Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 694: Trial of trials

"fruit, how did you know?" Ye Tianxie turned around and asked strangely. This invisible barrier, even if the eyes of his evil dragons can not peek into the information, how does she know?

"Because... the fruit is to know." The fruit's eyes screamed and screamed, and said the nonsense that made Ye Tianxie helpless every time.

"...forget it." Ye Tianxie turned back and stared at the front, his gaze, and there was a grass that had spread hundreds of meters in front. After the grass, it is a high stone wall. And if he didn't read it wrong, the stone wall was printed with the shape of one door after another.

A 50 million damage, such attack strength, in addition to the legendary creation god, root can not have anything to play. This perverted whimsical barrier can only be made by the creation god... This is not so much an insurmountable barrier as a rule, a rule established by the creation god. Unless there is the power to surpass those who set the rules, it is impossible for the roots to change or break through such rules.

But is it true?

After thirty seconds, Ye Tianxie took out a thing from his backpack...

A thing that claims to pierce all barriers and enchantments in any form... the tree thorn of the tree of prayer!

According to Ye Tianxie's series of messages about the praying tree, the praying tree seems to be something that does not belong to this world, but from the so-called different space. No one knows where it really comes from.

Then, what does not belong to this world, will there be the possibility of piercing the rules set by the creation gods of this world... It is said that it can pierce all the barriers of the tree, is it really capable of describing it? !

The pointed thorns, which seem to be not much different from the ordinary tree thorns, are shaken by Ye Tianxie. He stepped back one step, lightly inhaling, and quickly stabbing his hand... The sharp end spurged forward under the action of his right hand, stabbing the invisible transparent barrier...

Beckham's attack hits on it, and it emits a dull sound of "噗". The strongest attack of Ye Tianxie falls on the top of it is the collision of "砰". While the tree thorn of the pledge tree collided at the barrier, the right hand did not have the unexpected shock. He clearly felt that the tree thorn of the wishing tree did not stab on any hard object. It's like a blistering puff that doesn't bring any resistance at all...


What followed was the broken sound that made Ye Tianxie's heart beat faster.

The transparent barrier did not block any of the tree thorns of the praying tree, and it was completely pierced until the hand of Ye Tianxie collided on the barrier. Then, the tree thorn of the praying tree was so in him. The hand disappeared completely, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound... The original transparent space in front of the eye, such as a fragile glass that has undergone a huge shock, has a fine crack. The tree thorns of the pledge tree are very small and very thin, but the crack caused is not a small area, but spreads in the broken, and the barriers that Ye Tianxie can see are all covered in the blink of an eye. Then, the crack slowly disappeared... It was not that the crack was healed, but the broken barrier began from the point where the tree of the praying tree pierced, and dissipated little by little, turning into a colorless light. disappear……

"Wow!!" The eyes and mouth of the fruit were wide open in surprise, and the half lollipops that were still biting in the mouth were forgotten.

Cheng...successful! ?

Actually it was so successful!

Ye Tianxie looked at the transparent barrier like a melting ice crystal that disappeared in front of his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes... The introduction of the tree thorns of the praying tree did describe it as breaking the enchantment. However, in front of the eyes, it is set by the creation god. It is necessary to hit 50 million damages at a time to break. When Ye Tianxu uses it, it is just holding hope... very small hope.

Unexpectedly, it was such a light and easy success that the tough barrier left by the creation **** was so easily pierced as a layer of blisters in front of the tree thorn of the praying tree.

In shock, he once again experienced the magic of the praying tree. From the Red Taiyang and the Grey Taiyang, he got a small amount of things about the praying tree... The tree vines of the praying tree were used by him to trap the mysterious businessman, and then robbed and then went away. The harvest is incredibly huge... even including a sacred scorpion.

The tree thorns of the two prayer trees... a blockade that broke the seven-star gourd, one that broke the barrier that would make all the souls of destiny desperate.

Speaking of it, it’s normal to have nothing from the two sheep. Lucky Flower, Sky Charm Sakura, Seven Star Gourd... There seems to be something called "Goat Pliers" that has not been found.

"Wow! The master did it, the master did it again... The owner of the fruit was really amazing!" The fruit shouted exaggeratedly, because she knew very well that the barrier was so strong. She didn't care about it and was anxious about eating lollipops because she knew that this barrier could not be opened by any means.

