Qiu Shui licked his own temple and made a burst of embarrassment.

Since the gods are happy to join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, he can be said to be in the middle of the rules, careful, just like the recruits into the team, hate not to go to the end, all day, a smile, a man gesture. Even if he is occasionally bullied by Murong Qiushui and Situ, the two black men, he will only smirk. How to look, it is like a person who will not be angry.

His usual performance, as well as the sudden hatred that he suddenly broke out at this time, the huge gap, gave them a huge psychological impact.

Ye Tianxie’s face was obviously moving, because when the green flame burned, Ye Tianxie clearly heard the four words he read in a low voice...

Disaster - Erhe - the wind!

Disaster! ?

On the competitive stage, the dusty body seemed to be booed by a gust of wind, and it took several steps in a row, and the chest began to violently fluctuate. If the hegemony **** that he had transformed into before gave God great pressure, then the hatred of God’s sorrow and the incomparable green fire will suppress the previous momentum, several times, even dozens. Doubled back to him.

"I want you to die!!!"

In a terrible low-pitched roar of evil spirits, God's free body detached from the safe position where he was, and rushed to the gatekeeper of Hell. At this time, he was like a beast that was seriously injured, and was touched by the raging dragon of the scales. The eyes of the two bright eyes were full of violent resentment. Ye Tianxie's gaze moved with his figure, and the message of the evil dragon's eyes made him move from shock to surprise, then to shock...

His moving speed value, attack speed value, avoidance, hitting force... all skyrocketed at an almost crazy speed...

Movement speed: 602, attack speed: 210, avoidance: 633, hit force: 350.

But just a dazzling effort, the number has changed a lot...

Movement speed: 855, attack speed: 400, avoidance: 783, hit force: 432.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes began to show obvious turmoil... Finally, it began to become a trembling...

Movement speed: 855 ... 944 ... 1020 ... 1150 ... 1230 ... 1350 ... 1500 ...

Attack speed: 400...480......540......655......720......820...910...1022......

Avoidance: 783...1450...2450...3623......4800......5914...7023......8800......

Hit power: 432...666...845...991...1182...1325...1695...

The numbers range from amazing to horrible, to a degree of horror that is unbelievable!

When the number finally settled, what Ye Tianxie saw was 1600 moving speed, 1200 attack speed, 10000 avoidance, and 2000 hit! !

Even Ye Tianxie, who has seen countless metamorphosis values, can't believe his eyes at this moment. The movement speed of the 1600 can be so fast that people can't see her shadow. The attack speed of 1200 means that he can attack 12 times in one second, and the 10000's avoidance...even himself, all attacks It is absolutely impossible to hit him, the hit of 2000, all the assassin's ability to evade is ineffective under this hit value.

He has always believed that this mysterious and strange God is always having his own final card, but he did not expect that this card is so shocking.

And these figures can only be seen by him. Otherwise, if these figures are published in the world, the whole fate will directly boil.

At the speed of 1600, the movement of God's freedom is similar to teleportation, and almost everyone else believes that God's happyness is suddenly teleported to the front of the dust, and then no one sees how God is happy. Attacking, only seeing the large number of damage figures suddenly floated on the head of the dust - because the speed of the green dagger attack has reached the point where the naked eye can not see.


God's free attack is very low, even if it is the attack technique with the strongest damage, it can't break the damage. The defense power of Hell's goalkeeper is also obviously low. The middle of the red or the yellow injury number is like a snowflake. It floats quickly on its head. The number flies fast, making the players stunned and staring. I can't return to God for a long time.

It took a full three seconds for the dust to react. The huge axe picked up and the heavy scorpion was escaping to God. As long as God did not see his attack, he was still attacking insane, without any speed. The signs of escaping, his body's release, only resentment, and no half-death killing.

"Happy!" Several people from the left break army stood up at the same time. With his vitality, if they were attacked by the dust at this time, they would be easily killed by a single blow. In his horror, the axe was on the body of God...



God's happy body is fixed on the ground, and it does not move. Only the attack in the hand is so fast that people can't believe their eyes. Dust seems to be overbearing, with a striking blow, but it brings up a big "miss". The attack from God's happyness made him unable to be afraid of it. He shouted and swept away again with axe in his heart...


Still no hits, God's movements have not changed, attacks such as violent storms, there is not even a trace of evasive attitude when he attacks, seems to be ruthlessly mocking his incompetence. The dust is raging, the huge axe brings a burst of wind, and the madness rises on the body of God...





The players in the audience were all shocked, shocked by the green flame, shocked by the storm's attack speed, and again and again... three times in a row... five consecutive times... ten consecutive times... ten consecutive Five times... the "miss".

Ye Tianxie stared at the stage and looked at the dust with an almost pityful look... a full 10,000 retreat. Even after he summoned the power of Hell to defend the power of the gatekeeper, unless he has the skill of forcing a hit, he will be playing for a thousand years, 10,000 years, and don't want to hit it once.

And fifteen seconds passed, in the attack of God's Happy, the attack power is not high, but under the attack of speed and savage, the life of the powerful Hellkeeper has fallen by a full three-quarters.

The original victory was completely shuddered by the dust, and he did not think that God’s happy body was so terrible, terrible to this extent, terrible to the ability to make him unable to believe. The "miss" that made him finally desperate, his body began to fall backwards, but his speed was ten times faster, and he could not be compared with the gods at this time. The body of God is as sticky as the body. On his body, as he moves, no matter how he shifts, he can't spread their distance by half.


Five seconds passed and the last blow fell. The life of Hell's Gatekeeper is emptied. In a far-reaching roar, the black light of Hell's Gatekeeper is lightened, and the body quickly becomes smaller in the dissipation of black light until it returns to the original dust, and the dust appears and waits. His, is the attack that God’s fast roots can’t avoid...


Without any suspense, the dust that had lost the summoning state had fallen, and there was no substitute for him. He died completely and fell to the feet of God.

"Hey... Congratulations to the player, "God Happy" wins and enters tomorrow's Top 16."

After the prompt tone, the scene was silent for a long time, even the left-handed army, Situ, and other people did not cheer out, but like other people, Qiqi looked at the gods on the stage...

God is far away, defeating the third in the rankings, showing the incredible strength of the dust... Before the game, most people thought he would lose, but with the speed and style he showed before, It is not the possibility of no victory... But the way of the development and ending of this game is beyond the expectations of everyone, and it has also shocked their eyes and stimulated their hearts...

Quiet and silent, the body of the dust turned into white light and disappeared on the arena. The blue flame of God's happy body began to fade lightly from pure green to pale green to very light green. ... until it disappears completely.


At the moment when the flame disappeared, the body of God's happy body fell like a wooden stake on the stage, and there was no movement.


"what happened?"

God is not moving, but it is obviously not death. It is not turned into white light or sent out by the system. Ye Tianxie frowned. Then he got up and jumped to the front of the arena. The fate of the moment is now In the hand, the dark sword carries the orange light, and the "Devil's Devil" smashes into the invisible barrier around the arena.


The broken voice made the players in the room hold their breath...

Because of this voice, it means that... the evil attack, the guardian barrier of this arena will be broken! !

The facts are also confirming the amazing speculation in people's minds. They clearly saw a fine crack in the space above the arena, and then they were broken like shattered glass. g! ~!

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