Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 762: Heavenly Soldier

Like a dream, like a poem. The glass fairy is named Xianer, but in the eyes of Ye Tianxie, she is 100 times more perfect than any beautiful fairy in mythology and legend. And his feelings for the glass fairy are not because of her peerless appearance, even if she is ugly, for Ye Tianxie. She will always be the most beautiful fairy in the world...

He will not forget who saved him from the indifference of the year. He will not forget who gave him his second home. He will not forget that she is so fond of him as a baby. She will not forget that she taught him to write, Counting numbers, people, history, piano, being a man, doing things... I don’t forget every piece of clothing that she personally sews for him, every pair of shoes she makes, every dish she cooks, won’t Forgot that when he was injured, she sucked tears for him to **** the wound...

For Ye Tianxie, the glass fairy has long been more than just his lover. Their feelings have already surpassed their lover. They have surpassed the brothers and sisters with blood connections. They are more like the other half of their lives. They are more important than their own lives. The other half of life.

Therefore, when the glass fairy was strong, she was as strong as Ye Tianxie but went crazy for more than three months. Almost several times between life and death... The heartache at that time, he will never forget. Even if you want to forget, you can't forget it.

Now, like a dream... He once again hugged his glass fairy. The fairy in the arms is so familiar, his heart is almost warm to stop beating... Dreamland? No... Seeking God, must not be a dream... I will always hold the hand of Xianer. This time, there is no power to take her away from me, even if it is at the expense of dying. do not let it go……

"Sin... child..." He closed his eyes, lest he open his eyes, and the picture would disappear like a bubble in a dream. He felt the tremor of the glass fairy, and felt her hands clasped him. He smiled... Isn't it, our separation is over? Then, it will end forever, okay... never separate again, I don’t know that my heart is weak like a glass in front of Xian, can’t bear the second blow... No, I can never bear it again. the second time.

"Heavenly evil..." In his ear, the whisper of the glass fairy was heard, it was a familiar voice, and it seemed to be a voice from a dream. Ye Tianxie is fascinated by this voice. This lost happiness makes him even feel that even if he dies at this time, he is already endlessly satisfied.


When the water drops, he feels that the glass fairy is crying, and he himself, if he does not know it, is not already bleeding his cheeks. He quickly sneaked away his tears, because he promised her when he was very young, can't cry again... He is not a man's husband, he is Ye Tianxie, can't cry, and can't bleed.

"Heavenly evil..." Glass fairy shouted his name gently, holding his hands tighter and tighter. Reality, after all, deviated from the path she expected, hope, also in the moment when Ye Tianxie was in the real world, and she knew what to face next... Now she just wants to hold tightly He is... she really regrets it. If you know that this is the result, why did you leave him at the beginning, even if it is still an ending that cannot be changed, at least, they have been together for a few years, and together they are facing death and being inseparable. Not dead.

Ye Tianxie slowly loosened the glass fairy, but her hands still held her shoulder lightly, lest she would leave herself once she let go. He silently looked at the glass fairy in front of him... It has been nearly four years, four years, and it is longer for him than the four dark worlds. The fairy in front is still so beautiful, beautiful and unreal. This kind of beauty can make the ancient emperor not hesitate to give up her own throne and become a farmer, so that the original peaceful continent can make a storm. What is the beauty of the water, what is the color of the city, this world, only the glass fairy, is qualified to perfect interpretation.

Her appearance, even a common person is a kind of awkwardness, it is a kind of extravagant luxury, and in this world, only Ye Tianxie can look at her so close and have her all. He looked at him silently, and he became so sluggish that his chest was clearly a thousand words, but he could not say a word.

The glass fairy extended her white, almost transparent wrist, and the crystal jade finger gently touched the face of Ye Tianxie, wiped away his tears, and looked at him with fascination. : "Heavenly evil... let you cry for the fairy... Sorry..."

"Don't say sorry to me, in this world, anyone can be sorry for me, only you will never." Ye Tianxie said softly, the glass fairy in front of him, no matter the figure, or the face with tears, It’s so beautiful that he can’t bear to touch.

"My evil spirits...grown up." She stroked his face, over and over again, her eyes were fascinated, and her mouth whispered like a dreamless unconscious slang: "Become higher, better, sure There will be a lot of girls who like it..."

In the four years, from the age of eighteen to twenty-two, he grew up a lot and really grew up.

"And my fairy, still has not changed, exactly the same as in my dream... because the fairy is a fairy, never grows old..." Ye Tianxie stared at her, said words, soft and light wind . Such a voice, in this life and in this world, will only be issued when facing the face of the glass fairy...

Fruits quietly drifting aside, watching them silently, she is usually naughty and strange, so quietly watching, the big eyes flashed from time to time, sometimes confused, do not know what is thinking.

