Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 662: Yanyang fire, fate sanctions

Are you grassy?

Nima, I am still a god!

Ye Tianxie finally understood why this person in front of him would look so familiar, because his dress is really like the protagonist of a game, Qi Jingjing... admirer? Killing by death?

When Ye Tianxie spoke, he walked forward a bit more, staring at the opposite person who claimed to be a grasshopper... and the information he got made him a little surprised.

Cao Jingjing: Grade: 80, Grade: Faerie. Life: 5000000. The descendants of the grasshoppers who existed to protect the grasshopper sword have the ultimate fighting technique that can manipulate the flames. The body has an innate red flame, carrying the mission of the grasshoppers to protect the grass and the seal and the seal of the Eight-Digged Snake...20 years ago The Eight-Different Snake was revived again, in order to suppress the Eight-Different Snake, to unite with the Eight-God and the Kagura, to weaken its power with the Grasshopper Sword, to destroy its wisdom with the Eight Diagrams Mirror, to confuse its memory and thoughts, and to suppress its consciousness with the Eight-footed Qiongjiu So that the Eight-Different Snake has fallen into a permanent sleep. After that, the power of the grasshopper sword, the gossip mirror, and the eight-footed Qiongjiu all fell. In order to prevent the Eight-Different Snake from being awakened by the external forces, Caojingjing guarded the sleeping place of the Eight-Different Snake all the year round and expelled all the nearby lives.

Talent: The fire of Yanyang can transform the power of freedom into a special flame - the fire of the yang and the fire of the power type, the damage is the physical judgment, the defense can be offset, and the fire resistance is ignored.

Skills: Ghost burning, wild bite, nine injuries, seven scorpions, poison bites, sins, fines, crane picks, dark hooks, axe yang, Qin Yueyang, tiger volts, dragon shots, big snakes.

The trick: super large snakes, **** dust, heaven clouds.

Weakness: water. The fire of power can also be restrained by water. The body of Yanyang is not afraid of water in non-combat state, and the resistance of water system is reduced to -50% in combat state.

Hidden Skills: The ultimate yang and the righteousness (incomplete): The ultimate skill of the grasshoppers to break through the limits. When launched, the front space will be blocked by the power of the yang, and the devastating attack will be given by the fire. Once locked, the blocked space will allow the target to escape. The basic damage ability is unknown. When the life is less than 20%, the probability is small. Because it is in an incomplete form, it is in a state of 5-10 seconds of inability to move.

Ye Tianxie: ⊙_⊙b......


Cao Jingjing... Actually it is the grass that he knows! !

Not only the name, but even the skills he possessed are exactly the same as what he knows. When he walks closer, he finally sees the man's appearance... This kind of fortitude has at least seven or eight.

... the world of destiny in Dongpu, even this person has come out, and still...

"King of the King?" Ye Tianxie’s words clearly made Grasshoppers unable to understand, but immediately, he repeated his previous words: "This is a place where taboos cannot be set, and immediately leave here."

Ye Tianxie has learned from his information that the reason why he is here is to prevent the closeness of foreign creatures, so as not to wake up the sleepy Eight-Different Snake. And that means...

"You mean, is the Eight-Different Snake here?" Ye Tianxie said without a shock.

Cao Jingjing nodded: "Yes. The Eight-Different Snake sleeps underneath here, so please leave immediately. You should know how terrible the consequences would be if you were awakened by the Eight-Different Snake... Wait!!" Halfway through, the face suddenly sinks, and the look of Ye Tianxie has become several times more fierce: "Your body... Why is there a grassy sword!!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The grasshopper family exists in order to protect the grasshopper sword and the seal of the Eight-Different Snake. Naturally, it is extremely sensitive to the breath of the grasshopper sword.

Kusaka Kyohara’s face is still sullen: “This is the breath of the grasshopper’s sword... The grasshopper sword has been sealed within the Heavenly Palace since it weakened the power of the Eight-Different Snake. It can be the most heroic of Dongpu. The people who have been recognized by it have obtained it, but they must not fall into the hands of the foreigners... The breath of the grasshopper tells me that you are a foreigner from the West, and you are robbing the sword!"

The grass and his hands stretched out, and the two clusters of yellow flames ignited in his palm, and they were far away, giving Ye Tianxie a burning sensation. "Put down the grass and sword and leave immediately. Otherwise, you will be burned to ashes under the fire of Yanyang."

Ye Tianxie is tangled.

Because the character who is in the grass and jingjing makes him quite entangled, he is so reluctant to do this with the legendary characters. However, at the moment, it seems that it is not feasible, because he will never take the initiative to surrender the grasshopper sword, but also because... Grasshopper Jing just said very clearly, the Eight-Different Snake is at their feet!

He has been in the Bay of Mountains for so many days, just to find the Eight-Different Snake!

The moment of destiny appeared in the hands of Ye Tianxie, and he was summoned by him, the ball, and Beckham.

Level 80 Faerie Boss... With the power of the fate of the four fate of the core, and everything he has, if you do your best, you can fight! !

