Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 686: Potholes!

The wolf's body can collect the eyes of two wolves. If you are lucky, you can collect it once. If you are not lucky, you can only pick one at a time. It is also possible to collect the hair of a wolf or the teeth of a wolf. thing. Under the extremely fast clearance, the eyes of a thousand wolves soon came to hand. Although the body is not tired, but this collection is more boring than the simple leveling, Ye Tianxie is resistant to the corpse of a corpse and the collection of a corpse, clean up the fierce wolf territory, and into the blood wolf territory, Then enter the wolf territory, and then into the territory of the wolf, the wolf, and then kill back, so repeatedly...

In the middle, I went to lunch and rested for an hour, then came back to continue. When the sun set in the afternoon, when the spirit of Ye Tianxie collapsed, the eyes of 10,000 wolves came to hand.

Adding up to less than eight hours, 10,000 wolf eyes will be here. This efficiency is still considerable. It’s not as many people can do it, as he has done so much with perseverance.

The real world should have been darkened, and Feifei has continuously urged him to go out to eat and take a bath twice. Ye Tianjian, who was successful, took a long sigh of relief and quickly returned with the tens of thousands of wolves in his backpack... When the player was in the novice village stage, this task was squandered by countless players and was smashed into It is the most potent trap task, not only giving poor rewards, but the last one that collects a million wolf eyes is impossible to complete... and now, this impossible task is finally completed under his hand. carry out.

The more "impossible" the task, the more powerful it will be. Then... what old lady will give him a surprise... He is looking forward to it.

And the old lady did give him a surprise, a "surprise" bigger than he thought!

Returning to the tree under the neck, Ye Tianxie suppressed the excitement and traded the 10,000-wolf eye to the old lady. The old lady calmly accepted, and a tone sounded in Ye Tianxie's ear.

"Oh... you completed the task ‘the request of the sealed old man” to get the task reward: experience 10,000 points, 100 coins. ”

Ye Tianxie: "I! @#¥%......"

Gone? No?

This is the reward after collecting the eyes of 10,000 wolves! ?

Collecting ten gives 10 points of experience and 1 silver coin.

Collecting 100 pieces gives 100 points of experience and 1 gold coin.

Collecting 1,000 pieces gave 1000 points of experience and 10 gold coins.

Collecting 10,000 pieces gave 10,000 points of experience and 100 gold coins...

Busy for half a morning plus one afternoon, I harvested something like this! ?

The reward for Nima's mission is to use a wolf's eyeball for 1 point experience and 1 copper plate! ?

Potholes! !

Is this tm really a trap task that kills you?

There is still a more boring task in this world! !

Just when Ye Tianxie couldn't help but want to smash the old lady, the old lady spoke, and what she said, gave Ye Tianxie another big "surprise"...

"Thank you young people, these wolf eyes will help me a lot. Young people, you can see that you are very enthusiastic and brave. Would you like to help me collect the eyes of a wolf?" And without any look of eyes, he said that the words in his mouth completely repeated the words that had been said to Ye Tianxie and many players several times.

It stands to reason that today someone miraculously completed this impossible task, once gave her a million wolf eyes, how can she surprise or look at Ye Tianxie a few eyes, but the old woman looks like There was no surprise because of the tens of thousands of wolf eyes, as if her heart was completely dead.

"Oh... the sealed old man asks you to help her collect the eyes of 100,000 wolves. Mission attributes: normal, mission duration: none, mission reward: unknown. Accept?"

Ye Tianxie spurted an old blood on the spot.

Collecting 10,000 wolf eyes took him seven or eight hours, and for so long, he was collecting with as much perseverance as possible without stopping. If he was replaced by an ordinary person, he would have been impatient. Give up, or divide it into a few days to complete. If you let Ye Tianxie come again, he will definitely not be willing.

Now, this dead old woman actually wants to open 100,000! 100,000! !

100,000... If you pile it up, you can bury this old woman one layer after another!

