Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 654: Cemetery

"Dragon soul is broken!!"

With the first dragon soul in Ye Tianxie's rapid dive, the four Dongpu players who had rushed to him had already been killed before they could react. With Ye Tianxie's current base attack power, without the blessing of "the soul of destiny", the dragon soul split can directly hit the damage of 10,000, and the entire Dongpu has not many players who can resist his blow.

The animal blood of the players in the square of the evil days was ignited, and they rushed to the evil sky in the arrogance. Countless attacks flew from different directions. Ye Tianxie was like a wind. With the movement of his body and the ruthless waving of his destiny, a small player was directly killed by him.

For Ye Tianxie, the most important attribute is never attack, but speed, and secondly, the attack strength. Especially in the one-to-many battle, if there is not enough speed and flexibility, once surrounded by the crowd, unable to get out, strong attack, and then powerful life and defense can not meet the intensive variety attack.

Ye Tianxie's body did not stop, a dragon soul split and waved, Kaka will fly to the other direction at the fastest speed, the speed is fast, people can only see a flash of blue shadow, that mess The attack is always empty again and again.

I heard that Ye Tianxie appeared in the center square of the Emperor City. Countless Dongpu players came at the fastest speed. The players in the field also returned directly to the city and appeared here. The players suddenly accumulate more and more, all under the **** punches, a swarm of bees attacked Ye Tianxie. The scene was chaotic, but the number was large, but because there was no organization, no one was commanding, and all of them were like no flies. The huge crowd did not bring any pressure on Ye Tianxie.

"I am going! This is really playing! The second brother stayed in the square and killed it!" Zuo Duanjun stared at the screen in front of him, constantly frustrating his hands.

"So many people...Is it really okay to be a big brother?" Ling Jie said with great concern.

"There will be nothing. You should be worried about those poor worms... Oh, n, n... they will be more pitiful than the poor. They should now pray that we can find the way to let the second brother come back, otherwise Hey, the second brother stays there for a day, they will have a day of nightmare, you know, the second brother's impression of the Dongpu people, but quite quite bad." Murong Qiu Shui said with his fingers.

"Well? Why? Is it evil that the evil brother and the Dongpu people have hatred?" Ling Jie asked with amazement.

Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui looked at each other and revealed a weird smile. Murong Qiuqiu’s eyes were awkward and casually said: “That was the wonderful night when we first met our second brother. Oh, it was a night filled with blood and killing. When everything fell into a deadlock, it’s like the sun. The second brother and the beautiful and noble fairies like the moon appeared. Originally, they were simply passing by, but the fairy was too dazzling and beautiful. The Dongpu people in a certain temple who wanted to live and die actually wanted to go. Offense... So, their nightmare is coming, because they touched the dragon's most unstoppable scale of the dragon. From then on, the second brother had a disgust with the Dongpu people. Oh, it was so sad. ""

Ling Jie listened to the fog.

"Oh... Hey! Wow hahaha... Kill it, kill these little devils!" Big Brother, you are so handsome." God is so excited and excited that he is staring at the screen in front of him. It’s so exciting... it’s like hating you can’t get into the screen.

The square of the Emperor City is completely chaotic.

The weeping feathers are flying at a rapid speed, and the fate of the moment is waving. The Kaka goes a few tens of meters, leaving a gap of tens of meters long. The resurrection point was nearby, and the killed Dongpu player horse was resurrected and rushed to him again. The crowd became more and more dense, and eventually even densed into the sights of the former arena. Ye Tianxie moved his body, and the corner of his mouth finally evoked an icy arc. The wing of the Akabane that was recovered behind it suddenly opened, and with the rotation of his body, he brought a **** whirlwind...


In the terrible cutting sound, the players inside the five-meter area are all cut to death by the red whirlwind of the wing of the Red Dragon. A small piece of vacuum accumulated by the body appeared again around Ye Tianxie. Then, Ye Tianxie’s dragon shadow flashed, and the huge dragon’s roar rang again...

A dragon screamed through the center square. The ground of the square violently oscillated. Around the 100-meter area, many of the incomprehensible Dongpu players were all shaken to the ground, and even countless players hundreds of meters away were all shocked and lost their hearing.

The second dragon soul roared again, creating a huge corpse around Ye Tianxie's body. Within a hundred meters of the surrounding, in addition to him, there is no longer a standing living person. The piled body spread around the body of Ye Tianxie to the surroundings...even, including the resurrection point.

When you are in the resurrection point, the player will be invincible and will not be hurt.

However, the damage of the Dragon Soul roar is mandatory, not attached to the limbs, but caused damage by oscillating the soul, unable to resist in any way, even absolute defense.

An icy wind blew through, and the distant players looked at the pile of two hundred meters. The cold sweat dripped from the forehead, and the hands and feet were shaking like uncontrollably. The breeze blown like a cold winter wind is generally cold and biting. The original bustling center square turned out to be a cemetery in the hands of one person at this moment!

This time, the Dragon Soul roared, Ye Tianxie could not estimate how many Dongpu players had been killed. There is no doubt that it must be an extremely amazing number.

And even if it is such an exaggerated battle, there is no such thing as a stop. Ye Tianxie is a Chinese player, and the rules of the East China continent are completely ineffective against him. Unless he attacks n or causes damage to the city's buildings, no matter what happens between him and the player, the Emperor's n will not interfere.

The white light began to shine quickly on the ground, and the dead players began to gather near the resurrection point. Ye Tianxie’s gaze was cold and disdainful, and he glanced at the crowd that was obviously in a trembling state. He snorted and was too lazy to waste time in them, driving Kaka to leave.

Suddenly, a footstep sounded, and a team of forty or fifty people came from afar at an alarming rate. In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Tianxie was surrounded by the group, and a pair of eyes stared at him. Body. Among them, everyone's body is released with a cold and dangerous atmosphere.

Their appearance made the Dongpu players who shuddered at the roar of the Dragon Soul screamed with hope and excitement.

"Yes...the eternal sun!"

"It's the whole group of the eternal sun... It's the whole group!! We have hope!"

It’s a lot of money to come today, but the mood is slightly depressed and the ideas are a bit messy. Call... first of all. I make as much as possible. 】

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