Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 766: Past and present



"Muer? How come to this place?" Xiaolong took off his helmet and looked at the girl who stood in front of him like a hibiscus. Here is his dragon army barracks. They are preparing for the final day.

"I think... I..." The girl is very shy. In front of Xiaolong, even more nervous, she said inconsistency: "I... I want to go out with you."

Xiaolong stunned and smiled and shook his head. "No, the Devils are very ferocious, and they are very good. You are such a beautiful girl. They are not all directed at you, if you are not injured." Your dad still doesn't care about my two layers of skin."

The girl smiled and sneaked at him, blushing and said: "My father won't. He told us last time that if you have a son like you, you can laugh if you die immediately. Now...how would you be willing to get rid of it...how would you be willing to hit you, oh."

Xiaolong laughed: "Haha, the generals of the glass have always been the role model for me to learn. I can get the praise of him in this way. It’s really awkward. But, let’s say it, with his baby to your sisters. To the extent, if I turn away his daughter, he is sure to beat me. I really envy you have a father, my father, and you are... Yes, you want to go out?

"I...I..." The girl bowed her head, and the two white hands were nervous. I was wearing my own clothes, and the sound was weak and mosquito: "I just want to... I want to be with you..."

"Want to go to play Devil Luo with me?" Yan Long said, and then smiled and said: "Mu, you are really brave, but in the ban of the Tianyu, women can not be levied, oh Stay at home, don't worry, if I am there, the Devils will never want to step into the Tianhu half step."


"Xiao Moer, when you come back, take you to the Yunyun Mountain to play." Xiaolong stepped forward and touched the girl's hair, just like caressing her sister.

"Yeah." The girl finally agreed, and then stretched out the palm of the hand that had been holding tightly, and opened it. Inside, it was a piece of jade that was discolored and released with glamorous glaze.

"This is?" Xiaolong looked at her in surprise. Such jade, if he remembers correctly...

"Yesterday, it is my adult ceremony, this is the jade of my strength... send it, give it to you..."

Put the jade in the hands of the dragon, the girl's face ran red.

Xiaolong looked at the jade in his hand and stood there for a long time. A similar piece of jade, Xianer also gave him... This is the unique strength of their own, and each person will only produce one piece on the day of the adult ceremony, which is different and unique. And if they are sent to the opposite sex... they are the heart of the heart, the unique token of love.

He suddenly understood why she was going to go with him...



"Oh, dragon, you broke it yourself."

The dragon gun was thrown in front of him by the Emperor. This is the weapon of the **** that he gave to the Shenlong people. The dragon also used it to fight the demon Luo, and his battles were countless. Now, he has let him break his own dragon gun.

"On the emperor, I have not done anything to humiliate the reputation of the Tianyu." His eyes were cold and the words were like iron.

"Never from nothing, but a big earthquake, my celestial voice, let the demon Luo stunned."

"Can I have killed Tianyu one person in Longtian?"

"Never! You killed, all of the Devils who fear and resent the heavens."

"I have been guilty of ten evils in Long Tian!"

"Never! Don't say that the evil is not evil, you are famous, but never deceive, even if there are no evils. Within the domain, even the words of your filth are not."

"So! Why do you want to cure my death!" He looked up, his low eyes staring at the Emperor.

"Because you are the claw king! You must die the claws."

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Xiaolong grabbed the dragon gun on the ground, and the white dragon soul clearly reflected behind his back: "I don't accept this reason! Protecting the heavens is the mission of my **** dragon, but within my family There is absolutely no one who can be killed. If you want to kill me, you will have to ask the dragon gun in my hand!!"




With the horror of Xiaolong, he grew up with him, and he was born and died with him. As he was ridiculed by the three dragons of his hands and feet, he fell behind him, and he was covered with blood. Since then, the three dragons of the Shenlong Army, which will be famous with him, will fall down and remain silent.

"It is the greatest glory of my life to meet your dragon. I only hate... we can only follow you here, if there is an afterlife... then be a brother..."

Before the death of the demon, it reverberated in the brain of Xiaolong over and over again. He held the **** tears of the body of the demon robbery, and he gave a sigh of sorrow and sorrow: "I am a dragon... what I did wrong!! !! Why are you doing this to me!!!!"


He was all blood-stained, but he was already exhausted in the rush. He used this sound to scream, and the surrounding five hundred days will be shaken off, and even the stunned five internal organs will be out of position. Some people even spit out a blood on the spot. He clearly has killed so many people, **** for so long, suffered so many attacks, so many wounds on his body... still did not fall, but also issued such a roar. What a terrible potential he has.

