Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 707: Super big bangs

There is only one skill in the violent rabbit, and the same skills as the ordinary big savage rabbit - a big one. However, the robbery of the big and fierce rabbit is an amazing day. The big stick that it squats is nearly ten times bigger than the one that the ordinary big savage rabbit is licking. The great power of the big one is not the third. The level of ordinary big ferocious rabbits can be compared.

This skill scared him away on the first day of Ye Tianxie's entry into the game. Now he is smashing the skill of a big and savage rabbit... I think that the key part of a man is so big with a big rabbit that comes with such a big stick. A moment... Rao is facing the gods and mysterious beasts, and the leaves are not changed. Ye Tianxie’s teeth are stunned, and they can’t help but want to retreat.

The appearance of the violent rabbits is only Ye Tianxie. Those ordinary big murderous rabbits are still walking around with their own sticks. I don’t know if they have no heart or lungs... It’s just a bit of a scorpion. The violent rabbits must of course be worthy of the word "runaway", and they are blind to the same kind of rabbits around them. They saw Ye Tianxie at a glance, and they rushed up with a stick. Well, the rabbit looks like it won’t be called. .

The first reaction of Ye Tianxie is to go backwards... But just after he took a half step back, he was stopped by his hard life... Nima was completely destroyed by the red ear, and you can be afraid of a rabbit! !

This violent rabbit is undoubtedly the weakest high-level beast that Ye Tianxie has ever seen. In addition to possessing the life and basic attack power of the heavenly level, the other attributes are simply rotten. The movement speed is rarity, the containment and auxiliary skills are not, and the attack method is a big stick attack. For example, what tricks, hidden techniques, and the like are not at all.

Looking at the big savage rabbit that ran to him, except for the big stick that specialized in the next three roads, he felt a little worried, and there was no pressure on the base.

This body, this running speed... Reminiscent of the flexibility of the attack under such a body... In the eyes of Ye Tianxie, its attack is even stronger, and the base will dance with the snail and don’t want to touch him. In addition, its attack method can not be single, and the neat threat is almost inferior to a beast of the same level.

The violent rabbit finally took a violent temper, smashed the scarlet eyes, lifted a huge stick, and smashed toward the body of Ye Tianxie... If this is in the real world, If this is a realism, even if you have practiced the iron shovel, you will smash the people.

A feeling of coldness came from the lower body, and a "Dragon Soul Broken Shadow" that Ye Tian was flustered succumbed backwards. The "嗖" moved to a distance of ten meters, and his front came at the same time. "A bang, the big stick of the big murderous rabbit is from the bottom to the squat, this hollowed out, violently swaying the body of the fierce rabbit, the two small short legs suddenly slammed, the whole bloated body lost balance and fell to the ground, I almost didn't give the big stick out.

Looking at the beast of the sky that he himself fell, Ye Tianxie was silent for a while, rushing away without hesitation, the five-color radiance of the fate of the moment, a "destiny of seven kills" smashed to the violent violent Rabbit's body.




"Oh... magical sanction triggers, the magical value of the violent rabbit is reduced by 0%, the magical attack power is reduced by 10%, and the total magic resistance is reduced by 10%."


"Oh... Scorpio sanction triggered, the violent rabbit was forced to seal for 12 seconds, and the physical attack power dropped by 20%."


"Oh... the guardian sanction triggers, and the violent rabbit defensive power is forcibly reduced to zero."


"Oh... the death of life and death is triggered. The life of the violent rabbit is forcibly deprived and is in a state of death."

With the fall of the fate of the fifth killing of life and death, a huge dark number floated from the head of the violent rabbit, and the full life of the violent rabbit was emptied in a moment... the tumultuous body remained Holding a big stick, in a group of bleak green awns, straight down.

"Oh... you succeeded in killing the 60th-level beast, the savage and savage rabbit, and the reputation is +6000."

"Oh... your level has risen to level 53..."

"Oh... your pet is rated at level 53..."

"Oh... your pet Beckham ranks up to level 53..."

"Oh... your pet ball level has risen to level 53..."

"Oh... your mount pet card is up to level 51..."

Looking at the violent light in the eyes dissipated, the violent rabbit that fell in front of him, Ye Tianxie half-lifted the fate of the moment, and the root did not respond.

That's it, dead? ?

Although this threatening base of the big and fierce rabbit is equal to no, it is a beast that the ordinary player can't resist! He only attacked once and defeated it... this is clearly a spike!

Spike a heavenly beast! !

