Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

: Evil dragon rumor - cut off the plane of the plane 1

"Shu Luo + Tianchen + Evil Dragon" rumor - cut off the plane of the plane

Huaxia Country, Jinghua City.

The wind slanted on the sofa, the silver-white hair poured naturally, the eyes were half-squinted, staring straight at the shaking screen in the hand, and the hands were pressed on the keyboard at a screaming speed... so it lasted for ten seconds, with A "ko" electronic synthesizing sound, the wind grinned...

Well, one hundred and eighty in a row, it is estimated that Xiao Tian on the other side should cry.

"Okay, I will stop here today, and let you have a finger next time." The wind blew lost a word. Then the palm of the hand was thrown at hand, and the shadows appeared in front of him, and a delicate figure appeared on the side of the wind. One hand had already caught the palm of the hand lightly: "Brother, you throw things again."

"Because I know that Yaoer is coming." Feng Xiao said with a smile, then took a glass of lemon juice brought by Feng Yao and put it on his lips for a light drink. At this time, Fengyao is a colorful dress, which is hard to say. She sat down to the wind and said softly: "Brother, Suzaku and Qinglong go to the East Emperor Bell to carry out the ceremony of regenerating the white tiger. It may take three days to come back."

"Well, the glass just told me that... yes, baby? She seems to be coming back some nights in the past few days. Wouldn't it be Grandpa and not willing to come back?"

"Baby..." Feng Yao smirked: "She said that she wants to be the first female prime minister in the history of China, so..."

"Oh..." The mango juice in the mouth of the wind squirted directly. He waved his hand and wiped out the lemon juice on the body and the ground. He said with amazement: "The female prime minister? This is really a baby." The original words?"

"It seems that Grandpa had inadvertently mentioned it to her. She was in the heart. In fact... Brother, although the baby is still too simple, but she has grown up. After she grows up, she will think more things. She actually wants to prove to you that she can do it well. It can be worthy of you." Feng Yao smiled and explained.

The wind smiled and shook his head: "It is indeed a great goal, but with the baby's character... Yao, do you think she is really suitable?"

“Not suitable.” Feng Yao smiled and gave a direct answer.

"I don't want the baby to really follow this path. She is born to be a simple little princess. What she needs most is to be a little princess who has been around me for a lifetime... ah? Butterfly and Zier are also with her. ?"

"Yeah. Butterfly has always followed the baby, what the baby said when she said what. The child also thinks that the baby's thoughts are very great..." Feng Yao said with a smile.

"...this gangster." The wind patted the forehead. At this time, his mobile phone rang, Feng Yao took his mobile phone, took a look and put it in his hands: "It is Xiaotian."

The wind picked up and said lazily: "How, even losing 180 games, still not convinced?"

"Boss, this is not the case... Boss, you must save me this time!" At the end of the phone, Xiao Tian came with a crying voice, but I can imagine how he said these words. The expression of crying and sorrowful face, the wind came to the interest: "Oh...can anyone else bully you to chase the star swordsman?"

"Who can be there... Of course, my family's deceased... Keke, it's Qingle! I am in a hurry, this life is completely planted in this woman!!"

Before the marriage, how gentle is Liu Qinger’s girl, after marriage... Well, the chasing star goddess is a **** outside, and the Eastern Jade Emperor and the Western God King must respect each other for seven points. The cotton that was pinched by my wife every day. And after so many years, this wife is stricter and stricter. It is said that Liu Qinger has a good way, or should he say that Xiao Tian’s wife has no way.

"What's wrong? It won't be like watching the beauty of the other side on the street like last time and then being shut down for three days in the dark room?"

"No... this time is more serious, boss, you can help me... If my family has been married with your family for more than a month, I said that if a prostitute has a man, I forgot my mother... If my family I went to the mainland that day, and I haven’t been back for more than a month. I have thought about the tea in the past few days. I want to do everything I can to take it home for a few days. Otherwise, if I come back, , just... just... I won’t let me touch the stars again, but I will take my star to be used as a kitchen knife... Hey, boss, you must help me!!”

Take the chasing star as a kitchen knife?

so serious?

Feng Yao smiled and smiled. The wind blew a little bit of a corner... Speaking of it, Xiao Ruo has never returned since he married his nephew.

Standing up from the sofa, I thought about it and said to the phone: "Well, just as I am looking for a little something, let him take it back if you come back."

"Oh...ah! Thank you boss! Boss, I love you!!"

Hey... The phone is being smashed and pressed.

"Brother, what are you looking for? Do you want to have a baby?" Feng Yao took his mobile phone away and asked him by his body.

"It’s been a long time since I didn’t have a good life. I want to find him to fight.” The windy and mysterious smile.

another world.

Tianchen mainland Oriental Tianlong Guoye home.

"Yeah! Drink! Yeah~~~"

The tender voice of a girl, accompanied by the wind of the short sword waving. A girl who looks only age, with two cute horns, is dancing lightly in her body, and the dagger in her hand is playing a very strong wind.

"Okay, I am here today." Ye Wuchen smiled and walked over. The girl in front of her is Ye Zhenzhen, the second daughter of Ye Family. She is eight years old this year. She is young and young, but she has a childish beauty that is not human. It is conceivable that after she grows up, she must be inferior to Her sister's horror enchantress.

Although she is a girl, she is keen on swords, and her twin brother Ye Tianci has no interest in Xiwu. At a young age, she studies the way of governing the country and training the soldiers every day. When she grows up, she must become a grandfather. The great hero, let Ye Nu laughed and laughed again and again, and liked this Yejia Miao Miao.

Ye Zhenzhen’s pursuit of swordsmanship is 100% from the influence of Xiao Ruo. He still remembers the excitement of the little girl’s eyes when Xiao Ruoyi’s sword cut a string into an infinitely uniform 30-degree, and when Xiao’s sword was dancing, it’s a moving figure that danced like a fairy. The stars are constantly flashing in her eyes. So she began to insist on learning the sword. With the ability of Ye Wuchen, her power can reach the peak of the gods overnight, but she insists on relying on her own efforts. Her talent in the kendo is also quite amazing. With the strength of Tianchen mainland, she is only eight years old, and the power of the sword has reached the intensity of four.

"No, I am not tired. Brother-in-law, you will teach me more for a while..." Ye Zhenzhen wiped the sweat on his forehead and licked his lips.

Ye Wuchen took the short sword in her hand and smiled and touched her head: "Really, the kendo can't be quick, too much irritating, but it will be counterproductive. And now you are just a long body, if it is too If you are tired, it is not good for your body's development."

"Oh... okay!" Ye Zhenzhen had no choice but to smile and said: "I must become a female sword **** like Xiao Ruo’s sister, and then, like her sister, marry her brother-in-law!"

"...wait for you to grow up." Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

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