"Fairy, tell me... During this time, where did you go... Why are you so worried, leave me alone..." Ye Tianxie looked at her blurred eyes and asked gently. He really wants to know... and he knows better that his fairy will never leave him without reason, because she will never be willing to make him sad.

The glass fairy slowly leaned on his body, the dagger attached to his chest, closed his eyes, quietly counting his heartbeat, a nightmare whisper: "Heaven, you believe... past life and life?" ......"

"I believe that as long as it is said by Xianer, I will believe it." Ye Tianxie nodded hard. Past and present... If there is a past and present, he is eager to be with the glass fairy no matter how many cycles he crosses.

"I will not be able to control the fate... fate, why it is against me, it is cruel to us, so unfair."

"..." Ye Tianxie couldn't understand the words of the glass fairy, but from her words, he heard the uneasiness, and the heartbeat that had become gentle in the instigation suddenly suddenly accelerated, speeding up countless times...

"Heavenly evil..." The glass fairy screamed and looked up. The beautiful eyes were like the dark night stars. "If you have a meeting, don't be afraid no matter what happens, okay? Because the fairy will never be with you again." Separated, even if you die, there is a fairy to accompany you... no more will you leave you alone..."

"Fairy. You...what are you talking about?" He subconsciously hugged the body of the glass fairy, and in his heart, he began to quickly develop unexplained fear. He just reunited with the glass fairy who had been away for too long. He thought that this happiness could last for a long time and continued until the end of life. However, why did his own heart suddenly become so frightened...

At this moment, the sky that was illuminated by the original warm day suddenly dimmed, as if there was something to shield the sun. But this feeling, the sun's shadow... is definitely not a cloud.

Ye Tianxie fiercely lifted his head and looked at the sky, and then his eyes suddenly shrank...


It is a person! !


That is……

Above the sky, there was a silver shadow, a dense piece, and under the rough look, there were thousands of them. They stayed in the same plane and quickly fell at a rapid and uniform rate. As they fall, the form is revealed, and it turns out to be...one after another! !

Everyone is a silver stiletto, silver boots, a silver helmet, a sword in the hand, or a gun, or a bow, or a shield... so quickly landed from the air...

Anyone who has seen such a scene will be able to think that he is dreaming.

Hundreds of meters... tens of meters... ten meters... In the twinkling of an eye, these people are already in front of them. The location of their landing is a coincidence, or after a precise calculation, the team of more than 3,000 people is tiled. It became a standard circle, and Ye Tianxie and the glass fairy stood in the position, just the center of the circle... In other words, they surrounded him and the glass fairy perfectly, all eyes, At the moment of landing, he concentrated on him.

The glass fairy squatted on Ye Tianxie's body, did not look up, as if the root did not see, and felt close to these people. Ye Tianxie hugged the glass fairy, silently watching these people descending from the sky, in the heart, if the waves are tumbling...

As a person who grew up in Jinghua City, the imperial capital of China, even if he has been able to subvert his cognition and understand things once and for all, he cannot be shocked by this scene. Falling from the sky, a silver armor... This is like a mythical legendary squadron...

Heaven soldiers! !

And let him not be shuddering, these people... These thousands of people, each of them released the power of strength, no less than the terrible royal Luo who just died in his hands! ! Their bodies also have the power of the color of the Emperor Ronaldo, but the royals are black, and they are the light silver. Although these people's eyes are watching him and the glass fairy, but their eyes are not mixed with any feelings, as if they are watching two dead people... or they are like a respectful humanoid machine.

A horrible thing like a royal Luo... These thousands of people, their strengths are all less than Huang Luo! !

They are really gods... the gods of the gods in mythology?

"Hahahaha, it seems that this time the claw king is you. For you, the emperor personally came to this planet that will engulf our strength. Your early childhood claws will die immediately, and they will live alive. It is."

The mad and heavy laughter came from the sky, and this is the voice of the true God. Such a voice, the ordinary human roots can not bear, enough to allow a person to be easily oppressed to death, and even explode and die, even if it is Ye Tianxie, it is difficult to bear. His eyes were black and a blood spurted out... The soft palm of the glass fairy pressed gently on his chest. Instantly, all his discomfort disappeared... but the shock in his heart was Crazy expansion...

In the end what happened?

In the end what happened! ! !

Who will tell me the answer! ! !

Under the mad voice, a white figure fell from the sky and stood in front of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie saw a near-perfect young face, and a pair of eyes filled with playfulness and a little haze...

At the moment when Tianba saw Ye Tianxie, the face with triumphant danger suddenly changed. The half-eyed eyes slammed open, and at the foot, he stepped back in the middle of the shackles. The voice: "Hey... dragon!!"

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