"Shards of the Dawn?" Ye Tianxie asked this sentence, and his apparently somewhat stiff look made the Star City owner wonder. The words "Lost Dawn" changed his look, questioning. :"what do you mean?"

Ye Tianxie had no nonsense, and his palm turned over, calling out the fragments of dawn and taking it in his hand. The sparkling light flashed the eyes of the head of the Star City. When he saw the small and clear star in the hands of Ye Tianxie, his face changed dramatically and he lost his voice: "The debris of dawn... How can it be in your hands, it is not ......"

The fragments of the dawn have been lost for a hundred years, and there is no news, no matter how to find it, there is no result. Today, suddenly appeared in front of him without any preparation, how can he not be excited... This is the acrobatic artifact of his Star City, and even the belief device of the entire Star City people! The lost dawn suddenly shattered, and the entire Star City was shaken. The former high-ranking city owner was even accused by the whole city. Even if he was forced to retreat from the position of the city, he would not be forgiven by everyone. Later, one of the fragments of the lost dawn was taken away, which caused the earthquake-like turmoil in the Star City. The original city owner who left the debris of the dawn became a crime that was not forgiven, but if he turned down the evil. The sinner - even if he was such a respectable loved one.

Over the years, Star City has never stopped looking for the other half of the lost dawn, but nothing. In the Star City, there is gradually a rumor that God has recovered it, and the disaster is about to come. It was once a storm of the city... This is the terrible belief, the disappearance of a device, but it can cause such great turmoil.

The expression of the Star City was surprised and turned into shock, and then from shock to incomparable excitement... As the Star City Lord, who knows more about the meaning of the lost dawn to the entire Star City and what it means to him. If the lost dawn is recovered and restored, it will be a grand event that spreads throughout the city. His personal prestige will also rise sharply by the loss of the lost dawn.

"Evil day, this is where you found it?" The Star City Lord looked up and asked excitedly. The excitement on the face and the impulsiveness of the face can not be concealed... Obviously, he completely forgot the change of Ye Tianxie’s expression before the excitement, and did not understand the meaning of the phrase that was revealed by the leaves of the evil, and it was taken for granted... ... Ye Tianxie found the debris of the dawn and prepared to hand it over to him. Otherwise, why is it deliberately revealed in front of him.

"This is not important. I just want to know, where is the debris of another dawn?" Ye Tianxie held his hand and asked.

"Oh, everyone who lost the continent knows that the lost dawn is the moat artifact of my Star City. The damage of the lost dawn and the disappearance of one of the fragments, but caused a great turmoil. Can you help me find it back? It’s really great... You really are like a lost emperor, a person who can bring a great miracle... As for the debris of another dawn, of course, it’s still in my hands. With the lessons of the past, I don’t have a moment now. Dare to leave it, you see..." The star city owner said, while taking care of one thing from his arms, lying flat on his palm.

The same light as the fragments in his hand shines, the hand of the Star City Lord is a transparent ring... but the shape is not a uniform circle like the ordinary ring, but the thickest at one end, then Gradually thinning along the edge of the ring, thin to invisible, shape, the first thing that comes to mind is the new moon at the beginning of the moon.

The new moon is the ring, the stars are embedded, and the combination is the lost dawn!

Ye Tianxie clearly felt the trembling of the seven colors of the chest, and his heart trembled. The figure of the glass fairy that appeared in the brain before, and the out of control picture that was crazy because of the departure of Xianer, made his heart always in an inexplicable riot state, the sound of dusk, the broken dawn, let He thought too much about what he didn't want to think about and touch.

He stretched out his other hand and reached the front of the Star City Lord. He said coldly, "Give it to me."

"Give you?" The starbrow of the Star City was wrinkled, and he really noticed the face and tone of Ye Tianxie's face, and the original excitement cooled by half.

"Yes, you give it to me, I will help you completely repair the lost dawn." Ye Tianxie said.

The Star City owner laughed: "This is not annoying. In these years, we have found a way to repair the lost dawn. Only in the search for the fragments of the lost dawn, today finally... Oh, please put your hands in it. Give me the debris of dawn. I will fix it immediately. You will help me to find the great grace of the dawn of the Star City. I will announce the whole city for the first time, and you will immediately become the heart of all the people in my Star City. hero……"

"Be a trade." Ye Tianxie interrupted the words of the Star City owner very rudely and said: "You open a condition and give me the debris of your dawn."

When Ye Tianxie’s sentence came out, the air suddenly cooled down.

"Do you want to get the lost dawn?" The smile of the Star City owner disappeared, and he frowned. Now, he is a fool, and he should fully understand the meaning of Ye Tianxie. He did not come to give him the debris of the dawn, but to intend to get this moat artifact of his Star City!

