Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 648: Anti-celestial dragon

The body of the evil dragon: The dragon is the creature with the strongest physique and defense ability, and the evil dragon that combines the light dragon power and the dark dragon power will have a stronger body than the ordinary dragon. At the same time, it has strong immunity to light and dark forces. Bright resistance +70%, dark resistance +70%, water resistance +30%, fire resistance +30%, wind resistance +30%, lightning resistance +30%, soil resistance + 30%. The defense increases by 10x, the life increases by 100x, the defense increases (05x level)%, the life increases (05x level)%, and wears any professional equipment.

The claw of the evil dragon: the dragon is the creature with the strongest power, and the evil dragon that combines the light dragon power and the dark dragon power will have more powerful power than the ordinary dragon. The dragon claw is a terrible weapon, any ordinary The weapon is in the claws of the dragon, and it will become a powerful weapon of the gods. The attack increases by 10x, the attack increases (05x level)%, the critical strike rate is +10%, and the attack has a 10% probability of tearing the wound. Any weapon of any occupation can be used.

The Eye of the Evil Dragon: The singular dragon head created by the combination of the power of light and the power of darkness can see through the environment of absolute darkness and absolute light. It has a visible distance beyond the normal number of times, and can see through the strength not higher than itself. Level monsters, players, npc information and even shortcomings, you can see through the hidden scenes in the map, you can see through any form of stealth surgery below Shen Xuan.

The Spirit of the Evil Dragon: The singular ability of the evil dragon. After launching, it will burn the life of the evil dragon and build the invincible strongest defense. It completely resists any attack from the enemy. After launching, it will reduce the health of 7% per second, and the life will drop. It can be automatically released when it is 7% or less, and it can be interrupted at any time during the continuous period. It cannot be recovered in any way during the continuous process. It can not be used when the life is less than 7%. It can be used three times a day, and the interval between each use should be no less than 30 minutes. With the power of evil dragons, no need to consume.

The dragon of the evil dragon roars: Taking his own life as the source, taking the power of the soul of the evil dragon as the source, exploding life, releasing the power, and making a roar of the dragon that shakes the spirit, causing the source of life from all the living creatures around. Resistance to damage and forced dizziness, the resulting damage and forced stun time compared to the life of the explosion. The life value of the explosion can be freely any value from 300% to 999%. It cannot be exploded beyond the current life value. The damage caused is equivalent to the life of its own explosion. The forced stun time is equal to the percentage of the explosion life value x10. The effect range is 100 meters around itself, no magic consumption, and the cooling time is 60 seconds. The roar of the dragon soul can shock the spirits, and the roar from the soul of the evil dragon will have irresistible effects on the creatures of any rank and grade, and will be equally effective for the dragons.

All of the non-aggressive skills of Ye Tianxie have undergone major or minor changes. The effect of the dragon's body and the claws of the evil dragons is enhanced, and the added attributes are greatly increased, which also greatly enhances the attributes of Ye Tianxie... The value of life has increased from 15,000 to more than 25,000. Attack and defense increased by more than 30%. The overall attributes are simply reborn.

At the same time, the effect of the evil dragon is also improved again, and there is one more powerful feature that can be seen through the stealth of the gods. The soul of the evil dragon... The life of this unbreakable and strongest life-saving skill is reduced, and the duration of the Dragon Soul Barrier is extended by nearly 50%! The most powerful skill dragon soul roar... The cooling time has been shortened by nearly doubled, but the range has been expanded from 50 meters around the original itself to 100 meters around it... The envelope area has been increased to four times!

"Oh... your career 'reverse bone evil dragon' advanced, professional skills due to the advancement of the dragon soul power has been opened before the advancement of the profession, please name the new occupation. The occupation must have 'evil Dragon 'two words.'

Ye Tianxie’s “Anti-Bone Evil Dragon” career has long been advanced... After he completed the trial of seven sins, it was enough to advance. However, the level of Ye Tianxie at that time was too low, and after all, it was impossible to trigger advanced conditions. However, under the awakening of the power brought by the seven sins, the skills that should have been realized after the advancement are all opened in advance... The Dragon Soul Roar, the Dragon Soul Broken Shadow, the Dragon Soul Storm, the Dragon Soul Crack The Dragon Soul is broken... This is the skill that can be opened or advanced after professional advancement.

Today, the evil spirit that Ye Tianxie has been quiet for a long time, finally awakened from the silence under the impact of a very strong force... and broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and advanced. Although the attack skills have been opened in advance, there is no change, but the career advancement is like changing a body for Ye Tianxie, the body of the new evil dragon and the claw of the evil dragon, so that he is powerful enough. The value has increased dramatically again.

The sense of dizziness brought about by the madness of power and the extreme fatigue caused by the exhaustion of all powers began to fade. Ye Tianxie slowly lifted the heavy head, and the pair of low-profile eyes sparkled with a strange gray-black light... and a riot.

