The devil's nemesis, a title that people can't think of without excitement. )

Ye Tianxie even lazy to reply, quickly counterattack, the moment of destiny, the fifth fate of the green soul of the Qingguang shine, with the force of death and death of life and death sanctions - the soul of death, smashed to the Luosha ghost king body.

If the 10% of the compulsory death is triggered, even if she is a Rakshasa ghost, it will die! !

Hey! !


The physical defense of the Rakshasa King is not too high compared to its overall strength. Although it offsets most of the attacks by Ye Tianxie, it does not reach the point where it cannot be broken. At the same time, the effect of life and death sanctions has not been triggered... In other words, the first time I used it, I killed the big raptor rabbit, and if it was triggered continuously, it would be a strange thing. The death of life and death sanctions is mandatory, and the probability is also constant at 10%. It will not be the basic probability number with other probability numbers, and it will have high or low changes according to some aspects such as luck, resistance, and grade difference.

Life damages 1600% of the damage intensity to cause more than 50,000 damage, the damage caused by ordinary skills must be even worse for her. The anger of the Luosha Ghost King, with a arrogant breath, once again attacked Ye Tianxie with a staff. In the face of Ye Tianxie, this became her only attack method, and at the same time roared in the mouth: "Even if you really can Immune the dark power of our Mozu, I will let you die, you are a small human, never want to pose any threat to our great demon... Give me death!!"

Half a meter long crutches came over, and Ye Tianxie’s body was slightly offset and then avoided. The counterattack followed closely...

"Life Sanctions - Blood Brake!!"

The **** feathers flashed red, and the power of the sanctions was once again cut on the body of the Rakshasa Ghost, a scarlet bloodline, cross-cutting...



Looking at the number of injuries brought up by the life sanctions, Ye Tianxie's action slightly carded... The vitality of this Luosha Ghost King is actually 2.3 billion! More than the original Dark Ghost King. This is the vitality of the sub-Holy level! Such vitality, such a defensive power, unless he can trigger her death by life and death, she will directly drop her seconds, otherwise she will not pose any threat to her if she has opened the magical or catastrophic inflammation. At the time of the illusionary orc ruins, the three-minute illusion of the sacred warrior, the overwhelming attack under the suppression of the sacred sword, only eliminated the life of the dark ghost king less than one tenth. Although the Ghost King is not the true sacred level, but the strength of the sub-Sanctuary, it is no longer the same as the mysterious beast.

Ye Tianxie felt a flash of surprise, and the Luosha Ghost King was completely shocked.

That broken billion, her vital value directly destroyed 10% of the damage figure, so that the Luosha Ghost King can hardly believe his eyes. Even with her strength, it is impossible to cause such terrible damage at once... It is the devil, and it is impossible to have such terrible attack power. The madness of the Rakshasa Ghost King came to an abrupt end, and the face finally revealed the fear of Ye Tianxie for the first time. The third attack that was supposed to be thrown out was completely dead in the shock.

After the sanction of life, Ye Tianxie has no means of causing any threat to the Luosha Ghost King. He did not continue to attack, but then moved ten meters, slightly sneer, sneer, and the eyebrows usually hide the light. The phoenix stone suddenly shines, and the mysterious purple light naturally shines toward the front...


A fierce and fierce, as if the body was pierced into a horrible horror at the same time, Ye Tianxie was shocked. He saw the Rakshasa King in front of his eyes stunned his eyes, his body retreating in horror, and he lost his ability to float in the back. He fell to a distance of more than ten meters before he stopped. She is screaming with screaming, and the pain of snoring is like the body is experiencing a thousand knives, and the bitterness of the corpse is lingering. When people listen to their ears, they feel that their hearts are cold and their hands and feet are soft.

The radiance of Zi Yao Shi can be shocked by any dark and dead creatures, but Ye Tianxie never expected that the effect of this "shock" would reach such a degree. The demon in front of you is not an ordinary demon, but one of the demon demons! ! Before the simple light of Ziyao Shi, it would be so unbearable, as if it was not light, but a myriad of light blades that cut her body.

The body is still receding, the voice is continuing, and it is getting more and more fierce. Even Ye Tianxue clearly saw that her squat body was greatly distorted under the cloak, twisted to the extent of deformation, and may fall apart at any time.

"No... don't come close to me..."

She screamed in horror, and the devil who fell into the painful abyss gave a desperate roar: "...why...why you have purple sapphires on your body...this is impossible...this is impossible..."