At the beginning of the day in the city of Tianri, Ye Tianxie asked the city of Tianri for the seven-color dusk, the gods of the day just shouted a few times... but in the Star City, it is completely different. All those who intend to plot the lost dawn will be their greatest enemy. As the instrument of faith in the city of the stars, the lost dawn can never fall into the hands of outsiders.

"Yes!" Ye Tianxie replied bluntly.

The eyes of the Star City Lord became colder, and then gradually eased, shaking their heads slightly and sighing and saying: "Hey... powerful, everyone wants it, you have such private thoughts, but normal. If I get the debris of the dawn as you happen, I should first want to get the complete lost dawn. But... you obviously don’t understand the meaning of the lost dawn to my Star City. So, you put Give me the debris of the dawn, then you can choose one of the treasures of my Star City... Oh no, two things you are looking at, how?"

The Star City Lord has said very politely, and he is very calm. If someone else is in the face of his lost face, he has already handed him abolished.

In the past, Ye Tianxie was facing npc. No matter what you think, you will always be polite on the surface. Don't offend any npc, this is one of the rules of survival in the game world. But now, in the face of another piece of dawn in the hands of the Lord of the Stars, he gave birth to the impulse of killing and then robbing the star city owner again and again... It can only be said that the departure of the glass fairy caused him too much. The stimuli, and the deep pleading in the twilight, reminded him of his original self. He found that he could feel the sorrow and longing in the depths of the dusk soul so thoroughly, so he was in the throbbing Gradually out of control...

"Speak the conditions, then give me the debris of the dawn!" Ye Tianxie gave the Star City owner a more chilly voice. The Star City owner even heard the intimidating taste from his voice.

"You...want to get the lost dawn." The Star City owner tried to calm down and said. A person who can get the badge of the brave, the badge of the hero, and the recognition of the lost emperor should never be a greedy person. It should not be an impulse. He would not hesitate to offend a city owner and the entire Star City for a piece of equipment. Moreover, he also proposed the conditions for him to enter the treasure chest to arbitrarily select two treasures. Among them, is there any inside story?

Ye Tianxie did not hesitate to take the lost dawn of the neck out of his clothes and present it in front of the star of the city: "The master of the city, you should know it... dusk and dawn, they should not be separated, but unfortunately, The cruelty of reality and the ignorance of too many people make it impossible for two people who can live forever to be together after death! You can be indifferent to this matter, others can look down, but since I am in my hands, I will To end this tragedy that should not appear, end forever!!"

"Seven colors... dusk!!" The eyes of the Lord of Stars condense in trembling. Those who know the lost dawn cannot know the dusk of the seven colors. Those who know the dusk of the seven colors cannot know the lost dawn. In the understanding of the city people of the Star City, the dusk of the seven colors is the object of the sacred. Absolutely not let it appear in the Star City, but absolutely must not let it touch the lost dawn, otherwise, a huge disaster will come to the entire Star City.

The main face of the starry city that has been suffocating has finally changed, and a huge pressure of anger is released, and it is shrouded in the body of Ye Tianxie: "You...you have a seven-color dusk, and bring it to my day. Star City... I want to let it touch the lost dawn...you know what you are doing!!"

"Of course I know." Ye Tianxie replied with a cold face. He knew that since the seven-color dusk was revealed, it was already completely torn. Since this is an incorrigible nation that is paranoid about faith, then how polite, no matter how reasonable, talking about conditions, or even pleading can not be effective, then the only way is to directly hit hard.

"So, you are deliberately breaking the taboos of my Star City!? You think that you have the brave badge, the hero badge, and the shelter of the lost emperor, I will not dare to give you what!!" The voice of the Star City Lord is getting more and more cold.

"Even the former city owner has been chased by you, I will be a small player will be put in your eyes!!" Ye Tianxie sneered.

"Come on!!"

The star of the Star City screamed, and the closed door suddenly opened. Eight people wearing gold armor and holding the golden bow hurried into the middle, and the eight golden bows were pulled in the middle. Open, the arrow points directly to Ye Tianxie.

The fire began to uneasily sway, and the chilling gas spread. It is simple to be able to guard the guards near the city hall.

"I will give you the last chance to hand over the fragments of the dawn. I promised you the same thing before, and it is equally effective." The star of the city star said gloomyly.

The five fragments of the dawn made the eight golden shooters move.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes didn’t look at the eight golden shooters, staring straight ahead, and speaking in a more chilly voice: “I will give you the last chance to give me the fragments of the dawn in your hands! immediately!!"

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