Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 769: The light that runs through the heavens and the earth!

Updated: 2011-12-22

After the death, there was a sound of teeth tremble. The Heavenly Soldiers were all chilling in the horror. At the beginning, the disaster caused by the three-color claws was unforgettable. The three colors are still so terrible, seven colors... seven colors! ! If you grow up like this, it will be a source of desperate disaster.

"Seven... seven-color claws!!" Tianba screamed in fear, and the horror in his heart could not be added. After the **** reincarnation, it is normal to be able to inherit the power of the claw king... but why, it would be a horrible to unacceptable seven-color claws! Xiaolong, is it clear that it is three colors! !

what happened? He is obviously a dragon! !

The Claw Emperor was born of the power of the original sin. The color of the plague of the catastrophe represents the kind of the original sin of the Claw Emperor.

And the seven colors... that is the color of all seven original sin powers! ! It means that this clawed king has all seven original sin powers. It is the true sense of the horror claws that can reach the highest peak! ! A horror that does not contend with all the forces of the universe!

The moment of destiny was caught in the hands of Ye Tianxie. In the burning seven-color fire, a pair of sinister eyes fixed on Tianba’s body, and the Tianba was cold and his legs began to soften. Tianba is enough to feel that although this is an unseen, unheard of seven-color catastrophic inflammation, but because of Ye Tianxie's body ability is too low, even if the burning of the plague of inflammation can not pose any threat to him. But the breath of the claws is really terrible. Under such a huge power gap, it still brings him deep fear...


Ye Tianxie rushed to Tianba. If the speed is fast, the Tianba is lost, and when it comes to reaction, the darkness of fate is only a few feet away from his neck...

boom! ! !

Unprepared, Tianba can only reach out to the palm of his hand. The hard-working hand blocks the fate of the moment. After the violent energy shock, the face of Tianba is distorted, and the right hand that resists the moment of fate rises fiercely. The evil went far away... He looked at the back of his hand, and a deep blood mark was printed on it, and the blood flowed like a note.


He turned out to be bleeding! !

He was so arrogant for two days that he was hit by a weak dragon at this time. !

"Let him die!!"

He screamed at the incomparable arrogance, and the Heavenly Soldiers on standby stood up and rushed to Ye Tianxie who was smashed by Tianba to a hundred meters away. When Ye Tianxie fell to the ground, he stood up. When he stood up, he was surrounded by dense soldiers. He was surrounded by weapons of the power of God. He ruthlessly stabbed his body... each of them, Have the power to surpass the Royal Luo!


In the roar of the claws, the fate of the moment swayed, the five rifles that he stabbed him in front of him were all cut off, and he and his rear, three shots and one knife hit his body at the same time. He didn't look at it, he stepped forward, and the moment of destiny swept forward. In a series of screams, he flew a **** arm.

Three shots and one knife left four heavy losses on his body, but these fatal wounds will still be able to recover from the white fire under the moving white fire. The white catastrophic fire gives the endless life resilience unless it is extinguished. Even if the limb is broken, it can be regenerated immediately. Every kind of catastrophic inflammation has a strong ethical rule that breaks the world.

Under the catastrophic inflammation of the seven colors, even these heavenly soldiers from the celestial domain could not stop and hurt him. He waved the next step in the moment of destiny, no pause, no turning back, no look back, gaze, always locked in the body of Tianba... his goal is only Tianba, everything else They were ignored by him, and the fate of his hands was completely mechanically waving to clean up the obstacles ahead...

Every step forward, he will have more than a dozen wounds on his body, but he will recover immediately. At the same time, several Heavenly Soldiers will be seriously injured and even die directly under his hands. If there is no plague, he is vulnerable to these squadrons, and the plague is in his body. These celestial soldiers will not be able to bear his blow in his hands.

When these Heavenly Soldiers attacked Ye Tianxie, there was no chance to attack the glass fairy. Regardless of the size and temperament of the woman who achieves this level, even if the Tianba orders, no one will have to go to attack. She looked at the leaves of the seven colors of the flames of the leaves, and did not move, the eyes looked like water. Her side, the fruit that had been quiet, floated on her shoulder, with a crying voice: "Sister, fruit is so scared, hehe..."

"fruit, don't be afraid... If there is no such thing as me and the evil spirits in this world, go to your Fifi and Xiaoxi sisters, be obedient, remember?" She caressed the little hand with her hand. The girl said softly.

"No! Fruits don't, fruit don't leave the owner and sister... don't..."


The roar of the clawed king, as if the roar of the beast, the roaring, such as a silent volcano suddenly broke out, all the heavenly soldiers who were close to the Ye Tianxie were swept out by this loud noise, and more than a dozen were on the spot. Shocked the past. There was no obstacle around the body of the clawed king. He leaped violently, with an incomparable violent momentum, and slammed into the body of Tianba with the height of destiny...

Tianba’s face was black and black, and his hand waved out against the body of Ye Tian’s evil spirits. A golden light burst from the palm of his hand and hit the body of Ye Tianxie. The body burning with the seven-color flame suddenly floated out of the dead leaves brought by the wind in midair, and the fate of the hands flew away, and it flew hundreds of meters away.

