"Thank you for evil, I believe that you will do it. Perhaps, you will be the enemy of the entire Star City, but I believe that you will use your wisdom to avoid all this, then, let me send you back now. Far away, people who yearn for it but who are reluctant to return are lost in the mainland."

When the village chief finished, the veteran took a move, and a circle of white light suddenly surrounded Ye Xing, and then watched him slowly disappear in front of his own eyes.

Tianchen City.

Since entering the lost city, Ye Tianxie has rarely come here. Just like the last time he came out from Novice Village, this time, he was still transferred to the central square of Tianchen City. The crowdedness of Tianchen City is not as good as it was at the beginning, but it is still very lively. Ye Tianxie did not stop, and the straight line went to the direction of the identification shop. Speaking of it, I haven't seen the crow for a while.

The appraisal shop is still deserted and people want to doze off, and the crow is indeed dozing off. When I heard someone coming in, the old crow's old eyes slouched open a slit, and said vaguely: "Oh, your kid is coming again... The appraiser of the Lost City is more than the cow, you run Come back to find a brother."

"There is something, you need a crow brother to give you an appraisal." Ye Tianxie did not immediately release the scorpion and the sage of the sage, otherwise he would be directly dreaming in the state of his half-sleeping.

"Get it." The Raven yawned and reached out with a weak hand.

Ye Tianxie stepped forward and handed two "strange carrots" to the hands of the crows. The crows blinked and looked almost, and almost didn't scream out: "radish!! You let the brother identify the radish!? You owe it. Is it?"

When he was halfway through, he suddenly felt the strangeness of the radish in his hand. The other half was swallowed by him. He began to carefully look at the carrot in his hand. For a long time, he looked up and said: "Where is this radish?" Come here?"

The crow's expression clearly confirmed that this radish does have problems. The expression contained in his expression is surprising.

"Hey," Ye Tianxie replied.

“The appraisal fee is 500 gold coins.”

"...so expensive! I can buy a car radish for 500 gold coins!"

The raven gave him a white look and said slowly: "Your boy is not an idiot. This can be an ordinary radish. Although this radish looks like an ordinary radish, the brother knows it casually. This is definitely The artifact in the radish, the fighter in the carrot... I don’t think it is worth the identification fee of five hundred gold coins!"

"Okay." Ye Tianxie stepped forward and paid the identification fee of five hundred gold coins. When the gold coins arrived, the crow sighed: "His mother, the appraisers who are full of the street grab my business, and no one can earn the money."

While muttering, and quickly applying the identification technique, the two identification awns flashed on the two carrots... Many of the identification equipment, the base of the identification props, the identification of the radish, this is really the crow The first time I arrived.

After the identification was completed, the crow glanced at the properties of the carrots and threw them back to Ye Tianxie. He said, "Call, it is that thing. I thought it was extinct. Take it and take it. Eat one when you want to die, to ensure your ease of death."

Ok? Want to eat one when you want to die?

Ye Tianxie doubted the takeover of the carrot and looked at its attributes:

Blood Luo: A strange creature that can strongly stimulate the potential of human beings, but it contains a highly toxic poison that is instantly deadly. After eating, the hunger degree is -10, 100% probability is highly toxic, and the probability of 90% is immediately poisoned. If it is not immediately poisoned, the physical attack power and magic attack power increase to the original ten within the next ten seconds. Times.

Ye Tianxie: (⊙o⊙)! !

Either... directly poisoned.

Either... increase the attack power ten times!

Sure enough, it is a fighter in the radish... It is not a common radish. The tenfold increase in the property is indeed powerful and can no longer be strong. Take him himself, after raising the attack power to the peak state, and then eating such a turnip, then his attack power will guarantee a The height of the fingertips...but the premise is not to be poisoned. On the other hand, the probability of being directly poisoned is as high as 90%. Even if it is not poisoned, it will enter a more horrible "poisonous" state than ordinary "poisoning."

This radish is simply a strange thing to use people to gamble.

However... if a person can have the ability to immunize "poisonous" attributes, these two carrots are undoubtedly artifacts in carrots.

"Everything is done, what are you still doing there, give me a spoon, don't bother my brother to take a nap." The crow waved impatiently, and muttered in his mouth.

Ye Tianxie put away the two blood radishes, pondered a word, and tried to say: "Crow brother, are you the ghost knife sages who lost the mainland 12 sages?"

