Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 618: Have you seen the **** of death...

The competition of the strongest eight people in Huaxia District is undoubtedly unprecedented. Anyone will not doubt that today’s game is bound to be wonderful...

The matchup of the peak masters should last for a long time. Because the master not only has a strong attack and defense ability, the real master will never let the opponent hit him so easily, but no one will expect that the four games of the eight into four, each game The duration is so short, short-lived to an almost unacceptable level... because the time of four games, add up... it will not exceed five minutes.

One morning, less than five minutes of competition... or the match between the strongest eight people who stand out from hundreds of millions of players in China...

In the first game, Murong Qiu Shui was the king who wanted him to be a thousand.

The time is slow and away, from the time of the game, there is still the last minute of time, the system prompts the tone. And all the players who are watching this game have already waited.

The people above and below the soul are always looking at Murong Qiu Shui. This is the battle of revenge he has been waiting for. In order to fulfill his battle of revenge, Zuo Bianjun even gave up the victory and gave him the qualification to enter the quarter-finals. However, no one among them knows what method he depends on to complete this revenge. The battle.

At this time, Murong Qiu Shui was very quiet, not nervous, and there was no state of urgency, and some calmness was abnormal. Compared with the battle with Wang before, the current equipment of Murong Qiu Shui has no changes, and there is no change in the slightest change. In addition, the order of "not allowed to level" before Ye Tianxie did not go to leveling. Naturally, his level is unlikely to improve. In other words, he is now facing the king again and he is exactly the same state as the first time he lost to the king. Last time, he was almost equal to the second defeat in the hands of Wang, so now, what should he rely on to defeat the king...

"The fourth child...Since said, you have to do it, although you usually have a bit of a floating mouth, but this time I believe in you, don't let me waste a chance of life in vain." Zuo Bianjun said with a serious face.

"Well, although I know the power of the king very much, but this time, I also believe in you. I look forward to the moment you let the king die." Situ was also followed.

"Come on." said the shadow star soul. At this time, he has been quickly integrated into the atmosphere of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. And he is born to be a familiar person, and there is no cautious oyster at all.

"I hope there will be a miracle happening," said God.

"Autumn water, let's go." Ye Tianxie said.

"Autumn water, come on, I believe you can be." Sophie Fei made a "v" gesture to him.

Everyone in the whole group said a word of encouragement. The scene......... Just like sending a cannon fodder to be sent to death on the battlefield, let the muscles on Murong Qiu Shui's face twitch. He stood up and said nothing. "Reassure, I will not humiliate the soul of the heavens, even if I die... I am also thrilled to die."

He took out his serial number card and came to the arena. On the stage, the king appeared almost at the same time. His equipment has not changed at all. In the dark, dressed up a dark horse... At first glance, it seems to have just climbed out of the coal pile.

On this stage, two people met for the second time. The scene was slightly different from the first time I met. The two people who met this time were all silent. The eyes of the king were as calm as the dead water, and even the eyes were as moving as the dead. Looking at Murong Qiu Shui The gaze is exactly the same as looking at an inanimate body.

This is an alternative form of disdain.

And Murong Qiu Shui’s eyes are half-smooth, and his expression is as rigid as it has been for a long time. His eyes are straight ahead and fall on the chest of the king... They keep it until the start of the game. This state, and the air, quietly condenses under this atmosphere.

Everyone knows that Murong Qiu Shui defeated the reincarnation of the king's hand on top of the top 100, and was attacked by Wang Yiqi. And dramatic, the two men met again in the quarter-finals. Moreover, there is no difference between the two people on the surface and the first meeting before... The same two people, the same equipment, the huge strength gap you have shown before...

Will the ending of this game be different from the last one?

"Oh... left: the soul of the mercenary group belongs to: Qiu Shui Yiren - vs - right: not reincarnation belongs to: Wang, the game begins!"


The gun in the hands of Murong Qiu Shui was lifted and pointed to the head of the king. When he is aiming at his opponent, he always habitually laughs at him. He doesn't have the slightest smile at this moment. The tiny eyes and the quiet face are covered with a kind of chilling sorrow... ...he did not shoot, but to the king, slowly said: "You...have seen death?"

"Hey, Murong's waste."

A disdainful low-pitched voice came from the ear of Murong Qiu Shui, making his face more gloomy. When Wang looked at him, his gaze was so disdainful... When he first saw him, he looked at him with a gaze looking down at him, and he killed him with ease. This time, he is also the same. Disdain, still, look at him with a look at the ant ant... No, to be precise, it is such a gaze when he looks at almost everyone... He calls himself the king, the king of all things, Can despise all the kings of the world.

