Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 708: Black mask

"Oh... your acquisition failed."

"Oh... your acquisition failed."



"Oh... you got a special item 'Singular Black Mask.'"

After ten consecutive acquisitions, Ye Tianxie’s hands have already added a darker thing.

"Is this?" Ye Tianxie looked puzzled at what he had just got on the big savage rabbit. This is clearly a mask, and it is the same mask that can only obstruct half the face like the brave protector. The mask is dark black, and in its shape, if worn on the face, it can only cover the upper half of the face, even the eyes are completely covered - in general, the mask will reveal two The hole prevents the line of sight from being blocked, but the mask is black and the part of the eye is not filled with holes or holes. It has a faint **** magic pattern on it, and the forehead is slightly thinner, and it seems to be engraved with something that cannot be seen clearly. At the top of each part of the top of the mask, a cavities of about ten centimeters long protrude from the end, and the end is bent downwards, and the sharp barbs flash a chilling light...

This is based on his nearly 100 lucky value, collecting something that has been failed ten times in succession with the acquisition of the Faerie. With his lucky value and the level of acquisition, if it is a fairy or even a heavenly thing, he can succeed once, without failure, and this proves that this strange mask he holds in his hand - - The grade is at least Shen Xuan! !

Ye Tianxie is excited inside... This is his sixth day in the novice village of No. 60001. What a magical dream day, because this day, he really harvested too much.

He just wanted to check the properties of this mask, and suddenly felt the flash of light around him. Ye Tianxie raised his head subconsciously, but he saw that the huge body of the violently violent rabbit suddenly became smaller in a faint white light. In a blink of an eye, it turned out to be the size of a normal big and fierce rabbit.

The body of the original fierce rabbit, suddenly turned into the body of a common big rabbit. The suffocating and suffocating air from it is also completely exhausted.

Ye Tianxie squatted for half a second, and then looked thoughtfully at the black mask in his hand... Is it because of the violent and mutated rabbits? After the mask is removed from the body, the abnormal state disappears.

He gazed his gaze and looked at the attributes of this dark mask:

Singular black mask: the instrument of the gods, use requirements: have the blood of Shura. A strange mask from a different world, five years ago and a group of weird rabbits descended from the sky. After being held by one of these rabbits, he was lost and became violent and gained a powerful force. Its name is lost under the distortion of time and space, and its shape and attributes have also changed greatly under the distortion of time and space.

Attributes: Life +100%, Magic +100%, Strength +10%, Constitution +10%, Agility +10%, Spirit +10%, Movement Speed ​​+30, Field of View +20, Darkness Resistance +20%% , Lucky-3, the probability of triggering death when attacking +2%, immune "fear", "death", "curse", "chaos" state.

Additional Skills: Shura Mongol Wave: Unleash the Death Wave from Hell to attack enemies around itself, 100% intoxication, blindness, fear, weakness, curse, confusion, dizziness, petrification, freezing, sleep, paralysis A bad state, the duration depends on the ability of the enemy, consumes 300 spells, and the attack range is equal to the player level/2, which can be used twice a day.

Hidden Soul: Once opened, it will forcibly absorb the undead of the enemy's death to restore the user's life. Each time an enemy is killed, the user's health is restored by 10%. It can be opened and closed freely.

Even though there is enough psychological preparation for the powerful attributes of this mask, after reading its attributes, Ye Tianxie is still a shock in his heart.

Its first attribute makes Ye Tianxie almost shout.

Life +100%! !

This means that as long as you bring this mask, the health value can be doubled directly! !

It’s just this attribute, this mask is completely matched with the word “Xuan Xuan”!

Not only does life double, but the magic doubles, and the four base attributes will increase by as much as 10%! Not an increase, but an extremely difficult attribute increase! The increase in the property is nothing more than the actual movement speed has increased by a full 30 points, but also increased the distance of vision, people can see more far after wearing! At the same time, it will directly immunize the most terrible states... death, confusion, and so on.

It comes with two skills that are more powerful than one. Shura Mongol Wave is a 100% additional abnormal state, or group attachment! The Soul Adsorption is even more amazing. This skill is in the body. If it is in the group battle, with his killing speed, the life of killing people will definitely keep up with the lost life, so that he can almost no fear. The enemies are rampant and don't need to be as tight as ever.

