Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 705: Life and death sanctions!

"Oh... Master, you finally got back, and the fruit is almost scared to death." The fruit floated back, stopped in front of Ye Tianxie, and kept stroking his chest with his little hand. The mouth is constantly breathing, as if it is really scary. Indeed, the atmosphere that shattered Shura was extremely embarrassing, and then launched "Blood Blood". Even Ye Tianxie felt shocked when he thought about it now.

"Oh! Master, you got this black sword, is it very powerful... Oh! Don't worry about it anymore, the master, the green soul has recovered, and hurry it into the fate of the moment, In this case, we have five fate moments... hurry up." Fruits tried to promote Ye Tianxie with a great voice. Not far from them, the green soul lay quietly there, releasing a burning blue light.

Shura Demon Sword... A mysterious sword from a different world is also the first sword of the Holy Spirit that he has seen in addition to the state of illusion. If this sword appears, it can be imagined how amazing the sensation will be caused among the players. Don't say that the player is lost in the whole continent, which is enough to cause great shock. Ye Tianxie looked at it for a while, took it back, and turned to the green soul.

The Green Soul is a cyan skull shape, and the outer edge is exactly the fifth hole in the moment of fate. Ye Tianxie picked it up and gently touched the fifth hole, a blue light flashed, and it was perfectly integrated into it. The light faded, and a glimmer of green light reflected the moment of fate.

"Oh... because of the injection of new power, the power of fate has undergone tremendous changes, the special skill ‘the soul of destiny’ has opened, and the fate of the seventh killing of the ‘those of life and death’ has opened.”

The breath of destiny, and this moment has undergone tremendous changes... The fifth fate is recycled! It has the power of life and death sanctions, and it will add strength to the moment of fate...

The moment of eternal destiny (residual): use requirements: none. Grade: Shen Xuan. The core of the power of the world of destiny has an unknown mysterious origin and an unknown mysterious force. At present, in the state of incompleteness of the nuclear loss of fate, the owner has been forced to confess, the master: evil days, can not be traded, can not be dropped, can not be stolen, can not be discarded. The nuclear of fate already possessed: blood feather, orange tooth, Huang Yuan, green wave, green soul.

Attributes: Attack +2500, attack +50%, four base attributes +300, normal attack will cause damage to all targets in the attack range at the same time, 2% probability of attack absorbs damage to its own life value, attack 2 The probability of % absorption is reduced to its own mana value. The 2% probability of attack triggers double damage. The 2% probability of attack is attached to the deadly poison of the dead party. When the attack is 15%, the probability is triggered to die. A 50% probability triggers a moderate destruction. (ps: Passive effects can be turned off and on freely.)

Skills: The Gift of Destiny: The Lord of Eternal Destiny will receive the blessing of destiny, and enhance the fixed attributes of talent: Lucky +50, Perception +50, Charisma +50. (Forced addition, the effect cannot be turned off. Unless the eternal destiny is isolated, it will not disappear even if it is not equipped.)

Blood Festival of Destiny: (The trigger condition is once again reduced overall, and the triggering conditions of the four effects are reduced to 40%, 20%, 10%, and 5% of the life, respectively.)

Devil's Devil: (Cooling time reduced from 300 seconds to 200 seconds.)

The Soul of Destiny: (The duration increases from 30 seconds to 40 seconds.)

The drug of fate: (no change.)

Spirit of Destiny: At the time of death, the body will be covered by the blue awn of the Green Soul, and will continue to "live" for 20 seconds in the undead state. In the state of the undead, you can move freely and cannot restore your life. Trigger up to three times a day with a trigger interval of at least one hour.

The Seven Destinies of Destiny: The power of sanctions with eternal destiny has caused seven consecutive fate sanctions on the target. The effect of the sanctions is irresistible and cannot be superimposed. At present, the blood brakes, magic brakes, gods, poisonous, dead souls can be launched at the same time. Consumes magic 3100 and cools the skill for 1 hour.

The first kill: life sanctions - blood brakes

Second kill: Magic sanctions - magic brake

The third kill: Scorpio sanctions - God collapse

The fourth kill: guardian sanctions - poisoning

The fifth kill: life and death sanctions - the soul of death: with the power of the green soul of the blue destiny, the force of sanctions against a single target to launch life and death sanctions, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, ignoring death resistance, 10% probability of additional force And cause 1600% damage equal to normal attacks. That is, the dead effect is not repeatable for a single target within 24 hours. It consumes 1600 magic and can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, and the cooling time is 20 minutes.

The sixth kill: yin and yang sanctions - killing, the effect is unknown, the cost of magic is 3200, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

The seventh kill: Heavenly Sanctions - Scorpio, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana is 9999, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

Forbidden Skills: Destiny Shacks: The effect is unknown, the nuclear of fate is missing, and it cannot be used.

