Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 667: Amaterasu!

"What are you doing here? Don't run away!! I want to die here!"

"The soul is light! Escape what escape!! You want to watch the Emperor City destroyed!!"

"That's a big snake! We can't block all the players in the whole game, just go to die!"

"You can't stop it!! Even if the price of the whole guild is extinguished, you can only block it for a second!!"

The natural instinct of the Dongpu people caused a large number of people to rush to the Eight-Different Snake regardless of life and death. Even if they knew that it was going to die... and they had no chance to get close to the Eight-Different Snake, they were killed in the flood or the trample of the Eight-Different Snake. ,

"Da Ri League Guild Technology... Big Day Sealing Soul!!"

"God and Japan League Guild Technology... Sunlight!"

"Yamaguchi Society Guild... Jin Ge Broken!!"

The guilds in the Dongpu Theater have reached the third level, and the strongest forces that can display all kinds of guild skills all appear, and tens of thousands of guild skills released in different directions to assist npc to block the eight-disaster snake. However, if there are more ants, you may be able to bite the elephant, but it is impossible to really shake a mountain. The powerful guild technique is just to make the eight-fold snake move forward a few times, which in turn stimulates its anger. Its eight pairs of eyes burst into red light, shooting sixteen energy rays containing different types of evil forces, and shooting in all directions of the Emperor City, each of which shot a distance of several kilometers or even ten kilometers, causing The roar of the sky. At the same time, two more hundred meters of high water waves descended from the sky and rushed to the left and right of the Emperor City... In front of the Eight-Different Snake, the lives of those players were not as good as the ants, thousands of dying, the blockade The guild skills, even the powerful blocking technique of npc, were easily broken, and then collapsed due to the death of a large number of people...

In a twinkling of an eye, one-third of the Emperor City has been destroyed. The unscathed Eight-Different Snake is still following the scent of the grass and sword, stepping on the land that has been flushed by the flood...

Dongpu has been completely panic. In the real world, more than half of the media are reporting the disaster of this day. Since the invasion of evil days four days ago, the disaster of Dongpu has begun. Today, this is not just a disaster, but a nightmare... The change of Dongpu has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the whole world. Some people sympathize, some people are jealous, some people are gloating... More, but it is calm and calm... This is a punishment!

Ye Tianxie just flew out of the Heavenly Palace, and suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere behind him. He couldn’t get back, he could almost open the wall of the evil dragon...

boom! ! ! !

A violent, indescribable force bombarded Ye Tianxie, and the area around him was nearly ruined in an instant, and there was no residue of intact land. When Ye Tianxie opened his eyes, he was shocked to discover that his feet had turned into a deep bottomless abyss.

This is one of the sixteen energy rays that are shot from the eyes of the Eight-Different Snake, the extreme horror of power. One of them, cleverly and skillfully, shot in the direction of Ye Tianxie.

In the state of the evil dragon, the breath of the grasshopper sword is isolated, and the hatred of the Eight-Different Snake will also be unable to lock him. The purpose of Ye Tianxie has been reached, and it is time to open it. He took out an empty magical bead and appeared on the top of a hill about 50 kilometers north of the Emperor City.

Surrounded by the traces of being destroyed by the Eight-Different Snake, this hill survived. Ye Tianxie stood on the top of the mountain and could clearly see the shadow of the huge eight-headed snake 50 kilometers away. He can fully imagine how the wrath of the Emperor City is now undergoing.

"It is really sympathetic. If the main city of the center is destroyed, what will be the consequences? Um?" Ye Tianxie lit his chin and smiled overcast. He is convinced that even if the players of Dongpu are all on, it is impossible to destroy the Eight-Different Snake. And if npc can't subdue it, then the East China mainland will always exist under the ravages and shadows of the Eight-Different Snake... It is indeed sympathetic.

In the Emperor City, suddenly lost the grass and swords breath... The Eight-Different Snake, who lost the target, made a burst of wild screams, no longer marching straight, but ramming within the Emperor’s city, completely ruining and having been destroyed nearly half The Emperor City... The shouting before the death of the Dongpu player is already so weak.

Turning around, Ye Tianxie had to start thinking about his own affairs... This time he came to Dongpu, he actually meant to find the footprint of the Qingshen. Otherwise, if you are still looking for lost in the mainland, even if you can't find it in the past ten years, this time you are driven by the dream, it is a jackpot, and the lucky value of 77 is not covered.


How should I go back?

