Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 740: Going under the stars

The method described by Hua Qiu Meng is the same as the production of national border reels, combined with the ability of his own space and the ability of Xing Baoer to create a space reel that can be transported over long distances. Even if there is enough space to inject it, even if there is enough space to inject it, such a scroll is undoubtedly a breeze, and it takes less time to get it.

However, Hua dreams did not say clearly to Ye Tianxie, but the star treasure that he went to find. Ye Tianxie did not go back, thought for a while, came to the lost city of Miyagi, to find the lost emperor.

The initiative of Ye Tianxie was to make the lost emperor obviously accidental. More than a month has passed since the last poisonous fog forest incident, and they have not seen it again.

"I have heard about the Desperate Canyon." Ye Tianxie has not said anything yet. The lost emperor has already spoken out first: "The desperate canyon is either its dark magic or the psychedelic spirit." The array, as well as the cries of people who dare not approach, have once made us wonder if it will be hidden by a demon who escaped from the tower of destiny, because only the devil has the power to make the dark forces so large. Spread, time just coincides. But, because of this suspicion, we have not acted rashly. Otherwise, if we accidentally anger the devil, the consequences are undoubtedly terrible. The mercenary mission we have given is actually borrowing your hands to test. And already."

Speaking of this, the face of the lost emperor showed some apologies.

Ye Tianxie didn't care for a smile and said, "I know."

From the time of expelling the Luocha Ghost King, Ye Tianxie thought of this possibility. The nightmare-level mercenary mission that gave the first place in the Magic Wu team competition was from the lost city.

"Oh, I just didn't think that the magic fog of the Despair Canyon was broken by you. We had seen it there a few days ago... The central area was destroyed by powerful power, that power, and the dark nature, also It can only be the devil... The dissipating of the magic fog also proves that the devil has left because of you... evil day, you and your team, let me be surprised again. Your appearance, tell the truth, let me begin to believe that some have not I will go to believe in something." The lost emperor looked at him and said with a smile. Then I turned around and said, "So, are you looking for me this time?"

Ye Tianxie nodded and said: "I want to go to the Star City, and visit the city owner there. I hope you can give me a letter of introduction, otherwise the city owner should not meet me for no reason."

The other half, "The Fragment of Dawn," is in the new city owner, so he wants to get the complete lost dawn, and it is inevitable to see the city owner.

"Oh? Go to the Star City?" The Lost Emperor was a little surprised: "There is a cold place, but it is indeed a beautiful place. However, it is extremely far from the Star City and the climate is extremely bad. If there is not enough strength, it is difficult to get there. If you don't have enough perseverance, you won't be able to stay there for too long. You will want to go there. You must have your own things to do."

Ye Tianxie nodded.

"Oh, but you don't really need to give me a letter of introduction." The lost emperor said with a smile.


"You have brave badges and hero badges on your body. They are there. You know that you are in the Star City. The city owners there will take the initiative to meet you. The whole lost the mainland, there are no people who don't know the brave badge and the hero badge." After a meal, he said, "But, if you introduce the letter, I will give you a picture. It may let you see the Star City owner as soon as possible."

Not long after, the letter of introduction of the lost emperor was handed over to Ye Tianxie. Before Ye Tianxie left, the lost emperor said to him cautiously: "The Star City is the most independent of the other main cities. It is never considered to be under the center of the city. In their belief, They are the rulers of the North. Sexually, they are kind and enthusiastic, but don't go against their taboos, they have an incurable paranoia about faith. Otherwise, no matter how distinguished guests, they Will be ruthlessly expelled."

The lost emperor said that it was very similar to the village director No. 60001 who told him.

When he walked out of the lost city, Star Boer also shouted him in a timely manner, and then sent him to him. He smiled and gave him five special space transfer rolls that could be directed for 100 kilometers.

When I got these three transfer reels, Ye Tianxie immediately understood from the space power of the above... It was originally given to him by Star Treasure, and the scroll of the border that he sent him from Dongpu was also spent on dreams. Manufactured by the power. The spatial atmosphere above the two is obviously similar.

However, she did not take the initiative to tell herself, apparently, also deliberately let Star Treasure did not tell him.

The scrolls that can cross national borders may be unimaginable. Although the flower dreams are strong, but the release of such a strong space force into the reel, it is possible, will encounter the punishment of the grade decline, and even the ability to permanently decline.