The sound of fear spread throughout the desperate canyon, and it was even more frightening than the ghost crying that had been echoing for a long time. After the roar, it was a long-term quiet, and the dark space in the central area began to slowly dissipate as if it were brought by the light wind.

In front of Ye Tianxie, the figure of Luosha Ghost King has been lost. She clearly understands that she is completely intolerant of the pain that Zi Yaoshi has brought to her, forcibly breaking through the space at a great cost, and she is far away.

The area around the kilometer has become a barren flat. There is no mountain rock and grass, and there is no living being. The land subsided dozens of meters and was swallowed by the incomparably smooth. The destruction of the region is a shocking expression of the power of the Holy Sepulchre.

Ye Tianxie took down the black scorpion and silently looked at the phoenix stone embedded in the center. At this time, Zi Yao Shi is still releasing purple light, and the purple has a special dreamy feeling. It feels different from the normal purple light. At least, it does not cause any discomfort to him. But it seems that this ordinary jade, the ordinary purple light, let a ghost king ... escaped in fear.

Star Glass gave it to its own purple slate, what is it...

At the same time, before the Rakshasa King fled, in the fear clearly shouted the name of "Zi Yao Shi", she clearly knew this Zi Yao Shi.

When Star Glass gave him the purple slate, he was shocked by his special ability, but now he realized that he still underestimated its ability. The perfect immune dark magic and the effect of dark magic, at the same time, he did not feel the suffocation and fear in front of the Dark Lord Ghost in front of the Dark Lord, the ten is also because of the purple slate, it even dark pressure Can be dispelled. And the radiance that it releases is a shock to the devil... It is more like a spiritual coercion and a ruthless destruction.

Thinking of the appearance and voice of the Luocha Ghost King, Ye Tianxie felt that his body was numb... How much pain would be so utterly exhausted to that extent.

Amethyst bodyguard, and Amethyst is growing on the body, can't take down... The ocean floor of the South Ocean... Cut the green dragon with the purple light sword... No name to kill her, Xiaoxi showed her greatness when she first saw her. Hostility... Zi Yaoshi...

These, all pointing to the identity of the star glass, is extremely simple.

Ye Tianxie began to regret that he did not let the nameless name of the star glass. His original identity to the nameless star is not important to him. There is no need to tell him to create a barrier that can exist. But now, a series of facts have begun to make her unable to care about the origins of the star glass. . However, Star Glass will not know it, Xiao Xi does not seem to know. The name "Star Glass" was originally named to him, but it is a name that does not seem to have disappeared from the mainland.

But in any case, Ye Tianxie has a tremendous harvest today... He found that the strength that he could not compete with clearly became the nemesis of these devils. Wearing the black scorpion back to the face, put away the light of the purple slate, Ye Tianxie raised his left hand, looked at the empty fantasy ring, and the corner of his mouth evoked a light smile. On the phantom ring, the invisible tracker that was originally attached to it was posted on her back when he was sanctioning the Luocha Ghost.

In this way, no matter where she fled, don't want to escape his tracking.


A life and death sanction can't work, then twice, three times... ten times, twenty times...

Life and death sanctions can't be repeated on a target within 24 hours. Then, every day, every time, one life and death sanction, if you fail, you will run away from the wall of the evil dragon, and continue the next day...

Then, even if she is a ghost king, she only has to die! !

Life and death sanctions are scary enough.

With the Wanli tracker made by Xingbaoer, it has become a real anti-sky skill. At the same time, this effect of balancing and completely subverting and trampling the rules can only occur at the moment of fate. Tracked by the Miles Tracker at any time, with continuous sanctions for life and death sanctions, with 10% probability of coercion, no matter how powerful the enemy, there is only one dead end.

Indeed, thoroughly, there is no suspense to destroy the original balance and rules.

Ye Tianxie picked up the "Glory Badge of the Mercenary King" on his chest. From the time he first met the Rakshasa Ghost King, the calm badge was shining with a faint golden mang, which also made Ye Tianxie see Luocha Ghost King had identified her identity before, because the original Soul Mercenary Corps was completely destroyed under the hands of the Luosha Ghost King. On that day, at the Heavenly Soul Cemetery, the mercenary king gave him this badge. He also gave him another additional condition that must be completed - within three years, the Rakshasa Ghost King was destroyed.

"It seems that it has not been three years." Clenched the badge, Ye Tianxie whispered to himself. "I will know immediately what kind of pleasure is going to kill the ghost king, hehe..." h! ~!


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