The return of the nucleus of the blue destiny has more than doubled the character of the attack of the fate of the moment, and the attack has added up to 15% of the effect of the claws of the Beckham. At the same time, finally let the fate of the moment have the ability to destroy, the overall grade, from the sky to the gods.

The soul of destiny, a skill that may only appear in the moment of fate, can make people not fall after death, but will continue to attack in the state of the undead, or escape... This seems to be only an extension People have 20 seconds of life, but... This skill is simply a god-like skill for Ye Tianxie.

After evolving into the sky, he started a resurrection skill "Xuan Ling Resuscitation", which allowed his partners to resurrect from death. If the ball or Beckham or Kaka died accidentally, you can immediately resurrect them. But if Ye Tianxie is dead... The master dies, the pets are all gone. Therefore, this resuscitation was impossible to appear on him... except in the face of Huang Yuan Green Wave, although he died, he still did not fall under the excessively powerful disaster force, and then was resurrected. .

And with "the soul of destiny", after death is equivalent to twenty seconds of immortality, you can immediately let him resurrect... that twenty seconds is not only the last twenty seconds for him, there is awkwardness Not only will it not really die, but it will be equivalent to a 20-second invincible state!

Only the dead, is the most afraid of death, but also can not kill. Life drops to 0, and no matter how attacked, it can't be reduced to a negative value.

The fifth kill of the fate of the seven killings, also the "life and death sanctions" four words reflected in the most vivid.

10% is dying.

However, this is not ordinary and death.

But... force it to die!

That is, the death effect is invalid for the boss base, the trigger probability is small, and even the vast majority of boss immunity is dead. This is a common sense in both the stand-alone game and the virtual game world, because if the boss can be killed by one blow, That's really not worthy of being called a boss. The player's immediate effect will only work on ordinary monsters, and will only appear in extreme monsters on more powerful monsters. If the level gap is too large, or the monster's grade is too high, it is impossible to trigger the death base. Like the beast of the heavens, the beast of the gods, and the beast of the sacred, it is more like a fairy tale. How can these creatures standing at the peak of power be killed by a blow?

And the moment of destiny once again revealed its terrible sanctioning power to Ye Tianxie... forced death, this is the first time Ye Tianxie heard and saw such an effect. This simple four words means... no matter who the target of the sanctions is, let alone the ordinary monsters, even if it is a fairy, a god, or even a god, a holy destruction... have a probability of up to 10%, a hit will kill !

What a terrible ability this is!

If others know that he has this ability in his body, even the master of the sacred level will inevitably choose to detour.

"It is the moment of destiny." Ye Tianxie had to make a surprise.

From blood feathers, to orange teeth, to Huang Yuan, to green waves, to the present green soul, the core of fate is stronger than one, and the power to give fate is stronger. The Qingshen is already able to sanction the strength of any living and living, so how powerful is the blue dragonfly with the power of “Yin and Yang sanction” and the heavenly heart with the power of “destination”?

Blue dragonfly...

Finally, it’s time to conquer it...

When he first met the nameless, he said that the only condition to conquer the blue dragonfly is to defeat him.

Beat him...

Ye Tianxie’s heart has become calm. He looked up and looked into the distance... When he was separated last time, he was told by nameless that he would wait for him at the end. Before that, he would not meet again. So where is the end he said, where is it?

"Okay, okay! The master is really amazing. It’s already five! If you go on like this, you can find all seven of them right away!" The fruit is excited around the fate of the moment, and the mouth is screaming again and again. .

" Fruit, can you sense where the blue dragonfly is now?" Ye Tianxie looked up.

The fruit shakes his head: "Although the nose of the fruit is very spiritual, the blue dragonfly must be far and far away, and the fruit can't be smelled."

"Then, Tianxin, is it really on the top of the tower of the tower of fate?" Ye Tianxie frowned. The fruit made him must climb the top of the tower of the tower of fate, because the seventh nuclear heart of the core of fate was at the top of the tower. However, if it is really at the top of the tower, why the Green Soul will say that it is in a place where he "cannot think of it and can't find it."

"This is what my sister told fruit. My sister said it was at the top of the tower, it must be at the top of the tower." Guoguo nodded hard.

Ye Tianxie is silent. it is true? Or is the "sister" in the fruit of the fruit deliberately guiding him through the fruit to reach the top of the tower of the tower of fate? The words that the young soul told him before, let him understand the power and mystery of the heavenly heart... These are clearly demonstrating to him that the probability that the heavenly heart exists at the top of the tower of fate is negligible.

But in any case, as long as there is a possibility, he must also go all out to reach the top of the tower.

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