Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 615: Mysterious card of Murong Qiu Shui

An daring, bold idea that can be said to be completely impossible to exist in the brain of Ye Tianxie. At first glance, this idea is so naive and ridiculous, but after it has been formed, it has been rooted in the roots of Ye Tianxie’s brain for a long time...



These two people...

What is the origin?

And the one that "God" just looked at him made him feel that this person seems to be dedicated to him...

Will it be like this?

He licked his head slightly and threw away all the thoughts in his head. There is no basis for speculation, and it is useless to think more. When you are on their own, there must be a way to know their details... Now, there seems to be no need to think more.

He turned his head and said to Murong Qiu Shui: "Qiu Shui, the first game of tomorrow is your game. How are you going to deal with the king?"

"Yeah yeah, I gave up the game and gave it to you... I believe you so much, what are you hiding?" Zuo Bianjun also said. Since the morning of the game, he has been entangled in why Murong Qiu Shui broke out so much confidence, and what method will be used to defeat the powerful unbeatable king.

Since Ye Tianxie asked, Murong Qiushui did not answer, he sat up straight and thought about it and said: "I... In fact, I can't win the king. Tomorrow's game, I will lose."


Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei and others looked awkward, and the left-breaking army almost jumped up from the seat. It burst into a burst: "You, you, you, you, you, you... What do you mean by a dead man!" Laozi has given up the game and gave it to you. You are now giving me such a sentence, you play Laozi!!"

Murong Qiuhui gave him a glance and said: "Oh, sorry, dear brother, this is no way, because I can't defeat you, you have to use the vow to get the chance to meet Wang... However, "Mu Rong Qiu Shui's expression is converging, and the brow slowly twisted up: "I will definitely lose... but I didn't lie... I understand that the game, I must let him die.........will make him die. Can't die anymore!!"

Will definitely lose...

Will definitely let him die...

This is clearly a completely contradictory sentence, let him die, is not to let him lose? The left-handed army had big eyes and a fog.

"What does this mean?" Ye Tianxie also revealed an obvious incomprehensible

"Oh, dear brother, this question is really difficult to answer. It is difficult for me to describe what kind of method is specific. You will know tomorrow morning... Wang, mortal, must die!!" When referring to the word "王", Murong Qiu Shui's eyes screamed in the eyes. That is the ray of yin as a snake.

"Your...instantaneous?" Ye Tianxie said slowly. Instant, Murong Qiu Shui has a special jing **** ability. This ability gave him a terrible longitudinal force on the gun.

Murong Qiuqi nodded, then shook his head again, and said with a painful face: "Dear brother, this question is really difficult to answer, because even me, I am not sure how to describe that ability, okay? Let's just say it, fat man, poker face, bitter face, remember our first and only time to kill?"

"The group is destroyed?" Ye Tianxie's face is suspicious

"Ah? The group is out? How many of you have been destroyed?" God immediately rushed to the face and gloated.

Situ was turned white, and a slap in the face of the gods, said to Ye Tianxie: "Dear head, please forgive us for hiding this fact. As a person who enters the soul through your permission, we really have no face. Presenting to you the fact that we were destroyed."

"This thing has been a long time." Zuo broke the army mo mo brain, said: "This is probably a month and a half ago. At that time our four ranks barely climbed to the forty, and the second brother you In the tower of destiny. At that time we brushed a group of 40-level monsters in the group. As a result, the map did not know what kind of wind ou, even once the two lords b were brushed out. If the lord b is 40, it will be. I can't stand it alone, but the two are actually level 50... At that time, we were overconfident about our ability, and we didn't choose to escape, but greeted us..."

"I am going, four forty people to pick two 50-level lords b, are you too too? If that is two 49-level, it will be over... More than 50 lords b, that is For the players after the second turn, the strength and the level before the 50th are completely different concepts." 桀影星魂 said.

"...no way. Usually ten days and a half months will definitely see a lord, this time out two, we don't want to give up... but in the end, entangled with the two lords b for ten minutes, first The poker face was seconds, then the fourth was second, and then I didn’t resist hanging... The bitter melon face could run, but his mind was rigid, and he stood there motionless to stay with us, then Bye."

