Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 696: Shura Demon Sword

Don't be excited when you look at this chapter. Everything has its own causes, and there are reasons for it. As for why there is a purple sauce... It can only be said that the ability of a certain fire is too strong - well, the real reason, please wait for the rumor that will be interspersed in the unfixed time of the day. 】

From the distance of the black sword fifty meters, Ye Tianxie can no longer move forward no matter how hard. The repulsive force of the gas field is already strong enough to be stuck in front of him like a hard wall like a steel plate. Ye Tianxie almost used his full strength to bite his teeth, but still couldn't get in. Instead, after a sigh of relief, the body was relaxed and repelled a distance of more than ten meters.

Ye Tianxie stood in the body and his brow was locked. It took half a morning to cut through the mountain wall, and the tree that took the last wish tree pierced the barrier of the creation god, passed through the trial land, swallowed the space transmission array, and finally came here... It is no exaggeration to say that it is a miracle that he can come here. Perhaps the only one who lost the mainland can come here. Except for him, even if a person with the power of sacredness comes here, he can only create it. God's barrier is helpless in the face.

Now, this device of annihilation is in his sight, and he will allow himself to be blocked by its place. If he guessed it right, this gas field should be the ability to protect himself from the release... or a test of strength. A person who can break through its gas field to the front of it and pull it out is qualified to hold it.


Ye Tianxie did his best to move forward. After a dozen meters, it was still blocked at about 50 meters, and it was difficult to get in. The temptation to smash at the speed of the weeping ice lining, and even the ability of the armored dragon to smash the ground... No matter what method, the limit distance that he can approach is within 50 meters of it, and then he can no longer approach.

A few minutes later, Ye Tianxie exhausted. When he was about to give up temporarily, the ear sounded unexpectedly: "Oh... your magical pet ball request is out of the magic seal, is it allowed?"


Ye Tianxie quickly chose to allow, and then, the magic print on the right hand flashed, the ball appeared on his right hand side, and then "噗" fell from the air to the ground, bounced like a ball twice before smoothing It’s down.

It is about 50 meters away from the dark sword. Under the huge repulsive force, he is almost difficult to stand. The strength of the ball is all in magic, and the resistance of the heavy field is close to zero...but, after it appears, it stays there steadily, not even being drained, or even its whole body. They are all incomparably natural, and there is nothing unusual... and the clothes of Ye Tianxie have been agitated backwards as if they were blown by the wind.

The ball was so different that Ye Tianqian was wrong, and then he heard the ball squatting, and he jumped in the middle of the jump...


Ye Tianxie was really surprised... He couldn’t move forward, and the ball jumped so easily, and the height and speed of the jump was no different from the root when it was moved. There was no trace of blocking at all.

How is this going?

The ball jumped all the way, and all the way to the unrestrained jumped directly to the black sword before stopping. Ye Tianxie stabilized his body and fixed his eyes to the front... See what the ball should do. Calm down from the surprise, he vaguely thought of the reason... The ball is a pure magical creature, and you are free to control all the seven natural elements, then, if the sword of the Holy Ghost releases the magical element The field will not have any effect on the ball.

But... that is obviously a sword, not a staff, how can it release the magic element! ?

In his confusion, he saw the body of the ball stand still in front of the black sword, curled up... motionless. Suddenly, the picture in front of him was turbulent. Under the eyes of the evil dragon, he seemed to see the surrounding air being forcibly attracted by the body of the ball, and quickly flocked to its body...

this is……

Looking at the scene in front of me, a thought that made him unbelievable flashed through the brain... Is the ball absorbed? In the absorption of the energy field released by the sword of the Holy Ghost?

The surging of the airflow is becoming more and more obvious, getting faster and faster, gradually becoming soothing from the rapids, and becoming violent from the rapid, and finally flooding the body of the ball like a flood of dykes. The airflow is colorless, but the too strong airflow brings a slight distortion of the space, which is distorted enough to be perceived by the naked eye... The distortion of the space makes Ye Tianxie unable to worry. He can already be sure that the ball is absorbing something, but, to this extent, the absorption of this speed, its football-sized body really suffers?

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1%..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1% from the wind..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has a 1% increase in the power of Thundercloud..."



"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1%..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1%..."



"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1%..."

The prompt tone began to sound one by one in the ear of Ye Tianxie. In the tone, all the powers of the seven great devils of the ball are growing rapidly, and even enough to cast a low-level curse. The power of the water that is extremely difficult to grow is growing.

Ye Tianxie stunned... The ball is indeed absorbing the power of the elements here, which undoubtedly proves that the sword released by the sacred sword is really a magical element!

Is that a so-called "magic sword"?

Wait... The seven-strand power of the ball is growing, is it... It releases seven magical forces?

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has more than 70% blasting power, and it turns on the fire system's high-level magic ‘magic spirit,’, ‘the fire of the soul’, ‘the sea vortex’.”