"Heavenly evil!!"

In the panicking shout, the glass fairy quickly flew up, hugged the body that Ye Tianxie flew down under the impact of power, and used his body to transfer the most half of the impact he was suffering to his body... ... The bodies of the two men squatted on the hills of the evil tigers, and they rolled down from the hills of the evil tigers.

At the moment of landing, the plague of Ye Tianxie was slowly extinguished.

The power of his claws is too green, even if it can be triggered under anger, but the time that can be sustained after the trigger every day is very short. Before the annihilation, his catastrophe inflammation has already burned. Once, this time has continued for so long, and the root has reached his limit.

After two times of catastrophic inflammation, after exhausting the last force, what is exchanged is inevitably a deep sense of disengagement... the feeling of disengagement that can not be achieved in almost the same hands.

"Heavenly evil, are you afraid?" The glass fairy holds the body of Ye Tianxie, letting him and himself closely, she can feel that the present Ye Tianxie is as weak as a baby.

"As long as you don't leave... I don't want to be afraid..." Ye Tianxie lay on the arms of the glass fairy, laughing like a satisfied child. He laboriously, raised his hand little by little, to wipe the blood of the corner of the glass fairy... The collision was just a big trauma. If it wasn't for his fairy who would transfer all the power from Tianba to himself while holding him, he may not have a chance now.

"How can I leave you..." Glass fairy laughed and wept, and the beautiful smile made people heartbreak: "Close your eyes, don't want anything, just like before, just be sleeping with me, okay? No matter where you dream, I will follow you..."

Ye Tianxie did not agree, but looked at her, smiled and shook his head: "The person who hurt the fairy is still not dead. How can I... sleep..."

"Heavenly evil..." The eyes of the glass fairy have suddenly become foggy.

"Dead to the end, still here Qingqing I... Xiaolong, let me see what else you have, and then burn your claws of the fire once I see it!!" Tianba smashed the injured right hand With a dark breath approaching. On the face, there is a bonfire that cannot be suppressed by the roots. Can get the glass fairy, almost all the dreams of the Tianyu man, but this dragon... died a hundred years ago, the glass fairy died with him! Now, he is already dead, and the glass fairy is still holding him tightly... And he is in heaven for two days, and the glass fairy has never seen him with a positive eye! !

"Give me death... I will crush you, not even a bone!!" Tianba stared at Ye Tianxie, and once again extended his hand.

"You... want to kill me?" Facing the Tianba, who can easily crush him, Ye Tianxie, who has no fighting power, seems to have heard a funny joke, laughing with deep ridicule: "I Xiaolong had been fighting for the Devils for 30 years. The dragon and the guns were under the 30,000 weapons, the eight hundred magic Luo, the magic Luo people gave me the name of '胤龙', all moving! And you... hahahaha, magic There are several people in the Luo who know the name of your Tianba. Even if you know it, you just disdain the son of the innocent waste of the Emperor... What qualifications do you have to kill me?? You also kill me!?"

"You!!!!" was stunned by this deep contempt and contempt. The Tianba who just wants to run away just said a word, his face suddenly changed, and he became very pale. The original eyelids were in an instant. In the panic of the moment, I suddenly lost the focal length.

Ye Tianxie, who has completely disengaged, at this time, actually stood up from the arms of the glass fairy, and his body shined with dazzling light. Behind his back, a white dragon shadow with a roaring shape If it shows...

"The Devils are going to kill me. I haven't done it for 30 years. Tianyu wants to kill me. They paid 300,000 soldiers and countless masters, and the cost of a North Tianmen. They also did not do it because I was dead. In my own hands... No matter whether I am a dragon or a leaf, I can’t kill me!! You – more – no – match!!”

The sound in the ear is like the devil's low voice in the nightmare. Tianba's face is pale like a blank sheet of paper. Suddenly, there is a quirk of "ah", running backwards with no life, accompanied by the horror of the mouth. : "Kill him!! Kill him!"

boom! ! ! !

Tianba’s body, which had just flew a few tens of meters, suddenly fell to the ground like a heavy hammer, because a huge force that could not be resisted by his roots has locked him firmly and let his body If it is stressed by thousands of mountains, it can no longer be moved. His eyes are wide in the fear of death... He is afraid of death, he is two days! With the most distinguished status, he does not want to die! !

"Kill... Kill him! Kill him!!" His body fell to the ground, roaring almost desperately.

The Heavenly Soldiers flooded like floods, and the power of God merged together to cut the body to Ye Tianxie. However, his body clearly has no catastrophic inflammation, and all the attacks that attack him are still five meters away from his body, and they are resisted and wiped out by what kind of tough barrier. All disappeared.

All the attacks of the Heavenly Solders stopped, and when the terrible breath of the end of the day enveloped everything around them, they were almost soft in the trepidation. They all thought of the cause of the death of Xiaolong... I thought of the broken North Tianmen...

I thought of the entire 300,000-day soldier who died under the dragon soul explosion of the dragon!

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