Uh... God can’t help but squirt out.

"Call... That's really a tragedy that I don't want to mention anymore. I don't want anyone to know that our heavenly spirits have actually appeared in a group... Of course, it is in the absence of the dear head. Next. Otherwise, there are two more... Ah no, it’s not to be afraid to come back to twenty.” Situ’s face sighed and said, not forgetting to slap Ye Tian’s flattering.

"Autumn, do you want to say, what did you feel when you hanged that time?" Ye Tianxie thought for a moment and said.

Murong Qiuhui nodded: "It should be possible to say so, in short, I will know tomorrow."

Tiancai nodded, finally looked at the "God" on the stage and pulled up Sufifi's hand: "Fifi, let's go."

The fifteenth moon was obscured by the clouds of Moh, but the light that permeated was still a faint whiteness on the night.

Time, pointing to the evening at nine o'clock.

“The interplanetary flight to Lyle Star has entered the final test phase. Soon after, Star Trek will no longer be in the science fiction story, but will become a wonderful reality. In Lyle Star, you will find many difficulties. Confidence exists in the real thing, the scenery there will make you the air there will make you drunk, the world there is always so peaceful, the residents there are always so friendly... no pollution, no pollution, no war , there, it will be a paradise in your dreams... Everything there will make you linger....But the people of Lyle are friendly, but equally wise, to the humans of the galaxy, they will not let go of the vigilance. Therefore, at present, Lyle Star welcomes the visit of the Earth, but temporarily does not accept immigrants from the Earth, unless it has enough charm or made any special contribution to Lyle Star and is recognized by the people there..."

"...The booking for the Lair Starflight flight has been officially launched. The deposit is 500 million world coins (one world currency = one Chinese currency). The round-trip cost is one billion world coins. The round-trip time for one flight is seven months. The round-trip time is a total of fourteen months. The maximum number of people that can be accommodated at one time is 300. At present, Lyle Star allows one person to live for up to two months. Within two months, guests from the Earth will receive They have a full range of hospitality, life needs, travel and entertainment, they will all be provided free of charge, if you have ills, you will get the most perfect treatment there. In Lyle Star, as long as there is a trace of life, no incurable Disease. So, when you go to Lyle Star, you don't need to carry any money or goods. The money of the earth can't be circulated there, and there are items on the earth, there will be all there........."

Ye Tianxie reclined on the sofa and watched the picture that was only shown in the sci-fi film. Lyle's interplanetary flight has been rumored for a long time. He never really paid attention to it before, and since Chen Xue’s incident, he began to really pay attention to the legendary planet Planet Lyle. Star's message, watching this promo, Ye Tianxie found himself seems to be interested in this Lyle star,

However, to take a trip to this interplanetary flight, it is necessary to have a total of ten billion!

This is an amazing cost that can scare normal people out of the past. There are not many people in the world who can afford to spend.

However, I think that this is going to the outer planet, it is a star travel that has been going back and forth for ten months... Ye Tianxie began to think that this price does not seem outrageous. Even if you are full of 300 people, it is only 3,000 billion. It seems that a regular spaceship is more than this price.

"Lyle Star really will be as good as mentioned above? It sounds really a very beautiful place." Chen Xue has been staring at the picture on TV, flashing the longing in the eyes.

"These pictures are all true. The description of Lyle Star is also true. I used to pay close attention to it. I didn't encounter evil spirits at that time, and often encountered some bad things, especially that. After being kidnapped, I was eager to escape from the earth and go to a place where there would be no danger.” Sophie Finto, who was gangster, said very seriously: “Dad, he has received a lot of internal information about Lyle Star. Everything there is really perfect like heaven to the earth... Hey, I really can’t imagine how the planet developed to that extent... The technology of the earth has been improving, but the air is The more dirty it is, the more and more dirty the environment, the more complicated the relationship between people, and the technology of Lylestar is hundreds of years older than the earth, but the environment does not know how many times better than the earth... Heart, do you want to go?"

"I... I stayed here, it would be very good." Yu Chen said softly. Her words made Sophie a glimpse and then smiled.

In the brain of Ye Tianxie, a figure of nv child emerged...

Star Baoer...a! ~!

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