Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 77: Under the price

Sulu stared at him, and his mouth floated with a smile: "If you must find a reason, you can only say... I believe in my own feelings. Three hundred million, one word and nine trips. I hope that in the next year, Feifei can be safe and safe, and really happy... This is also a request from me." He sounded a meal.

"I can guarantee the first half, as for the latter half, her mood, I can't control." Ye Tianxie smiled.

"No, you can." Solo shook his head, and his complex eyes gazed at the deep eyes of Ye Tianxie: "Do you think Feifei really insisted on moving to live here because you have the ability to protect her? You On the night she saved her, she must have seen your ability, so I firmly believe that you can protect her so that she can be truly at ease... But have you ever thought about your ability, appearance, and despair moments? Suddenly saved, these influences on a girl... Can you really think of it?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"This, I really don't know how to answer, because I am not a woman." Ye Tianxie took two seconds and gave a rather ill-answer.

Sulu nodded and lifted his foot to leave.

"That, it seems that you already believe me. However, after all, this is related to the safety of your daughter. Just by myself, I fully believe that I should not be the style of your most savvy businessman. So, in return for your Trust, but also to make you feel relieved... Of course, more for myself, there is one thing, you better look."

Su Luo stopped and turned doubtfully. Ye Tianxie stepped forward to him, slowly taking out a thing from his pocket, a hand-sized, regular round, something like a badge.

When I saw the pattern printed on the badge and the words below, the expression on Sulu’s face suddenly changed, and she was shocked: “Hua... China’s guardian...”

"It doesn't have to be called out by its name. Su boss is very knowledgeable, even knowing this kind of thing. And since you know what it is, you should know that there should be no lie in what I said. Now, you can Are you relieved?" Ye Tianxie interrupted Suluo’s voice and took the badge back into his pocket: “To be honest, I didn’t think I could use it one day when I got it... Oh, Fortunately, I didn't lose it at the beginning."

The turbulent waves in Su Luo’s heart have reached earth-shaking levels. The shock he has experienced in the short period of time since he stepped into the door of Ye Tianxie’s home is almost more than the sum of his first half of his life. The ups and downs of emotions and moods are never seen. ...and when I heard the last sentence of Ye Tianxie, the muscles on his face were obviously twitching... The badge, the legendary symbol of the highest honor, has only been taken by three people in China for hundreds of years. I have been there... I counted the four people I saw with my own eyes, and he actually thought about throwing it away.

Then there is something that can really make him look good! ?

"Well... if Su’s boss is relieved, the 300 million in the first year will not be able to come to me in the near future, not half a year later. Recently, there is indeed a little tightness on hand.” Ye Tianxie reveals himself in a serious way. The purpose.

"No wonder..." Looking at Ye Tianxie with a trepidation, Su Luo slowly said three words.

No wonder that even Zuo Zhenhua is so eager to be his guardian, and no wonder that he even dared to refuse. There are a total of three badges before him... but absolutely no one can be as young as he is. What is hidden behind him...

As Ye Tianxue said, his feelings for Sulu made him willing to believe him. But willing to believe does not mean true belief. Although he has shown great ability beyond his imagination, but with regard to his daughter's safety, he will be cautious and will try to investigate everything in various ways.

But with that badge, everything is not necessary. Moreover, the person with the badge, he can not go to investigate. Also because of the existence of the badge, even if he has 10,000 hearts, he can completely let go.

As long as Su Feifei is by his side, he will be safe and no danger.

Sophie's choice is to do as he pleases... and Solo is truly convinced at this moment that her choice will be the most correct choice for her life. It’s just that she doesn’t even think about who she is.

"Before 9 am tomorrow, 300 million Chinese coins will be transferred to your account." Su Luo said, there is no trace of resilience in the voice. 300 million a year, the absolute safety of buying a daughter, the absolute stability and peace of mind of the heart... At the same time, it has a deeper and deeper intersection with such a person. This savvy businessman feels very worthwhile and worthy.

"Su boss is really a refreshing businessman." Ye Tianxie hit a ring, his eyes almost did not show the stars. Money, in fact, it is easy to come... The key partner is the richest man in Asia. If you go to care for someone else's niece, the Year of the Monkey can't look down on three hundred million.

Solo smiled. "If you can, you can call me Uncle Su, or Su Bo."

"Su Bobo." Without hesitation and reluctance, Ye Tianxie shouted directly, and at the same time reported the same smile.

Su Luo nodded with a smile and looked up slightly. When he lowered his head, he saw something more in the eyes of Ye Tianxie: "You can be screamed by someone like you, oh... I feel honored. Fifi She... She is my only daughter, I hope she can be happy all her life. If you are willing to protect her for a lifetime, and she is willing to be protected for a lifetime, I can give you... my wealth."

The meaning of Sulu’s words is self-evident.

Ye Tianxie kept his previous expression, his eyes were light and there was no response.

A sense of disappointment shook through Sulu’s heart. His daughter has the look, body and temperament that does not lose to any girl, and her family... her father, who is the well-deserved Asian richest man, has always believed that only men who are not worthy of their daughters, The man who is not worthy of his daughter, there is no possibility that any man will refuse his daughter... In the face of Ye Tianxie, this idea that he firmly believes is directly subverted.

He first felt that his daughter was not worthy of a man... This man is like the darling of God, with everything that ordinary people can't imagine. He clearly stood by his side, but faintly, he seemed to be standing on the height of another level, looking down at the ordinary creatures from a high perspective.

If he did not meet Ye Tianxie, he would not have imagined that there would be such a person.

And if Sufifi can be combined with such a person, what kind of perfection will her life be, at least, no one can hurt her anymore. And myself, it can be as many times as many times as it is now.

He turned around and walked downstairs step by step. The voice of self-speaking was slowly introduced into Ye Tianxie's ear: "Protect Feifei, but if you violate Feifei's wishes, you should not do anything that should happen." No matter who you are, I will... whatever you want."

Looking at his back, Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "Very good, this is indeed what a father should say."


Thinking of the nightmare night, his expression was covered with a layer of gray, but immediately dispersed, but did not go downstairs, but stood on the balcony, silently looking at the familiar everything outside, look Quiet and waveless, the eyes are calm and stagnant, I don’t know what I am thinking, what I remember. g

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