Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 64: Lei Feng! You are Lei Feng!


When the line was down, the days outside were already dark. Ye Tianxie had dealt with some dinners as usual, and finally put on his coat in the pitiful eyes and sly voices of the fruit. It looks like a fruit. The lollipop that she owns is about to be eaten by her.

Counting it, today is the third time to go out and buy lollipops for fruit. The first two times... The first time I saved a little girl who was indecent as he was on the same day, the second time it was quiet... but the same thing, this time is also the night, which also makes him feel that some life is not as good as death.

Under the cover of the night, he was still rushing to the vending machine, and if he could, he really wanted to hide his face.

Passing through two streets, Ye Tianxie finally stood in front of the already familiar vending machine. He almost looked at the surrounding habits of "haunted ghosts" and determined that no one would pay for the money. Mouth, the finger is connected to each of the lollipops of various flavors.

哗啦啦... A mechanical sound, the lollipops of various colors began to fall out one by one from the inside. Ye Tianxie is waiting for the temper, waiting for all the lollipops to come out all at once, then he can immediately leave the pocket and leave the person... Then this small paragraph makes him want to die, and finally can pass the time It is.

However, the day is not as good as people wish, the lollipop has not come out yet, and a hurried footstep sounds in the ear. And obviously, it was the footsteps of a woman in high heels, and the sound of "stepping on" stepped into his ear from a long distance, and the owner of this footstep immediately appeared in sight, she The direction of the run is exactly where Ye Tianxie stands.

Ye Tianxie is not walking, not walking or not... When he is extremely entangled, that person has come to him not far away. Ye Tianxie didn't turn her head to look at her, but quietly bowed her head and pretended not to know that someone was approaching. If he wore a hat at this time, he would definitely pull the brim to the position below the nose.

I was seen by a woman who was sneaking in the middle of the night and buying a lollipop... What would happen? What will happen? What will happen! ?

Just as Ye Tianxie kept mourning for a tornado to blow this woman directly to the Pacific Ocean, the footsteps suddenly stopped by him, staring at him with a straight thorn in his eyes...

"Lei Feng! You are Lei Feng... I finally found you. I was the one you saved that night. Do you remember me?"

The girl's voice in the ear is crisp and sweet, and it is full of joy and excitement. Ye Tianxie, who was smashed in his heart, was first stunned. He instantly remembered who the girl was behind him. The head of his head was lower, and his voice said deeply: "Sorry, you have mistaken people."

Lei Feng... Lei your sister's front! Do you believe this name? Does this woman even know the name of Lei Feng! ?

Ok? Wouldn't you really not know?

"Hey! Hey! You lied, the clothes you wear are exactly the same as last time, I know it! Also, that night, I let people show me the surveillance video on this street and found out that you really Passing here, I bought a lot of lollipops and chocolates here... Four nights ago, you bought more lollipops here. Then I knew you must like lollipops, and because Sorry, so I only have to buy it every night when no one is there... So, I will wait here, I know you will come. I really waited for it today! Hello! You turned to look at me. Well!"

At this time, there are only two thoughts in Ye Tianxie's mind... One is to dig a hole in the ground immediately, and the other is to go home immediately and take the fly to shoot the culprit.

Oh la la...

The last lollipop fell, and a total of fifty lollipops piled up in front of Ye Tianxu... Looking at the pile of lollipops in front of me, Ye Tianxie almost fell out of tears and stood there. Awkward daze... is it, or not.

"Wow! You bought so much! You like to eat lollipops... Well, don't be embarrassed, everyone has their own little secrets, really nothing..." "Nothing," but the fool can hear the tone that she resisted laughing. She went to Ye Tianxie and opened the bag on her shoulder. She pretended that he would put all the lollipops. Into his own bag: "Well! Then I will help you first! Feed and feed! You are not allowed to install wood, look at me!"

A very light lily flower spilled into the nose of Ye Tianxie, making his nose move invisibly. Most women who like this kind of perfume advocate nature and freedom, and the bones often have an innate elegance and nobleness... but the limited number of times with this girl, and her voice at this time. And the expression, but it seems to completely contradict it.

There was a light blue shadow in the corner of his eye, a beam of gaze was watching him, and he was always trying to move his eyes to see his face. Ye Tianxie turned helplessly and turned to look at the girl. The moment when the two eyes touched each other, Ye Tianxie’s eyes flashed a touch of stunning brilliance. There are very few women in the world who can make him feel amazing.

This is a very beautiful girl, knowing this when Ye Tianxie first saw her. Her upper body is wearing a light blue sweater, and the lower body is a short hot pants... Further down, there is a pair of slender whites, no matter the lines or the proportions are almost perfect long legs. What surprised him was the girl's skin... No matter which girl, there will be more or less sputum from the innate or acquired. Although there was only dim light, he could still clearly see the naked arms and neck of the girl, and could not find any cockroaches on the long legs. The flawless skin loomed over the dim light. Moving streamer. Especially her two long legs, that are two real legs, slender, white, round, like white jade polished, made of fat, can imagine how it feels like a slippery touch.

The beautiful legs allowed Ye Tianxie's eyes to pause for a short while touching, the heartbeat slightly accelerated, and even the impulse to touch it.

The girl is looking at him very seriously, his eyes, nose, mouth, chin... Her body is very tall, standing in front of Ye Tianxie almost equal to his height... Of course, the premise is that she is wearing a pair of light blue High heel sandals. When she met him for the first time, she didn't even see his appearance, only saw a back that ran away in a hurry. At that time, he hated this person, and because of him, she sat on the bed with her chest secretly. After crying for an afternoon, her father was also furious and launched everyone to find him to unload him eight. The second time, he saved her, and that time she finally saw his appearance, and his heart also deeply printed his shadow... But at that time, she still did not know that he was the indecent **** of her. people. When she knew it, she found that she could no longer hate him.

That night she was completely insomnia and tossed and turned on the bed. It was also from that time that she had a strong desire to find him.

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