In this life, he only suffered a big setback... that is Ye Tianxie. He participated in this competition just to return the insults of Ye Tianxie's shame on him. And other people, no one is right with him. At least he thinks so.


Murong Qiuhui pulled the gun... The dark bullets opened the air in the whistling sound, and the black marks were shot at the king's body... The breath of death suddenly approached at an extremely fast speed.

Murong Qiu Shui's strongest skill - the kiss of death!

The person who took this trick is equivalent to meeting the **** of death...

boom! !

The same scene was once again staged. The bullet did not encounter any obstacles. It directly passed through the king's body and slammed into the energy barrier behind him, hitting a small piece of crack. The way the king evaded this trick of "the kiss of death" is still using the absolute avoidance technique used before. Although he is scorning Murong Qiu Shui, but the speed of the bullet is too fast, so close distance, in addition to this skill, he does not have any way to retreat.

The virtual shadow disappeared, and the king’s body disappeared. It disappeared completely in front of Murong Qiu Shui... Murong Qiu Shui looked at the front, and the calm expression did not change because of the sudden disappearance of the king, and even did not go around looking for it. I did not close my eyes and concentrate on testing his position. Instead, I kept the state of the "Kiss of Death" just now. The arms were raised, the front of the muzzle pointed, the eyes looked straight at the drop, and the eyes were motionless... At that time, he is like being given a body.

"What happened? The fourth child seems a bit strange... How can he not move!" Zuo broke the army's hands tightly, nervously said. The king apparently casts the technique of stealth, and with the vitality of Murong Qiu Shui and the attacking ability of the king, if he can't break his stealth, the king who suddenly appears will be killed in an instant.

"What exactly does Qiu Shui have to do? How do you feel that he is like a soul?" Stuart looked at Murong Qiu Shui on the stage and frowned. He looked so strange at this time, facing the king’s stealth. No motion, like a stone sculpture.

"... Wang, already close to him." Ye Tianxie whispered in a calm voice. Under the eyes of his evil dragon, the king's stealth is exactly the same as no.

The voice of Ye Tianxie just fell, the left side of Murong Qiu Shui is already a black shadow, and a **** man with the appearance of black shadows has drawn a swift and uncanny...



A very thin and fine red line appeared on the body of Murong Qiu Shui. The red line suddenly appeared and disappeared. It was as if it had never existed before. The moment when the red line disappeared, a huge number of injuries appeared on the head of Murong Qiu Shui, emptying his blood tank.

"Autumn!!" Zuo Bianjun and others shouted.

“Hey... Congratulations to the contestant’s ‘King’ and win the obvious semi-final!”

At this point, a total of 10 seconds have elapsed since the start of the game... In this way, the first game of the quarter-finals ended. As a result, like the first fight between the two of them, Murong Qiushui was instantly killed. The previous ending has continued to the present. This is a huge gap in strength... no way to make up.

"Autumn... Qiu Shui..." The voice of the left-breaking army was a little trembling. He gave up the game and loaded countless hopes and trust in Murong Qiu Shui in his heart. He looked forward to the scene where Murong Qiu Shui defeated the king. Miracle... But the miracle did not happen, but it was defeated, and it was faster than the last time...

He can't accept it, and he can't accept it at all.

"Don't it... is it finished?" Situ was not able to laugh at it. He looked at the stage with a stubborn look. His face was very stiff and stiff like a stone.

"I thought that Murong's brother would have any surprising way to win... But, hey, still lost, can't blame Murong, the king is too powerful. I can only be killed by the spike." Happy convergence expression, said.

At this time, in their ears, there was a low voice of Ye Tianxie: "Don't come too early to conclude..." Ye Tianxie stared at the two men on the stage and frowned and said: "Look at Qiu Shui... ...he is obviously dead, but he has not fallen! Are you not surprised?"

As soon as they were reminded, they suddenly felt amazed... and more and more people began to notice on the stage... one second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds passed, that Killed by the king, the Murong Qiu Shui, which was emptied of the blood trough, did not fall down!

Still standing in the previous position, standing there.

what happened?

Murong Qiu Shui, who was already dead, was slowly raising his head at this time. His body was slowly spinning. It was only very slow, and the movement was very stiff. The stiff one was like turning the neck around him. Zombies... And as his body turns, it’s always in the air, and it’s pointing to the king...

"You... see... ever... dead... God...?"

What the king saw was a black hole in the muzzle, and behind the muzzle, the black hair, with a gloomy smile, revealing the faces of two rows of white teeth...

The sound coming from the ear, such as the cold wind blown by the cold winter, made him cold and cold all over the body... At this moment, he actually felt the shudder of his heart.

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