When he said this, Ye Tianxie noticed that the body of the crow was obviously stiff. What followed, it was the rage of the crow: "The soul is light!! Let's get out of Laozi immediately!! What a ghost knife sage, ghost you grandfather! You mention this name in front of Laozi, never appear in front of Laozi !"

In the face of a sullen crow, Ye Tianxie was unmoved. According to the description of the round, he had this reaction really normal. After his roar, Ye Tianxie continued to waver and said: "Crow brother, you calm down first, I know you don't want to mention this name... Ok, I still call you Crow, I How about making a deal with you... Hey, don't be excited, I'm pretty sure, if you drive me out now, you might regret it for a lifetime."

The crow was calm down. He had no previous drowsy gesture, and his eyes looked complicated and looked at the person who called him the title... He was convinced that the world’s partners were not Some people may know his name, why he will...


"Good!" Ye Tianxie laughed. "I know that Crow Brothers don't want to mention the name of the "Ghost Sword Sage" in the past, it is entirely because of one person... your wife, the Holy Word Sage."

Raven: "!!"

"Cough... Don't be excited, I will ask you a question first. Are you really sure that the Holy Word is dead?" Ye Tianxie asked quickly before he roared.

The crow's head was full of blue veins, and what he had been trying to forget was ruthlessly mentioned by Ye Tianxie. The crow suppressed the fire, and said coldly: "I was watching her in front of me... What are you going to say to me, let me say."

"Looking at the holy words disappearing in front of you? It must have not seen her body, right? Didn't see her body, what do you use to determine that she is dead?"

"The power at that time is that our sages will also be gone... you know a fart!"

"So, let's make a deal... Oh no, still make a gamble, and gamble on the sages. If the sages are really dead, let me lose, I will let you deal with it. You want me to do everything. If I can confirm that the sages are not dead, then you lose, you have to promise me three things, crow brother, dare to play this gambling?" Ye Tianxie said slowly. The eyes are full of light. He would not let the holy words and the rounds come out so quickly, even though he said that the crow knew that he had saved his holy words and gave him his life with pleasure... Hey! The husband and wife separated for a hundred years, and the ghosts of the picture all imagined, and there is still a mind to control him, so before that, he must first hold the benefits in his hands.

This time, the Raven didn't roar again. He seemed to feel something faintly, and the eyes waved with violent turmoil, but immediately, he shook his head: "No... Impossible. She is obviously dead, even if she is not dead, nor Maybe I won’t come to see me for a hundred years...you, what are you going to do?”

"It's just a bet. If the holy words are really dead, you will win, not only have no losses, but also big profits. If you lose, it means that the Holy Word is really not dead, you are losing three conditions." . . . If you can use three things in exchange for the immortality of the Word, this... shouldn’t you be a loss?”

The crow slammed forward and grabbed the hand on Ye Tianxie's shoulder. He was excited and mad. "If...if she really didn't die, don't say three things, that is, three hundred, 30,000, I promised. You!! Say... She is not really dead, where is she!!"

Although he has always been so sure that the Word is dead. But the death that Ye Tianxie brought to him at this time made him crazy to believe. Even that is just a scam.

Ye Tianxie sweated his head and quickly waved his hand: "Also...still, I am afraid that the predecessors will kill me."

His words made the crow's eyes turbulent again. Ye Tianxie smiled a little, took a step back, took out the Yanyangzhu, and thought of a move. Suddenly, the two rays appeared on the side of Ye Tianxie, and quickly turned into two figures.

The position of the crow was very close to Ye Tianxie. When the round scorpion and the holy sage were released, the position of the round plaque appeared right in front of the crow, and the noses of the two men almost did not touch. Seeing the familiar old face of the round, the crow's eyes slammed and shouted: "The round... the old man!! You... you are not dead!!"

"You tm is dead!" Seeing the long-lost friend, Yuan Zhen is also deeply excited: "Don't forget, I am poisonous... The first thing to escape is the world. Who can kill me... It is you. "The round slap took the crow's shoulder: "Look back, don't dare to look back... She is the holy word, she is not dead... and I am back as I am."

The crow turned slowly this time, and the movement he turned was twitching like an old man who was already a dying man. When his eyes reflected in the white fluttering figure of the Holy Word, the ghost sage who was once lost as one of the twelve sages of the mainland people, was in tears.

Ye Tianxie grinned and went straight out. He sees this picture the most.

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