The player's backpack, potion and ordinary props can only occupy one storage grid. The maximum storage limit that can be achieved by the player's ordinary backpack... The novice stage is 50. After the official transfer, the gold coin can be expanded to the maximum. 200, can be expanded to 300 after two revolutions, can be expanded to 400 after three revolutions, and can reach a maximum of 500 after four revolutions. With a lot of wolf smoke, players who have been officially transferred can still do it, but if they carry 100,000 pieces at a time, even if they expand to the maximum limit of 500 that the player can reach, they don't even think about it. Therefore, the collection of this 100,000 wolf eye, even if the player can freely return to the novice village from the loss of the mainland, is also an impossible task.

Star Baoer gave him a backpack storage grid, not to mention 100,000, that is, one million can also be put down, but...

If you are desperately trying to work hard, you will really collect it, and the reward is 10,000 experience and 1000 gold coins...

And this dead old woman once again uttered a sentence to collect a wolf eye...

Ye Tianxie really couldn't bear to think about it anymore. He didn't choose to accept it, and he resisted the entanglement and said in a tone that is as good as possible: "Old lady... old man, can you tell me if you have collected the eyes of these wolves? What to use... 100,000! I have to go to the Monkey Year to collect."

This question was originally asked by Ye Tianxie, she did not answer.

This time, perhaps because Ye Tianxie collected 10,000 at a time, the old lady answered him, and his mouth made an old and indifferent voice: "My body, my strength has been a terrible curse, I need the eyes of the wolf. To break the curse, brave and enthusiastic young people, please help me... I will give you a reward."

Repay your sister... that point of experience and broken gold coins count as a ball!

"In this case... How much do you need to be enough? There have been so many players before... Oh, that is, people like me from a different world help you collect, isn't that enough?" Ye Tianxie said. At the beginning of the 60001 Novice Village, there were a lot of players in the mountains, and there were a lot of people doing this task. Isn’t the wolf eyes collected by so many people not enough?

"It must be a person." The old lady said slowly.

"One person?" Ye Tianxie frowned slightly.

"This is a curse, a curse that cannot be said. Don't ask me why, don't ask me how much I need, don't ask me what is this curse... If you say that even if you reach the conditions, you can't solve it... bravely Enthusiastic young people, please help me, I will repay you when the curse is untied... Please help me."

The voice of the old man is very low. When he speaks, his eyes are always scattered and empty. From the eyes of those who are dead, Ye Tianxie can't see the color that any living person should have.

Ye Tianxie didn't ask again, nor did he doubt the old man's words, because when he left the novice village, he once asked the village chief about the old lady... The village chief replied that she had been here for a long time, collecting wolf eyes, it seems to be To understand what curse is to open.

"Accept." Ye Tianxie finally accepted the task of collecting 100,000 wolf eyes... but he will not perform it. He still needs to ponder, because if he is still a poor experience and a reward for gold coins after he is finished, he Maybe there will be an urge to die... or, she will come again to collect the eyes of a million wolves, then pit to the grandfather's house.

Ye Tianxie left, and his heart quietly pondered. The old lady said, "It must be a person." A very well-understood sentence is that to solve the curse, the necessary one must be collected by the same person. One hundred, one thousand, one thousand, one hundred thousand... I don’t really know it afterwards.

What is this curse and needs such weird conditions.

And still can't say the curse of export... This is really something like the unspeakable taboo curse that often appears in magical mythology.

Shou, Ye Tianxie raised his head and sighed a sigh... Since it has reached this point, plus the foundation can not return here for the second time, then, 100,000...do it!

Once decided, Ye Tianxie’s heart is no longer tangled and upset. He is now eager to see what this eccentric and incomprehensible task will do in the end... What will happen behind this mission? What special things are hidden.

The sky outside is dark. Ye Tianxie went offline, and the first day he returned to the novice village was over. On this day, he harvested a large pile of super-propels from the round, and added a lot of things that eagerly know the answer and the result... For example, the rabbit statue, such as the "big secret" will be? It’s a real secret, or the old woman’s dead son’s madness with a heartless madness... and the follow-up of this pothole collection mission...

100,000, to collect, at least ten days and a half months, there must always be a few days to do other things in the middle, otherwise repeated collections, normal people can also force madness.

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