"Reverse... heaven... evil... dragon!"

He slowly said the name of the profession.

Against the evil spirits... Compared to the original anti-bone dragon, only one word has changed. However, the word of this simple change highlights the tremendous changes he has made in his career from the beginning of his career to his career. He was first transferred to the "Anti-Bone Dragon", and he was named after his "anti-bone" under his pride. And this time... it is the word "anti-day"!

Because the ability of the Abyss of the Claws also showed a small increase, and gained an incredible taboo skill... At the same time, an unknown voice reverberated in his mind... "The Claw King is always heaven and earth If you want to get a complete life and reach the heart of your heart, you must have the consciousness of being against the sky and enemies with heaven and earth..."

"Oh... you successfully transferred to the exclusive profession 'Anti-Day Dragon', power +100, physique +100, agility +100, spirit +100, life +1000, magic +1000, power attribute extra + after each upgrade 2, body attribute extra +2, agility attribute extra +2, spiritual attribute extra +2, life +10 after each upgrade, magic +10 (note: the original anti-bone dragon's upgrade additional attribute still exists, is superimposed instead Replace), fear, anger (ridiculed), immune state of chaos."

The color of light surrounding the body of Ye Tianxie is similar to the dim flame of disaster. These faint flames make Ye Tianxie's heart full of enthusiasm | full of arrogance from where I did not know. But among the brilliance, the white flames, which are incompatible with each other, are slowly engulfed. Ye Tianxie’s powerful gimmicks drove away the violent feeling inside, and the wing of the abundance on his back was light and swaying. His body had already returned to the top of the arena.

There was a big bang in the audience. The game that should have ended, but suddenly there was a reversal of their roots unpredictable... They still kept their ears in their ears, and they looked at the stage, no one knows, just a few moments ago. What happened?

"Miracle... The second brother turned out to be... even the blockade of the space was broken." Zuo Bianjun said in the shock that he was somewhat disappointed. What does it mean to break up space with your own body? It means that he can use his own power to create a space black hole that exists only in the universe! This is impossible with the strongest laser weapon on the planet! Ye Tianxie, in this world, did it with the power of his own body.

"No, not a miracle. Just because he is our second brother... a person who will never lose." Murong Qiu Shui laughed, laughing even brighter than the peach blossoms of the early spring.

"It’s clear that the head of the group doesn’t need to be surprised no matter what happens... but this time, I was once again trembled. I am more convinced that our head is above us, another The person at the level." Situ said with a sigh.

On the stage, the eyes of the flowers dreamed of a clear turmoil, she silently watched Ye Tianxie reappear in front of her, faintly said four words: "This is impossible."

"Come, I thought it was impossible." Ye Tianxie said in a calmer tone: "But now I know thoroughly, a lot of things, everything, even if it sounds like nothing more than ridiculous, try everything Before, don't say the word 'impossible' easily. If you don't even have the idea and courage to try, then it is really impossible..."

He lifted the moment of destiny and pointed to the chest of flowers and dreams: "Pray for dreams, I really should thank you. You let me see how high my limits can be, let me understand my potential. It’s bigger than I thought, and it gives me more power between this...but, this game, I will not lose... I have no reason to lose!”

Ye Tianxie's eyes were half-smoothed, and he paused and said softly: "Your magic, there should be no more bits left. So..."

The half-eyed eyes slammed open, and the fate of the moment pulled up a black shadow. The straight line cuts the body of the flower-dreaming dream. With the sound of "哧啦", Ye Tianxie cuts in, only the air. Flower dreams once again appeared in the sky, underneath, is the holy feather **** she re-called.

Ye Tianxie looked up to the top, his eyes fixed on the flower and dreams. Under the eyes of the new evil dragon, the attribute information of the flower dream is clearly exposed in his eyes:

Life: 7814/7814, Magic: 230/312000.

Her magic is only less than one in a thousand.

The magic that she had left before was only enough to complete the space switch, and then, within a short time, she will no longer have the possibility of using space. Because the magic potion issued by the system is only five seconds to restore 3000 magic. This number is completely enough for ordinary players, and it is just a drop in the bucket for the dream of flowers.

In Ye Tianxie, I thought that the flower dreams are now to rely on the speed of the holy feathers to contain him, and slowly restore the magic, but in his ear, there is a soft voice in her soft...

"Evil day, you once again surprised the dream... Then, it is really the last blow of the dream... It is also the first time to use the dream after getting the space ability..."

Ye Tianxie: "!?"

Flower dreams closed her eyes, and the wand of the Holy Spirit in her hand broke away from her palm and floated in front of her. Her hands crossed her chest, her posture was beautiful and sacred, and her voice was soft and soft. "This skill does not need to consume magic, but it will permanently weaken the magical power of dreaming, so the dream has never been used... In order to win you, there will be no reservations for the dreams... If the dreams are defeated, then the dreams will be true... obey your own heart, and there is no reason to struggle..."

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