Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 645: Space pursuit

The Dimensional Broken Flower Dream was used in yesterday's game, but at that time, she broke the small part of the space around the "God" body, the broken space will be the "God" body is far away in the tear The smashed out, causing tremendous damage... And the scope of this space is more than the size of yesterday’s smashing. I’ve covered the entire arena, just dropped the arena and haven’t stood up yet. Ye Tian Xie Gen did not evade the possibility of the past, whether it was up, forward, backward, left, right, or even downward.

Hua Yu Meng and her own said that there is no reservation in this game. Because what she wants is that the other party can defeat her to show her all the way, so that she can truly obey her own heart... So, this "secondary break" is completely the maximum range she can currently trigger. The space was broken, and it took nearly a quarter of her magic at once, blocking all the paths and retreats of Ye Tianxie, which was enough to kill him.

After the space is broken, it quickly heals, the air re-influxes, and the space recombines quickly. However, the reorganized space can no longer be the original space. The competitive platform that has just recovered a small part is once again unrecognizable after the space blasting. . . . But the shocking scene of the space like a mirror was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone, bringing a long-lasting embarrassment. On the top of the arena, there is no shadow of evil. After the attack, there was no sound of the end of the game.

The flowers are beautiful and beautiful, looking at the bottom, such a powerful one-dimensional break release, the massive consumption of magic makes her body have a little sense of loss. The attack just now, she is convinced that Ye Tianxie has absolutely no possibility of avoiding it, but wherever she looks, there is no shadow of Ye Tianxie on the arena... Suddenly, a dangerous warning sign is passed from her rear. Come, the holy feather **** under her body suddenly screamed, she did not turn back, instantly switched the space, the body appeared 20 meters parallel to the height, a dark arc almost at the same time The position she had stayed in before.

Ye Tianxie!

He is not dead, and the fate of the moment is a gesture of swaying out. At this time, she is in the position where she was just... At this moment, she dreams that she can’t believe her eyes. He just fell to the competition. Above the stage, in the scope of the break of the dimension... And in the twinkling of an eye, he not only broke away from the scope of the broken dimension, but appeared behind her like a ghost...

Can do this... and it can only be a teleport! And it is a long distance, truly moving instantly with zero time!

"Space?" Flowers prayed in an uncertain tone, slowly spit out two words.

"You can think so... just that the space power I have is to use it according to the equipment, not like you rely on your own strength... However, in the past time, I found something that seems to me. "It is very beneficial." Ye Tianxie raised the moment of destiny, but did not continue to attack, but said with a mysterious smile: "I found that your space switching ability does not need much time to launch, but space attack Ability, but obviously it takes a certain amount of time to condense space power, and the greater the space power released, the longer it takes... The short dimension is broken. If I am not wrong, I will fall from the ground and then fall to the ground. When I got to the station, it took about four seconds to go... and your broken dimension was launched when I stood up. However, this does not mean that the moment I just got up is the best time to attack. You deliberately wait until then to release. If you release during my fall, I will not even hide.... This means that you have just launched the second dimension and spent a full four seconds. To gather spatial ability. "

Flower dream: "..."

"If I remember correctly... Yesterday, when you were blocking the space of the 'God', you also moved yourself to the sky, and it took a few seconds to impose a space block on the 'God' instead of Instant release. Then..." Ye Tianxie’s destiny moment, a low smile, said: "I can understand that space power is not as terrible as I imagined!! Dragon soul cracked!!"

Ye Tianxie’s body is moving forward with the help of the undead dragon... From the height of the flower dream in yesterday’s match with today’s game, he can be sure that her space switching ability may allow her to reach a pole. High height, but her ability to float, fifty meters is already her limit. The floating ability of living creatures has strict limits. The higher the floating capacity, the harder it is to reach. Exceeding the limits you can reach, you will fall freely. The floating capacity of more than 50 meters is already quite scary.

With the closeness of Ye Tianxie, the wings of the holy gods shook their wings and flew away with flowers and flowers. The speed of the victory over the undead dragons opened their distance in a blink of an eye. In the hands of the flower, the light of the Holy Spirit’s stick flashed slightly, and a small “secondary break” was launched. The space where Ye Tianxie was located suddenly exploded, but at the moment before the explosion, Ye Tianxie and the undead dragon disappeared at the same time. .

The dangerous warning sign appeared again behind the flowers and dreams. She did not hesitate to start the space switch, and once again opened far away, tracking the leaves of her behind Ye Tianxie was a blow. He is not angry, smiles and catches up...

The life value of the flower dream is only seven thousand, but the mana value is a full 300,000!

However, the consumption of space magic is extremely huge. The space switch that makes the "God" helpless is magical, but every time it is displayed, it takes a full 10,000 magic! It is equivalent to the cost of an ordinary magician casting dozens of intermediate magic. Everything is balanced, and powerful skills must have a strong price. And the distorted space of the dimension, one time is 14000 magic consumption, the small dimension is broken, it is 20,000 magic consumption, before the large-scale dimension of the entire collapse of the collapse, once spent 100,000 mana.

Although she has a fairly fast magic recovery speed, her magical value has been reduced to half. If you use ordinary elemental magic, the speed of magic consumption is not even as fast as her recovery speed, but in the "Elemental Destruction Area", she can only use space magic. In the case of Ye Tianxie, she had to use space switching to avoid it.

Ye Tianxie did not stop, he naturally knew that the flower dream must have the ability to recover magic, so he did not stop for a while, and the effect of the tracker was chased after the flower dream, and forced her to use it. Space switching to avoid... Under his attack that is exactly the same as the momentary movement, the only way to avoid the dream is to teleport...

Once, twice, three times...

The field of elemental destruction disappeared, and Ye Tianxie first released the destruction of the seven colors and recasted into a new area of ​​destruction. Once again, it is sent to the side of Huaqiu dream... He sometimes appears behind the flower dream, sometimes from the top, sometimes from the front, sometimes from time to time... so that the flower dream that cannot determine his position can only be removed. Not a cohesive space ability to prepare him to give him a fatal blow. Even the effect of the dimension break is mandatory, and the tearing ability of the space is not resistant, including herself. Therefore, if she tries to launch a dimension break in the space around her when Ye Tianxie moves around her body, the first thing that hurts is herself.

And Ye Tianxie's space chasing again and again... four times, five times... seven times... eight times... her magic was consumed very quickly, down to one-third.

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