However, it has now been turned on. And she also knows that as long as there is a place where the barrier that cannot be broken is broken, the entire barrier will disappear... just like a balloon that has been pierced by a small mouth.

The cracks in front of the eyes have completely disappeared, and the fresh air of the grass mixed with the smell of the grass comes from the front. Ye Tianxie reached out and never touched any obstacles. That barrier is really disappearing, and there is no sign of recovery.

At this time, Ye Tianxie was in a surprise, but could not help but regret it... I knew that the tree thorn was so magical that the original one should not be wasted on any seven-star gourd. The tree of the pledge tree has two roots, and now it is all used up.

"It seems that the mysterious device of the sacred sacred is destined to belong to me!" Ye Tianxie shook hands and walked forward, his feet on the soft grass.

In the distance of 200 meters ahead, it is still a mountain wall of the same height as before. Before Ye Tianxie walked to the mountain wall, it was close enough to see clearly... the long disappeared At the end of the mountain wall, there are one door after another... There are four words on the top of each door:

The door to trial!

Ye Tianxie immediately understood that this was the place where the player accepted the trial of the novice village. When he accepted the abyss trial, there was a high mountain wall behind the place that was transmitted to it, and a sealed door on the mountain wall. That door should be the entrance.


According to the blacksmith's wife, there are many trials for other difficult trials, and there is only one abyss trial, and the position is in the middle.

The middle……

Ye Tianxie evoked the undead dragon, soared to the sky, and looked at the doors on the stone wall. As his eyes swept, he found that the colors on the doors of these trials were different, with white and yellow. , red, purple... and black.

White, yellow, red, purple, black... Obviously, different colors should represent trials of different levels of difficulty. White and yellow are the most, red is second, purple is rare, and black is only one.

Then, these colors are from shallow to deep, apparently simple, ordinary, difficult, nightmare, abyss.

Without hesitation, Ye Tianxie descended from the air and landed in front of the only door with the words "Black and White", and then shouted: "Beckham, break it!"

Beckham leads the life, and the claws of the nightmare bless, rushing to the door of trials... The toughness of the door of the trial is similar to that of the mountain wall, but it is less than 20 cm thick, and Beckham easily destroys it. A channel appears in front of you. Ye Tianxie walked in, the end of the passage was the same other door, and was immediately destroyed by Beckham. This time, there is nothing like the barrier that was in front of it. Otherwise, Ye Tianxie will not be able to break open again.

After coming out, there is already another world in front of you. This is a valley filled with wind and flowers. Behind it is a high-rise mountain wall. It is also a mountain wall not far from the front. The height is only a dozen meters. The shape of a door is clearly printed on the mountain wall. The top of the door is engraved with four large and twisted characters. - The door to trials.

How familiar is this scene. Because this is the first map he was sent to when he accepted the trial of the novice village.

"Hey... Welcome to the No. 60001 Novice Village Abyss Trial."

The prompt sounds and falls immediately. And this tone is also proved to Ye Tianxie in an ironic way. This is indeed the only abyss. He did not go wrong, and he came here successfully.


Along the familiar road, Ye Tianxie went to the front, stopped in front of the stone gate, and pressed his hand on the stone gate. As it used to be, the moment Shimen touched his hand, in front of him. Suddenly there was a "rumbling" sound, and the stone door slowly opened automatically, revealing another world, and did not hesitate to step in.

"Booming ......" At the moment he stepped in, the stone door suddenly and automatically closed. Ye Tianxie looked to the front... the green ground, some chilly air, and the twelve swaying in the line of sight, arranged in a circular arc, surrounded by a standard semicircle monster... People flower.

Everything is so familiar.

At the beginning of his tenth grade, he could kill the twelve elites of the ten-level and one-star elite. Now, these violent cannibals are not even counted in front of his eyes. He strode over the meteor and walked over. Before the raging piranha launched the attack, a "dragon soul cracked" instantly smashed them clean.

Then I didn't look at their bodies and looked at the stone gates at the rear. With the fall of the raging cannibal flower corpse, the stone gate leading to the second level of the abyss trial is also automatically opened. Behind the open stone door, the ground is no longer so green, but it is a kind of darkness that makes people feel depressed, and the air becomes obviously colder. In the line of sight, the same twelve dark eater flowers were also used.

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