After the roaring, it was the catastrophic inflammation that ignited on his body... white, red, green, three colors of the disaster.

The resentment brought by the death of the demon robbery finally wiped out his last mercy and inspired the fire of the claws.

"Appeared!! It is the evil of the claws!!"

"Sure enough, the claws of the three-color flame... We are going back!! His power can only last for 30 seconds at most... Go away! Don't try to attack... After thirty seconds. He must take off!!"


The appearance of the Claw Emperor means no killing or destruction of endlessness and mercy. When the tri-color catastrophic inflammation burns, it is followed by a scream of screams. And countless people in the Tianyu are also tremble. I witnessed the terrible claws of the claws...

However, although the dragon's dragon strength is strong and the comprehensive combat power is great, his claw power is hidden too deeply. The day before, it was his first awakening and excitement. The part of the force belonging to the claw emperor was too green. He is weak and weak...so, his catastrophic inflammation, as expected by the people of the Tianyu, lasted only thirty seconds...

Thirty seconds, the blood stained the earth's land, and the dragon, finally fell to the ground. He was exhausted, and after the disaster, he finally lost his strength.

The ones who want to let him die approach and push him into the abyss of death. He smelled the breath of death, saw the footsteps of death, and suddenly laughed at the sky, laughing very sad, desolate...

"I am a dragon... a lifetime of heroic... innocent sky... innocent earth... you... are not qualified to kill me... no one is qualified to kill me!!!"

"Even if you want to die..."

"I will only die in my own hands!!!!"


"Destroy... Destroy everything!!!! Hahahaha..."

The horrible atmosphere enveloped everyone around, every corner. They are flying in a flash...

"Ah!!!! It is the Dragon Soul of the Shenlong!"

"Run!! Run!"

"胤龙, stop!! Stop, we won't kill you again... stop!!"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Every corner of the celestial domain, the distant magical Luo space, and the distant earth space, all heard a whistling sound...

The 300,000-day soldiers of Tianyu, three thousand days, in the explosion, the smoke disappeared, and the bones disappeared.

In the north of the entire celestial domain, the destroyed ones are no longer the same.

Formed by the power of countless Heavenly Emperors, the strongest barrier of the Tianyu, the people of the Tianyu firmly believe that the North Tianmen, which can never be lost, has a crack that traverses the whole north and ends in the end.

Since then, the sky above the earth has added a white "sky mark" that cannot be explained by natural common sense.



I am... 胤龙......

After the dragon soul burst, the five internal organs are broken, and the dragons that have no vitality! !

Ye Tianxie stared at his hands, his mind, playing back the memories of decades. He used to, all memories. His father, his mother, his sister, his fairy, he... and everything about them.

But... I am obviously dead, why are you still alive? Bloody reincarnation? what is that? Why haven't I heard of it?

Fairy... In that year, were you dead? I know, you must be sensational for my death, but also willing to choose the same way of death as me, the soul is gone... Because you said, where do I go, wherever you go, whether it is life or death, whether it is Heaven is still hell, whether it is abyss or nothingness... Fairy, why is it so stupid...

Xiao Xi, my sister. It has grown so big. But what is so cute and intelligent, but now I can't open my eyes, even talking, it is so difficult. And why, it will appear in my side now... I am not here for a hundred years, you and my mother, have you been...

Feifei... Why are you and the foam in my memory, the same looks like the same... exactly the same...

The memory of Ye Tianxie has drifted to this world, a childhood that has been as carefree as ordinary children.

On the birthday of three years old, my brother bought him a cute white Pomeranian puppies, named "noisy", and later, for his best partner except his brother. Even sleeping is on a bed.

But at the age of four, his troubles were secretly taken away by a group of children who did not know what to pity, and in the ignorance of cruelty, he was abused to death. When he found it, it had no breath of life. ... At that moment, he madly yelled, scared the children away, and then cried with his dog...

It was also at that time, his emotional *, the hidden claws of the power of the claws leaked a little bit, and was immediately detected by the people of the Tianyu who were sensitive to the power of the claws. However, the power that he leaked at that time was too small and disappeared immediately. They could not determine his exact position, so they killed everyone nearby, his parents, his brother...

Eighteen years have passed... until today, he only knows this cruel truth.

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