"Go on." Ye Tianxie used his own voice to hear the voice, and the body of the crying feather ice lining under the body, has rushed to the grass 薙京 at a very fast speed, the distance of tens of meters in the rapid pull near.

The flame in the hands of Kusaka was rising rapidly. The small sun printed on his forehead also released the light of the flame: "If this is the case, let it burn under the fire of the sun... the big snake!"

In the shouts of Cao Jingjing, with a shocking momentum, facing the crying Yubing ice lining, his one hand raised, the strength of the whole body quickly gathered, and quickly transformed into enough to burn everything. The fire of the yang, followed, with his loud drink, a large piece of energy flame suddenly released from his body, burning to the body of Ye Tianxie just rushed to.

The flame is close, and the flame formed by the energy actually gives Ye Tianxie a stronger burning sensation than the magical flame. The drops dripping from the feathers of the ice feathers are also turned into steam in the blink of an eye... Ye Tianxie’s eyes are condensed , did not avoid, but a light drink: "Kaka ... water mirror!!"

Ping! !


The water mirror formed by Yu Yubing was formed at the moment of formation. The burning flame that rushed to him suddenly reversed and hit the body of Caojing. Just released the big snake, the grass that had not been recruited, and then the suddenly reversed big snake was caught off guard, and was burned, the body flew out under the impact of the flame...


The fire of the grass is undoubtedly quite terrible, and the amazing number of injuries also makes Ye Tianxie frown. At the moment when the big snake replied in the grasshopper, Beckham had already blessed the riot light, the claws of the nightmare, the claws of doom, and rushed out like lightning, and rushed under his body before the landing of the grass, hitting "喵He kicked and kicked him on his body.

After the cracking of the claws of the nightmare, the claws of the nightmare are upgraded to the claws of the nightmare, and the impact of the shocking force is increased several times, and the "kicking kick" is a very strong flying technique. This kick will kick the grass directly. It flew to a height of more than 30 meters. At the same time, Ye Tianxie’s body flashed at the same time, and the weeping feather ice lining incarnates the undead dragon. It rises in the sky with a dragon, and the speed of the sky is fast, catching up with the height of the grasshopper’s being kicked. In the process of empty space, Ye Tianxie’s “the soul of destiny” and “water guide” blessed, and when the body of Caojingjing was lifted to the highest point, the “Devil of Destiny” was quickly released...

"Oh... Grasshopper is affected by the devil's demon, forcing the magic for 20 seconds, and all elemental magic resistance is reduced by 100%... Water resistance is reduced to 150%."

-150% water element resistance... which means that water attack will cause 250% damage to him!

The first hit of Ye Tianxie fell on his body at the same time...

The fate of the seventh kill the fourth kill ... guardian sanctions - poisonous!


"Oh... Grasshopper is subject to 'guardian sanctions' and the defense power drops to 0 within 24 hours!"

"Destiny Seven Kills" can be used in a decentralized manner or in a single use. But the fate of the seven kills has an hour of cooling time. If all the sanctions are released at one time, then the power of the seven kinds of sanctions will be reduced by one hour of cooling, except for the life-free sanctions without cooling time. For decentralized use, the longest cooling time is only 5 minutes of cooling time. If the nuclear power of the seven-day fate is complete, attacking seven times of sanctions will be quite amazing. However, in the present, where only four sanctions can be initiated, the decentralized use has a better price/performance ratio.

Once guarding the sanctions, Ye Tianxie judged the defense of Caojingjing... His defense power offset his basic attack power by more than half. Otherwise, under the water system bonus, elemental engulfment, absolute crit, and 800% attack power, this blow is enough to cause 300,000 damage. But this blow also turned Cao Jingjing's defensive power into zero. Then, the attack of Ye Tianxie also fell on his body without falling in the state of grasshoppers falling from the air and unable to act.

"Life Sanctions - Blood Brake!!"

-36060! -500000!

"Magic Sanctions - Magic Brake!!"


"Oh... the grass magical value drops by 10%, the magical attack power drops by 10%, the total elemental resistance drops by 10%... the water resistance drops to -160%."

"Scorpio sanction... God collapses!!"


"Oh... Grasshopper attack power is reduced by 20%, forced to seal for 12 seconds, no skills can be used within 12 seconds."

After four times of sanctions, Cao Jingjing finally fell. When he got up, the dragon soul broke through the bombardment that had been successively hit him... The defense was reduced to 0. He suffered the highest damage that the dragon soul cracked and could be hit. Under the force of attack, the festival is going backwards...

-112500, -112500, -112500, -112500...

Grasshopper, which has been sealed with skills and magic, can only attack with fists... But the ability of the grasshoppers is all about the innate fire of the sun, without the fire of the sun, the power is greatly reduced, there is no power. The suppression of the body, with the perception and reaction of Ye Tianxie, is extremely easy to avoid the ordinary body attack of Caojingjing. The dragon soul is broken and bombarded on his body again and again under his easy-going position. Behind, there is a stormy attack like Biebei... After 12 seconds, the state of the grass is closed, and within 12 seconds, he was killed by Ye Tianxie and Xiaobei nearly 2 million. life! In a short period of time, life fell to less than half.

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