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has more than 70% of the power of the earth, and opens up the earth's high-level magic 'Tree of the Earth', 'Tough Wall', 'Great Crack', 'Earth Wave'."



"Oh... your pet 'ball' has more than 110% of the power of the earth, and opens the low-level curse of the earthy system, 'The Roar of Titans.'"



Unconsciously, Ye Tianxie felt that the pressure on his body was getting milder and heavier. The repulsive force that was squeezed in front of the steel plate was gradually weakened with the almost crazy absorption of the ball. And there is no trace of reinstatement or enhancement. One minute passed, two minutes passed... Ten minutes passed... Finally, Ye Tianxie rang the sound that didn’t surprise him...

"Oh... your pet's ball is advanced and evolved into a pet. The power of the water, the power of the explosion, the power of the thundercloud, the force of the wind, the power of the earth, the power of the light. The power of the Dark Devils has increased by 5%."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1%..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' has increased by 1% from the wind..."



In this way, the ball was in front of him, and in such a state of incomparable accident, the transformation from the fairy to the heaven was completed at such a fast speed.

At the moment when the ball was completed and evolved, the original extremely fast airflow suddenly accelerated again, and the speed was more than several times, and it was still all the body that flocked to the ball. The pressure on Ye Tianxie became more and more slight. Gradually, he almost could not feel the existence of the repulsive force and began to move forward.

Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters... ten meters, getting closer. The smaller and smaller repulsive force has been unable to stop his approach, the ball is still in the static state of absorbing elemental power, and Ye Tianxie has stood in front of the sword of the Holy Ghost.

The dark sword body, about 20 centimeters of black handle, half of the blade is inserted into the ground, and the exposed part is engraved with extremely complicated magic lines. Ye Tianxie tried to reach out and hold it on the hilt. There was no strange feeling when he started, his eyes fell on it, and he looked at its attributes...

The sword of the sacred... what an amazing property it will be.

Shura Demon Sword: The device of the Holy Seal, the conditions of use: Unknown. Five years ago, it suddenly appeared in the mysterious sword in the south of No. 60001 Novice Village. The first day of the encounter was discovered by the creation god. It was judged that it was a mysterious device from a different space under the time and space dislocation, and tried to conquer it. As expected. The blade body releases a strong magical interest and bloodthirsty killing, and its power is unmatched, but its attributes should be slightly distorted in the dislocation of time and space.

Effect: Attack +6500, magic attack power +5000, attack +50%, magic attack power +70%, power +700, physical strength +300, spirit +1100, 30% probability of attacking when attacked, 100% when attacking Probability triggers moderate destruction, 30% triggers heavy destruction, 3% triggers complete destruction, 5% probability of attack will transform damage into your own life, 100% tear wound, full magic weapon attack skill effect is enhanced by 100%, all The probability of attaching abnormal state of the magic weapon skill is doubled. The total magical martial arts skill cooldown is halved, and the total magic weapon skill magic consumption is halved.

Skills: Devil's Bodyguard: Passive ability. When equipped with the Shura Demon Sword, the power of the Demon God automatically protects the body, and the user's resistance to specific elements is increased to 90%. The type of the element depends on the power of the element possessed by the user.

Demon Seal: Forces the specific elements of a certain range with the power of the Demon of the Shura Demon Sword, so that the magic of a particular element cannot be released. The type of element that can be sealed depends on the power of the elements owned by the user. Consumes magic 900, the seal range is 50 meters around itself, the duration is 10 seconds, and the skill cools down for 1 minute.

Demon gods, with the power of the demon **** of the Shura demon sword forcibly swallowing the magic resistance of all enemies within a certain range, so that the specific element resistance of all targets becomes 0 (ineffective for the target of negative resistance), the type of elements that can be swallowed is determined The power of the elements owned by the user. Consumes magic 1000, devours 30 meters around itself, lasts 30 seconds, no skill cooldown.

Shura blood:? ? ? ? (The skill of Shura, you need to have the blood of Shura to see)

Pale hell:? ? ? ? (The skill of Shura, you need to have the blood of Shura to see)

Abyss of Blood:? ? ? ? (The skill of Shura, you need to have the blood of Shura to see)

The trick: the ultimate demon god: the power of the demon **** of the Shura demon sword to the extreme, severely destroy the magic resistance of all targets within a certain range, the probability of 50% makes the specific element resistance of all targets become -100%, 30% The probability becomes -150%, the probability of 15% becomes -200%, the probability of 5% becomes -300%, and the type of elements that can be swallowed depends on the power of the elements owned by the user. Consuming magic 10000, the swallowing range is 50 meters around itself, lasting 30 seconds, cooling time 1 hour

Holy Prohibition: Instant Hell Robin: (The skill of Shura, you need to have the blood of Shura to see)

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