Looking at the fate of the hands, the eyes focused on the fifth fate of the twinkling of the blue light. Killing the big murderous rabbit, it is clear that the green soul is accompanied by 10% forced death and death! He just got the green soul, the green soul, and he couldn't wait to show him his chilling fangs.

Recalling that before the battle against it by destroying the power of Shura, it first released a group of blue light that did not have any effect on the let. Now think about how lucky you are, that is, the blue light with the ability to force and die. If it is unfortunately triggered, even if it destroys Shura, it will die out in an instant.

"The moment of destiny, it is really magical and some outrageous." Ye Tianxie said a sigh to himself.

The death of the violent rabbits did not explode anything, not to mention the equipment props, even a copper potion, even the roots of rabbit hair are not, even after the death, even the big stick is still tightly held in the hand!

It’s impossible for World of Warcraft to be so embarrassing. Moreover, this violent rabbit is obviously a very special monster. According to its introduction, it was turned into a statue because of the curse of the creation god, and then it was thrown into the lost continent. Later, I did not know why it fell to the hand of the Akasaka. in. If the statue is broken in other places, this violent rabbit will be completely finished. But if anyone takes the statue back to No. 60001 Novice Village, finds the original fierce rabbit territory, and then smashes it, the violent rabbit will be reborn with the help of another big savage rabbit...

Get the statue, return to No. 60001 Novice Village, and smash it in the vicinity of the big murderous rabbit. The probability that all this happened is simply small and impossible. But it just happened... but it happened like a good director. Ye Tianxie got its statue, and it was just the novice village No. 60001... and it was just in desperation to smash it in the territory of the big savage rabbit...

These countless clever coincidences have caused the rebirth of the violent rabbits. So, after that, what really isn’t hidden?

Ye Tianxie came down and prepared to collect the bodies of the violent rabbits. Since it is likely to be a creature from a different world like the Grey Taiyang and the Red Taiyang, will it find some magical things like the two sheep?

"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got a glimpse of the rabbit fur of the violent rabbit."

Rabbit hair that violently ravages the rabbit: The hair that robs the big rabbit can be used to protect against cold clothes.

"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got a glimpse of the rabbit fur of the violent rabbit."

"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got a glimpse of the rabbit fur of the violent rabbit."

"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got a glimpse of the rabbit fur of the violent rabbit."

"Hey... your acquisition was successful..."

"Hey... your acquisition was successful..."



A minute passed, looking at the big rabbit hair in his hand, Ye Tianxie really like the ball to put a fire to burn the rabbit fur.

"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got a glimpse of the rabbit fur of the violent rabbit."

"Hey... your acquisition was successful..."

"Hey... your acquisition was successful..."


"Oh... your acquisition was successful, and you got the ‘big stick of the big and fierce rabbit.’”

As the tone of the fall fell, the big stick that was taken in the hands of the violent rabbit suddenly disappeared and appeared in the hands of Ye Tianxie.

A one-meter-and-a-half-long, thick and thin big stick was held in the hands of Ye Tianxi, Ye Tianxie dumbfounded for a while... Actually, this big stick was really picked, this...

The super big stick of the violent rabbit: I don’t know what kind of material is used to make a big stick. When you hit someone, you should be very painful. The specific composition and function may be identified by a senior appraiser.

The muscles of Ye Tianxie’s face twitched and threw it into the backpack and began to collect.

"Oh... your collection was successful and you got a 'strange carrot'."

"Well?" Looking at a slender, carrot-like radish in his hand, Ye Tianxie remembered where he had seen this radish. When I was defeated by the beast of the fairy spirit, I also got such a radish from it. And because it was just the root radish, he didn't pay attention to it, but he didn't lose it and kept it in his backpack.

From the body of the violent rabbit, I got one more.

Strange carrots: The carrots that robbed the big rabbits from where they did not know, they have not been willing to eat. It seems that there is nothing particularly different from ordinary carrots, but in the darkness, strange red light will be emitted. After eating it, I will not know what will happen. I must be careful when eating.

The introduction of this carrot is similar to that obtained from the armored dragon. It should be the same strange radish. It seems that it is really necessary to find someone to identify what is going to be weird.

Ye Tianxie will give up and continue to collect...

"Oh... your acquisition failed."

"Well?" The tone of the ear made Ye Tianxie stunned, and then his heart suddenly cheered up.

What does it mean by his current collection of Faerie-level acquisitions?

This means that the body of this violent rabbit must have a high-grade item that is quite high in level and extremely difficult to collect! !

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