"fruit, do you have a way to let us go back?" Ye Tianxie had to hold a glimmer of hope to ask for the occasional "impossible event" fruit.

"Yeah! This is another continent. If you want to go back, you have to cross the borders. If you want to cross the borders... Oh, yes! Fruits are remembered!"

Ye Tianxie’s eyes lit up and immediately asked: “What is the way?”

The eyes of the fruit fluttered, and the pride of one face: "Does the master still remember the tree needle of the prayer tree that he had received? The blockade and enchantment that can pierce everything must be pierced even by national borders. , Master, let's try it! It's ok... Wow! Even this method can be thought of, the fruit is really amazing..."

Ye Tianxie moved his mouth and was depressed. The tree needle of the pledge tree does have the function of piercing all enchantments. Of course, he had thought of it before, but... to return to China from the east, you need to cross the two layers of enchantment, and use the tree needle of the prayer tree. To consume two... he is not willing. The magical props that fall from the praying tree can save lives in many cases, or play extremely magical effects. He does not want to use it simply for the return journey.

"...Is there really no other way?" Ye Tianxie depressed his forehead. According to the original news, the national border will be open for a short time after the player's average level reaches 80. If it is completely open, it is possible that more than half of the players will reach level 100. Other times, the player wants It is harder to reach other war zones across national borders than to climb the sky.

After he crossed the borders of Dongpu, the system’s punishment for the Dongpu theater was enough to see that crossing the borders would be a matter that would not happen in advance. Even if you go through it, you will inevitably be attacked by the opponent's theater...

"Hey? Master, look at it... that... is the sun?"

Thinking about it, the ear was pulled by the fruit, and Ye Tianxie subconsciously looked at the direction of the Southern Emperor City, and then apparently stunned...

In the distance, the sky above the Emperor's City, and the direction of the Eight-Different Snake, there was a red-yellow light... It looked like another sun...

That is……

Then, he saw that the Eight-Different Snake attacked the "sun", and the "Sun" retreated in the attack of the Eight-Different Snake... Ye Tianxie browed up, the "sun", definitely not something simple Is it the last weapon of the Emperor City! ?

Suddenly, the "sun" stopped retreating. Under the gaze of all the attention of Ye Tianxie, he vaguely saw that a very tiny thing flew from below and flew over the "sun"... dozens of kilometers The distance, it is impossible to detect such a tiny thing, but that thing reflects the bright light when moving, the light has a terrible penetrating power, and it has spread to dozens of kilometers... Then, He saw a beam of white light shining from the "sun" and shining on the body of the Eight-Different Snake.

The body of the Eight-Different Snake stopped, and the body spread to the whole body in a few seconds. The eight purple snake-necked snake heads were all covered under a layer of white light. Slowly, the eight snake heads also stopped. Dancing... The whole body, if frozen or petrified, falls into complete stillness.

After standing still, it is slowly falling down...

With the fall of the Eight-Different Snake, the flood from it also quickly disappeared. The Emperor City has finally recovered its calmness... However, this great disaster is enough to make the Emperor City unable to recover its strength for a long time. Nearly half of the original bustling streets and luxurious atmospheres have become ruins. Even the Heavenly Palace has been ruined by half, and the remaining half is already incomplete. The ground of the Emperor City is intertwined with an astonishing crack, some of which are tens of meters wide and spread to several kilometers...

The entire Emperor City has just suffered a massive earthquake that has been ruined. The npcs and players who died in this disaster are even more difficult to count...

Ye Tianxie looked at the distance with some worry, and he actually saw that the Eight-Different Snake fell! !

As the strongest beast of the Holy Ghost, it fell so easily! !

The "sun" is...

Just then, he suddenly felt a great pressure on the pavement. Ye Tianxie's subconsciousness stepped back one step. His eyes suddenly shook, and the distant "sun" was gone... He looked up subconsciously under the sensation of breath, and discovered that the world above him had completely turned into a red. yellow!

It was a red-yellow aperture with a length of 100 meters. Ye Tianxie reacted in an instant... This is the sun that just appeared in the Imperial City! ! It actually moved from here 50 kilometers away at this moment. The center of the red-yellow light is a person, and these rays seem to be released from the body of this person.

This is a very beautiful and beautiful person, wearing a cherry blossom hairpin, slender body, all over white, even the hair is white, only the two rounds of red hair on the long sleeves on both sides of the loose kimono are sharp and dazzling. A pair of eyes are calm and confusing, and at this time they are looking directly at Ye Tianxie.

Amaterasu:? ? ? ?

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!"

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