"Oh... obviously so smart, but it is a stupid girl." Ye Tianxie whispered in his heart.

Using the scroll that Liu Yuyue gave him, Ye Tianxie came to a quaint but prosperous town, and then used five transmission rolls that Star Baoer gave him, moving 500 kilometers to the north, and then called Out of the card, Yukong Northbound.

The air here can clearly feel the coolness of the lost city, but it is still to the extent that people feel cold. Ye Tianxie allowed Kaka to maintain the highest flying height and avoid all the sinister dangers of the afternoon. If you are walking on the ground, under the various obstacles and beasts, don't say that it is a few days, and it is hard to get to the Star City in one month. With her current mode of travel, coupled with the instantaneous transmission of the transport reel, the time required for the five days that Liu Yuyue said is not enough. If Ye Tian Xie stays up late, one day and one night is enough.

Two days later.

The vast northern regions of the lost continent are covered with snow, and there are countless icebergs all the way, and occasionally you can see the glaciers. After a few hours in the glare of the snow, Ye Tianxie finally came to the gate of the Star City. I saw this one of the main cities in the northernmost part of the lost continent.

Sun and Moon Stars Xuan, the five main cities are roughly distributed like the five vertices of the five-pointed star. The Star City is located at the northernmost point. Undoubtedly, it is quite cold. At least Ye Tianxie is frozen from time to time. . From the beginning of an hour ago, he had a "5" number every five seconds on his head, and by the gate of the Star City, it had become "10" every five seconds.

"Oh la la la. Really beautiful and beautiful, so much white snow, wow..." The fruit that was weird and obsessed with the snow was completely excited all over here. When she usually snows, she even stands in front of the window and looks at the snow outside to watch it all night. When I came to the northern region, all kinds of cheers from her way made Ye Tianxie’s ears almost burst.

"Oh, Master, your face is a bit white, will it be cold?" Guoguo asked with a squint.

"Crap. Of course cold!!"

"But the fruit does not feel cold..."

"Your strange body knows that cold is strange!" Ye Tianxie said with a little arrogance, took back Kaka and stepped into the Star City. Before the distant view, the size of the Star City was roughly similar to that of Tianchen City. From one end of the city to the other, it was more than three hours at a time, but its prosperity was not comparable to that of Tianchen City. Said to be compared with the lost city. The whole city presents a kind of cold and simple, and the architectural style is quite different from the city of Tianchen and Lost.

Even in the city, the "10" that popped up every five seconds at the top of the head continued. This is still the system task of the ice-removing bones. When the cold resistance is increased, if an ordinary player arrives here, it will bear a life of 2030 every five seconds, and at the same time bear a more chilly feeling. . Therefore, even if the Star City is completely open, players can enter at any time, and there should not be many players who will stay here.

Although there are few people in the city, it is obvious that the residents here are generally rarely outdoor. People who meet occasionally are also rushing through thick clothes. Looking at his own "small" clothes, Ye Tianxie began to ponder whether it is time to find some cold clothing... Speaking of it, the cold clothes that used in the ice skeleton seem to be in Sophie. One piece broke the army on the left.

Walking all the way to the central commercial street, compared to the bustling and even congested streets of Tianchen City and Lost City Commercial Street, the commercial street here can only be described by the word "depression", and it may be improved after the players enter.

The shops here are varied and varied, but the shops are closed. Ye Tianxie came to a store with the word "porridge" and pushed the door.

"Oh, hello, adventurer from afar, come, drink a bowl of hot porridge, it will dispel the cold in your body."

As soon as Ye Tianxie entered, an old man who seemed to be near the end of his life had chanted the model language, and at the same time, he had a hot porridge in front of him.

Rice porridge: Hot porridge made from the original rice of the original Tianxing City, non-GMO rice, healthy and safe, does not contain any toxins, hunger 50 after eating, and a small increase in cold resistance within 10 minutes. Price: 1 gold coin.

Ye Tianxie started, and after drinking it, he felt that his body was warmer and the number of injuries that had been sustained on his head stopped. He spent 20 gold coins packed in 20 bowls, walked out of the store, and bought a warm fox jacket in the next store, which was satisfied with the direction of the central city.

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