... such a property, its comprehensive effect, is completely inferior to the Qinglong ring and the seven-color dusk, and even more than! It is the most powerful artifact of the gods that Ye Tianxie has seen.

What is even more rare is that such an attribute appears on a mask.

Masks are generally only used for protection, without any attributes. For such a long time, the mask with attributes that Ye Tianxue knew was only the brave guard of his own body. Masks are unconventional, and if they have attributes, they are exactly equivalent to extras, so masks with attributes, even very small ones, are invaluable. No money can be obtained.

Then, the value of this mask is so immeasurable!

However, it has a restriction on the use of Ye Tianxie to gnash his teeth...

Must be equipped with the blood of Shura!

Grabbing this cold mask, this moment, Ye Tianxie even has the idea of ​​hating himself is to destroy Shura.

The blood of Shura, in the conditions of use before the Shura demon sword, he also saw these four words. In addition, the time of appearance is five years ago, the location is in this No. 60001 novice village, idiots can also think that they must have a close relationship, most likely from the same world, even the same person.

He now wears 10 points of strength, 10 points of physique, and a brave guardian who attaches a "Brave Heart" skill. With his current attributes, the added 20-point attribute base can be neglected. The original "heart of the brave" is completely abolished by the opening of "the soul of destiny". If you can use this mask instead of the existing brave Guardian...

What a perfect thing!

But a pity...

Eight-footed Qiong Jade has a restriction on the use of Dongpu players. He does not have much regret. He is not too willing to wear anything in Dongpu Island. The Shura Demon Sword is a device of the Apostle, and it cannot be used because of the need to transfer to a professional limit. He does not suffer from loss, because he is more accustomed to the moment of fate, but the mask in his hand, its attributes simply let Ye Tianxie's eyes become red like a rabbit.

And its shape... it’s almost a hundred times better than the brave guards! !

"Oh... little brother, how are you here?"

A rough voice came from behind Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie stared at the mask in his hand and looked too fascinated. He did not notice that someone was behind him. Hearing the sound, he turned and stood up and found himself standing behind the blacksmith's blacksmith.

Unlimited gratitude to Ye Tianxie saved his son Xiao Ming, the blacksmith pharaoh with a deep gratitude in his expression, the name also changed from the former "young man" to "little brother."

"Master Blacksmith, how come you come here?" Ye Tianxie looked at him up and down and asked. This blacksmith veteran should not be out of the blacksmith shop, why is it today...

"Oh, my son Xiao Ming finally woke up today, and his mother asked me to buy some medicines... but the old man who didn't know what happened to him recently, I didn't care, so I had to come out and pick it up. Medicine...oh?" said the blacksmith, and his eyes fell on the mask of Ye Tianxie. The professional smell of the blacksmith allowed him to see the mask and his eyes could no longer be removed.

"It's so strong... and it's a very special breath... Little brother, can you show me that mask? I have been playing iron for so many years, and I feel this breath for the first time from a piece of equipment."

Later, the blacksmith's face showed a slight craving, and the voice became rushed. Obviously, he has a half-life, and he has a professional enthusiasm for special equipment.

Ye Tianxie did not hesitate. He walked over and handed the strange mask in his hand to the blacksmith's pharaoh. At the same time he said: "It is a very strong and very strange mask. You feel the special breath. If you look at it, you will understand. It is."

The blacksmith pharaoh took the mask, first carefully and carefully looked at its shape, repeatedly looked at it, seems to be studying what material it is made of, and the mouth is constantly overflowing with the sound of the sound. In the end, he fixed his eyes on its attributes, and the still calm face suddenly began to appear more and more obvious, more and more exaggerated sluggish.

"God...the instrument of God!!"

"Good horrible attributes and additional skills!" The old blacksmith's eyes widened and he exclaimed.

He has such a reaction, and Ye Tianxie is not surprised at all. The instrument of the gods will be honored as a protector of the city when lost in the mainland. The blacksmith Lao Wang is just a novice village blacksmith shop to fight the iron, how can it withstand the impact of a **** of mystery.

The blacksmith's hand trembled, and the scum of the face was screaming fiercely. Obviously, he was already excited and could not himself. He repeatedly looked at the property over and over again, and even had two hands to wipe his eyes in the middle, seemingly not convinced of the amazing attributes he saw.

Ye Tianxie did not interject, let him turn over and over again. This blacksmith is a very honest man. He doesn't have to worry that he will run with this mask.

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